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Qiita 自然言語システムAdvent Calendar 2024

Day 9

awk, tr 用 shell script ttowc.sh docker(187)

Last updated at Posted at 2024-11-10


tr, awkの処理を自動化することを検討。

失敗の記録:文字列処理スクリプトの場合 docker(188)

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# https://news.mynavi.jp/article/bashonwindows-17/
# https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/319672853519990cee42

 for File in *; do
	    tr 'A-Z' 'a-z' < ../text/${File}.txt > ../text/${File}.smt
	    awk -f ../gs.awk ../txt/${File}.smt > ../wc/${File}.wc
 # chmod +x ttowc.sh 
 root@bbf22e8ed49c:/rmp/llm# ./ttowc.sh
./ttowc.sh: line 6: ../text/2101.00678v1.txt.txt: No such file or directory
./ttowc.sh: line 7: ../wc/2101.00678v1.txt.wc: No such file or directory
./ttowc.sh: line 6: ../text/2309.14322v2.txt.txt: No such file or directory
./ttowc.sh: line 7: ../wc/2309.14322v2.txt.wc: No such file or directory
./ttowc.sh: line 6: ../text/2311.16502v4.txt.txt: No such file or directory
./ttowc.sh: line 7: ../wc/2311.16502v4.txt.wc: No such file or directory
./ttowc.sh: line 6: ../text/2408.16293v1.txt.txt: No such file or directory
./ttowc.sh: line 7: ../wc/2408.16293v1.txt.wc: No such file or directory
./ttowc.sh: line 6: ../text/2408.16293v1.wc.txt: No such file or directory
./ttowc.sh: line 7: ../wc/2408.16293v1.wc.wc: No such file or directory
./ttowc.sh: line 6: ../text/2408.16293v1L.txt.txt: No such file or directory
./ttowc.sh: line 7: ../wc/2408.16293v1L.txt.wc: No such file or directory
./ttowc.sh: line 6: ../text/2408.16293v1s.txt.txt: No such file or directory
./ttowc.sh: line 7: ../wc/2408.16293v1s.txt.wc: No such file or directory
./ttowc.sh: line 6: ../text/text.txt: No such file or directory
./ttowc.sh: line 7: ../wc/text.wc: No such file or directory
./ttowc.sh: line 6: ../text/ttowc.sh.txt: No such file or directory
./ttowc.sh: line 7: ../wc/ttowc.sh.wc: No such file or directory
./ttowc.sh: line 6: ../text/wc.txt: No such file or directory
./ttowc.sh: line 7: ../wc/wc.wc: No such file or directory
./ttowc.sh: line 6: ../text/wc.awk.txt: No such file or directory
./ttowc.sh: line 7: ../wc/wc.awk.wc: No such file or directory
# https://news.mynavi.jp/article/bashonwindows-17/
# https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/319672853519990cee42

 for File in *; do
	    tr 'A-Z' 'a-z' < ../text/${File} > ../text/${File}.smt
	    awk -f ../gs.awk ../txt/${File}.smt > ../wc/${File}.wc
root@bbf22e8ed49c:/rmp/llm# ./ttowc.sh
./ttowc.sh: line 6: ../text/2101.00678v1.txt: No such file or directory
./ttowc.sh: line 7: ../wc/2101.00678v1.txt.wc: No such file or directory
./ttowc.sh: line 6: ../text/2309.14322v2.txt: No such file or directory
./ttowc.sh: line 7: ../wc/2309.14322v2.txt.wc: No such file or directory
./ttowc.sh: line 6: ../text/2311.16502v4.txt: No such file or directory
./ttowc.sh: line 7: ../wc/2311.16502v4.txt.wc: No such file or directory
./ttowc.sh: line 6: ../text/2408.16293v1.txt: No such file or directory
./ttowc.sh: line 7: ../wc/2408.16293v1.txt.wc: No such file or directory
./ttowc.sh: line 6: ../text/2408.16293v1.wc: No such file or directory
./ttowc.sh: line 7: ../wc/2408.16293v1.wc.wc: No such file or directory
./ttowc.sh: line 6: ../text/2408.16293v1L.txt: No such file or directory
./ttowc.sh: line 7: ../wc/2408.16293v1L.txt.wc: No such file or directory
./ttowc.sh: line 6: ../text/2408.16293v1s.txt: No such file or directory
./ttowc.sh: line 7: ../wc/2408.16293v1s.txt.wc: No such file or directory
./ttowc.sh: line 6: ../text/text: No such file or directory
./ttowc.sh: line 7: ../wc/text.wc: No such file or directory
./ttowc.sh: line 6: ../text/ttowc.sh: No such file or directory
./ttowc.sh: line 7: ../wc/ttowc.sh.wc: No such file or directory
./ttowc.sh: line 6: ../text/wc: No such file or directory
./ttowc.sh: line 7: ../wc/wc.wc: No such file or directory
./ttowc.sh: line 6: ../text/wc.awk: No such file or directory
./ttowc.sh: line 7: ../wc/wc.awk.wc: No such file or directory
# https://news.mynavi.jp/article/bashonwindows-17/
# https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/319672853519990cee42

