![]() |
図1.独自実装したOpenPoseの出力 |
2.1. モデル構造
OpenPoseは,図2.のように,キーポイント(関節)らしさを表すHeatmap($\mathrm{S}^t$)とキーポイント同士を結ぶベクトルを表すPart Affinity Field(PAF)($\mathrm{L}^t$)を出力する.HeatmapとPAFのサイズは,それぞれ入力画像に対して$\frac{1}{8}$倍になるように設計されている.(※$\frac{1}{8}$に深い意味はなく,$1$倍だと計算コストが多く,$\frac{1}{8}$より小さいと精度が粗くなってしまうからだと考えられる.)つまり,1x1の領域はそれぞれ,入力画像の8x8に対応するキーポイントらしさ,キーポイント同士の結ぶベクトルを表す.推論の際は,この$\frac{1}{8}$倍とHeatmapとPAFからキーポイント位置を予測することになるので,最低でも4ピクセルの誤差は許容することを暗に示している.
![]() |
図2.OpenPoseの出力例.サイズは,入力画像に対して1/8倍したものになる.つまり,Heatmap,PAFの1x1の領域はそれぞれ,入力画像の8x8に対応するキーポイントらしさ,キーポイント同士の結ぶベクトルを表す. |
図3.OpenPoseのモデル構造.図中のFは特徴ベクトル抽出層で,VGG193を用いている.桃色のCはConvolution Blockで点線で囲まれた構造をしている. |
\mathrm{L}^t_c &= \phi^t(\mathrm{F}),& t=1 \\
\mathrm{L}^t_c &= \phi^t(\mathrm{F}, \mathrm{L}^{t-1}_c), &otherwize \tag{1}
\mathrm{S}^t_j &= \rho^t(\mathrm{F}, \mathrm{L}^{T_P}_j),& t=T_P+1 \\
\mathrm{S}^t_j &= \rho^t(\mathrm{F}, \mathrm{L}^{T_P}_j, \mathrm{S}^{t-1}_j), &otherwize \tag{2}
表1.各Heatmapステージ,PAFステージ数ごとの精度比較.PAFステージ5個,Heatmapステージ1個が最も高い精度であることが報告されている. |
2.2. 学習用Heatmapの生成
\mathrm{S}^*_{j,k}(\mathrm{\mathbf{p}}) = \exp{\left( -\frac{\lVert \mathrm{\mathbf{p}}-\mathrm{\mathbf{x}}_{j,k} \rVert ^2_2}{\sigma^2} \right)} \tag{3}
\mathrm{S}^*_{j}(\mathrm{\mathbf{p}}) = \max_k \mathrm{S}^*_{j,k}(\mathrm{\mathbf{p}}) \tag{4}
図4.人物ごとにあるHeatmapに対して,最大値を取る理由.平均を取ると,不必要に平滑化されてしまい,対象のキーポイントの座標が移動してしまうことがわかる. |
![]() |
図5.学習用Heatmapの作成. |
コードは以下のように実装した.(3)式とは異なり,上述のリンクにある実装では指数部分を0.5倍していた(ガウス分布を意識した?)ので,本報告もそれらに合わせる.また,$\mathrm{S}^*_j \lt 0.01$は全て0にしている.
# move coordinates to proper position in original image
# x
stride = orig_size[0] / fmap_size[0]
xycoords[..., 0] = xycoords[..., 0]*stride + stride/2 - 0.5
# y
stride = orig_size[1] / fmap_size[1]
xycoords[..., 1] = xycoords[..., 1]*stride + stride/2 - 0.5
def keypoints2gaussmap_numpy(kpts, vis, orig_size, fmap_size, sigma, method='max', add_background=False):
"""Convert keypoints into heatmap generated by gauusian
kpts (ndarray): The keypoints array, shape = (person_num, keypoint_num, 2=(x,y))
vis (ndarray): The visibility boolean array, shape = (person_num, keypoint_num)
orig_size (2d-tuple): (width(int), height(int))
fmap_size (2d-tuple): (width(int), height(int))
sigma (float): The standard deviation for gauusian
method (str, optional): The aggregation method. Defaults to 'max'.
