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Guide to BSW Distribution, AUTOSAR R22-11, CP, No.631

Last updated at Posted at 2022-12-24

Guide to BSW Distribution, AUTOSAR R22-11, CP, No.631

AUTOSAR Countdown Calendar 2022



AUTOSAR R22-11 Release Event 20221208


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AUTOSAR R22-11 Qiita 記事一覧はこちらに編集中です。


文書変更(Document Change)

Updated multicore type for CanXL and Wdg


Term Description
ASIL Automotive Safety Integrity Level
QM Quality Managed (i.e. not developed according to ASIL requirements)
IOC Inter OS-Application communicator, part of OS
MCU microcontroller unit, µC
MCAL microcontroller abstraction layer
BSW functional cluster A coherent group of BSW modules. The technique is proposed in this document, but a real allocation of modules to clusters is currently not standardized. A BSW functional cluster may be similar to what usually is called a "stack", but it would also be possible to combine several stacks into a cluster or to distribute a stack across several clusters. A BSW functional cluster includes the superset of modules, which can be part of the functional cluster, but not all modules need to be available in a specific implementation. In case the real allocation of BSW modules to BSW functional clusters is standardized in future, they probably will be named "Standardized BSW functional clusters". BSW functional clusters can be allocated to different partitions, and clusters of the same type can be available in several partitions (either on the same or on different cores). Different functional clusters can be allocated to the same partition. Note: Contrary to ICC2 clustering, the internal structure and the interfaces between the modules within the functional cluster are not affected by the BSW multi-core support in AUTOSAR 4.1.1.
AUTOSAR BSW Cluster Interface Interfaces between BSW functional clusters resulting from a vendor/project specific definition of BSW functional clusters. The technique is proposed in this document in a vendor/project specific way. But the allocation of modules to BSW functional clusters and thus the resulting interfaces are not standardized yet (if possible at all). This term may be defined in an upcoming release of AUTOSAR as "Standardized AUTOSAR BSW Cluster Interface" after standardization. Contrary to the standardized AUTOSAR interfaces, AUTOSAR BSW Cluster Interfaces shall not be connected to SW-Cs or BSW modules on other MCUs.
Master Part of a distributed BSW module that coordinates requests by satellites and can filter or monitor incoming satellite requests. The master may work properly even if the satellites are not available. In future versions of AUTOSAR, where case partitioning may be used to enhance safety, it may be recommended or mandatory to locate the master in a partition with a high trust level, e.g. in a trusted partition.
Satellite Part of a distributed BSW module. The distribution of work between master and satellite is implementation specific. One possibility is that the satellite only provides the interfaces to the other modules and routes all requests to the master and answers back to the other modules. In a different scenario, the satellite can provide the full functionality locally and only synchronizes its internal states with the master if necessary. Intermediate forms between these two scenarios are possible, but the satellites in general cannot work without the master.





[1] Requirements on Basic Software Module Description Template
[2] Specification of Memory Mapping
[3] Specification of Basic Software Mode Manager
[4] ISO 26262:2018 (all parts) – Road vehicles – Functional Safety
[5] Glossary, AUTOSAR_TR_Glossary
[6] Software Component Template

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Guide to BSW Distribution, No.631, CP, AUTOSAR R22-11 新


文書履歴(document history)

ver. 0.01 初稿 20221209
ver. 0.02 URL追記 20221228
ver. 0.03 文書変更追記 20230101
ver. 0.04 URL追記 20230128


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