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NEM Symbol トランザクションタイプ一覧

Last updated at Posted at 2020-09-26

NEM Symbolで使用されるトランザクションタイプ(TransactionType)の一覧です。


名称 16進数表記 10進数表記 説明
ACCOUNT_ADDRESS_RESTRICTION 0x4150 16720 Account restriction address transaction type
ACCOUNT_KEY_LINK 0x414c 16716 Link account transaction type
ACCOUNT_METADATA 0x4144 16708 Account metadata transaction
ACCOUNT_MOSAIC_RESTRICTION 0x4250 16976 Account restriction mosaic transaction type
ACCOUNT_OPERATION_RESTRICTION 0x4350 17232 Account restriction operation transaction type
ADDRESS_ALIAS 0x424e 16974 Address alias transaction type
AGGREGATE_BONDED 0x4241 16961 Aggregate bonded transaction type
AGGREGATE_COMPLETE 0x4141 16705 Aggregate complete transaction type.
HASH_LOCK 0x4148 16712 Lock transaction type
MOSAIC_ADDRESS_RESTRICTION 0x4251 16977 Mosaic address restriction type
MOSAIC_ALIAS 0x434e 17230 Mosaic alias transaction type
MOSAIC_DEFINITION 0x414d 16717 Mosaic definition transaction type.
MOSAIC_GLOBAL_RESTRICTION 0x4151 16721 Mosaic global restriction type
MOSAIC_METADATA 0x4244 16964 Mosaic metadata transaction
MOSAIC_SUPPLY_CHANGE 0x424d 16973 Mosaic supply change transaction.
MULTISIG_ACCOUNT_MODIFICATION 0x4155 16725 Modify multisig account transaction type.
NAMESPACE_METADATA 0x4344 17220 Namespace metadata transaction
NAMESPACE_REGISTRATION 0x414e 16718 Register namespace transaction type.
NODE_KEY_LINK 0x424c 16972 Link node key transaction
SECRET_LOCK 0x4152 16722 Secret Lock Transaction type
SECRET_PROOF 0x4252 16978 Secret Proof transaction type
TRANSFER 0x4154 16724 Transfer Transaction transaction type.
VOTING_KEY_LINK 0x4143 16707 Link voting key transaction
VRF_KEY_LINK 0x4243 16963 Link vrf key transaction

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