
Optimizing Performance by Minimizing Dynamic Dispatch in Swift

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In Swift, like many other object-oriented languages, classes can override methods and properties defined in their superclasses, leading to dynamic dispatch, a mechanism where the program determines at runtime which method or property to invoke. While dynamic dispatch enhances flexibility, it introduces runtime overhead, particularly in performance-sensitive code. This blog explores strategies to mitigate this overhead using Swift's features: final, private, and Whole Module Optimization.

Consider the following refactored example:

class ParticleSimulation {
    var position = (x: 0.0, y: 0.0)
    var velocity = 100.0

    func updatePosition(newPosition: (Double, Double), newVelocity: Double) {
        position = newPosition
        velocity = newVelocity

    func update(newPos: (Double, Double), newVel: Double) {
        updatePosition(newPos, newVelocity: newVel)

1. Using final Keyword

The final keyword prevents a method or property from being overridden. This allows the compiler to optimize method calls by eliminating dynamic dispatch.

class ParticleSimulation {
    final var position = (x: 0.0, y: 0.0)
    final var velocity = 100.0

    final func updatePosition(newPosition: (Double, Double), newVelocity: Double) {
        position = newPosition
        velocity = newVelocity

    func update(newPos: (Double, Double), newVel: Double) {
        updatePosition(newPos, newVelocity: newVel)

2. Using private Access Control

Declaring methods and properties as private restricts their visibility to the current file. This allows the compiler to infer that no overrides exist outside the file, optimizing performance by eliminating dynamic dispatch.

class ParticleSimulation {
    private var position = (x: 0.0, y: 0.0)
    private var velocity = 100.0

    private func updatePosition(newPosition: (Double, Double), newVelocity: Double) {
        position = newPosition
        velocity = newVelocity

    func update(newPos: (Double, Double), newVel: Double) {
        updatePosition(newPos, newVelocity: newVel)

3. Whole Module Optimization

Enabling Whole Module Optimization allows Swift to analyze the entire module at compile time, rather than individual files. This enables the compiler to infer final on internal declarations, further optimizing performance by reducing dynamic dispatch.

public class ParticleSimulation {
    var position = (x: 0.0, y: 0.0)
    var velocity = 100.0

    func updatePosition(newPosition: (Double, Double), newVelocity: Double) {
        position = newPosition
        velocity = newVelocity

    public func update(newPos: (Double, Double), newVel: Double) {
        updatePosition(newPos, newVelocity: newVel)

By leveraging final, private, and Whole Module Optimization, Swift developers can minimize the runtime overhead associated with dynamic dispatch in performance-critical sections of their code. These techniques enhance both performance and maintainability by ensuring that method calls are optimized for direct invocation whenever possible.

This approach empowers developers to write efficient Swift code without sacrificing the language's expressive power. By strategically applying these techniques, developers can achieve significant performance gains in their applications.


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