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線形回帰を本当はPythonで解きたいけど表計算で解けと言われたので線形重回帰を本当はPythonで解きたいけど表計算で解けと言われたので の続編です。前の記事を読んでもらっていれば、曲線に回帰するのは簡単。



import pandas as pd
data = [['HF', 19.5, 20.0],
        ['HCl', -84.9, 36.5],
        ['HBr', -67.0, 80.9],
        ['HI', -35.1, 127.9],
        ['H2O', 100.0, 18.0],
        ['H2S', -60.7, 34.1],
        ['H2Se', -42, 81.0],
        ['H2Te', -1.8, 129.6],
        ['NH3', -33.4, 17.0],
        ['PH3', -87, 34.0],
        ['AsH3', -55, 77.9],
        ['SbH3', -17.1, 124.8],
        ['CH4', -161.49, 16.0],
        ['SiH4', -111.8, 32.1],
        ['GeH4', -90, 76.6],
        ['SnH4', -52, 122.7],
        ['He', -268.934, 4.0],
        ['Ne', -246.048, 20.2],
        ['Ar', -185.7, 39.9],
        ['Kr', -152.3, 83.8],
        ['Xe', -108.1, 131.3],
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns = ['molecule', 'boiling point', 'molecular weight'])
molecule boiling point molecular weight
0 HF 19.500 20.0
1 HCl -84.900 36.5
2 HBr -67.000 80.9
3 HI -35.100 127.9
4 H2O 100.000 18.0
5 H2S -60.700 34.1
6 H2Se -42.000 81.0
7 H2Te -1.800 129.6
8 NH3 -33.400 17.0
9 PH3 -87.000 34.0
10 AsH3 -55.000 77.9
11 SbH3 -17.100 124.8
12 CH4 -161.490 16.0
13 SiH4 -111.800 32.1
14 GeH4 -90.000 76.6
15 SnH4 -52.000 122.7
16 He -268.934 4.0
17 Ne -246.048 20.2
18 Ar -185.700 39.9
19 Kr -152.300 83.8
20 Xe -108.100 131.3
X = df.loc[:, ['molecular weight']].as_matrix()
array([[  20. ],
       [  36.5],
       [  80.9],
       [ 127.9],
       [  18. ],
       [  34.1],
       [  81. ],
       [ 129.6],
       [  17. ],
       [  34. ],
       [  77.9],
       [ 124.8],
       [  16. ],
       [  32.1],
       [  76.6],
       [ 122.7],
       [   4. ],
       [  20.2],
       [  39.9],
       [  83.8],
       [ 131.3]])
Y = df['boiling point'].as_matrix()
array([  19.5  ,  -84.9  ,  -67.   ,  -35.1  ,  100.   ,  -60.7  ,
        -42.   ,   -1.8  ,  -33.4  ,  -87.   ,  -55.   ,  -17.1  ,
       -161.49 , -111.8  ,  -90.   ,  -52.   , -268.934, -246.048,
       -185.7  , -152.3  , -108.1  ])
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# 散布図
plt.scatter(X, Y, alpha=0.3)
for name, x, y in zip(df.loc[:, ['molecule']].as_matrix(), X, Y):
    plt.text(x, y, name[0], size=8)
plt.xlabel('molecular weight')
plt.ylabel('boiling point')


import math
import numpy as np
logX = np.array([[math.log(x)] for x in X[:,0]])
array([[ 2.99573227],
       [ 3.59731226],
       [ 4.39321382],
       [ 4.85124871],
       [ 2.89037176],
       [ 3.52929738],
       [ 4.39444915],
       [ 4.86445278],
       [ 2.83321334],
       [ 3.52636052],
       [ 4.35542595],
       [ 4.82671246],
       [ 2.77258872],
       [ 3.46885603],
       [ 4.33859708],
       [ 4.80974235],
       [ 1.38629436],
       [ 3.0056826 ],
       [ 3.68637632],
       [ 4.42843301],
       [ 4.87748478]])

まずは一番便利な scikit-learn から

from sklearn import linear_model
lr = linear_model.LinearRegression()
lr.fit(logX, Y)
LinearRegression(copy_X=True, fit_intercept=True, n_jobs=1, normalize=False)
# 回帰係数
array([ 33.87205496])
# 切片
print("y = f(x) = wlogx + t; (w, t) = ({0}, {1})".format(lr.coef_[0], lr.intercept_))
y = f(x) = wlogx + t; (w, t) = (33.872054963641745, -211.66384118386563)
# 決定係数R2
lr.score(logX, Y)
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# 散布図
plt.scatter(X, Y, alpha=0.3)

# 回帰直線
plt.plot(sorted(X), sorted(lr.predict(logX)))
for name, x, y in zip(df.loc[:, ['molecule']].as_matrix(), X, Y):
    plt.text(x, y, name[0], size=8)
plt.xlabel('molecular weight')
plt.ylabel('boiling point')



# 平均値を求める関数
def mean(list):
    sum = 0
    for x in list:
        sum += x
    return sum / len(list)
# 分散を求める関数
def variance(list):
    ave = mean(list)
    sum = 0
    for x in list:
        sum += (x - ave) ** 2
    return sum / len(list)
# 標準偏差を求める関数
import math
def standard_deviation(list):
    return math.sqrt(variance(list))
# 共分散 = 偏差積の平均
def covariance(list1, list2): 
    mean1 = mean(list1)
    mean2 = mean(list2)
    sum = 0
    for d1, d2 in zip(list1, list2):
        sum += (d1 - mean1) * (d2 - mean2)
    return sum / len(list1)
# 相関係数 = 共分散を list1, list2 の標準偏差で割ったもの
def correlation(list1, list2):
    return covariance(list1, list2) / (standard_deviation(list1) * standard_deviation(list2))
# 回帰直線の傾き=相関係数*((yの標準偏差)/(xの標準偏差))
def w_fit(xlist, ylist):
    return correlation(xlist, ylist) * standard_deviation(ylist) / standard_deviation(xlist)
# y切片=yの平均-(傾き*xの平均)
def t_fit(xlist, ylist):
    return mean(ylist) - w_fit(xlist, ylist) * mean(xlist)
# 回帰直線の式を表示
w = w_fit(logX, Y)
t = t_fit(logX, Y)
print("y = f(x) = wlogx + t; (w, t) = ({0}, {1})".format(w, t))
y = f(x) = wlogx + t; (w, t) = ([ 33.87205496], [-211.66384118])
# 回帰直線の式を関数として表現
def f(x):
    return w * x + t
# 決定係数R2
def r2(xlist, ylist):
    wa1 = 0.
