NEM Symbolで使用されるステータスコード(エラーコード)についてまとめてみました。
Id | Status | 説明 | 日本語 |
0x00000000 | Success | Validation result is success. | 成功 |
0x40000000 | Neutral | Validation result is neither success nor failure. | |
0x80000000 | Failure | Validation result is failure. | 失敗 |
0x80430001 | Failure_Core_Past_Deadline | Validation failed because the deadline passed. | 期限切れ |
0x80430002 | Failure_Core_Future_Deadline | Validation failed because the deadline is too far in the future. | |
0x80430003 | Failure_Core_Insufficient_Balance | Validation failed because the account has an insufficient balance. | 残高不足 |
0x80430004 | Failure_Core_Too_Many_Transactions | Validation failed because there are too many transactions in a block. | トランザクション超過 |
0x80430005 | Failure_Core_Nemesis_Account_Signed_After_Nemesis_Block | Validation failed because an entity originated from the nemesis account after the nemesis block. | |
0x80430006 | Failure_Core_Wrong_Network | Validation failed because the entity has the wrong network specified. | |
0x80430007 | Failure_Core_Invalid_Address | Validation failed because an address is invalid. | 不正なアドレス |
0x80430008 | Failure_Core_Invalid_Version | Validation failed because entity version is invalid. | |
0x80430009 | Failure_Core_Invalid_Transaction_Fee | Validation failed because a transaction fee is invalid. | 不正な手数料設定 |
0x8043000A | Failure_Core_Block_Harvester_Ineligible | Validation failed because a block was harvested by an ineligible harvester. | |
0x8043000B | Failure_Core_Zero_Address | Validation failed because an address is zero. | |
0x8043000C | Failure_Core_Zero_Public_Key | Validation failed because a public key is zero. | |
0x8043000D | Failure_Core_Nonzero_Internal_Padding | Validation failed because internal padding is nonzero. | |
0x8043000E | Failure_Core_Address_Collision | ||
0x80430065 | Failure_Core_Invalid_Link_Action | ||
0x80430066 | Failure_Core_Link_Already_Exists | ||
0x80430067 | Failure_Core_Inconsistent_Unlink_Data | ||
0x80430068 | Failure_Core_Invalid_Link_Range | ||
0x80430069 | Failure_Core_Too_Many_Links | ||
0x81490001 | Failure_Hash_Already_Exists | Validation failed because the entity hash is already known. | |
0x80530001 | Failure_Signature_Not_Verifiable | Validation failed because the verification of the signature failed. | |
0x804C0001 | Failure_AccountLink_Link_Already_Exists | Validation failed because main account is already linked to another account. | |
0x804C0002 | Failure_AccountLink_Inconsistent_Unlink_Data | Validation failed because unlink data is not consistent with existing account link. | |
0x804C0003 | Failure_AccountLink_Unknown_Link | Validation failed because main account is not linked to another account. | |
0x804C0004 | Failure_AccountLink_Remote_Account_Ineligible | Validation failed because link is attempting to convert ineligible account to remote. | |
0x804C0005 | Failure_AccountLink_Remote_Account_Signer_Prohibited | Validation failed because remote is not allowed to sign a transaction. | |
0x804C0006 | Failure_AccountLink_Remote_Account_Participant_Prohibited | Validation failed because remote is not allowed to participate in the transaction. | |
0x80410001 | Failure_Aggregate_Too_Many_Transactions | Validation failed because aggregate has too many transactions. | |
0x80410002 | Failure_Aggregate_No_Transactions | Validation failed because aggregate does not have any transactions. | |
0x80410003 | Failure_Aggregate_Too_Many_Cosignatures | Validation failed because aggregate has too many cosignatures. | |
0x80410004 | Failure_Aggregate_Redundant_Cosignatures | Validation failed because redundant cosignatures are present. | |
0x80410005 | Failure_Aggregate_Ineligible_Cosignatories | Validation failed because at least one cosignatory is ineligible. | |
0x80410006 | Failure_Aggregate_Missing_Cosignatures | Validation failed because at least one required cosignature is missing. | |
