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OSM データを NetworkX へ取り込んで最短経路計算(osm.pbf 形式)

Last updated at Posted at 2019-06-25

OSM データを NetworkX へ取り込んで最短経路計算」の続編として、今回は、osm.pbf 形式のデータファイルを読込みました(pyosmium 利用)。これは、より大規模のOSMデータの上で、最短経路計算しようとする意図です。

動作例は日本の高速道路利用(=motorway + motorway_link)で Kagoshima, Aomori 間の最短経路です(図例内の黄色線)。osmupdateosmium-tool も利用しました。

$ wget https://download.geofabrik.de/asia/japan.poly
$ wget https://download.geofabrik.de/asia/japan-latest.osm.pbf
$ osmupdate --hour --day -B=japan.poly japan-latest.osm.pbf japan-latest-updated.osm.pbf
$ mv -f japan-latest-updated.osm.pbf japan-latest.osm.pbf
$ osmium tags-filter -o japan-motorway.osm.pbf japan-latest.osm.pbf w/highway=motorway,motorway_link
$ ./osmpbf2nx.py japan-motorway.osm.pbf > motorway.html
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import math
import osmium as o
import networkx as nx
import geoleaflet
import geojson

RE = 6378137.0  # GRS80
FE = 1/298.257223563  # IS-GPS
E2 = FE * (2 - FE)
DEGREE = math.pi / 180

class OsmHandler(o.SimpleHandler):
    def __init__(self):
        super(OsmHandler, self).__init__()
        self.graph = None
        self.nodes = {}
        self.ways = {ONEWAY: {}, BIDIRECTIONAL: {}}

    def node(self, n):
        self.nodes[n.id] = [n.location.lon, n.location.lat]

    def way(self, w):
        highway = w.tags.get('highway')
        if highway in ['motorway', 'motorway_link'] and w.tags.get('moped') != 'yes':
            nodes = [n.ref for n in w.nodes]
            oneway = wayDirection(w.tags.get('oneway'))
            if oneway == -ONEWAY:
                oneway = ONEWAY
                nodes = nodes[::-1]
            self.ways[oneway][w.id] = {'nodes': nodes, 'highway': highway}

    def split_way(self):
        node_hist = {}
        for ways in self.ways.values():
            for way in ways.values():
                for node in way['nodes']:
                    node_hist.setdefault(node, 0)
                    node_hist[node] += 1
        for oneway, ways in self.ways.items():
            for id, way in ways.items():
                self.ways[oneway][id]['nodes'] = split_nodes(way['nodes'], node_hist)

    def geojson_features(self, route):
        feas = []
        for ways in self.ways.values():
            nodes = [concat_nodes(way['nodes']) for way in ways.values()]
            paths = [[self.nodes[n] for n in ns] for ns in nodes]
            feas.extend([(geojson.LineString(p), {"color":"#40a040", "weight": 1.5, "opacity": 0.7}) for p in paths])
        path = [self.nodes[n] for n in route]
        feas.append((geojson.LineString(path), {"color":"#ffe000", "weight": 8, "opacity": 0.5}))
        feas = [geojson.Feature(geometry=g, properties=p) for g, p in feas]
        return geojson.FeatureCollection(feas)

    def distance(self, u, v):
        p, q = self.nodes[u], self.nodes[v]
        coslat = math.cos((p[1]+q[1])/2*DEGREE)
        w2 = 1 / (1 - E2 * (1 - coslat * coslat))
        dx = (p[0]-q[0]) * coslat
        dy = (p[1]-q[1]) * w2 * (1 - E2)
        return math.sqrt((dx*dx+dy*dy)*w2) * RE * DEGREE

    def routing(self, source, target):
        route = nx.astar_path(self.graph, source, target, heuristic=self.distance, weight='length')
        route = [self.graph.edges[route[i], route[i+1]]['nodes'] for i in range(len(route)-1)]
        return concat_nodes(route)

    def createGraph(self):
        self.graph = nx.DiGraph()
        for oneway, ways in self.ways.items():
            for way in ways.values():
                for nodes in way['nodes']:
                    length = path_length(nodes, self.distance)
                    self.graph.add_edge(nodes[0], nodes[-1], nodes=nodes, length=length)
                    if oneway == BIDIRECTIONAL:
                        self.graph.add_edge(nodes[-1], nodes[0], nodes=nodes[::-1], length=length)

def path_length(path, dist):
    return sum([dist(path[i], path[i+1]) for i in range(len(path)-1)])

def wayDirection(oneway):
    if oneway in [None, 'no', 'false', '0', 'reversible']:
        return BIDIRECTIONAL
    if oneway in ['reverse', '-1']:
        return -ONEWAY
        return ONEWAY

def split_nodes(arr, dividers):
    i = 0
    arrs = []
    for j in range(1, len(arr)-1):
        if dividers[arr[j]] >= 2:
            i = j
    return arrs

def concat_nodes(nodes_list):
    nodes = [nodes_list[0][0]]
    for ns in nodes_list:
    return nodes

def OSM(file):
    o = OsmHandler()
    o.apply_file(file, locations=False)
    return o

def htmlLeaflet(features):
    MAXZOOM = 19
    CD_STYLE = ('light_nolabels')
    CD_URL = 'http://{s}.basemaps.cartocdn.com/{style}/{z}/{x}/{y}.png'
    CD_ATTR = '&copy; <a href="http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors, &copy; <a href="http://cartodb.com/attributions">CartoDB</a>'
    html = geoleaflet.html(features, service=CD_URL, attribution=CD_ATTR, style=CD_STYLE, maxzoom=MAXZOOM)
    return html

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import sys
    osmfile = sys.args[1]
    source, target = 1928135161, 3749182296  # Kagoshima, Aomori
    o = OSM(osmfile)
    route = o.routing(source, target)
    feas = o.geojson_features(route)

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