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Last updated at Posted at 2024-12-21

R言語 Advent Calendar 2024の22日目の記事です。





  • 高温条件: 気温が30 °C以上ならば不適
  • 暑熱条件: 熱中症リスクを反映する湿球黒球温度 (WBGT) が25 °C以上ならば不適
  • 降雨条件: 1時間降水量が0.1 mmより大きければ不適、ただし気温が0 °C以下ならば好適 (雨ではなく雪が降る)
  • 低温条件: 気温が-10 °C以下ならば不適


$$WBGT = 0.735 \times T_a + 0.0374 \times RH + 0.00292 \times T_a \times RH + 7.619 \times SR - 4.557 \times SR^2 - 0.0572 \times WS - 4.064$$

ここで、$T_a$は気温 (°C)、$RH$は相対湿度 (%)、$SR$は全天日射量 (kW m-2)、$WS$は平均風速 (m s-1) です。

解析に利用した気象データはNASAのThe POWER Project2が提供する時別値データです。空間解像度は日射関連要素で1° x 1°、その他気象要素で0.5° x 0.625° (緯度 x 経度) なので、50–100 kmほどのイメージです。以下の関数は、期間・地点・気象要素を指定することで、APIを経由して時別気象データを取得します。

fetch_nasapower <-
  function(start, end, lat, lon, parameters = c("T2M", "RH2M", "WS2M", "PRECTOTCORR", "ALLSKY_SFC_SW_DWN"), file = NULL, .silent = TRUE){
    param <- stringr::str_c(parameters, collapse = "%2C")
    url <- stringr::str_glue("https://power.larc.nasa.gov/api/temporal/hourly/point?start={start}&end={end}&latitude={lat}&longitude={lon}&community=ag&parameters={param}&format=csv&header={!is.null(file)}&time-standard=lst")

      file <- tempfile()
      download.file(url, destfile = file, quiet = .silent)
      data <- readr::read_csv(file, col_types = readr::cols())
    } else {
      download.file(url, destfile = file, quiet = .silent)
      # solar radiation系のパラメータを含む場合はskip = 11, 含まない場合はskip = 10になるらしい
      data <- readr::read_csv(file, col_types = readr::cols(), skip = 11)

    data |>
      dplyr::mutate(time = lubridate::ymd_hm(paste0(YEAR, "-", MO, "-", DY, " ", HR, ":00")), .before = 1,
                    lat, lon) |>
      dplyr::select(-YEAR, -MO, -DY, -HR)

関数の挙動は以下の通りです。T2MRH2MWS2Mはそれぞれ地上2 m高度における気温 (°C)、相対湿度 (%)、風速 (m s-1)、PRECTOTCORRは降水量 (mm h-1)、ALLSKY_SFC_SW_DWNは全天日射量 (MJ m-2 h-1) です。データ生成が未完了な直近数ヶ月には-999が無効値として入っています。

sample_data <- fetch_nasapower(start = 20210101, end = 20241219, lat = 43, lon = 141.4)

# # A tibble: 34,776 × 8
#    time                  lat   lon   T2M PRECTOTCORR ALLSKY_SFC_SW_DWN  RH2M  WS2M
#    <dttm>              <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>       <dbl>             <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#  1 2021-01-01 00:00:00    43  141. -13.2        0.28              0     98.5  2.07
#  2 2021-01-01 01:00:00    43  141. -13.1        0.29              0     98.5  2.24
#  3 2021-01-01 02:00:00    43  141. -13.0        0.38              0     98.2  2.45
#  4 2021-01-01 03:00:00    43  141. -12.9        0.39              0     97.8  2.6 
#  5 2021-01-01 04:00:00    43  141. -12.9        0.37              0     97.6  2.6 
#  6 2021-01-01 05:00:00    43  141. -12.9        0.38              0     97.6  2.54
#  7 2021-01-01 06:00:00    43  141. -13.1        0.42              0     97.9  2.46
#  8 2021-01-01 07:00:00    43  141. -13.3        0.45              0.06  98.2  2.37
#  9 2021-01-01 08:00:00    43  141. -13.1        0.45              0.11  97.5  2.44
# 10 2021-01-01 09:00:00    43  141. -12.4        0.3               0.22  95.6  2.92
# # ℹ 34,766 more rows
# # ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows

# ── Data Summary ────────────────────────
#                            Values     
# Name                       sample_data
# Number of rows             34776      
# Number of columns          8          
# _______________________               
# Column type frequency:                
#   numeric                  7          
#   POSIXct                  1          
# ________________________              
# Group variables            None       
# ── Variable type: numeric ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#   skim_variable     n_missing complete_rate     mean    sd    p0    p25    p50    p75   p100 hist 
# 1 lat                       0             1   43       0     43   43     43     43     43    ▁▁▇▁▁
# 2 lon                       0             1  141.      0    141. 141.   141.   141.   141.   ▁▁▇▁▁
# 3 T2M                       0             1    0.581  82.4 -999   -2.08   7.44  16.4   31.9  ▁▁▁▁▇
# 4 PRECTOTCORR               0             1   -6.48   81.2 -999    0      0.02   0.12  18.7  ▁▁▁▁▇
# 5 ALLSKY_SFC_SW_DWN         0             1 -117.    322.  -999    0      0      0.69   3.53 ▁▁▁▁▇
# 6 RH2M                      0             1   80.2    89.1 -999   81.4   92.3   96.5  100    ▁▁▁▁▇
# 7 WS2M                      0             1   -4.98   81.3 -999    0.92   1.36   2.12  11.1  ▁▁▁▁▇
# ── Variable type: POSIXct ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#   skim_variable n_missing complete_rate min                 max                 median              n_unique
# 1 time                  0             1 2021-01-01 00:00:00 2024-12-19 23:00:00 2022-12-26 11:30:00    34776


prep_nasapower <-
    nasapower |>
      dplyr::rename(temp = T2M, rh = RH2M, rain = PRECTOTCORR, rad = ALLSKY_SFC_SW_DWN, wind = WS2M) |>
      dplyr::filter(rad != -999) |>
        hour = lubridate::hour(time), date = lubridate::date(time),
        rad = rad / 3600 * 10^3, # MJ m-2 h-1 -> kW m-2
        WBGT = 0.735*temp + 0.0374*rh + 0.00292*temp*rh + 7.619*rad - 4.557*rad^2 - 0.0572*wind - 4.064

sample_clean <- prep_nasapower(sample_data)
# # A tibble: 30,681 × 11
#    time                  lat   lon  temp  rain    rad    rh  wind  hour date        WBGT
#    <dttm>              <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <date>     <dbl>
#  1 2021-01-01 00:00:00    43  141. -13.2  0.28 0       98.5  2.07     0 2021-01-01 -14.0
#  2 2021-01-01 01:00:00    43  141. -13.1  0.29 0       98.5  2.24     1 2021-01-01 -13.9
#  3 2021-01-01 02:00:00    43  141. -13.0  0.38 0       98.2  2.45     2 2021-01-01 -13.8
#  4 2021-01-01 03:00:00    43  141. -12.9  0.39 0       97.8  2.6      3 2021-01-01 -13.7
#  5 2021-01-01 04:00:00    43  141. -12.9  0.37 0       97.6  2.6      4 2021-01-01 -13.7
#  6 2021-01-01 05:00:00    43  141. -12.9  0.38 0       97.6  2.54     5 2021-01-01 -13.8
#  7 2021-01-01 06:00:00    43  141. -13.1  0.42 0       97.9  2.46     6 2021-01-01 -13.9
#  8 2021-01-01 07:00:00    43  141. -13.3  0.45 0.0167  98.2  2.37     7 2021-01-01 -14.0
#  9 2021-01-01 08:00:00    43  141. -13.1  0.45 0.0306  97.5  2.44     8 2021-01-01 -13.7
# 10 2021-01-01 09:00:00    43  141. -12.4  0.3  0.0611  95.6  2.92     9 2021-01-01 -12.8
# # ℹ 30,671 more rows
# # ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows

arrow::write_parquet(sample_clean, "sample_clean.parquet")



sample_clean <- arrow::read_parquet("sample_clean.parquet")

sample_clean |>
  head(24 * 100) |>
  tidyplot(x = time, y = temp) |>
  add_line(alpha = .5) |>
  add_curve_fit(span = 1/24)


sample_clean |>
  tidyplot(x = date, y = rain) |>


sample_clean |>
  tidyplot(x = date, y = hour, color = WBGT) |>




sample_clean |>
  dplyr::group_by(date) |>
  dplyr::mutate(mean_temp = mean(temp),
                mean_time = mean(time)) |>
  ggplot(aes(x = time, y = temp)) +
  geom_line(alpha = .25) +
  geom_point(data = dplyr::distinct_all, aes(x = mean_time, y = mean_temp), size = .2)



judge_sampo <-
    df |>
        date, hour, lat, lon, 
        pass_A = temp < 30,
        pass_B = WBGT < 25,
        pass_C = rain <= 0.1 | temp <= 0,
        pass_D = temp > -10,
        pass_all = (pass_A + pass_B + pass_C + pass_D) == 4

# A tibble: 30,681 × 9
   date        hour   lat   lon pass_A pass_B pass_C pass_D pass_all
   <date>     <int> <dbl> <dbl> <lgl>  <lgl>  <lgl>  <lgl>  <lgl>   
 1 2021-01-01     0    43  141. TRUE   TRUE   TRUE   FALSE  FALSE   
 2 2021-01-01     1    43  141. TRUE   TRUE   TRUE   FALSE  FALSE   
 3 2021-01-01     2    43  141. TRUE   TRUE   TRUE   FALSE  FALSE   
 4 2021-01-01     3    43  141. TRUE   TRUE   TRUE   FALSE  FALSE   
 5 2021-01-01     4    43  141. TRUE   TRUE   TRUE   FALSE  FALSE   
 6 2021-01-01     5    43  141. TRUE   TRUE   TRUE   FALSE  FALSE   
 7 2021-01-01     6    43  141. TRUE   TRUE   TRUE   FALSE  FALSE   
 8 2021-01-01     7    43  141. TRUE   TRUE   TRUE   FALSE  FALSE   
 9 2021-01-01     8    43  141. TRUE   TRUE   TRUE   FALSE  FALSE   
10 2021-01-01     9    43  141. TRUE   TRUE   TRUE   FALSE  FALSE   
# ℹ 30,671 more rows


解析 | 国内地点比較


compare_jpn <-
  list(`札幌` = list(lat = 43.0, lon = 141.4),
       `東京` = list(lat = 35.7, lon = 139.7),
       `京都` = list(lat = 34.7, lon = 135.5),
       `福岡` = list(lat = 33.5, lon = 130.4)) |>
    purrr::map_dfr(.id = "region", function(site){
      fetch_nasapower(start = 20190101, end = 20231231, lat = site$lat, lon = site$lon) |>
        prep_nasapower() |>

# # A tibble: 175,296 × 10
#    region date        hour   lat   lon pass_A pass_B pass_C pass_D pass_all
#    <chr>  <date>     <int> <dbl> <dbl> <lgl>  <lgl>  <lgl>  <lgl>  <lgl>   
#  1 札幌   2019-01-01     0    43  141. TRUE   TRUE   TRUE   TRUE   TRUE    
#  2 札幌   2019-01-01     1    43  141. TRUE   TRUE   TRUE   TRUE   TRUE    
#  3 札幌   2019-01-01     2    43  141. TRUE   TRUE   TRUE   TRUE   TRUE    
#  4 札幌   2019-01-01     3    43  141. TRUE   TRUE   TRUE   TRUE   TRUE    
#  5 札幌   2019-01-01     4    43  141. TRUE   TRUE   TRUE   TRUE   TRUE    
#  6 札幌   2019-01-01     5    43  141. TRUE   TRUE   TRUE   TRUE   TRUE    
#  7 札幌   2019-01-01     6    43  141. TRUE   TRUE   TRUE   TRUE   TRUE    
#  8 札幌   2019-01-01     7    43  141. TRUE   TRUE   TRUE   TRUE   TRUE    
#  9 札幌   2019-01-01     8    43  141. TRUE   TRUE   TRUE   TRUE   TRUE    
# 10 札幌   2019-01-01     9    43  141. TRUE   TRUE   TRUE   TRUE   TRUE    
# # ℹ 175,286 more rows

