Advent Calendar 2024に参加してまして、11日目の記事を書いていこうと思います。
題材は「過去の自分に教えたい、ソフトウェア品質の心得を投稿しよう by QualityForward Advent Calendar 2024」ということで、ソフトウェア品質とセキュリティの関連性について調べていきたいと思います。
機能性: ソフトウェアが要求された機能を正確に提供できるか。
信頼性: ソフトウェアがエラーを最小限に抑え、安定して動作するか。
効率性: ソフトウェアがリソース(CPU、メモリなど)を効率的に使用するか。
保守性: ソフトウェアがどれだけ簡単に修正や改善ができるか。
移植性: ソフトウェアが異なる環境でどれだけ問題なく動作するか。
機密性: データが許可されていない人に見られないようにする。
完全性: データが不正に変更されないようにする。
可用性: 必要なときにシステムやデータにアクセスできるようにする。
1. 信頼性とセキュリティ
2. 保守性とセキュリティ
3. 機能性とセキュリティ
バグ: バグはセキュリティ脆弱性の原因になる。
設計の問題: 初期の設計段階でセキュリティが考慮されていない場合、脆弱性が生じる。
アップデートの難しさ: 保守性が低いと、セキュリティアップデートが遅れる。
Good evening!
I'm participating in Advent Calendar 2024 and I'm going to write an article for the 11th day.
The subject is “Let's post the software quality tips you want to teach your past self by QualityForward Advent Calendar 2024,” and I would like to investigate the relationship between software quality and security.
Isn't quality security? To my naive self who was thinking “Isn't quality about security?
If you have a little bit of IT background, you may think of software quality in terms of system testing and bugs. However, at the time, I thought that quality meant security!
So this time I would like to tell those past me that I am not 100% wrong.
What is software quality?
Software quality is a measure of how well software meets user expectations and requirements.
Functionality: Is the software able to provide exactly the requested functionality?
Reliability: Does the software work reliably with minimal errors?
Efficiency: How efficiently does the software use resources (CPU, memory, etc.)?
Maintainability: How easily can the software be modified or improved?
Portability: How well does the software work in different environments?
What is security?
Security refers to the ability of software and systems to prevent unauthorized access, tampering, and data leakage.
Confidentiality: Ensures that data is not seen by unauthorized persons.
Integrity: Ensures that data cannot be altered by unauthorized persons.
Availability: Ensure that systems and data are accessible when needed.
Relationship between Software Quality and Security
Software quality and security have a common goal. It is to provide software that is reliable and secure for users.
1. Reliability and Security
Reliable software has fewer bugs and failures, which also reduces security risks. On the other hand, with unreliable software, bugs can be exploited by attackers.
2. maintainability and security
Highly maintainable software allows security vulnerabilities to be fixed quickly. If the code is complex and difficult to read, vulnerabilities may be discovered and fixed too late.
3. functionality and security
Incorrect behavior can create security vulnerabilities if the required functionality is not implemented correctly. For example, a mismanaged implementation of an authentication system can allow unauthorized access.
Low Quality Also Puts Security at Risk
Low quality software tends to increase security risks.
Bugs: Bugs can lead to security vulnerabilities.
Design issues: vulnerabilities arise when security is not considered in the early design stages.
Update difficulties: Low maintainability delays security updates.
That's all. The relationship between software quality and security issues!
Thank you for reading this far!