0x80410007 | Failure_Aggregate_Transactions_Hash_Mismatch | Validation failed because the aggregate transactions hash does not match the calculated value. | |
0x80480001 | Failure_LockHash_Invalid_Mosaic_Id | Validation failed because lock does not allow the specified mosaic. | |
0x80480002 | Failure_LockHash_Invalid_Mosaic_Amount | Validation failed because lock does not allow the specified amount. | |
0x80480003 | Failure_LockHash_Hash_Already_Exists | Validation failed because hash is already present in cache. | |
0x80480004 | Failure_LockHash_Unknown_Hash | Validation failed because hash is not present in cache. | |
0x80480005 | Failure_LockHash_Inactive_Hash | Validation failed because hash is inactive. | |
0x80480006 | Failure_LockHash_Invalid_Duration | Validation failed because duration is too long. | |
0x80520001 | Failure_LockSecret_Invalid_Hash_Algorithm | Validation failed because hash algorithm for lock type secret is invalid. | |
0x80520002 | Failure_LockSecret_Hash_Already_Exists | Validation failed because hash is already present in cache. | |
0x80520003 | Failure_LockSecret_Proof_Size_Out_Of_Bounds | Validation failed because proof is too small or too large. | |
0x80520004 | Failure_LockSecret_Secret_Mismatch | Validation failed because secret does not match proof. | |
0x80520005 | Failure_LockSecret_Unknown_Composite_Key | Validation failed because composite key is unknown. | |
0x80520006 | Failure_LockSecret_Inactive_Secret | Validation failed because secret is inactive. | |
0x80520007 | Failure_LockSecret_Hash_Algorithm_Mismatch | Validation failed because hash algorithm does not match. | |
0x80520008 | Failure_LockSecret_Invalid_Duration | Validation failed because duration is too long. | |
0x80440001 | Failure_Metadata_Value_Too_Small | Validation failed because the metadata value is too small. | |
0x80440002 | Failure_Metadata_Value_Too_Large | Validation failed because the metadata value is too large. | |
0x80440003 | Failure_Metadata_Value_Size_Delta_Too_Large | Validation failed because the metadata value size delta is larger in magnitude than the value size. | |
0x80440004 | Failure_Metadata_Value_Size_Delta_Mismatch | Validation failed because the metadata value size delta does not match expected value based on the current state. | |
0x80440005 | Failure_Metadata_Value_Change_Irreversible | Validation failed because a metadata value change (truncation) is irreversible. | |
0x804D0001 | Failure_Mosaic_Invalid_Duration | Validation failed because the duration has an invalid value. | |
0x804D0002 | Failure_Mosaic_Invalid_Name | Validation failed because the name is invalid. | |
0x804D0003 | Failure_Mosaic_Name_Id_Mismatch | Validation failed because the name and id don't match. | |
0x804D0004 | Failure_Mosaic_Expired | Validation failed because the parent is expired. | |
0x804D0005 | Failure_Mosaic_Owner_Conflict | Validation failed because the parent owner conflicts with the child owner. | |
0x804D0006 | Failure_Mosaic_Id_Mismatch | Validation failed because the id is not the expected id generated from signer and nonce. | |
0x804D0064 | Failure_Mosaic_Parent_Id_Conflict | Validation failed because the existing parent id does not match the supplied parent id. | |
0x804D0065 | Failure_Mosaic_Invalid_Property | Validation failed because a mosaic property is invalid. | |
0x804D0066 | Failure_Mosaic_Invalid_Flags | Validation failed because the mosaic flags are invalid. | |
0x804D0067 | Failure_Mosaic_Invalid_Divisibility | Validation failed because the mosaic divisibility is invalid. | |
0x804D0068 | Failure_Mosaic_Invalid_Supply_Change_Action | Validation failed because the mosaic supply change action is invalid. | |
0x804D0069 | Failure_Mosaic_Invalid_Supply_Change_Amount | Validation failed because the mosaic supply change amount is invalid. | |