    wa2 = 0.
    for x, y in zip(xlist, ylist):
        wa1 += (y - f(x))**2
        wa2 += (y - mean(ylist))**2
    return 1. - wa1 / wa2
r2(logX, Y)
array([ 0.13487034])

さて、表計算で解けと言われたので pandas で書いてみましょうか。

import copy
from IPython.display import display
excel = copy.deepcopy(df)
molecule boiling point molecular weight
0 HF 19.500 20.0
1 HCl -84.900 36.5
2 HBr -67.000 80.9
3 HI -35.100 127.9
4 H2O 100.000 18.0
5 H2S -60.700 34.1
6 H2Se -42.000 81.0
7 H2Te -1.800 129.6
8 NH3 -33.400 17.0
9 PH3 -87.000 34.0
10 AsH3 -55.000 77.9
11 SbH3 -17.100 124.8
12 CH4 -161.490 16.0
13 SiH4 -111.800 32.1
14 GeH4 -90.000 76.6
15 SnH4 -52.000 122.7
16 He -268.934 4.0
17 Ne -246.048 20.2
18 Ar -185.700 39.9
19 Kr -152.300 83.8
20 Xe -108.100 131.3
excel['y'] = excel['boiling point']
excel['x'] = excel['molecular weight']
excel['log(x)'] = [math.log(x) for x in excel['x']]
mean_y = mean(excel['y'])
mean_logx = mean(excel['log(x)'])
display(excel, pd.DataFrame([[mean_y, mean_logx]], columns=['y','log(x)'], index=['mean']))
molecule boiling point molecular weight y x log(x)
0 HF 19.500 20.0 19.500 20.0 2.995732
1 HCl -84.900 36.5 -84.900 36.5 3.597312
2 HBr -67.000 80.9 -67.000 80.9 4.393214
3 HI -35.100 127.9 -35.100 127.9 4.851249
4 H2O 100.000 18.0 100.000 18.0 2.890372
5 H2S -60.700 34.1 -60.700 34.1 3.529297
6 H2Se -42.000 81.0 -42.000 81.0 4.394449
7 H2Te -1.800 129.6 -1.800 129.6 4.864453
8 NH3 -33.400 17.0 -33.400 17.0 2.833213
9 PH3 -87.000 34.0 -87.000 34.0 3.526361
10 AsH3 -55.000 77.9 -55.000 77.9 4.355426
11 SbH3 -17.100 124.8 -17.100 124.8 4.826712
12 CH4 -161.490 16.0 -161.490 16.0 2.772589
13 SiH4 -111.800 32.1 -111.800 32.1 3.468856
14 GeH4 -90.000 76.6 -90.000 76.6 4.338597
15 SnH4 -52.000 122.7 -52.000 122.7 4.809742
16 He -268.934 4.0 -268.934 4.0 1.386294
17 Ne -246.048 20.2 -246.048 20.2 3.005683
18 Ar -185.700 39.9 -185.700 39.9 3.686376
19 Kr -152.300 83.8 -152.300 83.8 4.428433
20 Xe -108.100 131.3 -108.100 131.3 4.877485
y log(x)
mean -82.898667 3.801516
excel['y-mean(y)'] = [y - mean_y for y in excel['y']]
excel['log(x)-mean(log(x))'] = [logx - mean_logx for logx in excel['log(x)']]
display(excel, pd.DataFrame([[mean_y, mean_logx]], columns=['y','log(x)'], index=['mean']))
molecule boiling point molecular weight y x log(x) y-mean(y) log(x)-mean(log(x))
0 HF 19.500 20.0 19.500 20.0 2.995732 102.398667 -0.805784
1 HCl -84.900 36.5 -84.900 36.5 3.597312 -2.001333 -0.204204
2 HBr -67.000 80.9 -67.000 80.9 4.393214 15.898667 0.591697
3 HI -35.100 127.9 -35.100 127.9 4.851249 47.798667 1.049732
4 H2O 100.000 18.0 100.000 18.0 2.890372 182.898667 -0.911145
5 H2S -60.700 34.1 -60.700 34.1 3.529297 22.198667 -0.272219
6 H2Se -42.000 81.0 -42.000 81.0 4.394449 40.898667 0.592933
7 H2Te -1.800 129.6 -1.800 129.6 4.864453 81.098667 1.062936
8 NH3 -33.400 17.0 -33.400 17.0 2.833213 49.498667 -0.968303
9 PH3 -87.000 34.0 -87.000 34.0 3.526361 -4.101333 -0.275156
10 AsH3 -55.000 77.9 -55.000 77.9 4.355426 27.898667 0.553909
11 SbH3 -17.100 124.8 -17.100 124.8 4.826712 65.798667 1.025196
12 CH4 -161.490 16.0 -161.490 16.0 2.772589 -78.591333 -1.028928
13 SiH4 -111.800 32.1 -111.800 32.1 3.468856 -28.901333 -0.332660
14 GeH4 -90.000 76.6 -90.000 76.6 4.338597 -7.101333 0.537081
15 SnH4 -52.000 122.7 -52.000 122.7 4.809742 30.898667 1.008226
16 He -268.934 4.0 -268.934 4.0 1.386294 -186.035333 -2.415222
17 Ne -246.048 20.2 -246.048 20.2 3.005683 -163.149333 -0.795834
18 Ar -185.700 39.9 -185.700 39.9 3.686376 -102.801333 -0.115140
19 Kr -152.300 83.8 -152.300 83.8 4.428433 -69.401333 0.626917
20 Xe -108.100 131.3 -108.100 131.3 4.877485 -25.201333 1.075968
y log(x)
mean -82.898667 3.801516
