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React Memo

Last updated at Posted at 2015-03-23


state VS. props

  • State and Props are component data.
  • A component can only change its own state, using this.setState() method, not its props.
  • If the state changes, the component and all children are automatically updated by React that runs the render() function.

Component example

A simple component with one property (title) and one state (counter). The button updates the counter state using setState method.

var MyComponent = React.createClass({

  getDefaultProps: function() {
    return {
      title: 'My defaut title'

  getInitialState: function() {
    return {
      counter: 0 

  onClick: function () {
      counter: this.state.counter + 1

  render: function() {
    return (
        { this.props.title }
        { this.state.counter }
        <button onClick={ this.onClick }>INCREMENT</button>


Add a component to the HTML page

The following JavaScript code includes a component inside a DOM element, passing initial properties using the options variable.

var options = {
  title: 'My component'
  React.createElement(MyComponent, options),

Nested components

Inside a component, sub-components can be used.
Any type of data can be passed to a component: arrays, objects, functions... don't forget the curly brackets { } to pass data.

<MySubComponent items={ ['A', 'B'] } onSave={ saveFunction } />

JSX: tips and tricks

JSX syntax is a mix of JavaScript and HTML. The JSX online compiler can be used to find compilation issues.


HTML attributes use JS syntax (camelCase).
For example: use className=... instead of class=...

<button className="btn btn-default">


{ term == 'yearly' && (
) }


{ term == 'monthly' ? (
) : (

Compact version

<span>{ term == 'monthly' ? '1ヶ月' : '12ヶ月' }</span>


Loop through items of an array using the Array.map() function and a callback function

render: function() {
  var menuItem = function(i) {
        <span>{'STEP' + i }</span>

     { [1, 2, 3].map(menuItem) }

Inline style

Style property uses JSON syntax.

style={{ float: 'right', padding: 10 }}

Working with jQuery plugins.

Use the componentDidMount event to initialise jQuery plugins.

componentDidMount: function () {
  var el = this.getDOMNode();
  var $el = $(el);
  var $form = $el.find('form');

White spaces

White spaces are stripped. Use {' '}to restore white spaces between tags like (between 2 buttons for example).

{' '}

Tag syntax /JSX errors


=> Error "Expected corresponding XJS closing tag for MyApp"

Don't forget to close all tags! (components and html tags, xhtml syntax)

  <br />
  <MyApp />

=> OK!

Event handlers

1. Normal pattern

  onDeleteAll: function (event) {

  render: function() {
    return (
     <button onClick={ this.onDeleteAll }>Delete All</button>

2. How to pass extra data

In event handlers (onClick=...), use .bind(null, myData) to pass data to the event handler.

  onEmailAction: function (email, actionCode, event) {

  render: function() {
    return (
        onClick={ this.onEmailAction.bind(null, email, 'MARK_AS_READ') }>
        Mark as read


Code can be shared between components using mixins.

var EmailFilterList = React.createClass({
  mixins: [FilterListEventMixin],
  render: function() {

Note about: in the JavsScript compiled file, mixins have to be loaded before the components that use the mixins.

Namespaced components

Sub-components can be attributes of a main component.
For example, a section used to create an accordion has 2 sub-components: title and body:

var MySection = React.createClass({...});
MySection.Title = React.createClass({...});
MySection.Body = React.createClass({...});

  <MySection.Title>My title</MySection.Title>

Property validation

Use propTypes to specify property types: array, function, string...

  propTypes: {
    myOptionalArray: React.PropTypes.array

Add .isRequired to make the property required.

  myRequiredArray: React.PropTypes.array.isRequired

Available types:

  • React.PropTypes.array
  • React.PropTypes.bool
  • React.PropTypes.func
  • React.PropTypes.object
  • React.PropTypes.number,
  • React.PropTypes.string
  • React.PropTypes.element (React component)
  • React.PropTypes.instanceOf(MyClass) (an instance of a class)
  • ...


Chrome React Extension => see the component tree!

Atom JSX Package

  • JSX linter
  • shortcuts
  • HTML to JSX converter

Best practices

  • Use state only in the top level and pass data to from parent to children using props.
  • Keep business logic outside the component, using "model" (see TodoMCV example on Github)
  • Document component properties using propTypes.

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