
More than 5 years have passed since last update.


Last updated at Posted at 2018-10-30




import pandas as pd
data = [['HF', 19.5, 20.0, 1.826567],
        ['HCl', -84.9, 36.5, 1.1086],
        ['HBr', -67.0, 80.9, 0.8271],
        ['HI', -35.1, 127.9, 0.4477],
        ['H2O', 100.0, 18.0, 1.8546],
        ['H2S', -60.7, 34.1, 0.978325],
        ['H2Se', -42, 81.0, 0.627],
        ['NH3', -33.4, 17.0, 1.471772],
        ['PH3', -87, 34.0, 0.57397],
        ['AsH3', -55, 77.9, 0.217],
        ['SbH3', -17.1, 124.8, 0.116],
        ['CH4', -161.49, 16.0, 0],
        ['SiH4', -111.8, 32.1, 0],
        ['GeH4', -90, 76.6, 0],
        ['SnH4', -52, 122.7, 0],
        ['He', -268.934, 4.0, 0],
        ['Ne', -246.048, 20.2, 0],
        ['Ar', -185.7, 39.9, 0],
        ['Kr', -152.3, 83.8, 0],
        ['Xe', -108.1, 131.3, 0],
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns = ['molecule', 'boiling point', 'molecular weight', 'dipole monent'])
molecule boiling point molecular weight dipole monent
0 HF 19.500 20.0 1.826567
1 HCl -84.900 36.5 1.108600
2 HBr -67.000 80.9 0.827100
3 HI -35.100 127.9 0.447700
4 H2O 100.000 18.0 1.854600
5 H2S -60.700 34.1 0.978325
6 H2Se -42.000 81.0 0.627000
7 NH3 -33.400 17.0 1.471772
8 PH3 -87.000 34.0 0.573970
9 AsH3 -55.000 77.9 0.217000
10 SbH3 -17.100 124.8 0.116000
11 CH4 -161.490 16.0 0.000000
12 SiH4 -111.800 32.1 0.000000
13 GeH4 -90.000 76.6 0.000000
14 SnH4 -52.000 122.7 0.000000
15 He -268.934 4.0 0.000000
16 Ne -246.048 20.2 0.000000
17 Ar -185.700 39.9 0.000000
18 Kr -152.300 83.8 0.000000
19 Xe -108.100 131.3 0.000000


X = df.loc[:, ['molecular weight', 'dipole monent']].as_matrix()
array([[  2.00000000e+01,   1.82656700e+00],
       [  3.65000000e+01,   1.10860000e+00],
       [  8.09000000e+01,   8.27100000e-01],
       [  1.27900000e+02,   4.47700000e-01],
       [  1.80000000e+01,   1.85460000e+00],
       [  3.41000000e+01,   9.78325000e-01],
       [  8.10000000e+01,   6.27000000e-01],
       [  1.70000000e+01,   1.47177200e+00],
       [  3.40000000e+01,   5.73970000e-01],
       [  7.79000000e+01,   2.17000000e-01],
       [  1.24800000e+02,   1.16000000e-01],
       [  1.60000000e+01,   0.00000000e+00],
       [  3.21000000e+01,   0.00000000e+00],
       [  7.66000000e+01,   0.00000000e+00],
       [  1.22700000e+02,   0.00000000e+00],
       [  4.00000000e+00,   0.00000000e+00],
       [  2.02000000e+01,   0.00000000e+00],
       [  3.99000000e+01,   0.00000000e+00],
       [  8.38000000e+01,   0.00000000e+00],
       [  1.31300000e+02,   0.00000000e+00]])


Y = df['boiling point'].as_matrix()
array([  19.5  ,  -84.9  ,  -67.   ,  -35.1  ,  100.   ,  -60.7  ,
        -42.   ,  -33.4  ,  -87.   ,  -55.   ,  -17.1  , -161.49 ,
       -111.8  ,  -90.   ,  -52.   , -268.934, -246.048, -185.7  ,
       -152.3  , -108.1  ])


%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pandas.tools.plotting import *


まずは一番便利な scikit-learn から


from sklearn import linear_model
lr = linear_model.LinearRegression()
lr.fit(X, Y)
LinearRegression(copy_X=True, fit_intercept=True, n_jobs=1, normalize=False)
# 回帰係数
array([   1.17775083,  124.38195483])
# 切片
print("y = f(x) = w1x1 + w2x2 + t; (w1, w2, t) = ({0}, {1}, {2})".format(lr.coef_[0], lr.coef_[1], lr.intercept_))
y = f(x) = w1x1 + w2x2 + t; (w1, w2, t) = (1.1777508314139944, 124.38195482549655, -218.8577822616812)
# 決定係数
lr.score(X, Y)
lr.predict([200, 0.5])
array([ 78.88336143])
lr.predict([[150, 0], [100, 1.0]])
array([-42.19515755,  23.29925571])



# 平均値を求める関数
def mean(list):
    sum = 0
    for x in list:
        sum += x
    return sum / len(list)
# 分散を求める関数
def variance(list):
    ave = mean(list)
    sum = 0
    for x in list:
        sum += (x - ave) ** 2
    return sum / len(list)
# 標準偏差を求める関数
import math
def standard_deviation(list):
    return math.sqrt(variance(list))
# 共分散 = 偏差積の平均
def covariance(list1, list2): 
    mean1 = mean(list1)
    mean2 = mean(list2)
    sum = 0
    for d1, d2 in zip(list1, list2):
        sum += (d1 - mean1) * (d2 - mean2)
    return sum / len(list1)
# 相関係数 = 共分散を list1, list2 の標準偏差で割ったもの
def correlation(list1, list2):
    return covariance(list1, list2) / (standard_deviation(list1) * standard_deviation(list2))
# a の影響を除いた、b と y の偏回帰係数 partial regression coefficient を求める関数
def partial_regression(a, b, y):
    rby = correlation(b, y)
    ray = correlation(a, y)
    rab = correlation(a, b)
    return (rby - ray * rab) * standard_deviation(y) / ((1 - rab ** 2) * standard_deviation(b))
# 定数 w1 = (x2 の影響を除いた、x1 と y の偏回帰係数)
w1 = partial_regression(X[:, 1], X[:, 0], Y)
# 定数 w2 = (x1 の影響を除いた、x2 と y の偏回帰係数)
w2 = partial_regression(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], Y)
# 定数 t = yの平均 - w1*x1の平均 - w2*x2の平均
t = mean(Y) - w1 * mean(X[:, 0]) - w2 * mean(X[:, 1])
# 回帰直線の式を表示
print("y = f(x) = w1x1 + w2x2 + t; (w1, w2, t) = ({0}, {1}, {2})".format(w1, w2, t))
y = f(x) = w1x1 + w2x2 + t; (w1, w2, t) = (1.1777508314139928, 124.38195482549644, -218.85778226168105)