excel['(y-mean(y))**2'] = [sa ** 2 for sa in excel['y-mean(y)']]
excel['(log(x)-mean(log(x)))**2'] = [sa ** 2 for sa in excel['log(x)-mean(log(x))']]
display(excel, pd.DataFrame([[mean_y, mean_logx]], columns=['y','log(x)'], index=['mean']))
molecule boiling point molecular weight y x log(x) y-mean(y) log(x)-mean(log(x)) (y-mean(y))**2 (log(x)-mean(log(x)))**2
0 HF 19.500 20.0 19.500 20.0 2.995732 102.398667 -0.805784 10485.486935 0.649288
1 HCl -84.900 36.5 -84.900 36.5 3.597312 -2.001333 -0.204204 4.005335 0.041699
2 HBr -67.000 80.9 -67.000 80.9 4.393214 15.898667 0.591697 252.767602 0.350106
3 HI -35.100 127.9 -35.100 127.9 4.851249 47.798667 1.049732 2284.712535 1.101938
4 H2O 100.000 18.0 100.000 18.0 2.890372 182.898667 -0.911145 33451.922268 0.830185
5 H2S -60.700 34.1 -60.700 34.1 3.529297 22.198667 -0.272219 492.780802 0.074103
6 H2Se -42.000 81.0 -42.000 81.0 4.394449 40.898667 0.592933 1672.700935 0.351569
7 H2Te -1.800 129.6 -1.800 129.6 4.864453 81.098667 1.062936 6576.993735 1.129834
8 NH3 -33.400 17.0 -33.400 17.0 2.833213 49.498667 -0.968303 2450.118002 0.937611
9 PH3 -87.000 34.0 -87.000 34.0 3.526361 -4.101333 -0.275156 16.820935 0.075711
10 AsH3 -55.000 77.9 -55.000 77.9 4.355426 27.898667 0.553909 778.335602 0.306816
11 SbH3 -17.100 124.8 -17.100 124.8 4.826712 65.798667 1.025196 4329.464535 1.051027
12 CH4 -161.490 16.0 -161.490 16.0 2.772589 -78.591333 -1.028928 6176.597675 1.058692
13 SiH4 -111.800 32.1 -111.800 32.1 3.468856 -28.901333 -0.332660 835.287068 0.110663
14 GeH4 -90.000 76.6 -90.000 76.6 4.338597 -7.101333 0.537081 50.428935 0.288456
15 SnH4 -52.000 122.7 -52.000 122.7 4.809742 30.898667 1.008226 954.727602 1.016519
16 He -268.934 4.0 -268.934 4.0 1.386294 -186.035333 -2.415222 34609.145248 5.833298
17 Ne -246.048 20.2 -246.048 20.2 3.005683 -163.149333 -0.795834 26617.704967 0.633352
18 Ar -185.700 39.9 -185.700 39.9 3.686376 -102.801333 -0.115140 10568.114135 0.013257
19 Kr -152.300 83.8 -152.300 83.8 4.428433 -69.401333 0.626917 4816.545068 0.393024
20 Xe -108.100 131.3 -108.100 131.3 4.877485 -25.201333 1.075968 635.107202 1.157708
y log(x)
mean -82.898667 3.801516
variance_y = mean(excel['(y-mean(y))**2'])
variance_logx = mean(excel['(log(x)-mean(log(x)))**2'])
sd_y = math.sqrt(variance_y)
sd_logx = math.sqrt(variance_logx)
display(excel, pd.DataFrame([[mean_y, mean_logx], [variance_y, variance_logx], [sd_y, sd_logx]], 
                            columns=['y','log(x)'], index=['mean', 'variance', 'sd']))
molecule boiling point molecular weight y x log(x) y-mean(y) log(x)-mean(log(x)) (y-mean(y))**2 (log(x)-mean(log(x)))**2
0 HF 19.500 20.0 19.500 20.0 2.995732 102.398667 -0.805784 10485.486935 0.649288
1 HCl -84.900 36.5 -84.900 36.5 3.597312 -2.001333 -0.204204 4.005335 0.041699
2 HBr -67.000 80.9 -67.000 80.9 4.393214 15.898667 0.591697 252.767602 0.350106
3 HI -35.100 127.9 -35.100 127.9 4.851249 47.798667 1.049732 2284.712535 1.101938
4 H2O 100.000 18.0 100.000 18.0 2.890372 182.898667 -0.911145 33451.922268 0.830185
5 H2S -60.700 34.1 -60.700 34.1 3.529297 22.198667 -0.272219 492.780802 0.074103
6 H2Se -42.000 81.0 -42.000 81.0 4.394449 40.898667 0.592933 1672.700935 0.351569
7 H2Te -1.800 129.6 -1.800 129.6 4.864453 81.098667 1.062936 6576.993735 1.129834
8 NH3 -33.400 17.0 -33.400 17.0 2.833213 49.498667 -0.968303 2450.118002 0.937611
9 PH3 -87.000 34.0 -87.000 34.0 3.526361 -4.101333 -0.275156 16.820935 0.075711
10 AsH3 -55.000 77.9 -55.000 77.9 4.355426 27.898667 0.553909 778.335602 0.306816
11 SbH3 -17.100 124.8 -17.100 124.8 4.826712 65.798667 1.025196 4329.464535 1.051027
