ISO 21111-11:2021 Road vehicles — In-vehicle Ethernet — Part 11: Application layer to session layer conformance test plans, ethernet(108)

Last updated at Posted at 2022-11-07

ISO 21111-11:2021 Road vehicles — In-vehicle Ethernet — Part 11: Application layer to session layer conformance test plans

The structure of the specifications given in the ISO 21111 series complies with the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference model specified in ISO/IEC 7498-1[1] and ISO/IEC 10731[4].
ISO 21111-1 defines the terms which are used in this series of standards and provides an overview of the standards for in-vehicle Ethernet including the complementary relations to ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-3[2], the document structure, type of physical entities, in-vehicle Ethernet specific functionalities and so on.
ISO 21111-2 specifies the interface between reconciliation sublayer and physical entity including reduced gigabit media independent interface (RGMII), and the common physical entity wake-up and synchronized link sleep functionalities, independent from physical media and bit rate.
ISO 21111-3 specifies supplemental requirements to a physical layer capable of transmitting 1-Gbit/s over plastic optical fibre compliant with ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-3, with specific application to communications inside road vehicles, and a test plan for physical entity conformance testing.
ISO 21111-4 specifies the optical components requirements and test methods for 1-Gbit/s optical invehicle Ethernet.
ISO 21111-5 specifies, for 1-Gbit/s optical in-vehicle Ethernet, requirements on the physical layer at system level, requirements on the interoperability test set-ups, the interoperability test plan that checks the requirements for the physical layer at system level, requirements on the device-level physical layer conformance test set-ups, and device-level physical layer conformance test plan that checks a set of requirements for the OSI physical layer that are relevant for device vendors.
ISO 21111-6 specifies advanced features of an ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-3 in-vehicle Ethernet physical layer (often also called transceiver), e.g. for diagnostic purposes for in-vehicle Ethernet physical layers. It specifies advanced physical layer features, wake-up and sleep features, physical layer test suite, physical layer control requirements and conformance test plan, physical sublayers test suite and physical sublayers requirements and conformance test plan.
ISO 21111-7 specifies the implementation for ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-3, which defines the interface implementation for automotive applications together with requirements on components used to realize this Bus Interface Network (BIN). ISO 21111-7 also defines further testing and system requirements for systems implemented according to the system specification. In addition, ISO 21111-7 defines the channels for tests of transceivers with a test wiring harness that simulates various electrical communication channels.
ISO 21111-8 specifies the transmission media, the channel performance and the tests for ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-3 in-vehicle Ethernet.
ISO 21111-9 specifies the data link layer requirements and conformance test plan. It specifies the requirements and test plan for devices and systems with bridge functionality.
ISO 21111-10 specifies the transport to network layer requirements and conformance test plans. It specifies the requirements and conformance test plan for devices and systems that include functionality related with OSI layers from 4 and 3.
This document specifies the application to session layer requirements and conformance test plans. It specifies the requirements and conformance test plan for devices and systems that include functionality related with OSI layers from 7 to 5.


2 Normative references

ISO/IEC 9646-1, Information technology — Open Systems Interconnection — Conformance testing methodology and framework — Part 1: General concepts
ISO 21111-1, Road vehicles — In-vehicle Ethernet — Part 1: General information and definitions


[1] ISO/IEC 7498-1:1994, Information technology — Open Systems Interconnection — Basic Reference Model: The Basic Model
[2] ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-3:2021, Telecommunications and exchange between information technology systems — Requirements for local and metropolitan area networks — Part 3: Standard for Ethernet
[3] ISO/IEC 9646 (all parts), Information technology — Open Systems Interconnection — Conformance testing methodology and framework
[4] ISO/IEC 10731:1994, Information technology — Open Systems Interconnection — Basic Reference Model — Conventions for the definition of OSI services
[5] ISO 21111-6, Road vehicles — In-vehicle Ethernet — Part 6: Electrical 100-Mbit/s physical entity requirements and conformance test plan
[6] ISO 21111-7, Road vehicles — In-vehicle Ethernet — Part 7: Electrical 100-Mbit/s PHY layer network system specification and interoperability test plan
[7] ISO 21111-8, Road vehicles — In-vehicle Ethernet — Part 8: Electrical 100-Mbit/s component requirements and test methods
[8] IEC 62228-5, Integrated circuits – EMC evaluation of transceivers – Part 5 Ethernet transceivers
[9] AUTOSAR SOME/IP Protocol Specification, FO Release 1.3.01)
[10] AUTOSAR Specification of Service Discovery, V1.2.0, R4.1 Rev 32)
[11] AUTOSAR SOME/IP Example for a Serialization Protocol, V1.1.0 R4.1 Rev 33)
[12] AUTOSAR Testability Protocol and Service Primitives, TC Release 1.2.04)
[13] AUTOSAR SOME/IP Service Discovery Protocol Specification, FO Release V1.3.05)
[14] RFC 2131:1997, Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol6)

  1. Available at https:// www .autosar .org/ fileadmin/ user _upload/ standards/ foundation/ 1 -3/ AUTOSAR _PRS _SOMEIPProtocol .pdf.
  2. Available at https:// www .autosar .org/ fileadmin/ user _upload/ standards/ classic/ 4 -1/ AUTOSAR _SWS _ServiceDiscovery .pdf.
  3. Available at https:// www .autosar .org/ fileadmin/ user _upload/ standards/ classic/ 4 -1/ AUTOSAR _TR _SomeIpExample .pdf.
  4. Available at https:// www .autosar .org/ fileadmin/ user _upload/ standards/ tests/ 1 -2/ AUTOSAR _PRS _Testabili tyProtocol AndService Primitives .pdf.
  5. Available at https:// www .autosar .org/ fileadmin/ user _upload/ standards/ foundation/ 1 -3/ AUTOSAR _PRS _ SOMEIPServ iceDiscove ryProtocol .pdf.
  6. Available at https:// tools .ietf .org/ html/ [rfc2131.



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