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IBM Cloud Schematics (Terraform) で External Resource を使って CIS Whitelisted IP を Security Group に適用

Posted at


CIS (クラウドリバースプロキシ) を利用するときには、「IBM Cloud Internet Services whitelisted IP addresses」をファイアウォールなどにホワイトリスト登録します。
CIS Whitelisted IP に変更がないか、1週間に1度はチェックすることが推奨されていますが、以下のイメージにある仕組みを作ります。
今回は IBM Cloud Schematics (Terraform) で Security Group を作成するところまで実施します。


Terraform External Resource の活用

External Resource とは外部スクリプト実行結果を data として活用できる機能です。

classic-sg-allow-cis.tf 内で以下のような記述ができます。

data "external" "cis_ipv4_cidrs" {
  program = ["bash", "get_cis_ipv4_cidrs.sh"]

外部で実行されるシェルスクリプトの例として、 https://api.cis.cloud.ibm.com/v1/ips から取得できる JSON を Terraform で使いやすいように整形して結果を出力します。


# CIS Whitelist IP を変数に格納
ipv4_cidrs=$(curl https://api.cis.cloud.ibm.com/v1/ips | jq -r .result.ipv4_cidrs)

# 長さを変数に格納
len=$(echo $ipv4_cidrs | jq length)

# 空の配列を定義

# 配列に key value key value ... と格納
for i in $( seq 0 $(($len - 1)) ); do
  row=$(echo $ipv4_cidrs | jq -r .[$i])
  array+=( $i)
  array+=( $row )

# 格納した配列を JSON に整形して表示 { "key": "value", "key": "value", ...}
    echo '['
    printf '{"%s": "%s"},\n' "${array[@]}" | sed '$s/,$//'
    echo ']'
} | jq '. | add'

IBM Cloud Schematics の Terraform バージョンが v0.11.14 のため、External Resource を使いますが、バージョン 0.12 以降では Terraform で直接 JSON を取得して簡単に活用できます。

TerraformでJSONを扱う方法 - Qiita


IaaS API key の発行・取得」を参考にして IaaS API key を発行・取得しておきます。

IBM Cloud Schematics 構成

IBM Cloud Schematics ワークスペース作成」を参考にして https://cloud.ibm.com/schematics/workspaces からワークスペースを作成します。

  • Workspace Name
    • khayama-classic-sg-allow-cis
  • GitHub repository URL
    • https://github.com/khayama/schematics-classic-sg-allow-cis
  • iaas_classic_username
    • 事前準備で発行・取得したもの
  • iaas_classic_api_key
    • 事前準備で発行・取得したもの

IBM Cloud Schematics 適用

IBM Cloud Schematics 画面右上の「Apply Plan」から Security Group を作成します。
以下、 Apply 時のログです。

Activity triggered. Waiting for the logs. 2019/12/06 08:33:46 -----  New Action  -----
 2019/12/06 08:33:46 Request: activityID=xxxxxxx, account=xxxxxxx, owner=xxxxxxx, requestID=xxxxxxx
 2019/12/06 08:33:46 Related Activity: action=APPLY, workspaceID=xxxxxxx, processedBy=engine-1521-74kv8
 2019/12/06 08:33:46 Related Workspace: name=xxxxxxx, sourcerelease=(not specified), sourceurl=https://github.com/khayama/schematics-classic-sg-allow-cis

 2019/12/06 08:33:46 Request: activityID=xxxxxxx, account=xxxxxxx, owner=xxxxxxx, requestID=xxxxxxx
 2019/12/06 08:33:46 Related Activity: action=APPLY, workspaceID=xxxxxxx, processedBy=engine-1521-74kv8
 2019/12/06 08:33:46 Related Workspace: name=xxxxxxx, sourcerelease=(not specified), sourceurl=https://github.com/khayama/schematics-classic-sg-allow-cis
 2019/12/06 08:34:19 workspace.template.StateFile: xxxxxxx
 2019/12/06 08:34:20 workspace.template.SecFile: xxxxxxx

