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GIMP Python-Fuでパスを使用して直線・曲線を描く時に、最後を閉じないと線の欠けが発生する

Last updated at Posted at 2019-12-06


前回(GIMP Python-Fuでパスを作成して曲線を描画する - Qiita)、「closedをFALSEにした場合、閉じる線を描いて消したような不自然な線の欠けが発生します。」と書いた件です。

GIMP 2.10で動作確認をしています。


※追記:1列追加しました。開始位置→終了位置→開始位置 と逆順になぞるパターンです。

追記:「鉛筆で描画」を選択していてブラシは「1. Pixel」の場合の実行結果です。「ブラシで描画」や他のブラシの場合には若干結果が変わります。









開始位置→終了位置→開始位置 と逆順になぞった場合は、微妙に出っ張り、太くなります。




今回も下記関数は、5 分で始める GIMP Python-Fu - Qiitaのものを使用させて頂いています。

# Python-Fu のサンプル・スクリプト
# GIMP の Python-Fu コンソールにコピペして実行してください

# 画像データの作成
## 指定したサイズで画像データを作成する
### width : 画像データの幅 (px)
### height : 画像データの高さ (px)
def create_image(width, height):
  # 画像データを生成
  return gimp.Image(width, height, RGB)

# レイヤーの追加
## 指定した名前のレイヤーを新規に作成し、画像データに挿入する
### image : レイヤーを追加する画像データ
### name : 新規に作成するレイヤーの名前(文字列)
def add_layer(image, name):
  # レイヤーの作成に必要なパラメータ
  width   = image.width
  height  = image.height
  type    = RGB_IMAGE
  opacity = 100
  mode    = NORMAL_MODE
  # パラメータをもとにレイヤーを作成
  layer = gimp.Layer(image, name, width, height, type, opacity, mode)
  # レイヤーを背景色で塗りつぶす(GIMP のデフォルトの挙動に合わせています)
  # 画像データの 0 番目の位置にレイヤーを挿入する
  position = 0
  image.add_layer(layer, position)
  return layer

# 描画する色を変更する
## パレットの前景色を変更して描画色を設定する
### r : 赤要素 (0-255)
### g : 緑要素 (0-255)
### b : 青要素 (0-255)
### a : 透明度 (0-1.0)
def set_color(r, g, b, a):
  color = (r, g, b, a)

# 描画する線の太さを変える
## ブラシのサイズを変更して線の太さを設定する
### width : 線の太さ
def set_line_width(width):

# アンチエイリアスを設定する
## アンチエイリアスを設定する
### antialias : TRUE:有効、FALSE:無効
def set_antialias(antialias):

# 画像の表示
## 新しいウィンドウを作成し、画像データを表示する
### image : 表示する画像データ
def display_image(image):

# パス作成
## パスを作成
### image : レイヤーを追加する画像データ
### points : パス座標
### mode : 0:描画しない、1:閉じないストローク(初期値)、2:閉じるストローク、3:塗りつぶし
### delete_path : TRUE:パスを削除する(初期値)、FALSE:パスを残す
def make_path(
    """ パスを作成する。 """
    # フラグ設定
    is_draw   = FALSE
    is_closed = FALSE
    is_fill   = FALSE
    is_stroke = FALSE
    if mode == 1:           # 閉じないストローク
        is_draw   = TRUE
        is_closed = FALSE
        is_fill   = FALSE
        is_stroke = FALSE
    elif mode == 2:         # 閉じるストローク
        is_draw   = TRUE
        is_closed = TRUE
        is_fill   = FALSE
        is_stroke = FALSE
    elif mode == 3:         # 塗りつぶし
        is_draw   = TRUE
        is_closed = TRUE        # TRUE/FALSEどちらでも変わらない
        is_fill   = TRUE
        is_stroke = FALSE
    elif mode == 4:         # 閉じないストローク(アンチエイリアスが効かない)
        is_draw   = TRUE
        is_closed = FALSE       # 効かない
        is_fill   = FALSE
        is_stroke = TRUE
    elif mode == 5:         # 閉じるストローク(アンチエイリアスが効かない)
        is_draw   = TRUE
        is_closed = TRUE
        is_fill   = FALSE
        is_stroke = TRUE
    vectors = pdb.gimp_vectors_new(image, 'path')  # パス新規作成
    pdb.gimp_image_add_vectors(image, vectors, 0)  # パスを画像に追加
    # パスとしてストロークを追加
    stroke_id = pdb.gimp_vectors_stroke_new_from_points(vectors, 0,
            len(points), points, is_closed)
    # パスを表示
    pdb.gimp_vectors_set_visible(vectors, TRUE)
    # 描画するよう指定されてたら、パスから選択範囲を作って描画する。
    if is_draw:
        # 選択範囲解除
        # パスから選択範囲作成
        # 前景色で描画
        drawable = pdb.gimp_image_active_drawable(image)
        if is_fill:
            pdb.gimp_edit_fill(drawable, FOREGROUND_FILL)
        elif is_stroke:
            pdb.gimp_drawable_edit_stroke_item(drawable, vectors)
        # 選択範囲解除
    # パス削除が指定されていたらパスを削除する。
    if delete_path:
        # パス削除
        pdb.gimp_image_remove_vectors(image, vectors)

