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Last updated at Posted at 2024-10-04





// Symbol SDK のインポート
const bundle = await import("https://www.unpkg.com/symbol-sdk@3.2.2/dist/bundle.web.js");
const core = bundle.core;
const sym  = bundle.symbol;

// SHA3-256 ハッシュ関数
const sha3_256 = (await import('https://cdn.skypack.dev/@noble/hashes/sha3')).sha3_256;

async function sha3_256Hash(data) {
    const encoder = new TextEncoder();
    const dataBuffer = encoder.encode(data);
    return sha3_256(dataBuffer);

// Uint8Array を16進数文字列に変換
function toHexString(byteArray) {
    return Array.from(byteArray)
        .map((byte) => byte.toString(16).padStart(2, '0'))

// 16進数文字列をUint8Arrayに変換
function fromHexString(hexString) {
    const matches = hexString.match(/.{1,2}/g);
    return new Uint8Array(matches.map(byte => parseInt(byte, 16)));

// Uint8ArrayをBase64にエンコード
function toBase64(uint8Array) {
    return window.btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, uint8Array));

// Base64をUint8Arrayにデコード
function fromBase64(base64String) {
    return Uint8Array.from(window.atob(base64String), c => c.charCodeAt(0));

// Merkleツリーを構築する関数
async function buildMerkleTree(leaves) {
    let tree = [leaves];
    while (tree[tree.length - 1].length > 1) {
        const currentLevel = tree[tree.length - 1];
        const nextLevel = [];
        for (let i = 0; i < currentLevel.length; i += 2) {
            if (i + 1 < currentLevel.length) {
                const combined = new Uint8Array([...currentLevel[i], ...currentLevel[i + 1]]);
            } else {
                nextLevel.push(currentLevel[i]); // 奇数の場合、そのまま持ち上げる
    return tree;

// Merkleプルーフを生成する関数
function getMerkleProof(tree, index) {
    let proof = [];
    let currentIndex = index;
    for (let level = 0; level < tree.length - 1; level++) {
        const isLeftNode = currentIndex % 2 === 0;
        const siblingIndex = isLeftNode ? currentIndex + 1 : currentIndex - 1;

        if (siblingIndex < tree[level].length) {
                direction: isLeftNode ? 'right' : 'left',
                hash: tree[level][siblingIndex]

        currentIndex = Math.floor(currentIndex / 2);
    return proof;

// Merkleルートを計算する関数
async function calculateMerkleRoot(leafHash, proof) {
    let hash = leafHash;

    for (let i = 0; i < proof.length; i++) {
        const siblingHash = proof[i].hash;
        const direction = proof[i].direction;

        if (direction === 'left') {
            hash = sha3_256(new Uint8Array([...siblingHash, ...hash]));
        } else {
            hash = sha3_256(new Uint8Array([...hash, ...siblingHash]));
    return hash;

// 1. Issuerが証明書を発行
async function issueCertificate() {
    // キーペアの生成
    const priKey = core.PrivateKey.random();
    const keyPair = new sym.KeyPair(priKey);
    const issuerPublicKey = keyPair.publicKey;

    // 各属性の値
    const attributes = {
        name: "Alice",
        gender: "male",
        birthdate: "1990-01-01",
        address: "1234 Elm Street"

    const attributeKeys = Object.keys(attributes);
    const attributeValues = Object.values(attributes);
    const leaves = await Promise.all(attributeValues.map((value) => sha3_256Hash(value)));

    // Merkleツリーを構築
    const merkleTree = await buildMerkleTree(leaves);
    const merkleRoot = merkleTree[merkleTree.length - 1][0];

    // Merkleルートを署名
    const merkleRootHex = toHexString(merkleRoot);
    const merkleRootBytes = fromHexString(merkleRootHex);
    const signature = keyPair.sign(merkleRootBytes);

    const certificate = {
        attributes: attributeKeys,
        merkleRoot: merkleRootHex,
        signature: toBase64(signature.bytes)

    return { certificate, attributes, merkleTree, issuerPublicKey };