 2019/12/06 08:34:20 -----  Terraform INIT  -----
 2019/12/06 08:34:20 Starting command: terraform init -input=false -no-color
 2019/12/06 08:34:20 Terraform init | 
 2019/12/06 08:34:20 Terraform init | Initializing provider plugins...
 2019/12/06 08:34:20 Terraform init | - Checking for available provider plugins on https://releases.hashicorp.com...
 2019/12/06 08:34:21 Terraform init | - Downloading plugin for provider "external" (1.2.0)...
 2019/12/06 08:34:22 Terraform init | 
 2019/12/06 08:34:22 Terraform init | The following providers do not have any version constraints in configuration,
 2019/12/06 08:34:22 Terraform init | so the latest version was installed.
 2019/12/06 08:34:22 Terraform init | 
 2019/12/06 08:34:22 Terraform init | To prevent automatic upgrades to new major versions that may contain breaking
 2019/12/06 08:34:22 Terraform init | changes, it is recommended to add version = "..." constraints to the
 2019/12/06 08:34:22 Terraform init | corresponding provider blocks in configuration, with the constraint strings
 2019/12/06 08:34:22 Terraform init | suggested below.
 2019/12/06 08:34:22 Terraform init | 
 2019/12/06 08:34:22 Terraform init | * provider.external: version = "~> 1.2"
 2019/12/06 08:34:22 Terraform init | * provider.ibm: version = "~> 0.20"
 2019/12/06 08:34:22 Terraform init | 
 2019/12/06 08:34:22 Terraform init | Terraform has been successfully initialized!
 2019/12/06 08:34:22 Command finished successfully.

 2019/12/06 08:34:22 -----  Terraform SHOW  -----
 2019/12/06 08:34:22 Starting command: terraform show -no-color
 2019/12/06 08:34:22 Terraform show | 
 2019/12/06 08:34:22 Command finished successfully.

