More than 3 years have passed since last update.


Last updated at Posted at 2020-04-16

Win10 Anacondaの環境



  • RTX2070
  • Python 3.7.3
  • Tensorflow なし


Python 3.7.3
Tensorflow 1.13.1
- この状況ならtensorflow.kerasに書き換えることでRNNが動く

(opencv gyoumu) C:\Users\ユーザー名>pip list
Package              Version
-------------------- --------
absl-py              0.7.1
astor                0.7.1
attrs                19.1.0
backcall             0.1.0
bleach               3.1.0
certifi              2019.3.9
colorama             0.4.1
cycler               0.10.0
decorator            4.4.0
defusedxml           0.6.0
entrypoints          0.3
gast                 0.2.2
grpcio               1.16.1
h5py                 2.8.0
ipykernel            5.1.0
ipython              7.5.0
ipython-genutils     0.2.0
jedi                 0.13.3
Jinja2               2.10.1
jsonschema           3.0.1
jupyter-client       5.2.4
jupyter-core         4.4.0
Keras                2.2.4
Keras-Applications   1.0.7
Keras-Preprocessing  1.0.9
kiwisolver           1.0.1
Markdown             3.1
MarkupSafe           1.1.1
matplotlib           3.0.3
mistune              0.8.4
mkl-fft              1.0.10
mkl-random           1.0.2
mock                 2.0.0
nbconvert            5.4.1
nbformat             4.4.0
notebook             5.7.8
numpy                1.16.3
pandas               0.24.2
pandocfilters        1.4.2
parso                0.4.0
pbr                  5.1.3
pickleshare          0.7.5
pip                  19.1
prometheus-client    0.6.0
prompt-toolkit       2.0.9
protobuf             3.6.1
Pygments             2.3.1
pyparsing            2.4.0
pyrsistent           0.14.11
python-dateutil      2.8.0
pytz                 2019.1
pywinpty             0.5.5
PyYAML               5.1
pyzmq                18.0.0
scikit-learn         0.20.3
scipy                1.2.1
Send2Trash           1.5.0
setuptools           41.0.0
six                  1.12.0
tensorboard          1.13.1
tensorflow           1.13.1
tensorflow-estimator 1.13.0
termcolor            1.1.0
terminado            0.8.2
testpath             0.4.2
tornado              6.0.2
traitlets            4.3.2
wcwidth              0.1.7
webencodings         0.5.1
Werkzeug             0.15.2
wheel                0.33.1
wincertstore         0.2


Thu Apr 16 10:57:16 2020
| NVIDIA-SMI 442.59       Driver Version: 442.59       CUDA Version: 10.2     |
| GPU  Name            TCC/WDDM | Bus-Id        Disp.A | Volatile Uncorr. ECC |
| Fan  Temp  Perf  Pwr:Usage/Cap|         Memory-Usage | GPU-Util  Compute M. |
|   0  GeForce RTX 2070   WDDM  | 00000000:01:00.0  On |                  N/A |
|  0%   47C    P8    12W / 175W |   7348MiB /  8192MiB |      1%      Default |
C:\Users\ユーザー名>nvcc -V
nvcc: NVIDIA (R) Cuda compiler driver
Copyright (c) 2005-2018 NVIDIA Corporation
Built on Tue_Jun_12_23:08:12_Central_Daylight_Time_2018
Cuda compilation tools, release 9.2, V9.2.148

