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Specification of Log and Trace, No.853 , AUTOSAR 21-11 (28) AP

Last updated at Posted at 2022-05-03

Specification of Log and Trace, No.853 , 2021-11

AUTOSAR R21-11(0) 仕様ダウンロード一覧。単語帳。参考文献資料作成


term Description
Log and Trace The official Functional Cluster name that manages the logging
L&T Acronym for Log and Trace
LT protocol Original name of the protocol itself (Log and Trace), specified in the PRS document [1]
Logging API The main logging interface towards user applications as a library
Logging back-end Implementation of the LT protocol, e.g. DLT
Logging Client An external tool which can remotely interact with the Logging framework
Logging framework Implementation of the software solution used for logging purposes
Logging instance The class that enables the logging functionality and handles a single
logging context Log message Log message, including message header(s)
Log severity level Meta information about the severity of a passed logging information
DLT Diagnostics Log and Trace - a GENIVI Log and Trace daemon implementation of the LT protocol
Application process An executable instance (process) that is running on a Machine



count word 日本語
845 the その
694 log 記録
441 of
394 and
363 to
360 a 一つの
281 value 価値
253 ara AUTOSAR Runtime for Adaptive Applications(短縮名)
249 sws_log_ sws_log_
240 trace 軌跡
234 in
211 is
199 this これ
186 be なれ
182 stream 流れ
171 no いいえ
163 draft 下書き
151 for にとって
150 except それ外
149 autosar AUTomotive Open System Architecture(短縮名)
143 rs_lt_ rs_lt_
132 id identifier, 識別子(短縮名)
132 message 伝言
125 c c
124 logger 記録器
122 description 説明
119 file 紙ばさみ
119 safety 安全性
113 specification 仕様
110 kind 親切
106 that それ
106 type
105 class
104 format 形式
103 logging 記録
102 atp AUTOSAR template profile(短縮名)
102 scope 範囲
99 tags
98 document 資料
98 function 働き
94 header 見出し
93 d d
93 h h
93 include 含む
92 symbol
92 syntax 構文
91 name 名前
90 r r
89 application 応用
88 data 与件
88 std standard(短縮名)
87 ap adaptive platform(短縮名)
86 object 物体
84 autosar_sws_log autosar_sws_log
78 into の中へ
78 return 戻る
77 by
76 exception 例外
75 _t _t
75 with
74 as なので
72 uint unsigned integer(短縮名)
71 attribute 属性
70 an
70 instance 実例
69 int integer(短縮名)
68 are それは
68 operator 操作者
65 parameters 引数
62 or また
61 messages 伝言
60 used 使った
59 context 文脈
58 space 空間
58 status 状態
57 element 要素
57 precision 精度
56 const constant(短縮名)
56 information 情報
56 shall しなければならない
52 level 水準
49 process 処理する
48 attr attribute(短縮名)
48 logbin bynary log value(短縮名)
48 loghex hexadecimal log value(短縮名)
48 note 覚書
46 not いいえ
45 sw software(短縮名)
45 time 時間
44 can できる
44 decimal 10進数
44 has もっている
43 hexadecimal 16進数
42 base 基づく
42 binary 二進数
42 work 仕事
42 xml Extensible Markup Language(短縮名)
41 if もしも
41 number 番号
41 types
41 which どれの


[1] Log and Trace Protocol Specification, AUTOSAR_PRS_LogAndTraceProtocol
[2] Glossary, AUTOSAR_TR_Glossary
[3] Specification of Manifest, AUTOSAR_TPS_ManifestSpecification
[4] General Requirements specific to Adaptive Platform, AUTOSAR_RS_General
[5] Specification of Adaptive Platform Core, AUTOSAR_SWS_AdaptivePlatformCore
[6] Log and Trace Protocol Specification with protocol version "2", AUTOSAR_PRS_LogAndTraceProtocol from Release R21-11
[7] Log and Trace Protocol Specification with protocol version "1", AUTOSAR_PRS_LogAndTraceProtocol from Release R20-11
[8] Requirements on Log and Trace, AUTOSAR_RS_LogAndTrace
[9] Specification of Time Synchronization, AUTOSAR_SWS_TimeSynchronization


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