0x804D006A | Failure_Mosaic_Invalid_Id | Validation failed because the mosaic id is invalid. | |
0x804D006B | Failure_Mosaic_Modification_Disallowed | Validation failed because mosaic modification is not allowed. | |
0x804D006C | Failure_Mosaic_Modification_No_Changes | Validation failed because mosaic modification would not result in any changes. | |
0x804D006D | Failure_Mosaic_Supply_Immutable | Validation failed because the mosaic supply is immutable. | |
0x804D006E | Failure_Mosaic_Supply_Negative | Validation failed because the resulting mosaic supply is negative. | |
0x804D006F | Failure_Mosaic_Supply_Exceeded | Validation failed because the resulting mosaic supply exceeds the maximum allowed value. | |
0x804D0070 | Failure_Mosaic_Non_Transferable | Validation failed because the mosaic is not transferable. | |
0x804D0071 | Failure_Mosaic_Max_Mosaics_Exceeded | Validation failed because the credit of the mosaic would exceed the maximum of different mosaics an account is allowed to own. | |
0x804D0072 | Failure_Mosaic_Required_Property_Flag_Unset | Validation failed because the mosaic has at least one required property flag unset. | |
0x80550001 | Failure_Multisig_Account_In_Both_Sets | Validation failed because account is specified to be both added and removed. | |
0x80550002 | Failure_Multisig_Multiple_Deletes | Validation failed because multiple removals are present. | |
0x80550003 | Failure_Multisig_Redundant_Modification | Validation failed because a modification is redundant. | |
0x80550004 | Failure_Multisig_Unknown_Multisig_Account | Validation failed because account is not in multisig cache. | |
0x80550005 | Failure_Multisig_Not_A_Cosignatory | Validation failed because account to be removed is not present. | |
0x80550006 | Failure_Multisig_Already_A_Cosignatory | Validation failed because account to be added is already a cosignatory. | |
0x80550007 | Failure_Multisig_Min_Setting_Out_Of_Range | Validation failed because new minimum settings are out of range. | |
0x80550008 | Failure_Multisig_Min_Setting_Larger_Than_Num_Cosignatories | Validation failed because min settings are larger than number of cosignatories. | |
0x80550009 | Failure_Multisig_Invalid_Modification_Action | Validation failed because the modification action is invalid. | |
0x8055000A | Failure_Multisig_Max_Cosigned_Accounts | Validation failed because the cosignatory already cosigns the maximum number of accounts. | |
0x8055000B | Failure_Multisig_Max_Cosignatories | Validation failed because the multisig account already has the maximum number of cosignatories. | |
0x8055000C | Failure_Multisig_Loop | Validation failed because a multisig loop is created. | |
0x8055000D | Failure_Multisig_Max_Multisig_Depth | Validation failed because the max multisig depth is exceeded. | |
0x8055000E | Failure_Multisig_Operation_Prohibited_By_Account | Validation failed because an operation is not permitted by a multisig account. | |
0x804E0001 | Failure_Namespace_Invalid_Duration | Validation failed because the duration has an invalid value. | |
0x804E0002 | Failure_Namespace_Invalid_Name | Validation failed because the name is invalid. | |
0x804E0003 | Failure_Namespace_Name_Id_Mismatch | Validation failed because the name and id don't match. | |
0x804E0004 | Failure_Namespace_Expired | Validation failed because the parent is expired. | |
0x804E0005 | Failure_Namespace_Owner_Conflict | Validation failed because the parent owner conflicts with the child owner. | |
0x804E0006 | Failure_Namespace_Id_Mismatch | Validation failed because the id is not the expected id generated from signer and nonce. | |
0x804E0064 | Failure_Namespace_Invalid_Registration_Type | Validation failed because the namespace registration type is invalid. | |
0x804E0065 | Failure_Namespace_Root_Name_Reserved | Validation failed because the root namespace has a reserved name. | |
