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AUTOSAR CountdownAdvent Calendar 2022

Day 11

Specification of Manifest , No.713, AUTOSAR 21-11 (53) AP

Last updated at Posted at 2022-05-07

Specification of Manifest , No.713, 2021-11


AUTOSAR 21-11, 42文書読んだ。2022年5月中に半分到達予定。

AUTOSAR R21-11(0) 仕様ダウンロード一覧。単語帳。参考文献資料作成


term Meaning
AES Advanced Encryption Standard
ATP AUTOSAR Template Profile
CTM Counter Mode
DDS Data Distribution Service
DES Data Encryption Standard
DM Diagnostic Manager
DTC Diagnostic Trouble Code
ECB Electronic Code Book
ECC Elliptic Curve Cryptography
ECDSA Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm
ECIES Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption Scheme
EDDSA Edwards-Curve Digital Signature Algorithm
FQDN Fully-Qualified Domain Name
GCM Galios/Counter Mode
HMAC Hash-based Message Authentication Code
HTTP Hypertext Transport Protocol
ID Identifier
IP Internet Protocol
ISO International Standardization Organization
JSON JavaScript Object Notation
LAN Local Area Network
MAC Media Access Control
MAC Message Authentication Code
MD Message Digest
MTU Maximum Transmission Unit
NM Network Management
NV Non-Volatile
PHM Platform Health Management
PKCS Public Key Cryptography Standards
POSIX Portable Operating System Interface
PSK Pre-Shared Key
ROM Read-Only Memory
RSA Cryptographic approach according to Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman
SD Service Discovery
SDG Special Data Group
SHA Secure Hash Algorithm
SOME/IP Scalable service-Oriented MiddlewarE over IP
SWC Software Component
TLS Transport Layer Security
TLV Tag Length Value
TTL Time to Live
UDS Unified Diagnostic Services
UML Unified Modeling Language
URI Uniform Resource Identifier
URL Uniform Resource Locator
UUID Universally Unique Identifier
VLAN Virtual Local Area Network
VSA Variable Size Array



no. count word 日本語
1 13579 the その
2 9653 of
3 4870 to
4 4621 a 一つの
5 3527 in なかに
6 3353 service 奉仕
7 3264 is
8 2902 atp Autonomous Transaction Processing
9 2895 data 与件
10 2667 tps_mani_ tps_mani_
11 2610 for にとって
12 2388 element 要素
13 2381 draft 原案
14 2255 autosar AUTomotive Open System Architecture(短縮名)
15 2218 this これ
16 2213 type
17 2076 interface 界面
18 2049 and
19 2039 specification 仕様
20 2016 that それ
21 2011 prototype ひな型
22 1749 port
23 1729 tags
24 1705 class
25 1681 instance 実例
26 1613 be です
27 1536 attribute 属性
28 1489 note 覚書
29 1485 status 状態
30 1432 by
31 1361 mapping 対応付け
32 1281 package 小包
33 1273 platform 土台
34 1259 software ソフトウェア
35 1206 diagnostic 診断
36 1203 some いくつかの
37 1195 constr_ constr_
38 1184 id identifier, 識別子(短縮名)
39 1183 ar AUTOSAR(短縮名)
40 1127 manifest 管理票
41 1121 c c
42 1108 an
43 1071 r r
44 1057 ap adaptive platform(短縮名)
45 1033 value 価値
46 1019 application 応用
47 977 on の上
48 974 ref reference(短縮名)
49 959 document 資料
50 954 adaptive 適応
51 950 shall しなければならない
52 933 ip internet protocol(短縮名)
53 909 referrable 参照可能
54 878 autosar_tps_manifest autosar_tps_manifest
55 870 reference 参照
56 845 event 行事
57 834 integer 整数
58 809 deployment 展開
59 804 e e
60 800 base 基づく
61 800 with
62 797 positive 肯定
63 791 are それは
64 790 process 処理する
65 764 attr attribute(短縮名)
66 762 implementation 実装
67 761 table
68 746 design 設計
69 739 identifiable 識別可能
70 724 rs_mani_ rs_mani_
71 713 configuration 構成
72 711 meta
73 704 cluster 集まる
74 697 definition 意味
75 696 m m
76 690 or また
77 675 communication 通信
78 671 persistency 永続性
79 670 used 使用済み
80 666 object 物体
81 649 kind 親切
82 645 templates 雛形
83 643 time 時間
84 622 d d
85 620 key
86 619 defined 定義済み
87 618 machine 機械
88 603 not いいえ
89 600 mult 複数の
90 572 represents を表す
91 563 as なので
92 558 cpp c plus plus(短縮名)
93 558 role 役割
94 554 category 分類
95 553 semantics 意味
96 539 component 成分
97 524 crypto 暗号
98 514 if もしも
99 505 provided 提供された
100 503 sw software(短縮名)


