
clang++, g++コンパイルエラー方針の違いの例, error(22)

Last updated at Posted at 2018-04-19

C++ N4606(126)11 Member access control [class.access]p269



// N4606 Committee Draft, Standard for Programming Language C++
// http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2016/n4606.pdf 
#define msg "p269.cpp(126)11 Member access control [class.access]"

#include <iostream>

union are public by default. [ Example:
class X {
int a; // X::a is private by default
struct S {
int a; // S::a is public by default

class A {
class B { };
typedef B BB;
void f() {
A::BB x; // OK, typedef name A::BB is public
A::B y; // access error, A::B is private

class A {
typedef int I; // private member
I f();
friend I g(I);
static I x;
template<int> struct Q;
template<int> friend struct R;
struct B { };
A::I A::f() { return 0; }
A::I g(A::I p = A::x);
A::I g(A::I p) { return 0; }
A::I A::x = 0;
template<A::I> struct A::Q { };
template<A::I> struct R { };
struct D: A::B, A { };

class B { };
template <class T> class C {
typedef T TT;
template <class U, class V = typename U::TT>
class D : public U { };
D <C<B> >* d; // access error, C::TT is protected

int main(){
  std::cout<< msg << std::endl;
  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
$ ./cppgl17.sh p269
$ clang++ p269.cpp
p269.cpp:7:11: error: expected unqualified-id
union are public by default. [ Example:
1 error generated.

$ g++-7 p269.cpp
p269.cpp:7:11: error: expected unqualified-id before 'public'
 union are public by default. [ Example:
p269.cpp: In function 'void f()':
p269.cpp:22:4: error: 'class A::B' is private within this context
 A::B y; // access error, A::B is private
p269.cpp:16:7: note: declared private here
 class B { };
p269.cpp: At global scope:
p269.cpp:25:7: error: redefinition of 'class A'
 class A {
p269.cpp:15:7: note: previous definition of 'class A'
 class A {
p269.cpp:35:4: error: 'I' in 'class A' does not name a type
 A::I A::f() { return 0; }
p269.cpp:36:4: error: 'I' in 'class A' does not name a type
 A::I g(A::I p = A::x);
p269.cpp:37:4: error: 'I' in 'class A' does not name a type
 A::I g(A::I p) { return 0; }
p269.cpp:38:4: error: 'I' in 'class A' does not name a type
 A::I A::x = 0;
p269.cpp:39:10: error: 'A::I' has not been declared
 template<A::I> struct A::Q { };
p269.cpp:39:28: error: qualified name does not name a class before '{' token
 template<A::I> struct A::Q { };
p269.cpp:40:10: error: 'A::I' has not been declared
 template<A::I> struct R { };
p269.cpp:41:14: error: 'class A::B' is private within this context
 struct D: A::B, A { };
p269.cpp:16:7: note: declared private here
 class B { };
p269.cpp:50:7: error: 'D' is not a template
 class D : public U { };
p269.cpp:41:8: note: previous declaration here
 struct D: A::B, A { };
p269.cpp:51:1: error: 'D' is not a template
 D <C<B> >* d; // access error, C::TT is protected




Error一覧 error(0)

This article is an individual impression based on the individual's experience. It has nothing to do with the organization or business to which I currently belong.


ver 0.10 初稿 20180419
ver 0.11 初めの説明追記 20180420
ver. 0.12 ありがとう追記 20230312


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