def f(X):
    return w1 * X[:, 0] + w2 * X[:, 1] + t
r2 = 1. - sum((Y - f(X))**2) / sum((Y - mean(Y))**2)

さて、表計算で解けと言われたので pandas で書いてみましょうか。


import copy
from IPython.display import display
excel = copy.deepcopy(df)
molecule boiling point molecular weight dipole monent
0 HF 19.500 20.0 1.826567
1 HCl -84.900 36.5 1.108600
2 HBr -67.000 80.9 0.827100
3 HI -35.100 127.9 0.447700
4 H2O 100.000 18.0 1.854600
5 H2S -60.700 34.1 0.978325
6 H2Se -42.000 81.0 0.627000
7 NH3 -33.400 17.0 1.471772
8 PH3 -87.000 34.0 0.573970
9 AsH3 -55.000 77.9 0.217000
10 SbH3 -17.100 124.8 0.116000
11 CH4 -161.490 16.0 0.000000
12 SiH4 -111.800 32.1 0.000000
13 GeH4 -90.000 76.6 0.000000
14 SnH4 -52.000 122.7 0.000000
15 He -268.934 4.0 0.000000
16 Ne -246.048 20.2 0.000000
17 Ar -185.700 39.9 0.000000
18 Kr -152.300 83.8 0.000000
19 Xe -108.100 131.3 0.000000
excel['y'] = excel['boiling point']
excel['x1'] = excel['molecular weight']
excel['x2'] = excel['dipole monent']
mean_y = mean(excel['y'])
mean_x1 = mean(excel['x1'])
mean_x2 = mean(excel['x2'])
display(excel, pd.DataFrame([[mean_y, mean_x1, mean_x2]], columns=['y','x1', 'x2'], index=['mean']))
molecule boiling point molecular weight dipole monent y x1 x2
0 HF 19.500 20.0 1.826567 19.500 20.0 1.826567
1 HCl -84.900 36.5 1.108600 -84.900 36.5 1.108600
2 HBr -67.000 80.9 0.827100 -67.000 80.9 0.827100
3 HI -35.100 127.9 0.447700 -35.100 127.9 0.447700
4 H2O 100.000 18.0 1.854600 100.000 18.0 1.854600
5 H2S -60.700 34.1 0.978325 -60.700 34.1 0.978325
6 H2Se -42.000 81.0 0.627000 -42.000 81.0 0.627000
7 NH3 -33.400 17.0 1.471772 -33.400 17.0 1.471772
8 PH3 -87.000 34.0 0.573970 -87.000 34.0 0.573970
9 AsH3 -55.000 77.9 0.217000 -55.000 77.9 0.217000
10 SbH3 -17.100 124.8 0.116000 -17.100 124.8 0.116000
11 CH4 -161.490 16.0 0.000000 -161.490 16.0 0.000000
12 SiH4 -111.800 32.1 0.000000 -111.800 32.1 0.000000
13 GeH4 -90.000 76.6 0.000000 -90.000 76.6 0.000000
14 SnH4 -52.000 122.7 0.000000 -52.000 122.7 0.000000
15 He -268.934 4.0 0.000000 -268.934 4.0 0.000000
16 Ne -246.048 20.2 0.000000 -246.048 20.2 0.000000
17 Ar -185.700 39.9 0.000000 -185.700 39.9 0.000000
18 Kr -152.300 83.8 0.000000 -152.300 83.8 0.000000
19 Xe -108.100 131.3 0.000000 -108.100 131.3 0.000000
y x1 x2
mean -86.9536 58.935 0.502432
excel['y-mean(y)'] = [y - mean_y for y in excel['y']]
excel['x1-mean(x1)'] = [x1 - mean_x1 for x1 in excel['x1']]
excel['x2-mean(x2)'] = [x2 - mean_x2 for x2 in excel['x2']]
display(excel, pd.DataFrame([[mean_y, mean_x1, mean_x2]], columns=['y','x1', 'x2'], index=['mean']))
molecule boiling point molecular weight dipole monent y x1 x2 y-mean(y) x1-mean(x1) x2-mean(x2)
0 HF 19.500 20.0 1.826567 19.500 20.0 1.826567 106.4536 -38.935 1.324135
1 HCl -84.900 36.5 1.108600 -84.900 36.5 1.108600 2.0536 -22.435 0.606168
2 HBr -67.000 80.9 0.827100 -67.000 80.9 0.827100 19.9536 21.965 0.324668
3 HI -35.100 127.9 0.447700 -35.100 127.9 0.447700 51.8536 68.965 -0.054732
4 H2O 100.000 18.0 1.854600 100.000 18.0 1.854600 186.9536 -40.935 1.352168
5 H2S -60.700 34.1 0.978325 -60.700 34.1 0.978325 26.2536 -24.835 0.475893
6 H2Se -42.000 81.0 0.627000 -42.000 81.0 0.627000 44.9536 22.065 0.124568
7 NH3 -33.400 17.0 1.471772 -33.400 17.0 1.471772 53.5536 -41.935 0.969340
8 PH3 -87.000 34.0 0.573970 -87.000 34.0 0.573970 -0.0464 -24.935 0.071538
9 AsH3 -55.000 77.9 0.217000 -55.000 77.9 0.217000 31.9536 18.965 -0.285432
10 SbH3 -17.100 124.8 0.116000 -17.100 124.8 0.116000 69.8536 65.865 -0.386432
11 CH4 -161.490 16.0 0.000000 -161.490 16.0 0.000000 -74.5364 -42.935 -0.502432
12 SiH4 -111.800 32.1 0.000000 -111.800 32.1 0.000000 -24.8464 -26.835 -0.502432
13 GeH4 -90.000 76.6 0.000000 -90.000 76.6 0.000000 -3.0464 17.665 -0.502432
14 SnH4 -52.000 122.7 0.000000 -52.000 122.7 0.000000 34.9536 63.765 -0.502432
15 He -268.934 4.0 0.000000 -268.934 4.0 0.000000 -181.9804 -54.935 -0.502432
16 Ne -246.048 20.2 0.000000 -246.048 20.2 0.000000 -159.0944 -38.735 -0.502432
17 Ar -185.700 39.9 0.000000 -185.700 39.9 0.000000 -98.7464 -19.035 -0.502432
18 Kr -152.300 83.8 0.000000 -152.300 83.8 0.000000 -65.3464 24.865 -0.502432
19 Xe -108.100 131.3 0.000000 -108.100 131.3 0.000000 -21.1464 72.365 -0.502432
y x1 x2
mean -86.9536 58.935 0.502432
excel['(y-mean(y))**2'] = [sa ** 2 for sa in excel['y-mean(y)']]
excel['(x1-mean(x1))**2'] = [sa ** 2 for sa in excel['x1-mean(x1)']]
excel['(x2-mean(x2))**2'] = [sa ** 2 for sa in excel['x2-mean(x2)']]
display(excel, pd.DataFrame([[mean_y, mean_x1, mean_x2]], columns=['y','x1', 'x2'], index=['mean']))
molecule boiling point molecular weight dipole monent y x1 x2 y-mean(y) x1-mean(x1) x2-mean(x2) (y-mean(y))**2 (x1-mean(x1))**2 (x2-mean(x2))**2
0 HF 19.500 20.0 1.826567 19.500 20.0 1.826567 106.4536 -38.935 1.324135 11332.368953 1515.934225 1.753334
1 HCl -84.900 36.5 1.108600 -84.900 36.5 1.108600 2.0536 -22.435 0.606168 4.217273 503.329225 0.367440