 2019/12/06 08:34:22 -----  Terraform APPLY  -----
 2019/12/06 08:34:22 Starting command: terraform apply -state=terraform.tfstate -var-file=schematics.tfvars -auto-approve -no-color
 2019/12/06 08:34:24 Terraform apply | data.external.cis_ipv4_cidrs: Refreshing state...
 2019/12/06 08:34:24 Terraform apply | data.external.cis_ipv6_cidrs: Refreshing state...
 2019/12/06 08:34:26 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group.sg1: Creating...
 2019/12/06 08:34:26 Terraform apply |   description: "" => "Allow all HTTP/HTTPS ingress traffic from IBM Cloud Internet Services"
 2019/12/06 08:34:26 Terraform apply |   name:        "" => "allow_cis_ips"
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group.sg1: Creation complete after 0s (ID: 2237738)
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_80[9]: Creating...
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply |   direction:         "" => "ingress"
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply |   ether_type:        "" => "IPv4"
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply |   port_range_max:    "" => "80"
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply |   port_range_min:    "" => "80"
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply |   protocol:          "" => "tcp"
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply |   remote_ip:         "" => ""
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply |   security_group_id: "" => "2237738"
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv6_port_443[5]: Creating...
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply |   direction:         "" => "ingress"
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply |   ether_type:        "" => "IPv6"
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply |   port_range_max:    "" => "443"
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply |   port_range_min:    "" => "443"
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply |   protocol:          "" => "tcp"
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply |   remote_ip:         "" => "2a06:98c0::/29"
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply |   security_group_id: "" => "2237738"
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_80[4]: Creating...
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply |   direction:         "" => "ingress"
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply |   ether_type:        "" => "IPv4"
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply |   port_range_max:    "" => "80"
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply |   port_range_min:    "" => "80"
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply |   protocol:          "" => "tcp"
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply |   remote_ip:         "" => ""
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply |   security_group_id: "" => "2237738"
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_443[2]: Creating...
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply |   direction:         "" => "ingress"
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply |   ether_type:        "" => "IPv4"
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply |   port_range_max:    "" => "443"
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply |   port_range_min:    "" => "443"
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply |   protocol:          "" => "tcp"
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply |   remote_ip:         "" => ""
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply |   security_group_id: "" => "2237738"
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_80[6]: Creating...
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply |   direction:         "" => "ingress"
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply |   ether_type:        "" => "IPv4"
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply |   port_range_max:    "" => "80"
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply |   port_range_min:    "" => "80"
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply |   protocol:          "" => "tcp"
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply |   remote_ip:         "" => ""
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply |   security_group_id: "" => "2237738"
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv6_port_443[6]: Creating...
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply |   direction:         "" => "ingress"
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply |   ether_type:        "" => "IPv6"
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply |   port_range_max:    "" => "443"
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply |   port_range_min:    "" => "443"
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply |   protocol:          "" => "tcp"
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply |   remote_ip:         "" => "2c0f:f248::/32"
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply |   security_group_id: "" => "2237738"
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv6_port_443[4]: Creating...
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply |   direction:         "" => "ingress"
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply |   ether_type:        "" => "IPv6"
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply |   port_range_max:    "" => "443"
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply |   port_range_min:    "" => "443"
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply |   protocol:          "" => "tcp"
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply |   remote_ip:         "" => "2405:8100::/32"
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply |   security_group_id: "" => "2237738"
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv6_port_80[6]: Creating...
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply |   direction:         "" => "ingress"
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply |   ether_type:        "" => "IPv6"
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply |   port_range_max:    "" => "80"
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply |   port_range_min:    "" => "80"
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply |   protocol:          "" => "tcp"
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply |   remote_ip:         "" => "2c0f:f248::/32"
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply |   security_group_id: "" => "2237738"
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv6_port_80[1]: Creating...
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply |   direction:         "" => "ingress"
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply |   ether_type:        "" => "IPv6"
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply |   port_range_max:    "" => "80"
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply |   port_range_min:    "" => "80"
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply |   protocol:          "" => "tcp"
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply |   remote_ip:         "" => "2606:4700::/32"
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply |   security_group_id: "" => "2237738"
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv6_port_443[2]: Creating...
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply |   direction:         "" => "ingress"
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply |   ether_type:        "" => "IPv6"
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply |   port_range_max:    "" => "443"
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply |   port_range_min:    "" => "443"
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply |   protocol:          "" => "tcp"
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply |   remote_ip:         "" => "2803:f800::/32"
 2019/12/06 08:34:27 Terraform apply |   security_group_id: "" => "2237738"
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv6_port_443[6]: Creation complete after 1s (ID: 6812746)
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_80[13]: Creating...
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   direction:         "" => "ingress"
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   ether_type:        "" => "IPv4"
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   port_range_max:    "" => "80"
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   port_range_min:    "" => "80"
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   protocol:          "" => "tcp"
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   remote_ip:         "" => ""
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   security_group_id: "" => "2237738"