12 CH4 -161.490 16.0 -161.490 16.0 2.772589 -78.591333 -1.028928 6176.597675 1.058692
13 SiH4 -111.800 32.1 -111.800 32.1 3.468856 -28.901333 -0.332660 835.287068 0.110663
14 GeH4 -90.000 76.6 -90.000 76.6 4.338597 -7.101333 0.537081 50.428935 0.288456
15 SnH4 -52.000 122.7 -52.000 122.7 4.809742 30.898667 1.008226 954.727602 1.016519
16 He -268.934 4.0 -268.934 4.0 1.386294 -186.035333 -2.415222 34609.145248 5.833298
17 Ne -246.048 20.2 -246.048 20.2 3.005683 -163.149333 -0.795834 26617.704967 0.633352
18 Ar -185.700 39.9 -185.700 39.9 3.686376 -102.801333 -0.115140 10568.114135 0.013257
19 Kr -152.300 83.8 -152.300 83.8 4.428433 -69.401333 0.626917 4816.545068 0.393024
20 Xe -108.100 131.3 -108.100 131.3 4.877485 -25.201333 1.075968 635.107202 1.157708
y log(x)
mean -82.898667 3.801516
variance 7050.465101 0.828803
sd 83.967048 0.910386
excel['(y-mean(y)) * (log(x)-mean(log(x)))'] = excel['y-mean(y)'] * excel['log(x)-mean(log(x))']
display(excel, pd.DataFrame([[mean_y, mean_logx], [variance_y, variance_logx], [sd_y, sd_logx]], 
                            columns=['y','log(x)'], index=['mean', 'variance', 'sd']))
molecule boiling point molecular weight y x log(x) y-mean(y) log(x)-mean(log(x)) (y-mean(y))**2 (log(x)-mean(log(x)))**2 (y-mean(y)) * (log(x)-mean(log(x)))
0 HF 19.500 20.0 19.500 20.0 2.995732 102.398667 -0.805784 10485.486935 0.649288 -82.511226
1 HCl -84.900 36.5 -84.900 36.5 3.597312 -2.001333 -0.204204 4.005335 0.041699 0.408681
2 HBr -67.000 80.9 -67.000 80.9 4.393214 15.898667 0.591697 252.767602 0.350106 9.407199
3 HI -35.100 127.9 -35.100 127.9 4.851249 47.798667 1.049732 2284.712535 1.101938 50.175802
4 H2O 100.000 18.0 100.000 18.0 2.890372 182.898667 -0.911145 33451.922268 0.830185 -166.647151
5 H2S -60.700 34.1 -60.700 34.1 3.529297 22.198667 -0.272219 492.780802 0.074103 -6.042901
6 H2Se -42.000 81.0 -42.000 81.0 4.394449 40.898667 0.592933 1672.700935 0.351569 24.250157
7 H2Te -1.800 129.6 -1.800 129.6 4.864453 81.098667 1.062936 6576.993735 1.129834 86.202719
8 NH3 -33.400 17.0 -33.400 17.0 2.833213 49.498667 -0.968303 2450.118002 0.937611 -47.929713
9 PH3 -87.000 34.0 -87.000 34.0 3.526361 -4.101333 -0.275156 16.820935 0.075711 1.128506
10 AsH3 -55.000 77.9 -55.000 77.9 4.355426 27.898667 0.553909 778.335602 0.306816 15.453336
11 SbH3 -17.100 124.8 -17.100 124.8 4.826712 65.798667 1.025196 4329.464535 1.051027 67.456530
12 CH4 -161.490 16.0 -161.490 16.0 2.772589 -78.591333 -1.028928 6176.597675 1.058692 80.864803
13 SiH4 -111.800 32.1 -111.800 32.1 3.468856 -28.901333 -0.332660 835.287068 0.110663 9.614330
14 GeH4 -90.000 76.6 -90.000 76.6 4.338597 -7.101333 0.537081 50.428935 0.288456 -3.813988
15 SnH4 -52.000 122.7 -52.000 122.7 4.809742 30.898667 1.008226 954.727602 1.016519 31.152836
16 He -268.934 4.0 -268.934 4.0 1.386294 -186.035333 -2.415222 34609.145248 5.833298 449.316648
17 Ne -246.048 20.2 -246.048 20.2 3.005683 -163.149333 -0.795834 26617.704967 0.633352 129.839763
18 Ar -185.700 39.9 -185.700 39.9 3.686376 -102.801333 -0.115140 10568.114135 0.013257 11.836560
19 Kr -152.300 83.8 -152.300 83.8 4.428433 -69.401333 0.626917 4816.545068 0.393024 -43.508844
20 Xe -108.100 131.3 -108.100 131.3 4.877485 -25.201333 1.075968 635.107202 1.157708 -27.115836
y log(x)
mean -82.898667 3.801516
variance 7050.465101 0.828803
sd 83.967048 0.910386
covar_logxy = mean(excel['(y-mean(y)) * (log(x)-mean(log(x)))'])
corr_logxy = covar_logxy / (sd_logx * sd_y)
display(excel, pd.DataFrame([[mean_y, mean_logx], [variance_y, variance_logx], [sd_y, sd_logx]], 
                            columns=['y','log(x)'], index=['mean', 'variance', 'sd']),