2 HBr -67.000 80.9 0.827100 -67.000 80.9 0.827100 19.9536 21.965 0.324668 398.146153 482.461225 0.105410
3 HI -35.100 127.9 0.447700 -35.100 127.9 0.447700 51.8536 68.965 -0.054732 2688.795833 4756.171225 0.002996
4 H2O 100.000 18.0 1.854600 100.000 18.0 1.854600 186.9536 -40.935 1.352168 34951.648553 1675.674225 1.828359
5 H2S -60.700 34.1 0.978325 -60.700 34.1 0.978325 26.2536 -24.835 0.475893 689.251513 616.777225 0.226474
6 H2Se -42.000 81.0 0.627000 -42.000 81.0 0.627000 44.9536 22.065 0.124568 2020.826153 486.864225 0.015517
7 NH3 -33.400 17.0 1.471772 -33.400 17.0 1.471772 53.5536 -41.935 0.969340 2867.988073 1758.544225 0.939621
8 PH3 -87.000 34.0 0.573970 -87.000 34.0 0.573970 -0.0464 -24.935 0.071538 0.002153 621.754225 0.005118
9 AsH3 -55.000 77.9 0.217000 -55.000 77.9 0.217000 31.9536 18.965 -0.285432 1021.032553 359.671225 0.081471
10 SbH3 -17.100 124.8 0.116000 -17.100 124.8 0.116000 69.8536 65.865 -0.386432 4879.525433 4338.198225 0.149329
11 CH4 -161.490 16.0 0.000000 -161.490 16.0 0.000000 -74.5364 -42.935 -0.502432 5555.674925 1843.414225 0.252438
12 SiH4 -111.800 32.1 0.000000 -111.800 32.1 0.000000 -24.8464 -26.835 -0.502432 617.343593 720.117225 0.252438
13 GeH4 -90.000 76.6 0.000000 -90.000 76.6 0.000000 -3.0464 17.665 -0.502432 9.280553 312.052225 0.252438
14 SnH4 -52.000 122.7 0.000000 -52.000 122.7 0.000000 34.9536 63.765 -0.502432 1221.754153 4065.975225 0.252438
15 He -268.934 4.0 0.000000 -268.934 4.0 0.000000 -181.9804 -54.935 -0.502432 33116.865984 3017.854225 0.252438
16 Ne -246.048 20.2 0.000000 -246.048 20.2 0.000000 -159.0944 -38.735 -0.502432 25311.028111 1500.400225 0.252438
17 Ar -185.700 39.9 0.000000 -185.700 39.9 0.000000 -98.7464 -19.035 -0.502432 9750.851513 362.331225 0.252438
18 Kr -152.300 83.8 0.000000 -152.300 83.8 0.000000 -65.3464 24.865 -0.502432 4270.151993 618.268225 0.252438
19 Xe -108.100 131.3 0.000000 -108.100 131.3 0.000000 -21.1464 72.365 -0.502432 447.170233 5236.693225 0.252438
y x1 x2
mean -86.9536 58.935 0.502432
variance_y = mean(excel['(y-mean(y))**2'])
variance_x1 = mean(excel['(x1-mean(x1))**2'])
variance_x2 = mean(excel['(x2-mean(x2))**2'])
sd_y = math.sqrt(variance_y)
sd_x1 = math.sqrt(variance_x1)
sd_x2 = math.sqrt(variance_x2)
display(excel, pd.DataFrame([[mean_y, mean_x1, mean_x2], 
                             [variance_y, variance_x1, variance_x2], 
                             [sd_y, sd_x1, sd_x2]], 
                            columns=['y','x1', 'x2'], index=['mean', 'variance', 'sd']))
molecule boiling point molecular weight dipole monent y x1 x2 y-mean(y) x1-mean(x1) x2-mean(x2) (y-mean(y))**2 (x1-mean(x1))**2 (x2-mean(x2))**2
0 HF 19.500 20.0 1.826567 19.500 20.0 1.826567 106.4536 -38.935 1.324135 11332.368953 1515.934225 1.753334
1 HCl -84.900 36.5 1.108600 -84.900 36.5 1.108600 2.0536 -22.435 0.606168 4.217273 503.329225 0.367440
2 HBr -67.000 80.9 0.827100 -67.000 80.9 0.827100 19.9536 21.965 0.324668 398.146153 482.461225 0.105410
3 HI -35.100 127.9 0.447700 -35.100 127.9 0.447700 51.8536 68.965 -0.054732 2688.795833 4756.171225 0.002996
4 H2O 100.000 18.0 1.854600 100.000 18.0 1.854600 186.9536 -40.935 1.352168 34951.648553 1675.674225 1.828359
5 H2S -60.700 34.1 0.978325 -60.700 34.1 0.978325 26.2536 -24.835 0.475893 689.251513 616.777225 0.226474
6 H2Se -42.000 81.0 0.627000 -42.000 81.0 0.627000 44.9536 22.065 0.124568 2020.826153 486.864225 0.015517
7 NH3 -33.400 17.0 1.471772 -33.400 17.0 1.471772 53.5536 -41.935 0.969340 2867.988073 1758.544225 0.939621
8 PH3 -87.000 34.0 0.573970 -87.000 34.0 0.573970 -0.0464 -24.935 0.071538 0.002153 621.754225 0.005118
9 AsH3 -55.000 77.9 0.217000 -55.000 77.9 0.217000 31.9536 18.965 -0.285432 1021.032553 359.671225 0.081471
10 SbH3 -17.100 124.8 0.116000 -17.100 124.8 0.116000 69.8536 65.865 -0.386432 4879.525433 4338.198225 0.149329
11 CH4 -161.490 16.0 0.000000 -161.490 16.0 0.000000 -74.5364 -42.935 -0.502432 5555.674925 1843.414225 0.252438
12 SiH4 -111.800 32.1 0.000000 -111.800 32.1 0.000000 -24.8464 -26.835 -0.502432 617.343593 720.117225 0.252438
13 GeH4 -90.000 76.6 0.000000 -90.000 76.6 0.000000 -3.0464 17.665 -0.502432 9.280553 312.052225 0.252438
14 SnH4 -52.000 122.7 0.000000 -52.000 122.7 0.000000 34.9536 63.765 -0.502432 1221.754153 4065.975225 0.252438
15 He -268.934 4.0 0.000000 -268.934 4.0 0.000000 -181.9804 -54.935 -0.502432 33116.865984 3017.854225 0.252438
16 Ne -246.048 20.2 0.000000 -246.048 20.2 0.000000 -159.0944 -38.735 -0.502432 25311.028111 1500.400225 0.252438
17 Ar -185.700 39.9 0.000000 -185.700 39.9 0.000000 -98.7464 -19.035 -0.502432 9750.851513 362.331225 0.252438
18 Kr -152.300 83.8 0.000000 -152.300 83.8 0.000000 -65.3464 24.865 -0.502432 4270.151993 618.268225 0.252438
19 Xe -108.100 131.3 0.000000 -108.100 131.3 0.000000 -21.1464 72.365 -0.502432 447.170233 5236.693225 0.252438
y x1 x2
mean -86.953600 58.935000 0.502432
variance 7057.696185 1739.624275 0.387350
sd 84.010096 41.708803 0.622375
excel['(x1-mean(x1)) * (x2-mean(x2))'] = excel['x1-mean(x1)'] * excel['x2-mean(x2)']