add_background (bool): Whether to add background confidence map. Default by False
ValueError: when the given method is invalid
ValueError: when the given vis is not boolean ndarray
[ndarray]: The heatmaps, shape = (keypoint_num+1, height, width)
Note that the last index of first dimension will represent background's heatmap
_support_method = ['max', 'average']
if method not in _support_method:
raise ValueError('method must be {}, but got {}'.format(_support_method, method))
if not (isinstance(vis, np.ndarray) and vis.dtype == np.bool):
raise ValueError('vis must be boolean ndarray')
# restore keypoints by size
keypoints = kpts.copy()
keypoints[..., 0] *= orig_size[0]
keypoints[..., 1] *= orig_size[1]
width, height = fmap_size
# shape = (height, width, 2=(x, y))
xycoords = generate_coordsmap(width, height)
# move coordinates to proper position in original image
# x
stride = orig_size[0] / fmap_size[0]
xycoords[..., 0] = xycoords[..., 0]*stride + stride/2 - 0.5
# y
stride = orig_size[1] / fmap_size[1]
xycoords[..., 1] = xycoords[..., 1]*stride + stride/2 - 0.5
heatmaps = []
for keypoint_j in range(keypoints.shape[1]):
hmap = []
for person_i in range(keypoints.shape[0]):
if not vis[person_i, keypoint_j]:
gaussian = np.exp(-0.5*np.linalg.norm(xycoords - keypoints[person_i, keypoint_j].reshape(1, 1, 2), axis=-1)**2/sigma**2)
gaussian[gaussian < 0.01] = 0
hmap += [gaussian.reshape(height, width)]
if len(hmap) == 0:
hmap += [np.zeros((height, width))]
if method == 'max':
hmap = np.maximum.reduce(np.array(hmap))
elif method == 'average':
hmap = np.array(hmap).mean(axis=0)
raise ValueError('Bug')
heatmaps += [hmap]
# add background heatmap
if add_background:
heatmaps += [np.maximum(1-np.max(np.array(heatmaps), axis=0), 0.)]
return np.array(heatmaps, dtype=np.float32)
def generate_coordsmap(width, height):
"""Generate coodinates map from (width, height)
width (int): The width of map
height (int): The height of map
[ndarray]: Generated map, shape = (height, width, 2=(x, y))
# create coordinates array
>>> x = np.arange(3)
>>> y = np.arange(2)
>>> xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y)
>>> xx
array([[0, 1, 2],
[0, 1, 2]])
>>> yy
array([[0, 0, 0],
[1, 1, 1]])
>>> np.concatenate([xx.reshape(-1,1), yy.reshape(-1,1)], axis=-1).reshape(2, 3, 2)
array([[[0, 0],
[1, 0],
[2, 0]],
[[0, 1],
[1, 1],
[2, 1]]])
# height => x, width => y
x, y = np.arange(height), np.arange(width)
# note that meshgrid(x, y) will count up y first.
# xx => height, yy => width
xx, yy = np.meshgrid(y, x)
# shape = (height, width, 2=(x, y))
xycoords = np.concatenate([xx.reshape(-1,1), yy.reshape(-1,1)], axis=-1).reshape(height, width, 2)
return xycoords
2.3. 学習用Part Affinity Fieldの生成
PAFはキーポイントの組み合わせ(ボーン)$c=(j_1, j_2)$($j_1, j_2 \in$キーポイントの集合)ごとに作成される.
![]() |
図6.PAFの作成イメージ図.薄い青色の領域外は全て0ベクトルとなる. |
\mathrm{L}^*_{c,k}(\mathrm{\mathbf{p}}) =
&\mathrm{\mathbf{v}}, & \text{$\mathrm{\mathbf{p}}$がボーン$c$内} \\
&\mathrm{\mathbf{0}}, & otherwise \tag{5}
\mathrm{\mathbf{v}}=\frac{\mathrm{\mathbf{x}}_{j_2,k} - \mathrm{\mathbf{x}}_{j_1,k}}{\lVert \mathrm{\mathbf{x}}_{j_2,k} - \mathrm{\mathbf{x}}_{j_1,k} \rVert _2}
0 \leq \mathrm{\mathbf{v}} \cdot (\mathrm{\mathbf{p}}-\mathrm{\mathbf{x}}_{j_1,k}) \leq l_{c,k} \text{ and } \lvert \mathrm{\mathbf{v}}_{\bot} \cdot (\mathrm{\mathbf{p}}-\mathrm{\mathbf{x}}_{j_1,k}) \rvert \leq \sigma_{c} \tag{6}
l_{c,k}=\lVert \mathrm{\mathbf{x}}_{j_2,k} - \mathrm{\mathbf{x}}_{j_1,k} \rVert _2
\mathrm{L}^*_c(\mathrm{\mathbf{p}}) = \frac{1}{n_c(\mathrm{\mathbf{p}})}\sum_k \mathrm{L}^*_{c,k}(\mathrm{\mathbf{p}}) \tag{7}
図7.に正解座標$\mathrm{\mathbf{x_{j_1,k}}}$, $\mathrm{\mathbf{x}}_{j_2,k}$から作成されたPAFを示す.上側が入力画像の$\frac{1}{8}$倍(2.1.参照)の学習に与えるPAF:$\mathrm{L}^*_c$である.下側は,デバッグ用に実際の入力画像にPAFを重畳したものである.