       pd.DataFrame([covar_logxy, corr_logxy], index=['covariance', 'correlation'], columns=['log(x),y']))
molecule boiling point molecular weight y x log(x) y-mean(y) log(x)-mean(log(x)) (y-mean(y))**2 (log(x)-mean(log(x)))**2 (y-mean(y)) * (log(x)-mean(log(x)))
0 HF 19.500 20.0 19.500 20.0 2.995732 102.398667 -0.805784 10485.486935 0.649288 -82.511226
1 HCl -84.900 36.5 -84.900 36.5 3.597312 -2.001333 -0.204204 4.005335 0.041699 0.408681
2 HBr -67.000 80.9 -67.000 80.9 4.393214 15.898667 0.591697 252.767602 0.350106 9.407199
3 HI -35.100 127.9 -35.100 127.9 4.851249 47.798667 1.049732 2284.712535 1.101938 50.175802
4 H2O 100.000 18.0 100.000 18.0 2.890372 182.898667 -0.911145 33451.922268 0.830185 -166.647151
5 H2S -60.700 34.1 -60.700 34.1 3.529297 22.198667 -0.272219 492.780802 0.074103 -6.042901
6 H2Se -42.000 81.0 -42.000 81.0 4.394449 40.898667 0.592933 1672.700935 0.351569 24.250157
7 H2Te -1.800 129.6 -1.800 129.6 4.864453 81.098667 1.062936 6576.993735 1.129834 86.202719
8 NH3 -33.400 17.0 -33.400 17.0 2.833213 49.498667 -0.968303 2450.118002 0.937611 -47.929713
9 PH3 -87.000 34.0 -87.000 34.0 3.526361 -4.101333 -0.275156 16.820935 0.075711 1.128506
10 AsH3 -55.000 77.9 -55.000 77.9 4.355426 27.898667 0.553909 778.335602 0.306816 15.453336
11 SbH3 -17.100 124.8 -17.100 124.8 4.826712 65.798667 1.025196 4329.464535 1.051027 67.456530
12 CH4 -161.490 16.0 -161.490 16.0 2.772589 -78.591333 -1.028928 6176.597675 1.058692 80.864803
13 SiH4 -111.800 32.1 -111.800 32.1 3.468856 -28.901333 -0.332660 835.287068 0.110663 9.614330
14 GeH4 -90.000 76.6 -90.000 76.6 4.338597 -7.101333 0.537081 50.428935 0.288456 -3.813988
15 SnH4 -52.000 122.7 -52.000 122.7 4.809742 30.898667 1.008226 954.727602 1.016519 31.152836
16 He -268.934 4.0 -268.934 4.0 1.386294 -186.035333 -2.415222 34609.145248 5.833298 449.316648
17 Ne -246.048 20.2 -246.048 20.2 3.005683 -163.149333 -0.795834 26617.704967 0.633352 129.839763
18 Ar -185.700 39.9 -185.700 39.9 3.686376 -102.801333 -0.115140 10568.114135 0.013257 11.836560
19 Kr -152.300 83.8 -152.300 83.8 4.428433 -69.401333 0.626917 4816.545068 0.393024 -43.508844
20 Xe -108.100 131.3 -108.100 131.3 4.877485 -25.201333 1.075968 635.107202 1.157708 -27.115836
y log(x)
mean -82.898667 3.801516
variance 7050.465101 0.828803
sd 83.967048 0.910386
covariance 28.073248
correlation 0.367247
w = corr_logxy * sd_y / sd_logx
t = mean_y - w * mean_logx
display(excel, pd.DataFrame([[mean_y, mean_logx], [variance_y, variance_logx], [sd_y, sd_logx]], 
                            columns=['y', 'log(x)'], index=['mean', 'variance', 'sd']),
        pd.DataFrame([covar_logxy, corr_logxy], index=['covariance', 'correlation'], columns=['log(x),y']),
        pd.DataFrame([[w, t]], columns=["w", "t"], index=["y = f(x) = wlog(x) + t"]))
molecule boiling point molecular weight y x log(x) y-mean(y) log(x)-mean(log(x)) (y-mean(y))**2 (log(x)-mean(log(x)))**2 (y-mean(y)) * (log(x)-mean(log(x)))
0 HF 19.500 20.0 19.500 20.0 2.995732 102.398667 -0.805784 10485.486935 0.649288 -82.511226
1 HCl -84.900 36.5 -84.900 36.5 3.597312 -2.001333 -0.204204 4.005335 0.041699 0.408681
2 HBr -67.000 80.9 -67.000 80.9 4.393214 15.898667 0.591697 252.767602 0.350106 9.407199
3 HI -35.100 127.9 -35.100 127.9 4.851249 47.798667 1.049732 2284.712535 1.101938 50.175802
4 H2O 100.000 18.0 100.000 18.0 2.890372 182.898667 -0.911145 33451.922268 0.830185 -166.647151
5 H2S -60.700 34.1 -60.700 34.1 3.529297 22.198667 -0.272219 492.780802 0.074103 -6.042901
6 H2Se -42.000 81.0 -42.000 81.0 4.394449 40.898667 0.592933 1672.700935 0.351569 24.250157
7 H2Te -1.800 129.6 -1.800 129.6 4.864453 81.098667 1.062936 6576.993735 1.129834 86.202719
