
More than 5 years have passed since last update.


Last updated at Posted at 2017-04-24





Munin用のMastodon監視プラグイン https://github.com/cquest/mastodon-munin-plugins
sudo コマンドを使用していますのでvisudozabbixユーザーにコマンドの実効権限を与えてください。


# encoding: utf-8
## This is a script to query Mastodon data 
## Thanks to https://github.com/cquest/mastodon-munin-plugins
## How to use
## Add to /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf
## UserParameter=mastodon.postgres[*],ruby /hogedir/MastodonQueryZabbix01.rb $1
if ARGV[0] == "accounts_valid"
    # 有効なアカウント数
    s = `echo "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users WHERE confirmed_at is not null;" | sudo docker exec -i mastodon_db_1 psql postgres -tqU postgres | head -n 1`
    puts s.to_i
elsif ARGV[0] == "accounts_waiting"
    # 確認待ちのアカウント数
    s = `echo "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users WHERE confirmed_at is null;" | sudo docker exec -i mastodon_db_1 psql postgres -tqU postgres | head -n 1`
    puts s.to_i
elsif ARGV[0] == "accounts_remote"
    # リモートのアカウント数
    s = `echo "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM accounts WHERE domain is not null;" | sudo docker exec -i mastodon_db_1 psql postgres -tqU postgres | head -n 1`
    puts s.to_i
elsif ARGV[0] == "accounts_remote_domains"
    # リモートのインスタンス数
    s = `echo "SELECT COUNT(distinct(domain)) FROM accounts WHERE domain is not null;" | sudo docker exec -i mastodon_db_1 psql postgres -tqU postgres | head -n 1`
    puts s.to_i
elsif ARGV[0] == "in_in"
    # ローカル内でのフォロー数
    s = `echo "select count(*) from follows f join accounts a on (a.id=account_id) join accounts t on (t.id=target_account_id) where a.domain is null and t.domain is null;" | sudo docker exec -i mastodon_db_1 psql postgres -tqU postgres | head -n 1`
    puts s.to_i
elsif ARGV[0] == "in_out"
    # ローカル>リモートのフォロー数
    s = `echo "select count(*) from follows f join accounts a on (a.id=account_id) join accounts t on (t.id=target_account_id) where a.domain is null and t.domain is not null;" | sudo docker exec -i mastodon_db_1 psql postgres -tqU postgres | head -n 1`
    puts s.to_i
elsif ARGV[0] == "out_in"
    # リモート>ローカルのフォロー数
    s = `echo "select count(*) from follows f join accounts a on (a.id=account_id) join accounts t on (t.id=target_account_id) where a.domain is not null and t.domain is null;" | sudo docker exec -i mastodon_db_1 psql postgres -tqU postgres | head -n 1`   
    puts s.to_i
elsif ARGV[0] == "statuses_total"
    # 保存されている総Toot数
    s = `echo "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM statuses;" | sudo docker exec -i mastodon_db_1 psql postgres -tqU postgres | head -n 1`
    puts s.to_i
elsif ARGV[0] == "statuses_local"
    # ローカルのToot数
    s = `echo "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM statuses AS s, accounts AS a WHERE a.id=s.account_id AND a.domain IS NULL;" | sudo docker exec -i mastodon_db_1 psql postgres -tqU postgres | head -n 1`
    puts s.to_i
elsif ARGV[0] == "statuses_visibility_local_public"
    # 直近一時間でのToot種類別の分類(%) 1:パブリック
    s = `echo "select format('statuses_%s.value %s',vis, coalesce(100*nb/total::numeric,0)) from (select generate_series(0,3) as vis) as v left join (select visibility, count(*) as nb from statuses s join accounts a on (a.id=s.account_id and a.domain is null) where s.created_at > now() - INTERVAL '1 hour' group by 1) as s on (vis=visibility), (select count(*) as total from statuses s join accounts a on (a.id=s.account_id and a.domain is null) where s.created_at > now() - INTERVAL '1 hour') as t;" | sudo docker exec -i mastodon_db_1 psql postgres -tAU postgres | grep 0.value`
    puts s.gsub("statuses_0.value ", "")
elsif ARGV[0] == "statuses_visibility_local_nonlisted"
    # 直近一時間でのToot種類別の分類(%) 2:非収載
    s = `echo "select format('statuses_%s.value %s',vis, coalesce(100*nb/total::numeric,0)) from (select generate_series(0,3) as vis) as v left join (select visibility, count(*) as nb from statuses s join accounts a on (a.id=s.account_id and a.domain is null) where s.created_at > now() - INTERVAL '1 hour' group by 1) as s on (vis=visibility), (select count(*) as total from statuses s join accounts a on (a.id=s.account_id and a.domain is null) where s.created_at > now() - INTERVAL '1 hour') as t;" | sudo docker exec -i mastodon_db_1 psql postgres -tAU postgres | grep 1.value`
    puts s.gsub("statuses_1.value ", "")
elsif ARGV[0] == "statuses_visibility_local_private"
    # 直近一時間でのToot種類別の分類(%) 3:非公開
    s = `echo "select format('statuses_%s.value %s',vis, coalesce(100*nb/total::numeric,0)) from (select generate_series(0,3) as vis) as v left join (select visibility, count(*) as nb from statuses s join accounts a on (a.id=s.account_id and a.domain is null) where s.created_at > now() - INTERVAL '1 hour' group by 1) as s on (vis=visibility), (select count(*) as total from statuses s join accounts a on (a.id=s.account_id and a.domain is null) where s.created_at > now() - INTERVAL '1 hour') as t;" | sudo docker exec -i mastodon_db_1 psql postgres -tAU postgres | grep 2.value`
    puts s.gsub("statuses_2.value ", "").to_i
elsif ARGV[0] == "statuses_visibility_local_direct"
    # 直近一時間でのToot種類別の分類(%) 4:ダイレクト
    s = `echo "select format('statuses_%s.value %s',vis, coalesce(100*nb/total::numeric,0)) from (select generate_series(0,3) as vis) as v left join (select visibility, count(*) as nb from statuses s join accounts a on (a.id=s.account_id and a.domain is null) where s.created_at > now() - INTERVAL '1 hour' group by 1) as s on (vis=visibility), (select count(*) as total from statuses s join accounts a on (a.id=s.account_id and a.domain is null) where s.created_at > now() - INTERVAL '1 hour') as t;" | sudo docker exec -i mastodon_db_1 psql postgres -tAU postgres | grep 3.value`
    puts s.gsub("statuses_3.value ", "").to_i   
elsif ARGV[0] == "streams"
    # 確立されているStreamの総数
    s = `netstat -t | grep ':4000 .* ESTABLISHED' | wc -l`
    puts s.to_i





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