0x804E0066 | Failure_Namespace_Too_Deep | Validation failed because the resulting namespace would exceed the maximum allowed namespace depth. | |
0x804E0067 | Failure_Namespace_Unknown_Parent | Validation failed because the namespace parent is unknown. | |
0x804E0068 | Failure_Namespace_Already_Exists | Validation failed because the namespace already exists. | |
0x804E0069 | Failure_Namespace_Already_Active | Validation failed because the namespace is already active. | |
0x804E006A | Failure_Namespace_Eternal_After_Nemesis_Block | Validation failed because an eternal namespace was received after the nemesis block. | |
0x804E006B | Failure_Namespace_Max_Children_Exceeded | Validation failed because the maximum number of children for a root namespace was exceeded. | |
0x804E006C | Failure_Namespace_Alias_Invalid_Action | Validation failed because alias action is invalid. | |
0x804E006D | Failure_Namespace_Unknown | Validation failed because namespace does not exist. | |
0x804E006E | Failure_Namespace_Alias_Already_Exists | Validation failed because namespace is already linked to an alias. | |
0x804E006F | Failure_Namespace_Unknown_Alias | Validation failed because namespace is not linked to an alias. | |
0x804E0070 | Failure_Namespace_Alias_Inconsistent_Unlink_Type | Validation failed because unlink type is not consistent with existing alias. | |
0x804E0071 | Failure_Namespace_Alias_Inconsistent_Unlink_Data | Validation failed because unlink data is not consistent with existing alias. | |
0x804E0072 | Failure_Namespace_Alias_Invalid_Address | Validation failed because aliased address is invalid. | |
0x80500001 | Failure_RestrictionAccount_Invalid_Restriction_Flags | Validation failed because the account restriction flags are invalid. | |
0x80500002 | Failure_RestrictionAccount_Invalid_Modification_Action | Validation failed because a modification action is invalid. | |
0x80500003 | Failure_RestrictionAccount_Invalid_Modification_Address | Validation failed because a modification address is invalid. | |
0x80500004 | Failure_RestrictionAccount_Modification_Operation_Type_Incompatible | Validation failed because the operation type is incompatible. Note: This indicates that the existing restrictions have a different operation type than that specified in the notification. | |
0x80500005 | Failure_RestrictionAccount_Redundant_Modification | Validation failed because a modification is redundant. | |
0x80500006 | Failure_RestrictionAccount_Invalid_Modification | Validation failed because a value is not in the container. | |
0x80500007 | Failure_RestrictionAccount_Modification_Count_Exceeded | Validation failed because the transaction has too many modifications. | |
0x80500008 | Failure_RestrictionAccount_No_Modifications | Validation failed because the transaction has no modifications. | |
0x80500009 | Failure_RestrictionAccount_Values_Count_Exceeded | Validation failed because the resulting account restriction has too many values. | |
0x8050000A | Failure_RestrictionAccount_Invalid_Value | Validation failed because the account restriction value is invalid. | |
0x8050000B | Failure_RestrictionAccount_Address_Interaction_Prohibited | Validation failed because the addresses involved in the transaction are not allowed to interact. | |
0x8050000C | Failure_RestrictionAccount_Mosaic_Transfer_Prohibited | Validation failed because the mosaic transfer is prohibited by the recipient. | |
0x8050000D | Failure_RestrictionAccount_Operation_Type_Prohibited | Validation failed because the operation type is not allowed to be initiated by the signer. | |
0x80510001 | Failure_RestrictionMosaic_Invalid_Restriction_Type | Validation failed because the mosaic restriction type is invalid. | |
0x80510002 | Failure_RestrictionMosaic_Previous_Value_Mismatch | Validation failed because specified previous value does not match current value. | |