8 NH3 -33.400 17.0 -33.400 17.0 2.833213 49.498667 -0.968303 2450.118002 0.937611 -47.929713
9 PH3 -87.000 34.0 -87.000 34.0 3.526361 -4.101333 -0.275156 16.820935 0.075711 1.128506
10 AsH3 -55.000 77.9 -55.000 77.9 4.355426 27.898667 0.553909 778.335602 0.306816 15.453336
11 SbH3 -17.100 124.8 -17.100 124.8 4.826712 65.798667 1.025196 4329.464535 1.051027 67.456530
12 CH4 -161.490 16.0 -161.490 16.0 2.772589 -78.591333 -1.028928 6176.597675 1.058692 80.864803
13 SiH4 -111.800 32.1 -111.800 32.1 3.468856 -28.901333 -0.332660 835.287068 0.110663 9.614330
14 GeH4 -90.000 76.6 -90.000 76.6 4.338597 -7.101333 0.537081 50.428935 0.288456 -3.813988
15 SnH4 -52.000 122.7 -52.000 122.7 4.809742 30.898667 1.008226 954.727602 1.016519 31.152836
16 He -268.934 4.0 -268.934 4.0 1.386294 -186.035333 -2.415222 34609.145248 5.833298 449.316648
17 Ne -246.048 20.2 -246.048 20.2 3.005683 -163.149333 -0.795834 26617.704967 0.633352 129.839763
18 Ar -185.700 39.9 -185.700 39.9 3.686376 -102.801333 -0.115140 10568.114135 0.013257 11.836560
19 Kr -152.300 83.8 -152.300 83.8 4.428433 -69.401333 0.626917 4816.545068 0.393024 -43.508844
20 Xe -108.100 131.3 -108.100 131.3 4.877485 -25.201333 1.075968 635.107202 1.157708 -27.115836
y log(x)
mean -82.898667 3.801516
variance 7050.465101 0.828803
sd 83.967048 0.910386
covariance 28.073248
correlation 0.367247
w t
y = f(x) = wlog(x) + t 33.872055 -211.663841
# 回帰直線の式を関数として表現
def f(x):
    return w * x + t
excel['f(x)'] = f(excel['log(x)'])
display(excel, pd.DataFrame([[mean_y, mean_logx], [variance_y, variance_logx], [sd_y, sd_logx]], 
                            columns=['y','log(x)'], index=['mean', 'variance', 'sd']),
        pd.DataFrame([covar_logxy, corr_logxy], index=['covariance', 'correlation'], columns=['log(x),y']),
        pd.DataFrame([[w, t]], columns=["w", "t"], index=["y = f(x) = wlog(x) + t"]))
molecule boiling point molecular weight y x log(x) y-mean(y) log(x)-mean(log(x)) (y-mean(y))**2 (log(x)-mean(log(x)))**2 (y-mean(y)) * (log(x)-mean(log(x))) f(x)
0 HF 19.500 20.0 19.500 20.0 2.995732 102.398667 -0.805784 10485.486935 0.649288 -82.511226 -110.192233
1 HCl -84.900 36.5 -84.900 36.5 3.597312 -2.001333 -0.204204 4.005335 0.041699 0.408681 -89.815483
2 HBr -67.000 80.9 -67.000 80.9 4.393214 15.898667 0.591697 252.767602 0.350106 9.407199 -62.856661
3 HI -35.100 127.9 -35.100 127.9 4.851249 47.798667 1.049732 2284.712535 1.101938 50.175802 -47.342078
4 H2O 100.000 18.0 100.000 18.0 2.890372 182.898667 -0.911145 33451.922268 0.830185 -166.647151 -113.761010
5 H2S -60.700 34.1 -60.700 34.1 3.529297 22.198667 -0.272219 492.780802 0.074103 -6.042901 -92.119286
6 H2Se -42.000 81.0 -42.000 81.0 4.394449 40.898667 0.592933 1672.700935 0.351569 24.250157 -62.814818
7 H2Te -1.800 129.6 -1.800 129.6 4.864453 81.098667 1.062936 6576.993735 1.129834 86.202719 -46.894829
8 NH3 -33.400 17.0 -33.400 17.0 2.833213 49.498667 -0.968303 2450.118002 0.937611 -47.929713 -115.697083
9 PH3 -87.000 34.0 -87.000 34.0 3.526361 -4.101333 -0.275156 16.820935 0.075711 1.128506 -92.218764
10 AsH3 -55.000 77.9 -55.000 77.9 4.355426 27.898667 0.553909 778.335602 0.306816 15.453336 -64.136614
11 SbH3 -17.100 124.8 -17.100 124.8 4.826712 65.798667 1.025196 4329.464535 1.051027 67.456530 -48.173172
12 CH4 -161.490 16.0 -161.490 16.0 2.772589 -78.591333 -1.028928 6176.597675 1.058692 80.864803 -117.750564
13 SiH4 -111.800 32.1 -111.800 32.1 3.468856 -28.901333 -0.332660 835.287068 0.110663 9.614330 -94.166559
14 GeH4 -90.000 76.6 -90.000 76.6 4.338597 -7.101333 0.537081 50.428935 0.288456 -3.813988 -64.706643
15 SnH4 -52.000 122.7 -52.000 122.7 4.809742 30.898667 1.008226 954.727602 1.016519 31.152836 -48.747984
