(use srfi-1)
(use srfi-19)
(use gauche.process)
(use gauche.parseopt)
(use file.util)
(define clear
(let1 c (process-output->string '("clear"))
(lambda ()
(display c))))
(define (ToDo)
(display "?> ")
(let1 cmd (read)
(cond ((eq? cmd ':q)(exit))
((eq? cmd ':w)(w))
((eq? cmd ':r)(r))
((eq? cmd ':del)(del))
(else (begin
(print "***ERROR***\ncommand not found: " cmd)
(define (w)
(let1 words (with-input-from-file
(string-append (home-directory) "/SchemeToDo/.todo")
(pa$ read))
(if (eof-object? words)
(writ (create) '())
(writ (create) (cons words '())))))
(define (create)
(display "新しいタスク> ")
(let1 solve (read)
(if (eq? solve ':q)
(display "期限日> ")
(let1 ttime (read)
(if (eq? ttime ':q)
(cons solve (cons ttime '()))))))))
(define (writ result words)
(string-append (home-directory) "/SchemeToDo/.todo")
(pa$ print
(if (null? words)
(x->string (cons result words))
(x->string (cons result (car words))))))
(define (timer result)
(let* ((date1
(make-date 0 0 0 0
(date-zone-offset (current-date))))
(date2 (make-date 0 0 0 0
(third result)
(second result)
(first result)
(date-zone-offset (current-date)))))
(cond ((> (date->modified-julian-day date1) (date->modified-julian-day date2))'期限過ぎてます。)
((eqv? (date->modified-julian-day date1) (date->modified-julian-day date2))'期限日です。)
(else (string->symbol
(string-append "残り"
(- (date->modified-julian-day date2)
(date->modified-julian-day date1)))"日です。"))))))
(define (r)
(let1 words (with-input-from-file (string-append (home-directory) "/SchemeTodo/.todo") (pa$ read))
(cond ((eof-object? words)
(print "Nothing!!!!!!")
((null? words)
(print "Nothing!!!!!!")
(else (begin
(lambda(word n)
(format #t "[~s]~s: ~s\n-> ~s\n" n (second word) (first word)
(timer (map (lambda(n)(x->number n)) (string-split (x->string (second word)) #\/)))))
(reverse words)(iota (length words) 1))(ToDo))))))
(define (del)
(let1 n (read)
(let1 words (with-input-from-file
(string-append (home-directory) "/SchemeToDo/.todo") (pa$ read))
(with-output-to-file (string-append (home-directory) "/SchemeToDo/.todo")
(pa$ print
((number? n)(x->string (delete (ref (reverse words) (- n 1)) words)))
((eq? n '-a)
(display "本当にいいですか?(y/n)")
(let1 ans (read)
(if (eq? ans 'y)
(x->string (filter symbol? words)))
(else (string-append "***ERROR command not found: "n)))))
(define (main args)
(let-args (cdr args)
((w "w|write" => w)
(r "r|read" => r)
(d "d|del" => del))
(print "YES,TaskList!!!!!!!!")
(print "-------------------")
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