oathtool -b --totp [token]
MFA_DATA=$(oathtool -b -w 1 --totp [token]); MFA_NOW=$(echo $MFA_DATA | head -1); MFA_NEXT=$(echo $MFA_DATA | tail -1); echo $MFA_NOW and $MFA_NEXT after $((30 - $(date +%s) % 30)) seconds
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oathtool -b --totp [token]
MFA_DATA=$(oathtool -b -w 1 --totp [token]); MFA_NOW=$(echo $MFA_DATA | head -1); MFA_NEXT=$(echo $MFA_DATA | tail -1); echo $MFA_NOW and $MFA_NEXT after $((30 - $(date +%s) % 30)) seconds
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