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テスト自動化導入の時の話 by T-DASHAdvent Calendar 2024

Day 5

私が前職で体験したこととT-DASHをすごいと思ったこと / What I experienced in my last job and what I thought was great about T-DASH (日本語/英語)

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Advent Calendar 2024に参加してまして、5日目の記事を書いていこうと思います。
題材は「テスト自動化導入の時の話 by T-DASH Advent Calendar 2024」ということで私が前職で体験したこととT-DASHをすごいと思ったことを記事にしていこうと思います。






T-DASH(Test Data Analysis and Sharing Hub)は、データ分析と共有を目的としたテストツールです。このツールは、テストデータの収集、分析、および共有を効率化することを目指しています。







Good evening!
I am participating in Advent Calendar 2024, and I am going to write an article for the 5th day.
The subject of the article is “A story when I introduced test automation by T-DASH Advent Calendar 2024” and I will include my experience at my previous company and T-DASH.

My experience of introducing test automation in my company

At my past company, I worked as an outsourced system testing contractor. One of the efforts we made was to automate regression testing using Python's Selenium. When I initially proposed the idea of implementing this system at the company, there was a cautious reaction from upper management. However, by creating a demo showing the effect of reducing the implementation time by about 30 minutes, we were eventually able to persuade them to put the system into operation.

Challenges included the need to write code and to obtain approval from the contractor, but through upper management persuasion and technical efforts, we were able to overcome these issues.

We feel that this experience was a very growth scenario, but now that we have a full range of test automation tools, we could have achieved smoother results if we had used T-DASH, which was introduced at this event.

What is T-DASH?

T-DASH (Test Data Analysis and Sharing Hub) is a testing tool for data analysis and sharing. The tool aims to streamline the collection, analysis, and sharing of test data.

What I could have done with T-DASH

My experience was only within the defined routine of automating the execution of regression tests, but even other tests can be automated with T-DASH! I think this is really great.

The following is an overview.

System testing is a very time-consuming and important part of the process, so I think that we should try to find a way to make it accurate and time-saving.
Therefore, I think that T-DASH's service is very attractive because it can be applied to various types of testing!

Thank you for reading this far!


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