![]() |
図7.学習用PAFの生成. |
def keypoints2PAF_numpy(kpts, vis, kpt_pairs, orig_size, fmap_size, limb_width):
"""Convert keypoints into PAF
kpts (ndarray): The keypoints array, shape=(person_num, keypoint_num, 2=(x,y))
vis (ndarray): The visibility boolean array, shape = (person_num, keypoint_num)
kpt_pairs (list of list): The keypoints pairs
orig_size (2d-tuple): (width(int), height(int)). Note: not used
fmap_size (2d-tuple): (width(int), height(int))
limb_width (float): A limb width.
ValueError: When the given vis is not boolean ndarray
ndarray: The PAF array, shape = (pairs_num, height, width, 2=(x, y))
if not (isinstance(vis, np.ndarray) and vis.dtype == np.bool):
raise ValueError('vis must be boolean ndarray')
# restore keypoints by size
keypoints = kpts.copy()
keypoints[..., 0] *= fmap_size[0]
keypoints[..., 1] *= fmap_size[1]
width, height = fmap_size
person_num = keypoints.shape[0]
# shape = (height, width, 2=(x, y))
xycoords = generate_coordsmap(width, height)
PAFs = []
for key_ind1, key_ind2 in kpt_pairs:
paf = []
numbers = np.zeros((height, width))
for person_i in range(keypoints.shape[0]):
if not vis[person_i, key_ind1] or not vis[person_i, key_ind2]:
# calculate the unit vector in the direction of the limb
# shape = (2=(x,y))
kpt1, kpt2 = keypoints[person_i, key_ind1], keypoints[person_i, key_ind2]
dist = np.linalg.norm(kpt2 - kpt1, keepdims=True, axis=-1)
if dist == 0:
dir_u = (kpt2 - kpt1) / np.linalg.norm(kpt2 - kpt1, keepdims=True, axis=-1)
# calculate perpendicular vectors of the direction unit vector(dir_u)
dir_perp_u = np.zeros_like(dir_u)
dir_perp_u[0] = dir_u[1]
dir_perp_u[1] = -dir_u[0]
# shape = (height, width, 2=(x,y))
pos = xycoords.reshape(height, width, 2) - kpt1.reshape(1, 1, 2)
# scalar
limb_length = np.linalg.norm(kpt2 - kpt1, axis=-1)
# boolean indexes. True means it is inside the limb
# shape = (height, width)
inner = (dir_u.reshape(1, 1, 2) * pos).sum(axis=-1) # inner product
limb_bindex = (0 <= inner) & (inner <= limb_length)
inner = np.abs((dir_perp_u.reshape(1, 1, 2) * pos).sum(axis=-1)) # abs inner product
limb_bindex = limb_bindex & (inner <= limb_width)
# shape = (height, width)
numbers += limb_bindex
# shape = (height, width, 2)
limb_bindex = np.broadcast_to(limb_bindex.reshape(height, width, 1), (height, width, 2))
_paf = np.zeros((height, width, 2))
np.putmask(_paf, limb_bindex, dir_u.reshape((1, 2)))
paf += [_paf]
if len(paf) == 0:
paf += [np.zeros((height, width, 2))]
# replace zero into one because of dividint them
numbers[numbers == 0] = 1
# shape = (height, width, 2)
paf = np.array(paf).sum(axis=0)
paf /= numbers.reshape(height, width, 1)
PAFs += [paf]
return np.array(PAFs, dtype=np.float32)
2.4. 学習
f^t_{\mathrm{L}} &= \sum_c \sum_{\mathrm{\mathbf{p}}} \mathrm{W}(\mathrm{\mathbf{p}}) \cdot \lVert \mathrm{L}_c^t(\mathrm{\mathbf{p}}) - \mathrm{L}_c^*(\mathrm{\mathbf{p}}) \rVert_2^2 \\
f^t_{\mathrm{S}} &= \sum_j \sum_{\mathrm{\mathbf{p}}} \mathrm{W}(\mathrm{\mathbf{p}}) \cdot \lVert \mathrm{S}_j^t(\mathrm{\mathbf{p}}) - \mathrm{S}_j^*(\mathrm{\mathbf{p}}) \rVert_2^2 \tag{8}
f = \sum_{t=1}^{T_P} f^t_{\mathrm{L}} + \sum_{t=T_P+1}^{T_P+T_C} f^t_{\mathrm{S}} \tag{9}
人物領域が$32\times 32$未満,キーポイントの数が5未満である場合は欠損とみなすようにする.そのため,上記を満たす領域は$\mathrm{W}(\mathrm{\mathbf{p}})=0$でマスクする.コードは以下のようになる.