excel['(y-mean(y)) * (x1-mean(x1))'] = excel['y-mean(y)'] * excel['x1-mean(x1)']
excel['(y-mean(y)) * (x2-mean(x2))'] = excel['y-mean(y)'] * excel['x2-mean(x2)']
display(excel, pd.DataFrame([[mean_y, mean_x1, mean_x2], 
                             [variance_y, variance_x1, variance_x2], 
                             [sd_y, sd_x1, sd_x2]], 
                            columns=['y','x1', 'x2'], index=['mean', 'variance', 'sd']))
molecule boiling point molecular weight dipole monent y x1 x2 y-mean(y) x1-mean(x1) x2-mean(x2) (y-mean(y))**2 (x1-mean(x1))**2 (x2-mean(x2))**2 (x1-mean(x1)) * (x2-mean(x2)) (y-mean(y)) * (x1-mean(x1)) (y-mean(y)) * (x2-mean(x2))
0 HF 19.500 20.0 1.826567 19.500 20.0 1.826567 106.4536 -38.935 1.324135 11332.368953 1515.934225 1.753334 -51.555208 -4144.770916 140.958970
1 HCl -84.900 36.5 1.108600 -84.900 36.5 1.108600 2.0536 -22.435 0.606168 4.217273 503.329225 0.367440 -13.599386 -46.072516 1.244827
2 HBr -67.000 80.9 0.827100 -67.000 80.9 0.827100 19.9536 21.965 0.324668 398.146153 482.461225 0.105410 7.131339 438.280824 6.478301
3 HI -35.100 127.9 0.447700 -35.100 127.9 0.447700 51.8536 68.965 -0.054732 2688.795833 4756.171225 0.002996 -3.774572 3576.083524 -2.838036
4 H2O 100.000 18.0 1.854600 100.000 18.0 1.854600 186.9536 -40.935 1.352168 34951.648553 1675.674225 1.828359 -55.351009 -7652.945616 252.792731
5 H2S -60.700 34.1 0.978325 -60.700 34.1 0.978325 26.2536 -24.835 0.475893 689.251513 616.777225 0.226474 -11.818810 -652.008156 12.493912
6 H2Se -42.000 81.0 0.627000 -42.000 81.0 0.627000 44.9536 22.065 0.124568 2020.826153 486.864225 0.015517 2.748600 991.901184 5.599794
7 NH3 -33.400 17.0 1.471772 -33.400 17.0 1.471772 53.5536 -41.935 0.969340 2867.988073 1758.544225 0.939621 -40.649285 -2245.770216 51.911663
8 PH3 -87.000 34.0 0.573970 -87.000 34.0 0.573970 -0.0464 -24.935 0.071538 0.002153 621.754225 0.005118 -1.783808 1.156984 -0.003319
9 AsH3 -55.000 77.9 0.217000 -55.000 77.9 0.217000 31.9536 18.965 -0.285432 1021.032553 359.671225 0.081471 -5.413212 606.000024 -9.120570
10 SbH3 -17.100 124.8 0.116000 -17.100 124.8 0.116000 69.8536 65.865 -0.386432 4879.525433 4338.198225 0.149329 -25.452324 4600.907364 -26.993645
11 CH4 -161.490 16.0 0.000000 -161.490 16.0 0.000000 -74.5364 -42.935 -0.502432 5555.674925 1843.414225 0.252438 21.571905 3200.220334 37.449450
12 SiH4 -111.800 32.1 0.000000 -111.800 32.1 0.000000 -24.8464 -26.835 -0.502432 617.343593 720.117225 0.252438 13.482755 666.753144 12.483619
13 GeH4 -90.000 76.6 0.000000 -90.000 76.6 0.000000 -3.0464 17.665 -0.502432 9.280553 312.052225 0.252438 -8.875456 -53.814656 1.530608
14 SnH4 -52.000 122.7 0.000000 -52.000 122.7 0.000000 34.9536 63.765 -0.502432 1221.754153 4065.975225 0.252438 -32.037557 2228.816304 -17.561797
15 He -268.934 4.0 0.000000 -268.934 4.0 0.000000 -181.9804 -54.935 -0.502432 33116.865984 3017.854225 0.252438 27.601085 9997.093274 91.432722
16 Ne -246.048 20.2 0.000000 -246.048 20.2 0.000000 -159.0944 -38.735 -0.502432 25311.028111 1500.400225 0.252438 19.461692 6162.521584 79.934070
17 Ar -185.700 39.9 0.000000 -185.700 39.9 0.000000 -98.7464 -19.035 -0.502432 9750.851513 362.331225 0.252438 9.563787 1879.637724 49.613322
18 Kr -152.300 83.8 0.000000 -152.300 83.8 0.000000 -65.3464 24.865 -0.502432 4270.151993 618.268225 0.252438 -12.492964 -1624.838236 32.832103
19 Xe -108.100 131.3 0.000000 -108.100 131.3 0.000000 -21.1464 72.365 -0.502432 447.170233 5236.693225 0.252438 -36.358470 -1530.259236 10.624622
y x1 x2
mean -86.953600 58.935000 0.502432
variance 7057.696185 1739.624275 0.387350
sd 84.010096 41.708803 0.622375
covar_x1x2 = mean(excel['(x1-mean(x1)) * (x2-mean(x2))'])
covar_x1y = mean(excel['(y-mean(y)) * (x1-mean(x1))'])
covar_x2y = mean(excel['(y-mean(y)) * (x2-mean(x2))'])

corr_x1x2 = covar_x1x2 / (sd_x1 * sd_x2)
corr_x1y = covar_x1y / (sd_x1 * sd_y)
corr_x2y = covar_x2y / (sd_x2 * sd_y)
display(excel, pd.DataFrame([[mean_y, mean_x1, mean_x2], 
                             [variance_y, variance_x1, variance_x2], 
                             [sd_y, sd_x1, sd_x2]], 
                            columns=['y','x1', 'x2'], index=['mean', 'variance', 'sd']),
       pd.DataFrame([[covar_x1x2, covar_x1y, covar_x2y], [corr_x1x2, corr_x1y, corr_x2y]], 
                    index=['covariance', 'correlation'], columns=['x1,x2','x1,y', 'x2,y']))
molecule boiling point molecular weight dipole monent y x1 x2 y-mean(y) x1-mean(x1) x2-mean(x2) (y-mean(y))**2 (x1-mean(x1))**2 (x2-mean(x2))**2 (x1-mean(x1)) * (x2-mean(x2)) (y-mean(y)) * (x1-mean(x1)) (y-mean(y)) * (x2-mean(x2))
0 HF 19.500 20.0 1.826567 19.500 20.0 1.826567 106.4536 -38.935 1.324135 11332.368953 1515.934225 1.753334 -51.555208 -4144.770916 140.958970
1 HCl -84.900 36.5 1.108600 -84.900 36.5 1.108600 2.0536 -22.435 0.606168 4.217273 503.329225 0.367440 -13.599386 -46.072516 1.244827
2 HBr -67.000 80.9 0.827100 -67.000 80.9 0.827100 19.9536 21.965 0.324668 398.146153 482.461225 0.105410 7.131339 438.280824 6.478301