[1] Software Component Template, AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate
[2] Layered Software Architecture, AUTOSAR_EXP_LayeredSoftwareArchitecture
[3] Reference Model for Service Oriented Architecture 1.0, https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/19679/soa-rm-cs.pdf
[4] Glossary, AUTOSAR_TR_Glossary
[5] Standardization Template, AUTOSAR_TPS_StandardizationTemplate
[6] Generic Structure Template, AUTOSAR_TPS_GenericStructureTemplate
[7] SOME/IP Protocol Specification, AUTOSAR_PRS_SOMEIPProtocol
[8] Specification of Communication Management, AUTOSAR_SWS_CommunicationManagement
[9] Specification of Persistency, AUTOSAR_SWS_Persistency
[10] IEEE Standard for Information Technology- Standardized Application Environment Profile (AEP)-POSIX Realtime and Embedded Application Support, https://standards.ieee.org/findstds/standard/1003.13-2003.html
[11] Specification of Time Synchronization, AUTOSAR_SWS_TimeSynchronization
[12] Specification of Platform Health Management, AUTOSAR_SWS_PlatformHealthManagement
[13] Specification of Cryptography, AUTOSAR_SWS_Cryptography
[14] Specification of Identity and Access Management, AUTOSAR_SWS_IdentityAndAccessManagement
[15] Explanation of ara::com API, AUTOSAR_EXP_ARAComAPI
[16] Information technology – Universal Coded Character Set (UCS), http://www.iso.org
[17] System Template, AUTOSAR_TPS_SystemTemplate
[18] Specification of Execution Management, AUTOSAR_SWS_ExecutionManagement
[19] Diagnostic Extract Template, AUTOSAR_TPS_DiagnosticExtractTemplate
[20] Specification of Diagnostics, AUTOSAR_SWS_Diagnostics
[21] Security Extract Template, AUTOSAR_TPS_SecurityExtractTemplate
[22] Road vehicles – Diagnostic communication over Internet Protocol (DoIP), http://www.iso.org
[23] Log and Trace Protocol Specification, AUTOSAR_PRS_LogAndTraceProtocol
[24] SOME/IP Service Discovery Protocol Specification, AUTOSAR_PRS_SOMEIPServiceDiscoveryProtocol
[25] Data Distribution Service (DDS), Version 1.4, http://www.omg.org/spec/DDS/1.4
[26] RPC over DDS, Version 1.0, https://www.omg.org/spec/DDS-RPC/1.0
[27] DDS Consolidated XML Syntax, Version 1.0, https://www.omg.org/spec/DDS-XML
[28] Specification of SW-C End-to-End Communication Protection Library, AUTOSAR_SWS_E2ELibrary
[29] E2E Protocol Specification, AUTOSAR_PRS_E2EProtocol
[30] DDS Security, Version 1.1, https://www.omg.org/spec/DDS-SECURITY/1.1
[31] Specification of Secure Onboard Communication, AUTOSAR_SWS_SecureOnboardCommunication


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