// 2. Holderが部分証明書を作成(複数の属性)
async function createPartialProofs(certificate, attributes, merkleTree, attributeNames) {
    const proofs = [];

    for (const attributeName of attributeNames) {
        const index = certificate.attributes.indexOf(attributeName);
        if (index === -1) throw new Error(`属性が存在しません: ${attributeName}`);

        const attributeValue = attributes[attributeName];
        const attributeHash = await sha3_256Hash(attributeValue);

        const merkleProof = getMerkleProof(merkleTree, index);


    return {
        signature: certificate.signature,
        merkleRoot: certificate.merkleRoot

// 3. Verifierが部分証明書を検証
async function verifyPartialProofs(partialCertificate, issuerPublicKey) {
    const merkleRootHex = partialCertificate.merkleRoot;
    const merkleRootBytes = fromHexString(merkleRootHex);

    // Issuerの署名を検証
    const verifier = new sym.Verifier(new core.PublicKey(issuerPublicKey.bytes));
    const signature = new core.Signature(fromBase64(partialCertificate.signature));

    const isValidSignature = verifier.verify(merkleRootBytes, signature);
    if (!isValidSignature) {
        return false;

    // 各属性の検証
    for (const proofData of partialCertificate.proofs) {
        const attributeHash = await sha3_256Hash(proofData.attributeValue);

        const calculatedMerkleRoot = await calculateMerkleRoot(attributeHash, proofData.merkleProof);
        const calculatedMerkleRootHex = toHexString(calculatedMerkleRoot);

        if (calculatedMerkleRootHex !== merkleRootHex) {
            console.log(`属性 ${proofData.attributeName} のMerkleルートが一致しません`);
            return false;

    return true;

// 4. Holderが属性の存在証明を作成(値を明かさない)
async function createExistenceProof(certificate, attributes, merkleTree, attributeName) {
    const index = certificate.attributes.indexOf(attributeName);
    if (index === -1) throw new Error(`属性が存在しません: ${attributeName}`);

    const attributeHash = await sha3_256Hash(attributes[attributeName]);
    const merkleProof = getMerkleProof(merkleTree, index);

    return {
        attributeHash: toHexString(attributeHash), // ハッシュ値のみ提供
        signature: certificate.signature,
        merkleRoot: certificate.merkleRoot

// 5. Verifierが属性の存在証明を検証 
async function verifyExistenceProof(existenceProof, issuerPublicKey) {
    const merkleRootHex = existenceProof.merkleRoot;
    const merkleRootBytes = fromHexString(merkleRootHex);

    // Issuerの署名を検証
    const verifier = new sym.Verifier(new core.PublicKey(issuerPublicKey.bytes));
    const signature = new core.Signature(fromBase64(existenceProof.signature));

    const isValidSignature = verifier.verify(merkleRootBytes, signature);
    if (!isValidSignature) {
        return false;

    // 属性のハッシュを取得
    const attributeHash = fromHexString(existenceProof.attributeHash);

    // Merkleルートを計算
    const calculatedMerkleRoot = await calculateMerkleRoot(attributeHash, existenceProof.merkleProof);
    const calculatedMerkleRootHex = toHexString(calculatedMerkleRoot);

    if (calculatedMerkleRootHex !== merkleRootHex) {
        console.log(`属性 ${existenceProof.attributeName} のMerkleルートが一致しません`);
        return false;

    console.log(`属性 ${existenceProof.attributeName} の存在証明が有効です`);
    return true;

// メイン処理
async function main() {
    const { certificate, attributes, merkleTree, issuerPublicKey } = await issueCertificate();

    // Holderが複数の属性の部分証明を作成
    const attributeNamesToProve = ["gender", "birthdate"];
    const partialCertificate = await createPartialProofs(certificate, attributes, merkleTree, attributeNamesToProve);

    // Verifierが部分証明を検証
    const isValidPartial = await verifyPartialProofs(partialCertificate, issuerPublicKey);
    if (isValidPartial) {
        console.log("VerifierはHolderの属性を検証しました:", attributeNamesToProve.join(", "));
    } else {

    // Holderが属性の存在証明を作成(値を明かさない)
    const attributeNameToProve = "address";
    const existenceProof = await createExistenceProof(certificate, attributes, merkleTree, attributeNameToProve);

    // Verifierが属性の存在証明を検証
    const isValidExistence = await verifyExistenceProof(existenceProof, issuerPublicKey);
    if (isValidExistence) {
        console.log(`VerifierはHolderの属性 ${attributeNameToProve} の存在を確認しました`);
    } else {



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