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Explanation of Sensor Interfaces, No.913, AUTOSAR R21-11 (45) AP

Last updated at Posted at 2022-05-06

Explanation of Sensor Interfaces, No.913, 2021-11


AUTOSAR 21-11, 42文書読んだ。2022年5月中に半分到達予定。

AUTOSAR R21-11(0) 仕様ダウンロード一覧。単語帳。参考文献資料作成



Terms Description
AD Automated Driving
ADI Automated Driving Interfaces
AEB Autonomous Emergency Braking
HiL Hardware in the Loop
ISO International Organization for Standardization
LIDAR LIght Detection And Ranging
MiL Model in the Loop
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
OSI Open Simulation Interface
RADAR RAdio Detection And Ranging
SAE Society of Automotive Engineers
USS UltraSonic Sensor
XiL ... in the Loop
Car2X Car-to-X-Communication is the generic term for various communication technologies in automotive, including car-to-car (C2C) and car-to-infrastructure (C2I) communication. The information is either transmitted directly between vehicles via IEEE 802.11p, between car and roadside infrastructure or by using existing mobile networks.
Fusion Unit A fusion unit within ADI specification is an application executed on an AP processor which combines different sensor information into one environmental model. This includes sensor time synchronization, object tracking, false alarm reduction and accuracy improvement.
Smart Sensor A Smart Sensor within ADI specification is a sensor which interprets the raw / received data into object descriptions by internal processing. This includes both: sensors which perform processing over time (tracking / object list) and sensors which only provide single timeframe data (discrete / detection list).



no. count word 日本語
1 291 the その
2 155 sensor 感知器
3 147 of
4 116 and
5 107 to
6 85 a 一つの
7 75 interface 界面
8 69 for にとって
9 64 in
10 59 is です
11 55 interfaces 界面
12 52 autosar AUTomotive Open System Architecture(短縮名)
13 50 optional 選択肢
14 44 iso International Organization for Standardization(短縮名)
15 42 be です
16 38 as なので
17 37 service 奉仕
18 35 driving 運転
19 35 fusion 融合
20 34 this これ
21 34 use 使う
22 30 document 文書
23 29 by
24 29 sensors 感知器
25 28 automated 自動化
26 27 data 与件
27 27 or また
28 26 on の上
29 26 system
30 25 e e
31 25 information 情報
32 24 an 一つの
33 22 r r
34 21 ap adaptive platform(短縮名)
35 21 description 説明
36 21 from から
37 20 are それは
38 20 different 違う
39 20 explanation 説明
40 20 standardization 標準化
41 19 design 設計
42 19 that それ
43 18 autosar_exp_sensor autosar_exp_sensor
44 18 case 場合
45 18 id identifier, 識別子(短縮名)
46 18 implementation 実装
47 18 standardized 標準化
48 17 which どれの
49 16 example
50 16 g g
51 16 i
52 16 simulation 模擬試験
53 15 adaptive 適応
54 15 development 発達
55 15 functions 関数
56 14 specification 仕様
57 14 time 時間
58 14 will 意思
59 13 between の間に
60 13 can できる
61 13 signals 信号
62 12 during その間
63 12 figure
64 12 not いいえ
65 12 with
66 11 algorithm 算法
67 11 it それ
68 11 new 新着
69 10 any どれか
70 10 api application programming interface(短縮名)
71 10 c c
72 10 configuration 構成
73 10 has もっている
74 10 int integer(短縮名)
75 10 integration 統合
76 10 smart 頭いい
77 10 unit 単位
78 10 want 欲しいです
79 9 cases 場合
80 9 communication 通信
81 9 might かもしれない
82 9 platform 土台
83 9 safety 安全性
84 9 shall しなければならない
85 8 adi Automated Driving Interfaces(短縮名)
86 8 constraints 制約
87 8 developer 開発者
88 8 engineer 技術者
89 8 level 水準
90 8 one 1
91 8 only それだけ
92 8 release 公開
93 8 software ソフトウェア
94 8 well 良い
95 7 algorithms 算法
96 7 b b
97 7 capabilities 機能
98 7 capability 容量
99 7 car 車両
100 7 connection 繋がり
101 7 each
102 7 elements 要素
103 7 environment 環境
104 7 following 続く
105 7 function 働き
106 7 logical 論理的
107 7 management 管理
108 7 models 模型
109 7 provided 提供された
110 7 radar radio detection and ranging(短縮名
111 7 standard 標準
112 7 table
113 7 template 雛形
114 7 there そこの
115 7 vector 方向と大きさ
116 7 within 以内に
117 7 work 仕事
118 7 x x


[1] ISO-23150 Road vehicles–Data communication between sensors and data fusion unit for automated driving functions–Logical interface

関連資料(related document) 

Explanation of Sensor Interfaces, AUTOSAR R22-11, AP, No.913


文書履歴(document history)

ver. 0.01 初稿 20220506
ver. 0.02 URL追記 20221229


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