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AWS S3 にAngularアプリをデプロイする手順

Last updated at Posted at 2018-08-13

① Angular アプリ作成

# Angular install
$ npm install -g @angular/cli

# Angular app create
$ ng new MyAngularApp

② AWS SDK インストール


$ cd MyAngularApp
$ npm install aws-sdk --save-dev

③ MIMEタイプ設定

S3にアップロードされるすべてのファイルについて、適切なMIMEタイプを設定する必要があります。指定されていない場合、S3はデフォルトで 'application / octet-stream'になり、ブラウザによって解釈されレンダリングされる代わりにファイルがダウンロードされます。ファイルをそれぞれのMIMEタイプに手動でマッピングするのを避けるために、ここではヘルパーライブラリをインストールします。

$ npm install mime-types --save-dev

④ 展開スクリプト作成


const AWS = require("aws-sdk"); // imports AWS SDK
const mime = require('mime-types') // mime type resolver
const fs = require("fs"); // utility from node.js to interact with the file system
const path = require("path"); // utility from node.js to manage file/folder paths

// configuration necessary for this script to run
const config = {
    s3BucketName: 'ここにS3のバケット名を入れてください',
    folderPath: '../dist' // path relative script's location

// initialise S3 client
const s3 = new AWS.S3({
    signatureVersion: 'v4'

// resolve full folder path
const distFolderPath = path.join(__dirname, config.folderPath);

// Normalize \\ paths to / paths.
function unixifyPath(filepath) {
    return process.platform === 'win32' ? filepath.replace(/\\/g, '/') : filepath;

// Recurse into a directory, executing callback for each file.
function walk(rootdir, callback, subdir) {
    // is sub-directory
    const isSubdir = subdir ? true : false;
    // absolute path
    const abspath = subdir ? path.join(rootdir, subdir) : rootdir;

    // read all files in the current directory
    fs.readdirSync(abspath).forEach((filename) => {
        // full file path
        const filepath = path.join(abspath, filename);
        // check if current path is a directory
        if (fs.statSync(filepath).isDirectory()) {
            walk(rootdir, callback, unixifyPath(path.join(subdir || '', filename || '')))
        } else {
            fs.readFile(filepath, (error, fileContent) => {
                // if unable to read file contents, throw exception
                if (error) {
                    throw error;

                // map the current file with the respective MIME type
                const mimeType = mime.lookup(filepath)
                // build S3 PUT object request
                const s3Obj = {
                    // set appropriate S3 Bucket path
                    Bucket: isSubdir ? `${config.s3BucketName}/${subdir}` : config.s3BucketName,
                    Key: filename,
                    Body: fileContent,
                    ContentType: mimeType

                // upload file to S3
                s3.putObject(s3Obj, (res) => {
                    console.log(`Successfully uploaded '${filepath}' with MIME type '${mimeType}'`)

// start upload process
walk(distFolderPath, (filepath, rootdir, subdir, filename) => {
    console.log('Filepath', filepath);

⑤ package.json の scripts に追加

"predeploy": "ng build -prod -aot",
"deploy": "node ./scripts/deploy.js"


$ npm run deploy



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