 for File in *; do
	    tr 'A-Z' 'a-z' < ./text/${File} > ./text/${File}.smt
	    awk -f ../gs.awk ./txt/${File}.smt > ./wc/${File}.wc
 root@bbf22e8ed49c:/rmp/llm# ./ttowc.sh
awk: cannot open "../gs.awk" (No such file or directory)
awk: cannot open "../gs.awk" (No such file or directory)
awk: cannot open "../gs.awk" (No such file or directory)
awk: cannot open "../gs.awk" (No such file or directory)
./ttowc.sh: line 6: ./text/2408.16293v1.wc: No such file or directory
awk: cannot open "../gs.awk" (No such file or directory)
awk: cannot open "../gs.awk" (No such file or directory)
awk: cannot open "../gs.awk" (No such file or directory)
./ttowc.sh: line 6: ./text/text: No such file or directory
awk: cannot open "../gs.awk" (No such file or directory)
./ttowc.sh: line 6: ./text/ttowc.sh: No such file or directory
awk: cannot open "../gs.awk" (No such file or directory)
./ttowc.sh: line 6: ./text/wc: No such file or directory
awk: cannot open "../gs.awk" (No such file or directory)
./ttowc.sh: line 6: ./text/wc.awk: No such file or directory
awk: cannot open "../gs.awk" (No such file or directory)
# https://news.mynavi.jp/article/bashonwindows-17/
# https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/319672853519990cee42

 for File in *; do
	    tr 'A-Z' 'a-z' < ./text/${File} > ./text/${File}.smt
	    awk -f wc.awk ./txt/${File}.smt > ./wc/${File}.wc
 root@bbf22e8ed49c:/rmp/llm# ./ttowc.sh
awk: cannot open "./txt/2101.00678v1.txt.smt" (No such file or directory)
awk: cannot open "./txt/2309.14322v2.txt.smt" (No such file or directory)
awk: cannot open "./txt/2311.16502v4.txt.smt" (No such file or directory)
awk: cannot open "./txt/2408.16293v1.txt.smt" (No such file or directory)
./ttowc.sh: line 6: ./text/2408.16293v1.wc: No such file or directory
awk: cannot open "./txt/2408.16293v1.wc.smt" (No such file or directory)
awk: cannot open "./txt/2408.16293v1L.txt.smt" (No such file or directory)
awk: cannot open "./txt/2408.16293v1s.txt.smt" (No such file or directory)
./ttowc.sh: line 6: ./text/text: No such file or directory
awk: cannot open "./txt/text.smt" (No such file or directory)
./ttowc.sh: line 6: ./text/ttowc.sh: No such file or directory
awk: cannot open "./txt/ttowc.sh.smt" (No such file or directory)
./ttowc.sh: line 6: ./text/wc: No such file or directory
awk: cannot open "./txt/wc.smt" (No such file or directory)
./ttowc.sh: line 6: ./text/wc.awk: No such file or directory
awk: cannot open "./txt/wc.awk.smt" (No such file or directory)
# mkdir small
# https://news.mynavi.jp/article/bashonwindows-17/
# https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/319672853519990cee42