# 絶対座標取得
def get_absolute_point(list):
    """ """
    rlist = []
    for pos in list:
        if len(pos) == 6:
            (x, y, rx1, ry1, rx2, ry2) = pos
            x1 = x + rx1
            y1 = y + ry1
            x2 = x + rx2
            y2 = y + ry2
            (x, y) = pos
            x1 = x
            y1 = y
            x2 = x
            y2 = y
    return rlist

# 絶対座標取得
def get_absolute_point2(x, y, list):
    """ """
    rlist = []
    bx = x
    by = y
    for pos in list:
        if len(pos) == 6:
            (rx0, ry0, rx1, ry1, rx2, ry2) = pos
            bx = bx + rx0
            by = by + ry0
            x1 = bx + rx1
            y1 = by + ry1
            x2 = bx + rx2
            y2 = by + ry2
            (rx0, ry0) = pos
            bx = bx + rx0
            by = by + ry0
            x1 = bx
            y1 = by
            x2 = bx
            y2 = by
    return rlist

# パス作成(アンカー・制御点相対座標指定)
## パスを作成
### image : レイヤーを追加する画像データ
### points : パス座標
### mode : 0:描画しない、1:最後を閉じないストローク(初期値)、2:最後を閉じるストローク、3:塗りつぶし
### delete_path : TRUE:パスを削除する(初期値)、FALSE:パスを残す
def make_path_relative(
    """ パスを作成する。 """
    new_points = get_absolute_point(points)
    make_path(image, new_points, mode, delete_path)

# パス作成(座標・アンカー・制御点相対座標指定)
## パスを作成
### image : レイヤーを追加する画像データ
### x : 開始X座標
### y : 開始Y座標
### points : パス座標
### mode : 0:描画しない、1:最後を閉じないストローク(初期値)、2:最後を閉じるストローク、3:塗りつぶし
### delete_path : TRUE:パスを削除する(初期値)、FALSE:パスを残す
def make_path_relative2(
    """ パスを作成する。 """
    new_points = get_absolute_point2(x, y, points)
    make_path(image, new_points, mode, delete_path)

