OSMParser.py (import open street map data as a networkx graph)1 2 というものを見つけたので、少し手を加え、NetworkX へ OSM データを取り込み動かしました。
![スクリーンショット 2018-01-11 22.00.41.jpg](https://qiita-user-contents.imgix.net/https%3A%2F%2Fqiita-image-store.s3.amazonaws.com%2F0%2F54617%2F958d1f57-a382-b443-f621-4bc979fa7bbd.jpeg?ixlib=rb-4.0.0&auto=format&gif-q=60&q=75&s=805a29ef7dd10d0544ee6d070436a86e)
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Read directional graph from Open Street Maps osm format
Based on Loïc Messal's OSMParser.py: https://gist.github.com/Tofull/49fbb9f3661e376d2fe08c2e9d64320e
Use python3.6
import math
import copy
import networkx # 2.0
import xml.sax # parse osm file
from pathlib import Path # manage cached tiles
RE = 6378137.0 # GRS80
FE = 1/298.257223563 # IS-GPS
E2 = FE * (2 - FE)
DEGREE = math.pi / 180
def distance(u, v):
p, q = u['pos'], v['pos']
coslat = math.cos((p[1]+q[1])/2*DEGREE)
w2 = 1 / (1 - E2 * (1 - coslat * coslat))
dx = (p[0]-q[0]) * coslat
dy = (p[1]-q[1]) * w2 * (1 - E2)
return math.sqrt((dx*dx+dy*dy)*w2) * DEGREE * RE
def download_osm(left, bottom, right, top, proxy = False, proxyHost = "", proxyPort = "3128", cache = False, cacheTempDir = "/tmp/tmpOSM/", verbose = True):
""" Return a filehandle to the downloaded data from osm api."""
import urllib.request # To request the web
if (cache):
## cached tile filename
cachedTileFilename = "osm_map_{:.8f}_{:.8f}_{:.8f}_{:.8f}.map".format(left, bottom, right, top)
if (verbose):
print("Cached tile filename :", cachedTileFilename)
Path(cacheTempDir).mkdir(parents = True, exist_ok = True) ## Create cache path if not exists
osmFile = Path(cacheTempDir + cachedTileFilename).resolve() ## Replace the relative cache folder path to absolute path
if osmFile.is_file():
# download from the cache folder
if (verbose):
print("Tile loaded from the cache folder.")
fp = urllib.request.urlopen("file://"+str(osmFile))
return fp
if (proxy):
# configure the urllib request with the proxy
proxy_handler = urllib.request.ProxyHandler({'https': 'https://' + proxyHost + ":" + proxyPort, 'http': 'http://' + proxyHost + ":" + proxyPort})
opener = urllib.request.build_opener(proxy_handler)
request = "http://api.openstreetmap.org/api/0.6/map?bbox=%f,%f,%f,%f"%(left,bottom,right,top)
if (verbose):
print("Download the tile from osm web api ... in progress")
print("Request :", request)
fp = urllib.request.urlopen(request)
if (cache):
if (verbose):
print("Write osm tile in the cache")
content = fp.read()
with open(osmFile, 'wb') as f:
if osmFile.is_file():
if (verbose):
print("OSM tile written in the cache")
fp = urllib.request.urlopen("file://"+str(osmFile)) ## Reload the osm tile from the cache (because fp.read moved the cursor)
return fp
return fp
def read_osm(filename_or_stream, only_roads=True):
"""Read graph in OSM format from file specified by name or by stream object.
