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New Relicって何者?調べてみた~ / What is New Relic? I looked it up~ (日本語 / 英語)

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Advent Calendar 2024に参加してまして、7日目の記事を書いていこうと思います。
題材は「New Relic 使ってみた情報をシェアしよう! by New Relic Advent Calendar 2024」ということでNew Relicについて調べた情報を記事にしていこうと思います。本当は使った感想を書きたかったのですが、時間がなくご容赦ください。。

New Relictとは

New Relic(ニューリリック)は、アプリケーションパフォーマンス管理(APM)と監視ツールを提供するサービスです。開発者や運用チームが、ソフトウェアやインフラストラクチャの状態をリアルタイムで監視し、パフォーマンスの問題を迅速に特定・解決するために利用されています。

New Relictの主な機能

New Relicをアプリケーションパフォーマンス管理(APM)



サーバー、データベース、クラウドサービス(AWSやGoogle Cloudなど)の状態をモニタリング。CPU使用率、メモリ使用率、ディスク容量などを追跡。









Good evening!
I'm participating in Advent Calendar 2024 and I'm going to write an article for the 7th day.
The subject is “Let's share information about New Relic! by New Relic Advent Calendar 2024”, so I'm going to write an article about the information I found out about New Relic. I really wanted to write about my impressions of using it, but I don't have time, so please forgive me.

What is New Relict?

New Relic is a service that provides application performance management (APM) and monitoring tools. It is used by developers and operations teams to monitor software and infrastructure status in real time to quickly identify and resolve performance issues.

New Relict Key Features

Application Performance Management (APM) with New Relic

Monitor application response times and error rates.
Visualize which code and queries are bottlenecks.

Infrastructure Monitoring

Monitor status of servers, databases, and cloud services (AWS, Google Cloud, etc.) Track CPU usage, memory usage, disk space, etc.

Real User Monitoring (RUM)

Measure performance of apps and websites when used by real users. Compare user experience across geographies and devices.

Log Management and Troubleshooting

Centrally manage error logs and troubleshooting situations.

Situations where it could be useful.

When I researched this service, I thought it was very suitable for life-and-death checks. Companies that operate a variety of services will lose days if they have to check every single site for problems. If this service is used in such cases, and if it is linked with a chat service, I feel that it will be easier to respond when a problem occurs on the site.

Thank you for reading this far!

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