組み込みSW開発がメインのプログラマです。自動化大好き。 Editor: Emacs(Spacemacs)/Terminal: Fish
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- Fuad Habba@fuadhabbanewyork2
"Global Product & Partnership Director driving CrossBorder Solutions into a 'Top 50 Fastest Growing Start-up' of 2019.
- ImpactQA@ImpactQA
A leading Software Testing Company empowering startups & Fortune 500 Companies to bridge the gap for digital transformation. Our offerings include Test Automation, Security, Mobile App and AI Testing.
- Mori Takashi@kanetugu2018
TOPPERS/箱庭WG活動でUnityやらAthrillやらmROSやら触ってます。 最近は仕事の関係でWeb系の技術に注力しつつ、箱庭への転用を模索しています。 2023年8月1日:合同会社箱庭ラボに移動しました
- Dr. Kiyoshi Ogawa@kaizen_nagoya
I'm a network designer.I work on TOPPERS SmallestSetProfile Kernel,MISRA-C/C++, STARC RTL Design StyleGuide (Verilog-HDL), and HAZOP.I was an editor of ISO/IEC 15504.