16 He -268.934 4.0 -268.934 4.0 1.386294 -186.035333 -2.415222 34609.145248 5.833298 449.316648 -164.707202
17 Ne -246.048 20.2 -246.048 20.2 3.005683 -163.149333 -0.795834 26617.704967 0.633352 129.839763 -109.855195
18 Ar -185.700 39.9 -185.700 39.9 3.686376 -102.801333 -0.115140 10568.114135 0.013257 11.836560 -86.798700
19 Kr -152.300 83.8 -152.300 83.8 4.428433 -69.401333 0.626917 4816.545068 0.393024 -43.508844 -61.663715
20 Xe -108.100 131.3 -108.100 131.3 4.877485 -25.201333 1.075968 635.107202 1.157708 -27.115836 -46.453409
y log(x)
mean -82.898667 3.801516
variance 7050.465101 0.828803
sd 83.967048 0.910386
covariance 28.073248
correlation 0.367247
w t
y = f(x) = wlog(x) + t 33.872055 -211.663841
excel['(y-f(x))**2'] = (excel['y'] - excel['f(x)'])**2
display(excel, pd.DataFrame([[mean_y, mean_logx], [variance_y, variance_logx], [sd_y, sd_logx]], 
                            columns=['y','log(x)'], index=['mean', 'variance', 'sd']),
        pd.DataFrame([covar_logxy, corr_logxy], index=['covariance', 'correlation'], columns=['log(x),y']),
        pd.DataFrame([[w, t]], columns=["w", "t"], index=["y = f(x) = wlog(x) + t"]))
molecule boiling point molecular weight y x log(x) y-mean(y) log(x)-mean(log(x)) (y-mean(y))**2 (log(x)-mean(log(x)))**2 (y-mean(y)) * (log(x)-mean(log(x))) f(x) (y-f(x))**2
0 HF 19.500 20.0 19.500 20.0 2.995732 102.398667 -0.805784 10485.486935 0.649288 -82.511226 -110.192233 16820.075290
1 HCl -84.900 36.5 -84.900 36.5 3.597312 -2.001333 -0.204204 4.005335 0.041699 0.408681 -89.815483 24.161969
2 HBr -67.000 80.9 -67.000 80.9 4.393214 15.898667 0.591697 252.767602 0.350106 9.407199 -62.856661 17.167258
3 HI -35.100 127.9 -35.100 127.9 4.851249 47.798667 1.049732 2284.712535 1.101938 50.175802 -47.342078 149.868481
4 H2O 100.000 18.0 100.000 18.0 2.890372 182.898667 -0.911145 33451.922268 0.830185 -166.647151 -113.761010 45693.769454
5 H2S -60.700 34.1 -60.700 34.1 3.529297 22.198667 -0.272219 492.780802 0.074103 -6.042901 -92.119286 987.171545
6 H2Se -42.000 81.0 -42.000 81.0 4.394449 40.898667 0.592933 1672.700935 0.351569 24.250157 -62.814818 433.256643
7 H2Te -1.800 129.6 -1.800 129.6 4.864453 81.098667 1.062936 6576.993735 1.129834 86.202719 -46.894829 2033.543613
8 NH3 -33.400 17.0 -33.400 17.0 2.833213 49.498667 -0.968303 2450.118002 0.937611 -47.929713 -115.697083 6772.809882
9 PH3 -87.000 34.0 -87.000 34.0 3.526361 -4.101333 -0.275156 16.820935 0.075711 1.128506 -92.218764 27.235494
10 AsH3 -55.000 77.9 -55.000 77.9 4.355426 27.898667 0.553909 778.335602 0.306816 15.453336 -64.136614 83.477714
11 SbH3 -17.100 124.8 -17.100 124.8 4.826712 65.798667 1.025196 4329.464535 1.051027 67.456530 -48.173172 965.541992
12 CH4 -161.490 16.0 -161.490 16.0 2.772589 -78.591333 -1.028928 6176.597675 1.058692 80.864803 -117.750564 1913.138297
13 SiH4 -111.800 32.1 -111.800 32.1 3.468856 -28.901333 -0.332660 835.287068 0.110663 9.614330 -94.166559 310.938239
14 GeH4 -90.000 76.6 -90.000 76.6 4.338597 -7.101333 0.537081 50.428935 0.288456 -3.813988 -64.706643 639.753932
15 SnH4 -52.000 122.7 -52.000 122.7 4.809742 30.898667 1.008226 954.727602 1.016519 31.152836 -48.747984 10.575609
16 He -268.934 4.0 -268.934 4.0 1.386294 -186.035333 -2.415222 34609.145248 5.833298 449.316648 -164.707202 10863.225340
17 Ne -246.048 20.2 -246.048 20.2 3.005683 -163.149333 -0.795834 26617.704967 0.633352 129.839763 -109.855195 18548.480187
18 Ar -185.700 39.9 -185.700 39.9 3.686376 -102.801333 -0.115140 10568.114135 0.013257 11.836560 -86.798700 9781.467196
19 Kr -152.300 83.8 -152.300 83.8 4.428433 -69.401333 0.626917 4816.545068 0.393024 -43.508844 -61.663715 8214.936167