3 HI -35.100 127.9 0.447700 -35.100 127.9 0.447700 51.8536 68.965 -0.054732 2688.795833 4756.171225 0.002996 -3.774572 3576.083524 -2.838036
4 H2O 100.000 18.0 1.854600 100.000 18.0 1.854600 186.9536 -40.935 1.352168 34951.648553 1675.674225 1.828359 -55.351009 -7652.945616 252.792731
5 H2S -60.700 34.1 0.978325 -60.700 34.1 0.978325 26.2536 -24.835 0.475893 689.251513 616.777225 0.226474 -11.818810 -652.008156 12.493912
6 H2Se -42.000 81.0 0.627000 -42.000 81.0 0.627000 44.9536 22.065 0.124568 2020.826153 486.864225 0.015517 2.748600 991.901184 5.599794
7 NH3 -33.400 17.0 1.471772 -33.400 17.0 1.471772 53.5536 -41.935 0.969340 2867.988073 1758.544225 0.939621 -40.649285 -2245.770216 51.911663
8 PH3 -87.000 34.0 0.573970 -87.000 34.0 0.573970 -0.0464 -24.935 0.071538 0.002153 621.754225 0.005118 -1.783808 1.156984 -0.003319
9 AsH3 -55.000 77.9 0.217000 -55.000 77.9 0.217000 31.9536 18.965 -0.285432 1021.032553 359.671225 0.081471 -5.413212 606.000024 -9.120570
10 SbH3 -17.100 124.8 0.116000 -17.100 124.8 0.116000 69.8536 65.865 -0.386432 4879.525433 4338.198225 0.149329 -25.452324 4600.907364 -26.993645
11 CH4 -161.490 16.0 0.000000 -161.490 16.0 0.000000 -74.5364 -42.935 -0.502432 5555.674925 1843.414225 0.252438 21.571905 3200.220334 37.449450
12 SiH4 -111.800 32.1 0.000000 -111.800 32.1 0.000000 -24.8464 -26.835 -0.502432 617.343593 720.117225 0.252438 13.482755 666.753144 12.483619
13 GeH4 -90.000 76.6 0.000000 -90.000 76.6 0.000000 -3.0464 17.665 -0.502432 9.280553 312.052225 0.252438 -8.875456 -53.814656 1.530608
14 SnH4 -52.000 122.7 0.000000 -52.000 122.7 0.000000 34.9536 63.765 -0.502432 1221.754153 4065.975225 0.252438 -32.037557 2228.816304 -17.561797
15 He -268.934 4.0 0.000000 -268.934 4.0 0.000000 -181.9804 -54.935 -0.502432 33116.865984 3017.854225 0.252438 27.601085 9997.093274 91.432722
16 Ne -246.048 20.2 0.000000 -246.048 20.2 0.000000 -159.0944 -38.735 -0.502432 25311.028111 1500.400225 0.252438 19.461692 6162.521584 79.934070
17 Ar -185.700 39.9 0.000000 -185.700 39.9 0.000000 -98.7464 -19.035 -0.502432 9750.851513 362.331225 0.252438 9.563787 1879.637724 49.613322
18 Kr -152.300 83.8 0.000000 -152.300 83.8 0.000000 -65.3464 24.865 -0.502432 4270.151993 618.268225 0.252438 -12.492964 -1624.838236 32.832103
19 Xe -108.100 131.3 0.000000 -108.100 131.3 0.000000 -21.1464 72.365 -0.502432 447.170233 5236.693225 0.252438 -36.358470 -1530.259236 10.624622
y x1 x2
mean -86.953600 58.935000 0.502432
variance 7057.696185 1739.624275 0.387350
sd 84.010096 41.708803 0.622375
x1,x2 x1,y x2,y
covariance -9.880045 819.944636 36.543167
correlation -0.380609 0.234005 0.698912
w1 = (corr_x1y - corr_x2y * corr_x1x2) * sd_y / ((1 - corr_x1x2 ** 2) * sd_x1)
w2 = (corr_x2y - corr_x1y * corr_x1x2) * sd_y / ((1 - corr_x1x2 ** 2) * sd_x2)
t = mean_y - w1 * mean_x1 - w2 * mean_x2
        pd.DataFrame([[mean_y, mean_x1, mean_x2], 
                      [variance_y, variance_x1, variance_x2], 
                      [sd_y, sd_x1, sd_x2]], 
                     columns=['y','x1', 'x2'], index=['mean', 'variance', 'sd']),
        pd.DataFrame([[covar_x1x2, covar_x1y, covar_x2y], [corr_x1x2, corr_x1y, corr_x2y]], 
                     index=['covariance', 'correlation'], columns=['x1,x2','x1,y', 'x2,y']),
        pd.DataFrame([[w1, w2, t]], columns=["w1", "w2", "t"], index=["y = f(x) = w1x1 + w2x2 + t"]))
molecule boiling point molecular weight dipole monent y x1 x2 y-mean(y) x1-mean(x1) x2-mean(x2) (y-mean(y))**2 (x1-mean(x1))**2 (x2-mean(x2))**2 (x1-mean(x1)) * (x2-mean(x2)) (y-mean(y)) * (x1-mean(x1)) (y-mean(y)) * (x2-mean(x2))
0 HF 19.500 20.0 1.826567 19.500 20.0 1.826567 106.4536 -38.935 1.324135 11332.368953 1515.934225 1.753334 -51.555208 -4144.770916 140.958970
1 HCl -84.900 36.5 1.108600 -84.900 36.5 1.108600 2.0536 -22.435 0.606168 4.217273 503.329225 0.367440 -13.599386 -46.072516 1.244827
2 HBr -67.000 80.9 0.827100 -67.000 80.9 0.827100 19.9536 21.965 0.324668 398.146153 482.461225 0.105410 7.131339 438.280824 6.478301
3 HI -35.100 127.9 0.447700 -35.100 127.9 0.447700 51.8536 68.965 -0.054732 2688.795833 4756.171225 0.002996 -3.774572 3576.083524 -2.838036
4 H2O 100.000 18.0 1.854600 100.000 18.0 1.854600 186.9536 -40.935 1.352168 34951.648553 1675.674225 1.828359 -55.351009 -7652.945616 252.792731
5 H2S -60.700 34.1 0.978325 -60.700 34.1 0.978325 26.2536 -24.835 0.475893 689.251513 616.777225 0.226474 -11.818810 -652.008156 12.493912
6 H2Se -42.000 81.0 0.627000 -42.000 81.0 0.627000 44.9536 22.065 0.124568 2020.826153 486.864225 0.015517 2.748600 991.901184 5.599794
7 NH3 -33.400 17.0 1.471772 -33.400 17.0 1.471772 53.5536 -41.935 0.969340 2867.988073 1758.544225 0.939621 -40.649285 -2245.770216 51.911663
8 PH3 -87.000 34.0 0.573970 -87.000 34.0 0.573970 -0.0464 -24.935 0.071538 0.002153 621.754225 0.005118 -1.783808 1.156984 -0.003319
9 AsH3 -55.000 77.9 0.217000 -55.000 77.9 0.217000 31.9536 18.965 -0.285432 1021.032553 359.671225 0.081471 -5.413212 606.000024 -9.120570