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_80[6]: Creation complete after 1s (ID: 6812204)
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv6_port_80[1]: Creation complete after 1s (ID: 6812832)
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_80[2]: Creating...
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   direction:         "" => "ingress"
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   ether_type:        "" => "IPv4"
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   port_range_max:    "" => "80"
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   port_range_min:    "" => "80"
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   protocol:          "" => "tcp"
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   remote_ip:         "" => ""
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   security_group_id: "" => "2237738"
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_443[9]: Creating...
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   direction:         "" => "ingress"
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   ether_type:        "" => "IPv4"
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   port_range_max:    "" => "443"
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   port_range_min:    "" => "443"
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   protocol:          "" => "tcp"
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   remote_ip:         "" => ""
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   security_group_id: "" => "2237738"
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_80[4]: Creation complete after 1s (ID: 6812748)
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv6_port_443[4]: Creation complete after 1s (ID: 6812668)
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_80[9]: Creation complete after 1s (ID: 6812576)
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_80[11]: Creating...
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   direction:         "" => "ingress"
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   ether_type:        "" => "IPv4"
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   port_range_max:    "" => "80"
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   port_range_min:    "" => "80"
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   protocol:          "" => "tcp"
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   remote_ip:         "" => ""
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   security_group_id: "" => "2237738"
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv6_port_80[5]: Creating...
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   direction:         "" => "ingress"
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   ether_type:        "" => "IPv6"
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   port_range_max:    "" => "80"
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   port_range_min:    "" => "80"
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   protocol:          "" => "tcp"
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   remote_ip:         "" => "2a06:98c0::/29"
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   security_group_id: "" => "2237738"
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_443[2]: Creation complete after 1s (ID: 6812828)
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv6_port_443[2]: Creation complete after 1s (ID: 6812670)
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_443[0]: Creating...
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   direction:         "" => "ingress"
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   ether_type:        "" => "IPv4"
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   port_range_max:    "" => "443"
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   port_range_min:    "" => "443"
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   protocol:          "" => "tcp"
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   remote_ip:         "" => ""
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   security_group_id: "" => "2237738"
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv6_port_80[6]: Creation complete after 2s (ID: 6812830)
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_80[12]: Creating...
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   direction:         "" => "ingress"
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   ether_type:        "" => "IPv4"
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   port_range_max:    "" => "80"
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   port_range_min:    "" => "80"
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   protocol:          "" => "tcp"
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   remote_ip:         "" => ""
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   security_group_id: "" => "2237738"
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv6_port_443[3]: Creating...
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   direction:         "" => "ingress"
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   ether_type:        "" => "IPv6"
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   port_range_max:    "" => "443"
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   port_range_min:    "" => "443"
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   protocol:          "" => "tcp"
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   remote_ip:         "" => "2405:b500::/32"
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   security_group_id: "" => "2237738"
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_80[1]: Creating...
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   direction:         "" => "ingress"
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   ether_type:        "" => "IPv4"
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   port_range_max:    "" => "80"
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   port_range_min:    "" => "80"
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   protocol:          "" => "tcp"
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   remote_ip:         "" => ""
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   security_group_id: "" => "2237738"
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv6_port_443[5]: Creation complete after 2s (ID: 6812672)
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv6_port_80[0]: Creating...
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   direction:         "" => "ingress"
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   ether_type:        "" => "IPv6"
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   port_range_max:    "" => "80"
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   port_range_min:    "" => "80"
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   protocol:          "" => "tcp"
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   remote_ip:         "" => "2400:cb00::/32"
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   security_group_id: "" => "2237738"
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_80[13]: Creation complete after 1s (ID: 6812206)
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_80[7]: Creating...
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   direction:         "" => "ingress"
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   ether_type:        "" => "IPv4"
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   port_range_max:    "" => "80"
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   port_range_min:    "" => "80"
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   protocol:          "" => "tcp"
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   remote_ip:         "" => ""
 2019/12/06 08:34:28 Terraform apply |   security_group_id: "" => "2237738"
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_443[9]: Creation complete after 1s (ID: 6812514)
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv6_port_80[5]: Creation complete after 1s (ID: 6812676)
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_443[0]: Creation complete after 0s (ID: 6812208)
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_80[11]: Creation complete after 1s (ID: 6812674)
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv6_port_443[0]: Creating...
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply |   direction:         "" => "ingress"
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply |   ether_type:        "" => "IPv6"
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply |   port_range_max:    "" => "443"
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply |   port_range_min:    "" => "443"
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply |   protocol:          "" => "tcp"