2023年の日・時刻ごとに散歩を制約した要因を可視化します。(今年もそうでしたが) 去年は猛暑だったので、本州では7月から9月にかけてほぼ毎日日中から夕方まで散歩不適という判定になりました。札幌でも真夏には高温による制約が起こっています。実際の散歩中の様子を踏まえると、高温・暑熱由来の不適判定はもう少し発生しやすくしてもいい印象です。また、日本は降水量が多いので、高温に加えて雨による制約もかかる場合が散見され、とくに夏季に制約が多い傾向にあります。

compare_jpn |>
  dplyr::filter(lubridate::year(date) == 2023) |>
  dplyr::mutate(limitation = paste0(dplyr::if_else(pass_A, "", "A"), 
                                    dplyr::if_else(pass_B, "", "B"), 
                                    dplyr::if_else(pass_C, "", "C"),
                                    dplyr::if_else(pass_D, "", "D")),
                limitation = factor(limitation,
                                    levels = c("", "A", "B", "AB", "C", "AC", "BC", "ABC", "D"),
                                    labels = c("", "高温", "暑熱", "高温+暑熱", "降雨", "高温+降雨", "暑熱+降雨", "高温+暑熱+降雨", "低温")
                                    )) |>
  ggplot(aes(date, hour, fill = limitation)) + 
  geom_tile() +
  facet_grid(region ~ .) +
  scale_x_date(date_breaks = "1 month", date_labels = "%m/%d") +
  scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 24, by = 6), labels = c("00:00", "06:00", "12:00", "18:00", "24:00")) +
  scale_fill_manual(values = c("white", "orange", "tomato", "red", "dodgerblue", "slateblue2", "slateblue4", "black", "azure4"),
                    limits = c("", "高温", "暑熱", "高温+暑熱", "降雨", "高温+降雨", "暑熱+降雨", "高温+暑熱+降雨", "低温")) +
  labs(x = NULL, y = NULL, fill = "制約")


5年分のデータから散歩好適確率の月別推移をよく散歩する時間帯別にプロットしました。気温が-10 °Cを下回る厳寒期以外は札幌一強です。

compare_jpn |>
  dplyr::mutate(year = lubridate::year(date), month = lubridate::month(date),
                timezone = dplyr::case_when(hour %in% 5:7 ~ "05:00~07:00",
                                            hour %in% 11:13 ~ "11:00~13:00",
                                            hour %in% 17:19 ~ "17:00~19:00")) |>
  na.omit() |>
  dplyr::summarise(pass = mean(pass_all) * 100, .by = c(region, timezone, date, month, year)) |>
  dplyr::summarise(stat = mean(pass), .by = c(region, timezone, month))  |>
  ggplot(aes(month, stat, col = region)) + 
  geom_line() +
  facet_grid(timezone ~ .) +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = 1:12, labels = paste0(1:12, "月")) +
  labs(x = NULL, y = "好適確率 [%]", col = NULL)



compare_jpn |>
  dplyr::filter(hour %in% 5:20) |>
  dplyr::summarise(pass = mean(pass_all) * 100, .by = c(region))
# A tibble: 4 × 2
  region  pass
  <chr>  <dbl>
1 札幌    78.7
2 東京    66.3
3 京都    68.2
4 福岡    69.6