10 SbH3 -17.100 124.8 0.116000 -17.100 124.8 0.116000 69.8536 65.865 -0.386432 4879.525433 4338.198225 0.149329 -25.452324 4600.907364 -26.993645
11 CH4 -161.490 16.0 0.000000 -161.490 16.0 0.000000 -74.5364 -42.935 -0.502432 5555.674925 1843.414225 0.252438 21.571905 3200.220334 37.449450
12 SiH4 -111.800 32.1 0.000000 -111.800 32.1 0.000000 -24.8464 -26.835 -0.502432 617.343593 720.117225 0.252438 13.482755 666.753144 12.483619
13 GeH4 -90.000 76.6 0.000000 -90.000 76.6 0.000000 -3.0464 17.665 -0.502432 9.280553 312.052225 0.252438 -8.875456 -53.814656 1.530608
14 SnH4 -52.000 122.7 0.000000 -52.000 122.7 0.000000 34.9536 63.765 -0.502432 1221.754153 4065.975225 0.252438 -32.037557 2228.816304 -17.561797
15 He -268.934 4.0 0.000000 -268.934 4.0 0.000000 -181.9804 -54.935 -0.502432 33116.865984 3017.854225 0.252438 27.601085 9997.093274 91.432722
16 Ne -246.048 20.2 0.000000 -246.048 20.2 0.000000 -159.0944 -38.735 -0.502432 25311.028111 1500.400225 0.252438 19.461692 6162.521584 79.934070
17 Ar -185.700 39.9 0.000000 -185.700 39.9 0.000000 -98.7464 -19.035 -0.502432 9750.851513 362.331225 0.252438 9.563787 1879.637724 49.613322
18 Kr -152.300 83.8 0.000000 -152.300 83.8 0.000000 -65.3464 24.865 -0.502432 4270.151993 618.268225 0.252438 -12.492964 -1624.838236 32.832103
19 Xe -108.100 131.3 0.000000 -108.100 131.3 0.000000 -21.1464 72.365 -0.502432 447.170233 5236.693225 0.252438 -36.358470 -1530.259236 10.624622
y x1 x2
mean -86.953600 58.935000 0.502432
variance 7057.696185 1739.624275 0.387350
sd 84.010096 41.708803 0.622375
x1,x2 x1,y x2,y
covariance -9.880045 819.944636 36.543167
correlation -0.380609 0.234005 0.698912
w1 w2 t
y = f(x) = w1x1 + w2x2 + t 1.177751 124.381955 -218.857782
def f(x1, x2):
    return w1 * x1 + w2 * x2 + t
excel['f(x1,x2)'] = f(excel['x1'], excel['x2'])
        pd.DataFrame([[mean_y, mean_x1, mean_x2], 
                      [variance_y, variance_x1, variance_x2], 
                      [sd_y, sd_x1, sd_x2]], 
                     columns=['y','x1', 'x2'], index=['mean', 'variance', 'sd']),
        pd.DataFrame([[covar_x1x2, covar_x1y, covar_x2y], [corr_x1x2, corr_x1y, corr_x2y]], 
                     index=['covariance', 'correlation'], columns=['x1,x2','x1,y', 'x2,y']),
        pd.DataFrame([[w1, w2, t]], columns=["w1", "w2", "t"], index=["y = f(x) = w1x1 + w2x2 + t"]))
molecule boiling point molecular weight dipole monent y x1 x2 y-mean(y) x1-mean(x1) x2-mean(x2) (y-mean(y))**2 (x1-mean(x1))**2 (x2-mean(x2))**2 (x1-mean(x1)) * (x2-mean(x2)) (y-mean(y)) * (x1-mean(x1)) (y-mean(y)) * (x2-mean(x2)) f(x1,x2)
0 HF 19.500 20.0 1.826567 19.500 20.0 1.826567 106.4536 -38.935 1.324135 11332.368953 1515.934225 1.753334 -51.555208 -4144.770916 140.958970 31.889208
1 HCl -84.900 36.5 1.108600 -84.900 36.5 1.108600 2.0536 -22.435 0.606168 4.217273 503.329225 0.367440 -13.599386 -46.072516 1.244827 -37.980042
2 HBr -67.000 80.9 0.827100 -67.000 80.9 0.827100 19.9536 21.965 0.324668 398.146153 482.461225 0.105410 7.131339 438.280824 6.478301 -20.701425
3 HI -35.100 127.9 0.447700 -35.100 127.9 0.447700 51.8536 68.965 -0.054732 2688.795833 4756.171225 0.002996 -3.774572 3576.083524 -2.838036 -12.537650
4 H2O 100.000 18.0 1.854600 100.000 18.0 1.854600 186.9536 -40.935 1.352168 34951.648553 1675.674225 1.828359 -55.351009 -7652.945616 252.792731 33.020506
5 H2S -60.700 34.1 0.978325 -60.700 34.1 0.978325 26.2536 -24.835 0.475893 689.251513 616.777225 0.226474 -11.818810 -652.008156 12.493912 -57.010503
6 H2Se -42.000 81.0 0.627000 -42.000 81.0 0.627000 44.9536 22.065 0.124568 2020.826153 486.864225 0.015517 2.748600 991.901184 5.599794 -45.472479
7 NH3 -33.400 17.0 1.471772 -33.400 17.0 1.471772 53.5536 -41.935 0.969340 2867.988073 1758.544225 0.939621 -40.649285 -2245.770216 51.911663 -15.774140
8 PH3 -87.000 34.0 0.573970 -87.000 34.0 0.573970 -0.0464 -24.935 0.071538 0.002153 621.754225 0.005118 -1.783808 1.156984 -0.003319 -107.422743
9 AsH3 -55.000 77.9 0.217000 -55.000 77.9 0.217000 31.9536 18.965 -0.285432 1021.032553 359.671225 0.081471 -5.413212 606.000024 -9.120570 -100.120108
10 SbH3 -17.100 124.8 0.116000 -17.100 124.8 0.116000 69.8536 65.865 -0.386432 4879.525433 4338.198225 0.149329 -25.452324 4600.907364 -26.993645 -57.446172
11 CH4 -161.490 16.0 0.000000 -161.490 16.0 0.000000 -74.5364 -42.935 -0.502432 5555.674925 1843.414225 0.252438 21.571905 3200.220334 37.449450 -200.013769
12 SiH4 -111.800 32.1 0.000000 -111.800 32.1 0.000000 -24.8464 -26.835 -0.502432 617.343593 720.117225 0.252438 13.482755 666.753144 12.483619 -181.051981
13 GeH4 -90.000 76.6 0.000000 -90.000 76.6 0.000000 -3.0464 17.665 -0.502432 9.280553 312.052225 0.252438 -8.875456 -53.814656 1.530608 -128.642069
14 SnH4 -52.000 122.7 0.000000 -52.000 122.7 0.000000 34.9536 63.765 -0.502432 1221.754153 4065.975225 0.252438 -32.037557 2228.816304 -17.561797 -74.347755