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply |   remote_ip:         "" => "2400:cb00::/32"
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply |   security_group_id: "" => "2237738"
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_80[2]: Creation complete after 1s (ID: 6812750)
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_80[12]: Creation complete after 0s (ID: 6812752)
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_80[1]: Creation complete after 1s (ID: 6812578)
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv6_port_443[3]: Creation complete after 1s (ID: 6812834)
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv6_port_443[1]: Creating...
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply |   direction:         "" => "ingress"
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply |   ether_type:        "" => "IPv6"
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply |   port_range_max:    "" => "443"
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply |   port_range_min:    "" => "443"
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply |   protocol:          "" => "tcp"
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply |   remote_ip:         "" => "2606:4700::/32"
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply |   security_group_id: "" => "2237738"
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_443[8]: Creating...
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply |   direction:         "" => "ingress"
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply |   ether_type:        "" => "IPv4"
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply |   port_range_max:    "" => "443"
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply |   port_range_min:    "" => "443"
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply |   protocol:          "" => "tcp"
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply |   remote_ip:         "" => ""
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply |   security_group_id: "" => "2237738"
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_80[5]: Creating...
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply |   direction:         "" => "ingress"
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply |   ether_type:        "" => "IPv4"
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply |   port_range_max:    "" => "80"
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply |   port_range_min:    "" => "80"
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply |   protocol:          "" => "tcp"
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply |   remote_ip:         "" => ""
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply |   security_group_id: "" => "2237738"
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_443[7]: Creating...
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply |   direction:         "" => "ingress"
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply |   ether_type:        "" => "IPv4"
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply |   port_range_max:    "" => "443"
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply |   port_range_min:    "" => "443"
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply |   protocol:          "" => "tcp"
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply |   remote_ip:         "" => ""
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply |   security_group_id: "" => "2237738"
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_80[8]: Creating...
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply |   direction:         "" => "ingress"
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply |   ether_type:        "" => "IPv4"
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply |   port_range_max:    "" => "80"
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply |   port_range_min:    "" => "80"
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply |   protocol:          "" => "tcp"
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply |   remote_ip:         "" => ""
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply |   security_group_id: "" => "2237738"
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_443[4]: Creating...
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply |   direction:         "" => "ingress"
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply |   ether_type:        "" => "IPv4"
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply |   port_range_max:    "" => "443"
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply |   port_range_min:    "" => "443"
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply |   protocol:          "" => "tcp"
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply |   remote_ip:         "" => ""
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply |   security_group_id: "" => "2237738"
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_443[3]: Creating...
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply |   direction:         "" => "ingress"
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply |   ether_type:        "" => "IPv4"
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply |   port_range_max:    "" => "443"
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply |   port_range_min:    "" => "443"
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply |   protocol:          "" => "tcp"
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply |   remote_ip:         "" => ""
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply |   security_group_id: "" => "2237738"
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv6_port_80[0]: Creation complete after 1s (ID: 6812580)
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_80[3]: Creating...
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply |   direction:         "" => "ingress"
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply |   ether_type:        "" => "IPv4"
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply |   port_range_max:    "" => "80"
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply |   port_range_min:    "" => "80"
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply |   protocol:          "" => "tcp"
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply |   remote_ip:         "" => ""
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply |   security_group_id: "" => "2237738"
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_80[7]: Creation complete after 1s (ID: 6812678)
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv6_port_80[2]: Creating...
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply |   direction:         "" => "ingress"
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply |   ether_type:        "" => "IPv6"
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply |   port_range_max:    "" => "80"
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply |   port_range_min:    "" => "80"
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply |   protocol:          "" => "tcp"
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply |   remote_ip:         "" => "2803:f800::/32"
 2019/12/06 08:34:29 Terraform apply |   security_group_id: "" => "2237738"
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv6_port_443[0]: Creation complete after 1s (ID: 6812210)
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_443[3]: Creation complete after 0s (ID: 6812212)
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_80[5]: Creation complete after 0s (ID: 6812758)
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv6_port_80[4]: Creating...
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply |   direction:         "" => "ingress"
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply |   ether_type:        "" => "IPv6"
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply |   port_range_max:    "" => "80"
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply |   port_range_min:    "" => "80"
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply |   protocol:          "" => "tcp"
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply |   remote_ip:         "" => "2405:8100::/32"
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply |   security_group_id: "" => "2237738"
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_80[8]: Creation complete after 0s (ID: 6812756)
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_443[4]: Creation complete after 0s (ID: 6812516)
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_443[6]: Creating...
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply |   direction:         "" => "ingress"
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply |   ether_type:        "" => "IPv4"
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply |   port_range_max:    "" => "443"
