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Last updated at Posted at 2020-06-24


2つの列 $X$, $Y$ が以下のように与えられます。

$$X = (x_1, x_2, ..., x_m) $$
$$Y = (y_1, y_2, ..., y_n)$$

与えられた列の集合の最長共通部分列(Longest-common subsequence problem, LCS)を見つける問題を解きます。たとえば pencilpenguin のLCSは peni の4文字です。

列 $X$ の接頭辞(先頭 $i$ 文字までの文字列)を $X_i$、列 $Y$ の接頭辞(先頭 $j$ 文字までの文字列)を $Y_j$ としたとき、 $X_i$ と $Y_j$ のLCSの長さ $LCS (X_i, Y_j)$ は次のように動的計画法で計算できます。

LCS (X_i, Y_j) =  \left\{
0 & if \quad i = 0 \quad or \quad j = 0 \\
LCS (X_{i-1}, Y_{j-1}) + 1 & if \quad x_i = y_j \\
max \Bigl(LCS (X_{i}, Y_{j-1}), LCS (X_{i-1}, Y_{j}) \Bigr) & otherwise



長さ $n$ の文字列 $s$ と、長さ $m$ の文字列 $t$ を入力としたとき、その2つの文字列の最長共通部分列の長さを求める関数を作ってください。


  • 1 ≤ $n$ ≤ 104
  • 1 ≤ $m$ ≤ 104


  • 例1
s = "pencil"
t = "penguin"
  • 例2
s = "dreamingly"
t = "dreadfully"
  • 例3
s = "This is a pen. This is an apple."
t = "pen-pineapple-apple-pen"
  • 例4
s = "There is more to life than increasing its speed. "\
      "(by Mahatma Gandhi)"

t = "There is always light behind the clouds. "\
      "(by Louisa May Alcott)"
  • 例5
s = "If you want to be successful, it's just this simple: "\
      "Know what you are doing, love what you are doing, "\
      "and believe in what you are doing. "\
      "(by Will Rogers)"

t = "Success is not the key to happiness. "\
      "Happiness is the key to success. "\
      "If you love what you are doing, "\
      "you will be successful. "\
      "(by Louisa May Alcott)"


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