20 Xe -108.100 131.3 -108.100 131.3 4.877485 -25.201333 1.075968 635.107202 1.157708 -27.115836 -46.453409 3800.302233
y log(x)
mean -82.898667 3.801516
variance 7050.465101 0.828803
sd 83.967048 0.910386
covariance 28.073248
correlation 0.367247
w t
y = f(x) = wlog(x) + t 33.872055 -211.663841
r2 = 1. - sum(excel['(y-f(x))**2']) / sum(excel['(y-mean(y))**2'])
display(excel, pd.DataFrame([[mean_y, mean_logx], [variance_y, variance_logx], [sd_y, sd_logx]], 
                            columns=['y','log(x)'], index=['mean', 'variance', 'sd']),
        pd.DataFrame([covar_logxy, corr_logxy], index=['covariance', 'correlation'], columns=['log(x),y']),
        pd.DataFrame([[w, t, r2]], columns=["w", "t", "R2"], index=["y = f(x) = wlog(x) + t"]))
molecule boiling point molecular weight y x log(x) y-mean(y) log(x)-mean(log(x)) (y-mean(y))**2 (log(x)-mean(log(x)))**2 (y-mean(y)) * (log(x)-mean(log(x))) f(x) (y-f(x))**2
0 HF 19.500 20.0 19.500 20.0 2.995732 102.398667 -0.805784 10485.486935 0.649288 -82.511226 -110.192233 16820.075290
1 HCl -84.900 36.5 -84.900 36.5 3.597312 -2.001333 -0.204204 4.005335 0.041699 0.408681 -89.815483 24.161969
2 HBr -67.000 80.9 -67.000 80.9 4.393214 15.898667 0.591697 252.767602 0.350106 9.407199 -62.856661 17.167258
3 HI -35.100 127.9 -35.100 127.9 4.851249 47.798667 1.049732 2284.712535 1.101938 50.175802 -47.342078 149.868481
4 H2O 100.000 18.0 100.000 18.0 2.890372 182.898667 -0.911145 33451.922268 0.830185 -166.647151 -113.761010 45693.769454
5 H2S -60.700 34.1 -60.700 34.1 3.529297 22.198667 -0.272219 492.780802 0.074103 -6.042901 -92.119286 987.171545
6 H2Se -42.000 81.0 -42.000 81.0 4.394449 40.898667 0.592933 1672.700935 0.351569 24.250157 -62.814818 433.256643
7 H2Te -1.800 129.6 -1.800 129.6 4.864453 81.098667 1.062936 6576.993735 1.129834 86.202719 -46.894829 2033.543613
8 NH3 -33.400 17.0 -33.400 17.0 2.833213 49.498667 -0.968303 2450.118002 0.937611 -47.929713 -115.697083 6772.809882
9 PH3 -87.000 34.0 -87.000 34.0 3.526361 -4.101333 -0.275156 16.820935 0.075711 1.128506 -92.218764 27.235494
10 AsH3 -55.000 77.9 -55.000 77.9 4.355426 27.898667 0.553909 778.335602 0.306816 15.453336 -64.136614 83.477714
11 SbH3 -17.100 124.8 -17.100 124.8 4.826712 65.798667 1.025196 4329.464535 1.051027 67.456530 -48.173172 965.541992
12 CH4 -161.490 16.0 -161.490 16.0 2.772589 -78.591333 -1.028928 6176.597675 1.058692 80.864803 -117.750564 1913.138297
13 SiH4 -111.800 32.1 -111.800 32.1 3.468856 -28.901333 -0.332660 835.287068 0.110663 9.614330 -94.166559 310.938239
14 GeH4 -90.000 76.6 -90.000 76.6 4.338597 -7.101333 0.537081 50.428935 0.288456 -3.813988 -64.706643 639.753932
15 SnH4 -52.000 122.7 -52.000 122.7 4.809742 30.898667 1.008226 954.727602 1.016519 31.152836 -48.747984 10.575609
16 He -268.934 4.0 -268.934 4.0 1.386294 -186.035333 -2.415222 34609.145248 5.833298 449.316648 -164.707202 10863.225340
17 Ne -246.048 20.2 -246.048 20.2 3.005683 -163.149333 -0.795834 26617.704967 0.633352 129.839763 -109.855195 18548.480187
18 Ar -185.700 39.9 -185.700 39.9 3.686376 -102.801333 -0.115140 10568.114135 0.013257 11.836560 -86.798700 9781.467196
19 Kr -152.300 83.8 -152.300 83.8 4.428433 -69.401333 0.626917 4816.545068 0.393024 -43.508844 -61.663715 8214.936167
20 Xe -108.100 131.3 -108.100 131.3 4.877485 -25.201333 1.075968 635.107202 1.157708 -27.115836 -46.453409 3800.302233
y log(x)
mean -82.898667 3.801516
variance 7050.465101 0.828803
sd 83.967048 0.910386
covariance 28.073248
correlation 0.367247
w t R2
y = f(x) = wlog(x) + t 33.872055 -211.663841 0.13487



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