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply |   port_range_min:    "" => "443"
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply |   protocol:          "" => "tcp"
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply |   remote_ip:         "" => ""
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply |   security_group_id: "" => "2237738"
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_443[7]: Creation complete after 1s (ID: 6812214)
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv6_port_443[1]: Creation complete after 1s (ID: 6812754)
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_80[10]: Creating...
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply |   direction:         "" => "ingress"
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply |   ether_type:        "" => "IPv4"
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply |   port_range_max:    "" => "80"
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply |   port_range_min:    "" => "80"
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply |   protocol:          "" => "tcp"
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply |   remote_ip:         "" => ""
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply |   security_group_id: "" => "2237738"
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_443[8]: Creation complete after 1s (ID: 6812836)
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_443[12]: Creating...
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply |   direction:         "" => "ingress"
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply |   ether_type:        "" => "IPv4"
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply |   port_range_max:    "" => "443"
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply |   port_range_min:    "" => "443"
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply |   protocol:          "" => "tcp"
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply |   remote_ip:         "" => ""
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply |   security_group_id: "" => "2237738"
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_443[5]: Creating...
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply |   direction:         "" => "ingress"
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply |   ether_type:        "" => "IPv4"
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply |   port_range_max:    "" => "443"
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply |   port_range_min:    "" => "443"
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply |   protocol:          "" => "tcp"
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply |   remote_ip:         "" => ""
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply |   security_group_id: "" => "2237738"
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_80[3]: Creation complete after 1s (ID: 6812216)
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_80[0]: Creating...
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply |   direction:         "" => "ingress"
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply |   ether_type:        "" => "IPv4"
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply |   port_range_max:    "" => "80"
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply |   port_range_min:    "" => "80"
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply |   protocol:          "" => "tcp"
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply |   remote_ip:         "" => ""
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply |   security_group_id: "" => "2237738"
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv6_port_80[2]: Creation complete after 1s (ID: 6812838)
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_443[11]: Creating...
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply |   direction:         "" => "ingress"
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply |   ether_type:        "" => "IPv4"
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply |   port_range_max:    "" => "443"
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply |   port_range_min:    "" => "443"
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply |   protocol:          "" => "tcp"
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply |   remote_ip:         "" => ""
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply |   security_group_id: "" => "2237738"
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_443[10]: Creating...
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply |   direction:         "" => "ingress"
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply |   ether_type:        "" => "IPv4"
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply |   port_range_max:    "" => "443"
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply |   port_range_min:    "" => "443"
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply |   protocol:          "" => "tcp"
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply |   remote_ip:         "" => ""
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply |   security_group_id: "" => "2237738"
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv6_port_80[3]: Creating...
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply |   direction:         "" => "ingress"
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply |   ether_type:        "" => "IPv6"
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply |   port_range_max:    "" => "80"
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply |   port_range_min:    "" => "80"
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply |   protocol:          "" => "tcp"
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply |   remote_ip:         "" => "2405:b500::/32"
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply |   security_group_id: "" => "2237738"
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_443[13]: Creating...
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply |   direction:         "" => "ingress"
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply |   ether_type:        "" => "IPv4"
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply |   port_range_max:    "" => "443"
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply |   port_range_min:    "" => "443"
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply |   protocol:          "" => "tcp"
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply |   remote_ip:         "" => ""
 2019/12/06 08:34:30 Terraform apply |   security_group_id: "" => "2237738"
 2019/12/06 08:34:31 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv6_port_80[4]: Creation complete after 1s (ID: 6812680)
 2019/12/06 08:34:31 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_443[1]: Creating...
 2019/12/06 08:34:31 Terraform apply |   direction:         "" => "ingress"
 2019/12/06 08:34:31 Terraform apply |   ether_type:        "" => "IPv4"
 2019/12/06 08:34:31 Terraform apply |   port_range_max:    "" => "443"
 2019/12/06 08:34:31 Terraform apply |   port_range_min:    "" => "443"
 2019/12/06 08:34:31 Terraform apply |   protocol:          "" => "tcp"
 2019/12/06 08:34:31 Terraform apply |   remote_ip:         "" => ""
 2019/12/06 08:34:31 Terraform apply |   security_group_id: "" => "2237738"
 2019/12/06 08:34:31 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_80[10]: Creation complete after 1s (ID: 6813018)
 2019/12/06 08:34:31 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_443[10]: Creation complete after 1s (ID: 6812584)
 2019/12/06 08:34:31 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_443[13]: Creation complete after 1s (ID: 6812684)
 2019/12/06 08:34:32 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_443[11]: Creation complete after 1s (ID: 6813020)
 2019/12/06 08:34:32 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_443[12]: Creation complete after 1s (ID: 6813022)
 2019/12/06 08:34:32 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_443[5]: Creation complete after 1s (ID: 6812840)
 2019/12/06 08:34:32 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_443[6]: Creation complete after 1s (ID: 6812582)
 2019/12/06 08:34:32 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv6_port_80[3]: Creation complete after 1s (ID: 6812682)
 2019/12/06 08:34:32 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_80[0]: Creation complete after 1s (ID: 6812918)
 2019/12/06 08:34:32 Terraform apply | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_443[1]: Creation complete after 2s (ID: 6813024)
 2019/12/06 08:34:32 Terraform apply | 
 2019/12/06 08:34:32 Terraform apply | Apply complete! Resources: 43 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Command finished successfully.