 for File in *; do
	    tr 'A-Z' 'a-z' < ./text/${File} > ./small/${File}
	    awk -f wc.awk ./small/${File} > ./wc/${File}.wc



root@bbf22e8ed49c:/rmp/llm# ./ttowc.sh
./ttowc.sh: line 6: ./text/2408.16293v1.wc: No such file or directory
awk: cannot open "./small/2408.16293v1.wc.smt" (No such file or directory)
./ttowc.sh: line 6: ./text/2408.16293v1L.txt: No such file or directory
awk: cannot open "./small/2408.16293v1L.txt.smt" (No such file or directory)
./ttowc.sh: line 6: ./text/2408.16293v1s.txt: No such file or directory
awk: cannot open "./small/2408.16293v1s.txt.smt" (No such file or directory)
./ttowc.sh: line 6: ./text/small: No such file or directory
awk: cannot open "./small/small.smt" (No such file or directory)
./ttowc.sh: line 6: ./text/text: No such file or directory
awk: cannot open "./small/text.smt" (No such file or directory)
./ttowc.sh: line 6: ./text/ttowc.sh: No such file or directory
awk: cannot open "./small/ttowc.sh.smt" (No such file or directory)
./ttowc.sh: line 6: ./text/wc: No such file or directory
awk: cannot open "./small/wc.smt" (No such file or directory)
./ttowc.sh: line 6: ./text/wc.awk: No such file or directory
awk: cannot open "./small/wc.awk.smt" (No such file or directory)

# https://news.mynavi.jp/article/bashonwindows-17/
# https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/319672853519990cee42

 for File in *; do
	    tr 'A-Z' 'a-z' < ./${File} > ../small/${File}
	    awk -f wc.awk ../small/${File} > ../wc/${File}.wc

root@bbf22e8ed49c:/rmp/llm# cd text
root@bbf22e8ed49c:/rmp/llm/text# ../ttowc.sh
../ttowc.sh: line 6: ./text/2101.00678v1.txt: No such file or directory
../ttowc.sh: line 7: ./wc/2101.00678v1.txt.wc: No such file or directory
../ttowc.sh: line 6: ./text/2309.14322v2.txt: No such file or directory
../ttowc.sh: line 7: ./wc/2309.14322v2.txt.wc: No such file or directory
../ttowc.sh: line 6: ./text/2311.16502v4.txt: No such file or directory
../ttowc.sh: line 7: ./wc/2311.16502v4.txt.wc: No such file or directory
../ttowc.sh: line 6: ./text/2408.16293v1.txt: No such file or directory
../ttowc.sh: line 7: ./wc/2408.16293v1.txt.wc: No such file or directory
../ttowc.sh: line 6: ./text/old: No such file or directory
../ttowc.sh: line 7: ./wc/old.wc: No such file or directory





for File in *.txt; do

    tr 'A-Z' 'a-z' < ./${File}.txt > ../small/${File}.smt
    awk -f wc.awk ../small/${File}.smt > ../wc/${File}.wc


oot@bbf22e8ed49c:/rmp/llm/text# ./ttowc.sh 
./ttowc.sh: line 7: ./2101.00678v1.txt.txt: No such file or directory
awk: cannot open "wc.awk" (No such file or directory)
./ttowc.sh: line 7: ./2309.14322v2.txt.txt: No such file or directory
awk: cannot open "wc.awk" (No such file or directory)
./ttowc.sh: line 7: ./2311.16502v4.txt.txt: No such file or directory
awk: cannot open "wc.awk" (No such file or directory)
./ttowc.sh: line 7: ./2408.16293v1.txt.txt: No such file or directory
awk: cannot open "wc.awk" (No such file or directory)

root@bbf22e8ed49c:/rmp/llm/text# ./ttowc.sh 
awk: cannot open "wc.awk" (No such file or directory)
awk: cannot open "wc.awk" (No such file or directory)
awk: cannot open "wc.awk" (No such file or directory)
awk: cannot open "wc.awk" (No such file or directory)
root@bbf22e8ed49c:/rmp/llm/text# cp ../wc.awk .
root@bbf22e8ed49c:/rmp/llm/text# ./ttowc.sh 



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