>pip list
Package                            Version
---------------------------------- ----------
alabaster                          0.7.12
anaconda-client                    1.7.2
anaconda-navigator                 1.9.12
anaconda-project                   0.8.2
asn1crypto                         0.24.0
astroid                            2.1.0
astropy                            3.1
atomicwrites                       1.2.1
attrs                              18.2.0
Babel                              2.6.0
backcall                           0.1.0
backports.os                       0.1.1
backports.shutil-get-terminal-size 1.0.0
beautifulsoup4                     4.6.3
bitarray                           0.8.3
bkcharts                           0.2
blaze                              0.11.3
bleach                             3.0.2
bokeh                              1.0.2
boto                               2.49.0
Bottleneck                         1.2.1
cachetools                         3.1.0
certifi                            2020.4.5.1
cffi                               1.11.5
chardet                            3.0.4
Click                              7.0
cloudpickle                        0.6.1
clyent                             1.2.2
colorama                           0.4.1
comtypes                           1.1.7
conda                              4.8.3
conda-build                        3.17.6
conda-package-handling             1.6.0
conda-verify                       3.1.1
contextlib2                        0.5.5
cryptography                       2.4.2
cycler                             0.10.0
Cython                             0.29.2
dask                               1.0.0
datashape                          0.5.4
decorator                          4.3.0
defusedxml                         0.5.0
dill                               0.2.9
distributed                        1.25.1
docutils                           0.14
entrypoints                        0.2.3
et-xmlfile                         1.0.1
fastcache                          1.0.2
filelock                           3.0.10
Flask                              1.0.2
Flask-Cors                         3.0.7
future                             0.17.1
gevent                             1.3.7
glob2                              0.6
google-api-core                    1.8.2
google-auth                        1.6.3
google-cloud-vision                0.36.0
googleapis-common-protos           1.5.9
greenlet                           0.4.15
grpcio                             1.19.0
h5py                               2.8.0
heapdict                           1.0.0
html5lib                           1.0.1
idna                               2.8
imageio                            2.4.1
imagesize                          1.1.0
importlib-metadata                 0.6
ipykernel                          5.1.0
ipython                            7.2.0
ipython-genutils                   0.2.0
ipywidgets                         7.4.2
isort                              4.3.4
itsdangerous                       1.1.0
Janome                             0.3.7
jdcal                              1.4
jedi                               0.13.2
Jinja2                             2.10
jsonschema                         2.6.0
jupyter                            1.0.0
jupyter-client                     5.2.4
jupyter-console                    6.0.0
jupyter-core                       4.4.0
jupyterlab                         0.35.3
jupyterlab-server                  0.2.0
keyring                            17.0.0
kiwisolver                         1.0.1
lazy-object-proxy                  1.3.1
libarchive-c                       2.8
llvmlite                           0.26.0
locket                             0.2.0
lxml                               4.2.5
MarkupSafe                         1.1.0
matplotlib                         3.0.2
mccabe                             0.6.1
menuinst                           1.4.14
mistune                            0.8.4
mkl-fft                            1.0.6
mkl-random                         1.0.2
more-itertools                     4.3.0
mpmath                             1.1.0
msgpack                            0.5.6
multipledispatch                   0.6.0
navigator-updater                  0.2.1
nbconvert                          5.4.0
nbformat                           4.4.0
networkx                           2.2
nltk                               3.4
nose                               1.3.7
notebook                           5.7.4
numba                              0.41.0
numexpr                            2.6.8
numpy                              1.15.4
numpydoc                           0.8.0
odo                                0.5.1
olefile                            0.46
openpyxl                           2.5.12
packaging                          18.0
pandas                             0.23.4
pandocfilters                      1.4.2
parso                              0.3.1
partd                              0.3.9
path.py                            11.5.0
pathlib2                           2.3.3
patsy                              0.5.1
pep8                               1.7.1
pickleshare                        0.7.5
Pillow                             5.3.0
pip                                20.0.2
pkginfo                            1.4.2
pluggy                             0.8.0
ply                                3.11
prometheus-client                  0.5.0
prompt-toolkit                     2.0.7
protobuf                           3.7.0
psutil                             5.4.8
py                                 1.7.0
pyasn1                             0.4.5
pyasn1-modules                     0.2.4
pycodestyle                        2.4.0
pycosat                            0.6.3
pycparser                          2.19
pycrypto                           2.6.1
pyflakes                           2.0.0
Pygments                           2.3.1
pylint                             2.2.2
pyodbc                             4.0.25
pyOpenSSL                          18.0.0
pyparsing                          2.3.0
PySocks                            1.6.8
pytest                             4.0.2
pytest-arraydiff                   0.3
pytest-astropy                     0.5.0
pytest-doctestplus                 0.2.0
pytest-openfiles                   0.3.1
pytest-remotedata                  0.3.1
python-dateutil                    2.7.5
pytz                               2018.7
PyWavelets                         1.0.1
pywin32                            223
pywinpty                           0.5.5
PyYAML                             5.3.1
pyzmq                              17.1.2
QtAwesome                          0.5.3
qtconsole                          4.4.3
QtPy                               1.5.2
requests                           2.21.0
rope                               0.11.0
rsa                                4.0
ruamel-yaml                        0.15.46
scikit-image                       0.14.1
scikit-learn                       0.20.3
scipy                              1.1.0
seaborn                            0.9.0
Send2Trash                         1.5.0
setuptools                         40.6.3
simplegeneric                      0.8.1
six                                1.12.0
snowballstemmer                    1.2.1
sortedcollections                  1.0.1
sortedcontainers                   2.1.0
Sphinx                             1.8.2
sphinxcontrib-websupport           1.1.0
spyder                             3.3.2
spyder-kernels                     0.3.0
SQLAlchemy                         1.2.15
statsmodels                        0.9.0
sympy                              1.3
tables                             3.4.4
tblib                              1.3.2
terminado                          0.8.1
testpath                           0.4.2
toolz                              0.9.0
tornado                            5.1.1
tqdm                               4.28.1
traitlets                          4.3.2
unicodecsv                         0.14.1
unmo                               0.2.3
urllib3                            1.24.1
wcwidth                            0.1.7
webencodings                       0.5.1
Werkzeug                           0.14.1
wheel                              0.32.3
widgetsnbextension                 3.4.2
win-inet-pton                      1.0.1
win-unicode-console                0.5
wincertstore                       0.2
wrapt                              1.10.11
xlrd                               1.2.0
XlsxWriter                         1.1.2
xlwings                            0.15.1
xlwt                               1.3.0
xmltodict                          0.12.0
zict                               0.1.3


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