 2019/12/06 08:34:33 
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Starting command: terraform show -no-color
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show | data.external.cis_ipv4_cidrs:
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   id = -
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   program.# = 2
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   program.0 = bash
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   program.1 = get_cis_ipv4_cidrs.sh
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   result.%!=(MISSING) 14
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   result.0 =
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   result.1 =
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   result.10 =
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   result.11 =
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   result.12 =
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   result.13 =
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   result.2 =
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   result.3 =
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   result.4 =
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   result.5 =
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   result.6 =
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   result.7 =
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   result.8 =
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   result.9 =
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show | data.external.cis_ipv6_cidrs:
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   id = -
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   program.# = 2
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   program.0 = bash
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   program.1 = get_cis_ipv6_cidrs.sh
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   result.%!=(MISSING) 7
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   result.0 = 2400:cb00::/32
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   result.1 = 2606:4700::/32
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   result.2 = 2803:f800::/32
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   result.3 = 2405:b500::/32
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   result.4 = 2405:8100::/32
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   result.5 = 2a06:98c0::/29
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   result.6 = 2c0f:f248::/32
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show | ibm_security_group.sg1:
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   id = 2237738
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   description = Allow all HTTP/HTTPS ingress traffic from IBM Cloud Internet Services
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   name = allow_cis_ips
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_443.0:
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   id = 6812208
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   direction = ingress
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   ether_type = IPv4
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_max = 443
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_min = 443
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   protocol = tcp
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   remote_ip =
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   security_group_id = 2237738
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_443.1:
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   id = 6813024
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   direction = ingress
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   ether_type = IPv4
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_max = 443
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_min = 443
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   protocol = tcp
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   remote_ip =
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   security_group_id = 2237738
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_443.10:
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   id = 6812584
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   direction = ingress
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   ether_type = IPv4
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_max = 443
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_min = 443
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   protocol = tcp
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   remote_ip =
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   security_group_id = 2237738
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_443.11:
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   id = 6813020
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   direction = ingress
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   ether_type = IPv4
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_max = 443
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_min = 443
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   protocol = tcp
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   remote_ip =
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   security_group_id = 2237738
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_443.12:
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   id = 6813022
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   direction = ingress
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   ether_type = IPv4
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_max = 443
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_min = 443
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   protocol = tcp
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   remote_ip =
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   security_group_id = 2237738
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_443.13:
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   id = 6812684
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   direction = ingress
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   ether_type = IPv4
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_max = 443
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_min = 443
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   protocol = tcp
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   remote_ip =
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   security_group_id = 2237738
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_443.2:
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   id = 6812828
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   direction = ingress
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   ether_type = IPv4
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_max = 443
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_min = 443
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   protocol = tcp
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   remote_ip =
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   security_group_id = 2237738
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_443.3:
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   id = 6812212
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   direction = ingress
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   ether_type = IPv4
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_max = 443
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_min = 443
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   protocol = tcp
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   remote_ip =
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   security_group_id = 2237738
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_443.4:
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   id = 6812516
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   direction = ingress
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   ether_type = IPv4
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_max = 443
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_min = 443
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   protocol = tcp
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   remote_ip =
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   security_group_id = 2237738
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_443.5:
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   id = 6812840
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   direction = ingress
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   ether_type = IPv4
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_max = 443
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_min = 443
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   protocol = tcp
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   remote_ip =
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   security_group_id = 2237738
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_443.6:
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   id = 6812582
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   direction = ingress
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   ether_type = IPv4
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_max = 443
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_min = 443
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   protocol = tcp
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   remote_ip =
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   security_group_id = 2237738
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_443.7:
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   id = 6812214
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   direction = ingress
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   ether_type = IPv4
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_max = 443
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_min = 443
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   protocol = tcp
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   remote_ip =
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   security_group_id = 2237738
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_443.8:
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   id = 6812836
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   direction = ingress
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   ether_type = IPv4
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_max = 443
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_min = 443
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   protocol = tcp
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   remote_ip =
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   security_group_id = 2237738
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_443.9:
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   id = 6812514
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   direction = ingress
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   ether_type = IPv4
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_max = 443
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_min = 443
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   protocol = tcp
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   remote_ip =
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   security_group_id = 2237738
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_80.0:
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   id = 6812918
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   direction = ingress
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   ether_type = IPv4
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_max = 80
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_min = 80
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   protocol = tcp
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   remote_ip =
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   security_group_id = 2237738
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_80.1:
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   id = 6812578
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   direction = ingress
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   ether_type = IPv4
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_max = 80
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_min = 80
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   protocol = tcp
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   remote_ip =
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   security_group_id = 2237738
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_80.10:
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   id = 6813018
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   direction = ingress
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   ether_type = IPv4
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_max = 80
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_min = 80
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   protocol = tcp
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   remote_ip =
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   security_group_id = 2237738
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_80.11:
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   id = 6812674
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   direction = ingress
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   ether_type = IPv4
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_max = 80
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_min = 80
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   protocol = tcp
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   remote_ip =
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   security_group_id = 2237738
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_80.12:
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   id = 6812752
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   direction = ingress
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   ether_type = IPv4
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_max = 80
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_min = 80
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   protocol = tcp
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   remote_ip =
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   security_group_id = 2237738
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_80.13:
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   id = 6812206