filename_or_stream : filename or stream object
G : Graph
osm = OSM(filename_or_stream)
G = networkx.DiGraph()
## Add ways
for w in osm.ways.values():
if only_roads and 'highway' not in w.tags:
G.add_path(w.nds, id=w.id)
# reverse direction
if ('oneway' not in w.tags) or (w.tags['oneway'] != 'yes'):
G.add_path(w.nds[::-1], id=w.id)
## Complete the used nodes' information
for n_id in list(G.nodes):
n = osm.nodes[n_id]
G.nodes[n_id]['pos'] = [n.lon, n.lat]
## Estimate the length of each way
for u,v in G.edges():
d = distance(G.nodes[u], G.nodes[v])
G.add_weighted_edges_from([(u, v, d)], weight='length')
return G
class Node:
def __init__(self, id, lon, lat):
self.id = id
self.lon = lon
self.lat = lat
self.tags = {}
def __str__(self):
return "Node (id : %s) lon : %s, lat : %s "%(self.id, self.lon, self.lat)
class Way:
def __init__(self, id, osm):
self.osm = osm
self.id = id
self.nds = []
self.tags = {}
def split(self, dividers):
# slice the node-array using this nifty recursive function
def slice_array(ar, dividers):
for i in range(1,len(ar)-1):
if dividers[ar[i]]>1:
left = ar[:i+1]
right = ar[i:]
rightsliced = slice_array(right, dividers)
return [left]+rightsliced
return [ar]
slices = slice_array(self.nds, dividers)
# create a way object for each node-array slice
ret = []
for slice in slices:
littleway = copy.copy( self )
littleway.id += "-%d"%i
littleway.nds = slice
ret.append( littleway )
i += 1
return ret
class OSM:
def __init__(self, filename_or_stream):
""" File can be either a filename or stream/file object."""
nodes = {}
ways = {}
superself = self
class OSMHandler(xml.sax.ContentHandler):
def setDocumentLocator(self,loc):
def startDocument(self):
def endDocument(self):
def startElement(self, name, attrs):
if name=='node':
self.currElem = Node(attrs['id'], float(attrs['lon']), float(attrs['lat']))
elif name=='way':
self.currElem = Way(attrs['id'], superself)
elif name=='tag':
self.currElem.tags[attrs['k']] = attrs['v']
elif name=='nd':
self.currElem.nds.append( attrs['ref'] )
def endElement(self,name):
if name=='node':
nodes[self.currElem.id] = self.currElem
elif name=='way':
ways[self.currElem.id] = self.currElem
def characters(self, chars):
xml.sax.parse(filename_or_stream, OSMHandler)
self.nodes = nodes
self.ways = ways
#count times each node is used
node_histogram = dict.fromkeys( self.nodes.keys(), 0 )
for way in self.ways.values():
if len(way.nds) < 2: #if a way has only one node, delete it out of the osm collection
del self.ways[way.id]
for node in way.nds:
node_histogram[node] += 1
#use that histogram to split all ways, replacing the member set of ways
new_ways = {}
for _, way in self.ways.items():
split_ways = way.split(node_histogram)
for split_way in split_ways:
new_ways[split_way.id] = split_way
self.ways = new_ways
def transpose_list(list2d):
return map(list, zip(*list2d))
def center_pos(G):
pos = [G.nodes[n]['pos'] for n in G]
lons, lats = tuple(transpose_list(pos))
return [(min(lons)+max(lons))/2, (min(lats)+max(lats))/2]
def plot_osm(G, path=None):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
coslat = math.cos(center_pos(G)[1]*DEGREE)
ax = plt.figure().add_subplot(111)
if path:
ax.plot(*path, color='red', lw=1.6)
for u, v in G.edges():
e = transpose_list([G.nodes[u]['pos'], G.nodes[v]['pos']])
ax.plot(*e, color='0.6', lw=0.5)
ns = transpose_list([G.nodes[n]['pos'] for n in G])
ax.plot(*ns, 'o', color='black', mec='none', ms=1.2)
def main():
f = download_osm(-122.331,47.599,-122.315,47.609) # Seattle
G = read_osm(f)
source, target = '3872031394', '3669099186'
dist = lambda u,v: distance(G.nodes[u],G.nodes[v])
path = networkx.astar_path(G, source, target, heuristic=dist, weight='length')
path = transpose_list([G.nodes[u]['pos'] for u in path])
plot_osm(G, path)
if __name__ == '__main__':
なお xml 形式ではなく pbf 形式ファイルの読み込みには、 imposm.parser(Python 2.x 専用)、osmread、pyosmium があるようです。 ↩
openstreetmap 内の query mode ツール(地物を検索)で、ノード ID (source, target) を確認することができます(簡単とは言えませんが)。 ↩