0x80510003 | Failure_RestrictionMosaic_Previous_Value_Must_Be_Zero | Validation failed because specified previous value is nonzero. | |
0x80510004 | Failure_RestrictionMosaic_Max_Restrictions_Exceeded | Validation failed because the maximum number of restrictions would be exeeded. | |
0x80510005 | Failure_RestrictionMosaic_Cannot_Delete_Nonexistent_Restriction | Validation failed because nonexistent restriction cannot be deleted. | |
0x80510006 | Failure_RestrictionMosaic_Unknown_Global_Restriction | Validation failed because required global restriction does not exist. | |
0x80510007 | Failure_RestrictionMosaic_Invalid_Global_Restriction | Validation failed because mosaic has invalid global restriction. | |
0x80510008 | Failure_RestrictionMosaic_Account_Unauthorized | Validation failed because account lacks proper permissions to move mosaic. | |
0x80540001 | Failure_Transfer_Message_Too_Large | Validation failed because the message is too large. | |
0x80540002 | Failure_Transfer_Out_Of_Order_Mosaics | Validation failed because mosaics are out of order. | |
0x80FF0001 | Failure_Chain_Unlinked | Validation failed because a block was received that did not link with the existing chain. | |
0x80FF0002 | Failure_Chain_Block_Not_Hit | Validation failed because a block was received that is not a hit. | |
0x80FF0003 | Failure_Chain_Block_Inconsistent_State_Hash | Validation failed because a block was received that has an inconsistent state hash. | |
0x80FF0004 | Failure_Chain_Block_Inconsistent_Receipts_Hash | Validation failed because a block was received that has an inconsistent receipts hash. | |
0x80FF0005 | Failure_Chain_Unconfirmed_Cache_Too_Full | Validation failed because the unconfirmed cache is too full. | |
0x80FE0001 | Failure_Consumer_Empty_Input | Validation failed because the consumer input is empty. | |
0x80FE0002 | Failure_Consumer_Block_Transactions_Hash_Mismatch | Validation failed because the block transactions hash does not match the calculated value. | |
0x41FE0003 | Neutral_Consumer_Hash_In_Recency_Cache | Validation failed because an entity hash is present in the recency cache. | |
0x80FE0004 | Failure_Consumer_Remote_Chain_Too_Many_Blocks | Validation failed because the chain part has too many blocks. | |
0x80FE0005 | Failure_Consumer_Remote_Chain_Improper_Link | Validation failed because the chain is internally improperly linked. | |
0x80FE0006 | Failure_Consumer_Remote_Chain_Duplicate_Transactions | Validation failed because the chain part contains duplicate transactions. | |
0x80FE0007 | Failure_Consumer_Remote_Chain_Unlinked | Validation failed because the chain part does not link to the current chain. | |
0x80FE0008 | Failure_Consumer_Remote_Chain_Difficulties_Mismatch | Validation failed because the remote chain difficulties do not match the calculated difficulties. | |
0x80FE0009 | Failure_Consumer_Remote_Chain_Score_Not_Better | Validation failed because the remote chain score is not better. | |
0x80FE000A | Failure_Consumer_Remote_Chain_Too_Far_Behind | Validation failed because the remote chain is too far behind. | |
0x80FE000B | Failure_Consumer_Remote_Chain_Too_Far_In_Future | Validation failed because the remote chain timestamp is too far in the future. | |
0x80FE000C | Failure_Consumer_Batch_Signature_Not_Verifiable | Validation failed because the verification of the signature failed during a batch operation. | |
0x80450001 | Failure_Extension_Partial_Transaction_Cache_Prune | Validation failed because the partial transaction was pruned from the temporal cache. | |
0x80450002 | Failure_Extension_Partial_Transaction_Dependency_Removed | Validation failed because the partial transaction was pruned from the temporal cache due to its dependency being removed. | |
0x80450003 | Failure_Extension_Read_Rate_Limit_Exceeded | Validation failed because socket read rate limit was exceeded. |
- 手数料不足
- トランザクションの中に必要な署名者がいなかったために発生。
- 同じ連署者を2回指定していた。
- グローバルモザイク制限による送信制限