15 He -268.934 4.0 0.000000 -268.934 4.0 0.000000 -181.9804 -54.935 -0.502432 33116.865984 3017.854225 0.252438 27.601085 9997.093274 91.432722 -214.146779
16 Ne -246.048 20.2 0.000000 -246.048 20.2 0.000000 -159.0944 -38.735 -0.502432 25311.028111 1500.400225 0.252438 19.461692 6162.521584 79.934070 -195.067215
17 Ar -185.700 39.9 0.000000 -185.700 39.9 0.000000 -98.7464 -19.035 -0.502432 9750.851513 362.331225 0.252438 9.563787 1879.637724 49.613322 -171.865524
18 Kr -152.300 83.8 0.000000 -152.300 83.8 0.000000 -65.3464 24.865 -0.502432 4270.151993 618.268225 0.252438 -12.492964 -1624.838236 32.832103 -120.162263
19 Xe -108.100 131.3 0.000000 -108.100 131.3 0.000000 -21.1464 72.365 -0.502432 447.170233 5236.693225 0.252438 -36.358470 -1530.259236 10.624622 -64.219098
y x1 x2
mean -86.953600 58.935000 0.502432
variance 7057.696185 1739.624275 0.387350
sd 84.010096 41.708803 0.622375
x1,x2 x1,y x2,y
covariance -9.880045 819.944636 36.543167
correlation -0.380609 0.234005 0.698912
w1 w2 t
y = f(x) = w1x1 + w2x2 + t 1.177751 124.381955 -218.857782
excel['(y-f(x1,x2))**2'] = (excel['y'] - excel['f(x1,x2)'])**2
        pd.DataFrame([[mean_y, mean_x1, mean_x2], 
                      [variance_y, variance_x1, variance_x2], 
                      [sd_y, sd_x1, sd_x2]], 
                     columns=['y','x1', 'x2'], index=['mean', 'variance', 'sd']),
        pd.DataFrame([[covar_x1x2, covar_x1y, covar_x2y], [corr_x1x2, corr_x1y, corr_x2y]], 
                     index=['covariance', 'correlation'], columns=['x1,x2','x1,y', 'x2,y']),
        pd.DataFrame([[w1, w2, t]], columns=["w1", "w2", "t"], index=["y = f(x) = w1x1 + w2x2 + t"]))
molecule boiling point molecular weight dipole monent y x1 x2 y-mean(y) x1-mean(x1) x2-mean(x2) (y-mean(y))**2 (x1-mean(x1))**2 (x2-mean(x2))**2 (x1-mean(x1)) * (x2-mean(x2)) (y-mean(y)) * (x1-mean(x1)) (y-mean(y)) * (x2-mean(x2)) f(x1,x2) (y-f(x1,x2))**2
0 HF 19.500 20.0 1.826567 19.500 20.0 1.826567 106.4536 -38.935 1.324135 11332.368953 1515.934225 1.753334 -51.555208 -4144.770916 140.958970 31.889208 153.492486
1 HCl -84.900 36.5 1.108600 -84.900 36.5 1.108600 2.0536 -22.435 0.606168 4.217273 503.329225 0.367440 -13.599386 -46.072516 1.244827 -37.980042 2201.482478
2 HBr -67.000 80.9 0.827100 -67.000 80.9 0.827100 19.9536 21.965 0.324668 398.146153 482.461225 0.105410 7.131339 438.280824 6.478301 -20.701425 2143.558032
3 HI -35.100 127.9 0.447700 -35.100 127.9 0.447700 51.8536 68.965 -0.054732 2688.795833 4756.171225 0.002996 -3.774572 3576.083524 -2.838036 -12.537650 509.059649
4 H2O 100.000 18.0 1.854600 100.000 18.0 1.854600 186.9536 -40.935 1.352168 34951.648553 1675.674225 1.828359 -55.351009 -7652.945616 252.792731 33.020506 4486.252600
5 H2S -60.700 34.1 0.978325 -60.700 34.1 0.978325 26.2536 -24.835 0.475893 689.251513 616.777225 0.226474 -11.818810 -652.008156 12.493912 -57.010503 13.612388
6 H2Se -42.000 81.0 0.627000 -42.000 81.0 0.627000 44.9536 22.065 0.124568 2020.826153 486.864225 0.015517 2.748600 991.901184 5.599794 -45.472479 12.058112
7 NH3 -33.400 17.0 1.471772 -33.400 17.0 1.471772 53.5536 -41.935 0.969340 2867.988073 1758.544225 0.939621 -40.649285 -2245.770216 51.911663 -15.774140 310.670951
8 PH3 -87.000 34.0 0.573970 -87.000 34.0 0.573970 -0.0464 -24.935 0.071538 0.002153 621.754225 0.005118 -1.783808 1.156984 -0.003319 -107.422743 417.088447
9 AsH3 -55.000 77.9 0.217000 -55.000 77.9 0.217000 31.9536 18.965 -0.285432 1021.032553 359.671225 0.081471 -5.413212 606.000024 -9.120570 -100.120108 2035.824173
10 SbH3 -17.100 124.8 0.116000 -17.100 124.8 0.116000 69.8536 65.865 -0.386432 4879.525433 4338.198225 0.149329 -25.452324 4600.907364 -26.993645 -57.446172 1627.813574
11 CH4 -161.490 16.0 0.000000 -161.490 16.0 0.000000 -74.5364 -42.935 -0.502432 5555.674925 1843.414225 0.252438 21.571905 3200.220334 37.449450 -200.013769 1484.080775
12 SiH4 -111.800 32.1 0.000000 -111.800 32.1 0.000000 -24.8464 -26.835 -0.502432 617.343593 720.117225 0.252438 13.482755 666.753144 12.483619 -181.051981 4795.836813
13 GeH4 -90.000 76.6 0.000000 -90.000 76.6 0.000000 -3.0464 17.665 -0.502432 9.280553 312.052225 0.252438 -8.875456 -53.814656 1.530608 -128.642069 1493.209464
14 SnH4 -52.000 122.7 0.000000 -52.000 122.7 0.000000 34.9536 63.765 -0.502432 1221.754153 4065.975225 0.252438 -32.037557 2228.816304 -17.561797 -74.347755 499.422165
15 He -268.934 4.0 0.000000 -268.934 4.0 0.000000 -181.9804 -54.935 -0.502432 33116.865984 3017.854225 0.252438 27.601085 9997.093274 91.432722 -214.146779 3001.639592
16 Ne -246.048 20.2 0.000000 -246.048 20.2 0.000000 -159.0944 -38.735 -0.502432 25311.028111 1500.400225 0.252438 19.461692 6162.521584 79.934070 -195.067215 2599.040392
17 Ar -185.700 39.9 0.000000 -185.700 39.9 0.000000 -98.7464 -19.035 -0.502432 9750.851513 362.331225 0.252438 9.563787 1879.637724 49.613322 -171.865524 191.392724
18 Kr -152.300 83.8 0.000000 -152.300 83.8 0.000000 -65.3464 24.865 -0.502432 4270.151993 618.268225 0.252438 -12.492964 -1624.838236 32.832103 -120.162263 1032.834166
