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raspberrypi (B+) のGPIOをProcessingで制御するときのメモ

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pi@raspberrypi ~ $ gpio readall

BCM wPi Name Mode V Physical V Mode Name wPi BCM
3.3v 1 2 5v
2 8 SDA.1 ALT0 1 3 4 5V
3 9 SCL.1 ALT0 1 5 6 0v
4 7 GPIO. 7 IN 0 7 8 1 ALT0 TxD 15 14
0v 9 10 1 ALT0 RxD 16 15
17 0 GPIO. 0 IN 0 11 12 0 IN GPIO. 1 1 18
27 2 GPIO. 2 IN 0 13 14 0v
22 3 GPIO. 3 IN 0 15 16 0 IN GPIO. 4 4 23
3.3v 17 18 0 IN GPIO. 5 5 24
10 12 MOSI IN 0 19 20 0v
9 13 MISO IN 0 21 22 0 IN GPIO. 6 6 25
11 14 SCLK IN 0 23 24 0 IN CE0 10 8
0v 25 26 0 IN CE1 11 7
0 30 SDA.0 ALT0 0 27 28 0 ALT0 SCL.0 31 1
5 21 GPIO.21 IN 0 29 30 0v
6 22 GPIO.22 IN 0 31 32 0 IN GPIO.26 26 12
13 23 GPIO.23 IN 0 33 34 0v
19 24 GPIO.24 OUT 0 35 36 0 IN GPIO.27 27 16
26 25 GPIO.25 IN 0 37 38 0 IN GPIO.28 28 20
0v 39 40 0 IN GPIO.29 29 21
BCM wPi Name Mode V Physical V Mode Name wPi BCM


gpio -g mode 17 out
pin0 = gpio.provisionDigitalOutputPin(RaspiPin.GPIO_00, "MyLED", PinState.LOW);


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