解析 | 国別比較


world <- ggplot2::map_data("world")
       long      lat group order region subregion
1 -69.89912 12.45200     1     1  Aruba      <NA>
2 -69.89571 12.42300     1     2  Aruba      <NA>
3 -69.94219 12.43853     1     3  Aruba      <NA>
4 -70.00415 12.50049     1     4  Aruba      <NA>
5 -70.06612 12.54697     1     5  Aruba      <NA>
6 -70.05088 12.59707     1     6  Aruba      <NA>


largests <-
  world |>
  dplyr::mutate(num_node = dplyr::n(), .by = c(group, region)) |>
  dplyr::mutate(is_largest = num_node == max(num_node), .by = region)

centers <-
  largests |>
  dplyr::filter(is_largest) |>
  dplyr::summarise(long = median(long), lat = median(lat), .by = c(group, region))
largests |>
  ggplot(aes(long, lat)) +
  geom_polygon(aes(fill = is_largest, group = group), col = "grey90", linewidth = .1) +
  geom_point(data = centers, size = .2)



compare_world <-
  split(centers, centers$region) |>
  purrr::map_dfr(.id = "region", function(site){
      fetch_nasapower(start = 20230101, end = 20231231, lat = site$lat[1], lon = site$long[1]) |>
        prep_nasapower() |>

arrow::write_parquet(compare_world, "compare_world.parquet")


compare_world <- arrow::read_parquet("compare_world.parquet")

compare_world |>
  dplyr::filter(region %in% c("Germany", "Australia", "Japan", "USA", "Singapore")) |>
  dplyr::mutate(region = paste0(region, "\nlat:", round(lat, 1), "\nlon:", round(lon, 1)),
                limitation = paste0(dplyr::if_else(pass_A, "", "A"), 
                                    dplyr::if_else(pass_B, "", "B"), 
                                    dplyr::if_else(pass_C, "", "C"),
                                    dplyr::if_else(pass_D, "", "D")),
                limitation = factor(limitation,
                                    levels = c("", "A", "B", "AB", "C", "AC", "BC", "ABC", "D"),
                                    labels = c("", "高温", "暑熱", "高温+暑熱", "降雨", "高温+降雨", "暑熱+降雨", "高温+暑熱+降雨", "低温")
                                    )) |>
  ggplot(aes(date, hour, fill = limitation)) + 
  geom_tile() +
  facet_grid(region ~ .) +
  scale_x_date(date_breaks = "1 month", date_labels = "%m/%d") +
  scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 24, by = 6), labels = c("00:00", "06:00", "12:00", "18:00", "24:00")) +
  scale_fill_manual(values = c("white", "orange", "tomato", "red", "dodgerblue", "slateblue2", "slateblue4", "black", "azure4"),
                    limits = c("", "高温", "暑熱", "高温+暑熱", "降雨", "高温+降雨", "暑熱+降雨", "高温+暑熱+降雨", "低温")) +
  labs(x = NULL, y = NULL, fill = "制約")



annual_score <-
  compare_world |>
  dplyr::filter(hour %in% 5:20) |>
  dplyr::summarise(pass = mean(pass_all) * 100, .by = c(region))

annual_score |>
  dplyr::right_join(world, by = "region") |>
  ggplot(aes(long, lat)) +
  geom_hline(yintercept = seq(-60, 60, by = 30), linetype = 2, linewidth = .1) +
  geom_polygon(aes(fill = cut(pass, seq(0, 100, by = 10)), group = group), col = NA) +
  MetBrewer::scale_fill_met_d(name = "Hiroshige") +
  theme_void() +
  labs(x = NULL, y = NULL, fill = "好適確率 [%]")



  1. 通常観測気象要素を用いたWBGTの推定.(小野ら, 2014; 日本生気象学会雑誌)

  2. These data were obtained from the NASA Langley Research Center (LaRC) POWER Project funded through the NASA Earth Science/Applied Science Program.

  3. 正確には地域。グリーンランド、南極などは国ではないので。

  4. 本当はmapdeck::capitalsなどデータセットで首都の緯度経度使いたかったのですが、mapsworldデータセットとの表記の揺らぎから断念しました。


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