19 Xe -108.100 131.3 0.000000 -108.100 131.3 0.000000 -21.1464 72.365 -0.502432 447.170233 5236.693225 0.252438 -36.358470 -1530.259236 10.624622 -64.219098 1925.533552
y x1 x2
mean -86.953600 58.935000 0.502432
variance 7057.696185 1739.624275 0.387350
sd 84.010096 41.708803 0.622375
x1,x2 x1,y x2,y
covariance -9.880045 819.944636 36.543167
correlation -0.380609 0.234005 0.698912
w1 w2 t
y = f(x) = w1x1 + w2x2 + t 1.177751 124.381955 -218.857782
r2 = 1. - sum(excel['(y-f(x1,x2))**2']) / sum(excel['(y-mean(y))**2'])
        pd.DataFrame([[mean_y, mean_x1, mean_x2], 
                      [variance_y, variance_x1, variance_x2], 
                      [sd_y, sd_x1, sd_x2]], 
                     columns=['y','x1', 'x2'], index=['mean', 'variance', 'sd']),
        pd.DataFrame([[covar_x1x2, covar_x1y, covar_x2y], [corr_x1x2, corr_x1y, corr_x2y]], 
                     index=['covariance', 'correlation'], columns=['x1,x2','x1,y', 'x2,y']),
        pd.DataFrame([[w1, w2, t, r2]], columns=["w1", "w2", "t", "r2"], index=["y = f(x) = w1x1 + w2x2 + t"]))
molecule boiling point molecular weight dipole monent y x1 x2 y-mean(y) x1-mean(x1) x2-mean(x2) (y-mean(y))**2 (x1-mean(x1))**2 (x2-mean(x2))**2 (x1-mean(x1)) * (x2-mean(x2)) (y-mean(y)) * (x1-mean(x1)) (y-mean(y)) * (x2-mean(x2)) f(x1,x2) (y-f(x1,x2))**2
0 HF 19.500 20.0 1.826567 19.500 20.0 1.826567 106.4536 -38.935 1.324135 11332.368953 1515.934225 1.753334 -51.555208 -4144.770916 140.958970 31.889208 153.492486
1 HCl -84.900 36.5 1.108600 -84.900 36.5 1.108600 2.0536 -22.435 0.606168 4.217273 503.329225 0.367440 -13.599386 -46.072516 1.244827 -37.980042 2201.482478
2 HBr -67.000 80.9 0.827100 -67.000 80.9 0.827100 19.9536 21.965 0.324668 398.146153 482.461225 0.105410 7.131339 438.280824 6.478301 -20.701425 2143.558032
3 HI -35.100 127.9 0.447700 -35.100 127.9 0.447700 51.8536 68.965 -0.054732 2688.795833 4756.171225 0.002996 -3.774572 3576.083524 -2.838036 -12.537650 509.059649
4 H2O 100.000 18.0 1.854600 100.000 18.0 1.854600 186.9536 -40.935 1.352168 34951.648553 1675.674225 1.828359 -55.351009 -7652.945616 252.792731 33.020506 4486.252600
5 H2S -60.700 34.1 0.978325 -60.700 34.1 0.978325 26.2536 -24.835 0.475893 689.251513 616.777225 0.226474 -11.818810 -652.008156 12.493912 -57.010503 13.612388
6 H2Se -42.000 81.0 0.627000 -42.000 81.0 0.627000 44.9536 22.065 0.124568 2020.826153 486.864225 0.015517 2.748600 991.901184 5.599794 -45.472479 12.058112
7 NH3 -33.400 17.0 1.471772 -33.400 17.0 1.471772 53.5536 -41.935 0.969340 2867.988073 1758.544225 0.939621 -40.649285 -2245.770216 51.911663 -15.774140 310.670951
8 PH3 -87.000 34.0 0.573970 -87.000 34.0 0.573970 -0.0464 -24.935 0.071538 0.002153 621.754225 0.005118 -1.783808 1.156984 -0.003319 -107.422743 417.088447
9 AsH3 -55.000 77.9 0.217000 -55.000 77.9 0.217000 31.9536 18.965 -0.285432 1021.032553 359.671225 0.081471 -5.413212 606.000024 -9.120570 -100.120108 2035.824173
10 SbH3 -17.100 124.8 0.116000 -17.100 124.8 0.116000 69.8536 65.865 -0.386432 4879.525433 4338.198225 0.149329 -25.452324 4600.907364 -26.993645 -57.446172 1627.813574
11 CH4 -161.490 16.0 0.000000 -161.490 16.0 0.000000 -74.5364 -42.935 -0.502432 5555.674925 1843.414225 0.252438 21.571905 3200.220334 37.449450 -200.013769 1484.080775
12 SiH4 -111.800 32.1 0.000000 -111.800 32.1 0.000000 -24.8464 -26.835 -0.502432 617.343593 720.117225 0.252438 13.482755 666.753144 12.483619 -181.051981 4795.836813
13 GeH4 -90.000 76.6 0.000000 -90.000 76.6 0.000000 -3.0464 17.665 -0.502432 9.280553 312.052225 0.252438 -8.875456 -53.814656 1.530608 -128.642069 1493.209464
14 SnH4 -52.000 122.7 0.000000 -52.000 122.7 0.000000 34.9536 63.765 -0.502432 1221.754153 4065.975225 0.252438 -32.037557 2228.816304 -17.561797 -74.347755 499.422165
15 He -268.934 4.0 0.000000 -268.934 4.0 0.000000 -181.9804 -54.935 -0.502432 33116.865984 3017.854225 0.252438 27.601085 9997.093274 91.432722 -214.146779 3001.639592
16 Ne -246.048 20.2 0.000000 -246.048 20.2 0.000000 -159.0944 -38.735 -0.502432 25311.028111 1500.400225 0.252438 19.461692 6162.521584 79.934070 -195.067215 2599.040392
17 Ar -185.700 39.9 0.000000 -185.700 39.9 0.000000 -98.7464 -19.035 -0.502432 9750.851513 362.331225 0.252438 9.563787 1879.637724 49.613322 -171.865524 191.392724
18 Kr -152.300 83.8 0.000000 -152.300 83.8 0.000000 -65.3464 24.865 -0.502432 4270.151993 618.268225 0.252438 -12.492964 -1624.838236 32.832103 -120.162263 1032.834166
19 Xe -108.100 131.3 0.000000 -108.100 131.3 0.000000 -21.1464 72.365 -0.502432 447.170233 5236.693225 0.252438 -36.358470 -1530.259236 10.624622 -64.219098 1925.533552
y x1 x2
mean -86.953600 58.935000 0.502432
variance 7057.696185 1739.624275 0.387350
sd 84.010096 41.708803 0.622375
x1,x2 x1,y x2,y
covariance -9.880045 819.944636 36.543167
correlation -0.380609 0.234005 0.698912
w1 w2 t r2
y = f(x) = w1x1 + w2x2 + t 1.177751 124.381955 -218.857782 0.78085



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