# メイン
def main():
    image = create_image(1100, 600)
    layer = add_layer(image, "背景")
    set_color(0, 0, 0, 1.0)
    # 値は(アンカーX, Y[, 制御開始点増分X, Y, 制御終了点増分X, Y])
    points1 = [
        ( +0,  +0,   0,   0,   0,   0),
        ( +1,  +0,   0,   0,   0,   0),
    points2 = [
        ( +0,  +0,   0,   0,   0,   0),
        ( +2,  +0,   0,   0,   0,   0),
    points3 = [
        ( +0,  +0,   0,   0,   0,   0),
        ( +3,  +0,   0,   0,   0,   0),
    points4 = [
        ( +0,  +0,   0,   0,   0,   0),
        ( +4,  +0,   0,   0,   0,   0),
    points5 = [
        ( +0,  +0,   0,   0,   0,   0),
        ( +5,  +0,   0,   0,   0,   0),
    points6 = [
        ( +0,  +0,   0,   0,   0,   0),
        ( +6,  +0,   0,   0,   0,   0),
    points7 = [
        ( +0,  +0,   0,   0,   0,   0),
        ( +7,  +0,   0,   0,   0,   0),
    points8 = [
        ( +0,  +0,   0,   0,   0,   0),
        ( +8,  +0,   0,   0,   0,   0),
    points9 = [
        ( +0,  +0,   0,   0,   0,   0),
        ( +9,  +0,   0,   0,   0,   0),
    points10 = [
        ( +0,  +0,   0,   0,   0,   0),
        (+10,  +0,   0,   0,   0,   0),
    points11 = [
        ( +0,  +0,   0,   0,   0,   0),
        (+10, -10,   0,   0,   0,   0),
        (+10, +10,   0,   0,   0,   0),
        (+10, +10,   0,   0,   0,   0),
        (+10, -10,   0,   0,   0,   0),
    points12 = [
        ( +0,  +0,   0,   0,   0,  -5),
        (+10, -10,  -5,   0,  +5,   0),
        (+10, +10,   0,  -5,   0,  +5),
        (+10, +10,  -5,   0,  +5,   0),
        (+10, -10,   0,  -5,   0,   0),
    points13 = [
        ( +0,  +0,   0,   0,   0,   0),
        (+10, -10,   0,   0,   0,   0),
        (+10, +10,   0,   0,   0,   0),
        (+10, +10,   0,   0,   0,   0),
    points14 = [
        (+10,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0),
        (-10, +10,   0,   0,   0,   0),
        (-10, -10,   0,   0,   0,   0),
        (+10, -10,   0,   0,   0,   0),
    points15 = [
        (+10,   0,   0,  -5,   0,  +5),
        (-10, +10,  +5,   0,  -5,   0),
        (-10, -10,   0,  +5,   0,  -5),
        (+10, -10,  -5,   0,  +5,   0),
    points16 = [
        ( +0,  +0,   0,   0,   0,   0),
        (+10, -10,   0,   0,   0,   0),
        (+10, +10,   0,   0,   0,   0),
        (+10, +10,   0,   0,   0,   0),
        (+10, -10,   0,   0,   0,   0),
        (-10, +10,   0,   0,   0,   0),
        (-10, -10,   0,   0,   0,   0),
        (-10, -10,   0,   0,   0,   0),
        (-10, +10,   0,   0,   0,   0),
    x =  50
    y =  50
    make_path_relative2(image, x +   0, y, points1, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x +  20, y, points2, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x +  40, y, points3, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x +  60, y, points4, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x +  80, y, points5, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 100, y, points6, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 120, y, points7, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 140, y, points8, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 160, y, points9, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 180, y, points10, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 200, y, points11, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 260, y, points11, 2, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 320, y, points11, 3, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 380, y, points12, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 440, y, points12, 2, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 500, y, points12, 3, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 560, y, points13, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 620, y, points13, 2, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 680, y, points13, 3, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 740, y, points14, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 780, y, points14, 2, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 820, y, points14, 3, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 860, y, points15, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 900, y, points15, 2, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 940, y, points15, 3, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 980, y, points16, 1, TRUE)
    x =  50
    y = 100
    make_path_relative2(image, x +   0, y, points1, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x +  20, y, points2, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x +  40, y, points3, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x +  60, y, points4, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x +  80, y, points5, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 100, y, points6, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 120, y, points7, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 140, y, points8, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 160, y, points9, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 180, y, points10, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 200, y, points11, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 260, y, points11, 2, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 320, y, points11, 3, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 380, y, points12, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 440, y, points12, 2, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 500, y, points12, 3, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 560, y, points13, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 620, y, points13, 2, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 680, y, points13, 3, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 740, y, points14, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 780, y, points14, 2, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 820, y, points14, 3, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 860, y, points15, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 900, y, points15, 2, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 940, y, points15, 3, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 980, y, points16, 1, TRUE)
    x =  50
    y = 150
    make_path_relative2(image, x +   0, y, points1, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x +  20, y, points2, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x +  40, y, points3, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x +  60, y, points4, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x +  80, y, points5, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 100, y, points6, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 120, y, points7, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 140, y, points8, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 160, y, points9, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 180, y, points10, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 200, y, points11, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 260, y, points11, 2, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 320, y, points11, 3, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 380, y, points12, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 440, y, points12, 2, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 500, y, points12, 3, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 560, y, points13, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 620, y, points13, 2, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 680, y, points13, 3, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 740, y, points14, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 780, y, points14, 2, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 820, y, points14, 3, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 860, y, points15, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 900, y, points15, 2, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 940, y, points15, 3, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 980, y, points16, 1, TRUE)
    x =  50
    y = 200
    make_path_relative2(image, x +   0, y, points1, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x +  20, y, points2, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x +  40, y, points3, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x +  60, y, points4, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x +  80, y, points5, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 100, y, points6, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 120, y, points7, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 140, y, points8, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 160, y, points9, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 180, y, points10, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 200, y, points11, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 260, y, points11, 2, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 320, y, points11, 3, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 380, y, points12, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 440, y, points12, 2, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 500, y, points12, 3, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 560, y, points13, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 620, y, points13, 2, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 680, y, points13, 3, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 740, y, points14, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 780, y, points14, 2, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 820, y, points14, 3, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 860, y, points15, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 900, y, points15, 2, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 940, y, points15, 3, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 980, y, points16, 1, TRUE)
    x =  50
    y = 250