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   direction = ingress
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   ether_type = IPv4
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_max = 80
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_min = 80
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   protocol = tcp
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   remote_ip =
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   security_group_id = 2237738
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_80.2:
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   id = 6812750
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   direction = ingress
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   ether_type = IPv4
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_max = 80
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_min = 80
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   protocol = tcp
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   remote_ip =
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   security_group_id = 2237738
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_80.3:
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   id = 6812216
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   direction = ingress
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   ether_type = IPv4
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_max = 80
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_min = 80
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   protocol = tcp
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   remote_ip =
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   security_group_id = 2237738
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_80.4:
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   id = 6812748
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   direction = ingress
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   ether_type = IPv4
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_max = 80
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_min = 80
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   protocol = tcp
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   remote_ip =
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   security_group_id = 2237738
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_80.5:
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   id = 6812758
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   direction = ingress
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   ether_type = IPv4
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_max = 80
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_min = 80
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   protocol = tcp
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   remote_ip =
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   security_group_id = 2237738
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_80.6:
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   id = 6812204
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   direction = ingress
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   ether_type = IPv4
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_max = 80
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_min = 80
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   protocol = tcp
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   remote_ip =
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   security_group_id = 2237738
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_80.7:
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   id = 6812678
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   direction = ingress
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   ether_type = IPv4
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_max = 80
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_min = 80
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   protocol = tcp
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   remote_ip =
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   security_group_id = 2237738
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_80.8:
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   id = 6812756
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   direction = ingress
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   ether_type = IPv4
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_max = 80
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_min = 80
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   protocol = tcp
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   remote_ip =
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   security_group_id = 2237738
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv4_port_80.9:
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   id = 6812576
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   direction = ingress
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   ether_type = IPv4
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_max = 80
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_min = 80
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   protocol = tcp
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   remote_ip =
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   security_group_id = 2237738
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv6_port_443.0:
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   id = 6812210
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   direction = ingress
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   ether_type = IPv6
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_max = 443
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_min = 443
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   protocol = tcp
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   remote_ip = 2400:cb00::/32
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   security_group_id = 2237738
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv6_port_443.1:
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   id = 6812754
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   direction = ingress
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   ether_type = IPv6
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_max = 443
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_min = 443
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   protocol = tcp
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   remote_ip = 2606:4700::/32
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   security_group_id = 2237738
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv6_port_443.2:
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   id = 6812670
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   direction = ingress
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   ether_type = IPv6
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_max = 443
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_min = 443
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   protocol = tcp
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   remote_ip = 2803:f800::/32
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   security_group_id = 2237738
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv6_port_443.3:
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   id = 6812834
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   direction = ingress
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   ether_type = IPv6
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_max = 443
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_min = 443
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   protocol = tcp
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   remote_ip = 2405:b500::/32
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   security_group_id = 2237738
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv6_port_443.4:
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   id = 6812668
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   direction = ingress
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   ether_type = IPv6
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_max = 443
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_min = 443
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   protocol = tcp
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   remote_ip = 2405:8100::/32
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   security_group_id = 2237738
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv6_port_443.5:
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   id = 6812672
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   direction = ingress
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   ether_type = IPv6
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_max = 443
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_min = 443
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   protocol = tcp
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   remote_ip = 2a06:98c0::/29
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   security_group_id = 2237738
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv6_port_443.6:
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   id = 6812746
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   direction = ingress
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   ether_type = IPv6
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_max = 443
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_min = 443
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   protocol = tcp
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   remote_ip = 2c0f:f248::/32
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   security_group_id = 2237738
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv6_port_80.0:
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   id = 6812580
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   direction = ingress
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   ether_type = IPv6
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_max = 80
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_min = 80
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   protocol = tcp
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   remote_ip = 2400:cb00::/32
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   security_group_id = 2237738
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv6_port_80.1:
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   id = 6812832
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   direction = ingress
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   ether_type = IPv6
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_max = 80
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_min = 80
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   protocol = tcp
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   remote_ip = 2606:4700::/32
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   security_group_id = 2237738
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv6_port_80.2:
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   id = 6812838
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   direction = ingress
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   ether_type = IPv6
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_max = 80
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_min = 80
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   protocol = tcp
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   remote_ip = 2803:f800::/32
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   security_group_id = 2237738
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv6_port_80.3:
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   id = 6812682
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   direction = ingress
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   ether_type = IPv6
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_max = 80
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_min = 80
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   protocol = tcp
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   remote_ip = 2405:b500::/32
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   security_group_id = 2237738
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv6_port_80.4:
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   id = 6812680
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   direction = ingress
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   ether_type = IPv6
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_max = 80
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_min = 80
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   protocol = tcp
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   remote_ip = 2405:8100::/32
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   security_group_id = 2237738
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv6_port_80.5:
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   id = 6812676
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   direction = ingress
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   ether_type = IPv6
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_max = 80
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_min = 80
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   protocol = tcp
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   remote_ip = 2a06:98c0::/29
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   security_group_id = 2237738
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show | ibm_security_group_rule.allow_ipv6_port_80.6:
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   id = 6812830
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   direction = ingress
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   ether_type = IPv6
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_max = 80
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   port_range_min = 80
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   protocol = tcp
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   remote_ip = 2c0f:f248::/32
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show |   security_group_id = 2237738
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Terraform show | 
 2019/12/06 08:34:33 Command finished successfully.

Security Group 確認

https://cloud.ibm.com/classic/security/securitygroups から allow_cis_ips が作成されたことが確認できます。





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