    make_path_relative2(image, x +   0, y, points1, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x +  20, y, points2, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x +  40, y, points3, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x +  60, y, points4, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x +  80, y, points5, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 100, y, points6, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 120, y, points7, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 140, y, points8, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 160, y, points9, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 180, y, points10, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 200, y, points11, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 260, y, points11, 2, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 320, y, points11, 3, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 380, y, points12, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 440, y, points12, 2, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 500, y, points12, 3, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 560, y, points13, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 620, y, points13, 2, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 680, y, points13, 3, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 740, y, points14, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 780, y, points14, 2, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 820, y, points14, 3, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 860, y, points15, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 900, y, points15, 2, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 940, y, points15, 3, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 980, y, points16, 1, TRUE)
    x =  50
    y = 300
    make_path_relative2(image, x +   0, y, points1, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x +  20, y, points2, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x +  40, y, points3, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x +  60, y, points4, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x +  80, y, points5, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 100, y, points6, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 120, y, points7, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 140, y, points8, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 160, y, points9, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 180, y, points10, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 200, y, points11, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 260, y, points11, 2, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 320, y, points11, 3, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 380, y, points12, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 440, y, points12, 2, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 500, y, points12, 3, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 560, y, points13, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 620, y, points13, 2, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 680, y, points13, 3, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 740, y, points14, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 780, y, points14, 2, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 820, y, points14, 3, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 860, y, points15, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 900, y, points15, 2, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 940, y, points15, 3, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 980, y, points16, 1, TRUE)
    x =  50
    y = 350
    make_path_relative2(image, x +   0, y, points1, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x +  20, y, points2, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x +  40, y, points3, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x +  60, y, points4, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x +  80, y, points5, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 100, y, points6, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 120, y, points7, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 140, y, points8, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 160, y, points9, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 180, y, points10, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 200, y, points11, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 260, y, points11, 2, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 320, y, points11, 3, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 380, y, points12, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 440, y, points12, 2, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 500, y, points12, 3, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 560, y, points13, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 620, y, points13, 2, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 680, y, points13, 3, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 740, y, points14, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 780, y, points14, 2, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 820, y, points14, 3, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 860, y, points15, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 900, y, points15, 2, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 940, y, points15, 3, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 980, y, points16, 1, TRUE)
    x =  50
    y = 400
    make_path_relative2(image, x +   0, y, points1, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x +  20, y, points2, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x +  40, y, points3, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x +  60, y, points4, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x +  80, y, points5, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 100, y, points6, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 120, y, points7, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 140, y, points8, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 160, y, points9, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 180, y, points10, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 200, y, points11, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 260, y, points11, 2, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 320, y, points11, 3, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 380, y, points12, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 440, y, points12, 2, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 500, y, points12, 3, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 560, y, points13, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 620, y, points13, 2, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 680, y, points13, 3, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 740, y, points14, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 780, y, points14, 2, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 820, y, points14, 3, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 860, y, points15, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 900, y, points15, 2, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 940, y, points15, 3, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 980, y, points16, 1, TRUE)
    x =  50
    y = 450
    make_path_relative2(image, x +   0, y, points1, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x +  20, y, points2, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x +  40, y, points3, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x +  60, y, points4, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x +  80, y, points5, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 100, y, points6, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 120, y, points7, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 140, y, points8, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 160, y, points9, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 180, y, points10, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 200, y, points11, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 260, y, points11, 2, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 320, y, points11, 3, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 380, y, points12, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 440, y, points12, 2, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 500, y, points12, 3, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 560, y, points13, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 620, y, points13, 2, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 680, y, points13, 3, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 740, y, points14, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 780, y, points14, 2, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 820, y, points14, 3, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 860, y, points15, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 900, y, points15, 2, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 940, y, points15, 3, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 980, y, points16, 1, TRUE)
    x =  50
    y = 500
    make_path_relative2(image, x +   0, y, points1, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x +  20, y, points2, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x +  40, y, points3, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x +  60, y, points4, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x +  80, y, points5, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 100, y, points6, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 120, y, points7, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 140, y, points8, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 160, y, points9, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 180, y, points10, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 200, y, points11, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 260, y, points11, 2, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 320, y, points11, 3, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 380, y, points12, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 440, y, points12, 2, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 500, y, points12, 3, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 560, y, points13, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 620, y, points13, 2, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 680, y, points13, 3, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 740, y, points14, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 780, y, points14, 2, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 820, y, points14, 3, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 860, y, points15, 1, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 900, y, points15, 2, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 940, y, points15, 3, TRUE)
    make_path_relative2(image, x + 980, y, points16, 1, TRUE)





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