$32\times 32$未満の人物領域を欠損とみなす理由は,予測されるHeatmapとPAFが入力画像の$\frac{1}{8}$倍であるため,$32\times 32$未満の人物領域はHeatmapやPAF上では$4\times 4$未満の領域になる.人物のキーポイントをすべて表現するにはあまりにも小さいので,これらは欠損値とみなす.
def generate_mask(jsonpath):
# original code:
co = _coco.COCO(jsonpath)
# eg. train2014, val2014
focus = os.path.splitext(jsonpath)[0].split('_')[-1]
mask_all_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(jsonpath), 'mask_all', focus)
os.makedirs(mask_all_dir, exist_ok=True)
mask_miss_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(jsonpath), 'mask_miss', focus)
os.makedirs(mask_miss_dir, exist_ok=True)
# list of dict:=> area, iscrowd, num_keypoints, segmentation, keypoints, image_id, bbox, category_id, id
all_annotations = co.loadAnns(co.getAnnIds())
# gather annotations into one image's annotations
# dict of list of dict, coco_kpt[image_num][person_num][annotation's key]
annotations_per_img = {}
for anno in all_annotations:
curr_id = anno['image_id']
# for debug
#if curr_id not in [257, 357]:
# continue
if curr_id not in annotations_per_img.keys():
annotations_per_img[curr_id] = []
annotations_per_img[curr_id] += [anno]
for img_id, annotations in tqdm(annotations_per_img.items()):
# dict => license, file_name, coco_url, height, width, data_captured, flickr_url, id
imginfo = co.loadImgs(img_id)[0]
# create mask
segmentation_all = np.zeros((imginfo['height'], imginfo['width']), dtype=bool)
mask_miss = np.zeros_like(segmentation_all, dtype=bool)
mask_crowd = np.zeros_like(segmentation_all, dtype=bool)
for anno in annotations:
# anno dict:=> area, iscrowd, num_keypoints, segmentation, keypoints, image_id, bbox, category_id, id
# check this person is annotated
# seg: list
seg = anno['segmentation'][0]
img ='L', (imginfo['width'], imginfo['height']), 0)
ImageDraw.Draw(img).polygon(np.array(seg, dtype=int).tolist(), outline=1, fill=1)
mask = np.array(img, dtype=bool)
#cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(mask_dir, 'mask_all_test.png'), mask.astype(np.uint8)*255)
segmentation_all = np.logical_or(mask, segmentation_all)
# mask for missing
#if anno['num_keypoints'] <= 0:
if anno['num_keypoints'] < 5 or anno['area'] < 32*32:
mask_miss = np.logical_or(mask, mask_miss)
mask_miss = np.logical_not(mask_miss)
except KeyError:
mask_noanno = co.annToMask(anno).astype(bool)
mask_crowd = np.logical_xor(mask_noanno, np.logical_and(segmentation_all, mask_noanno))
mask_miss = np.logical_not(np.logical_or(mask_miss, mask_crowd))
#anno['mask_crowd'] = _mask.encode(mask_crowd)
mask_all = np.logical_or(segmentation_all, mask_crowd)
# save as image
filename, _ = os.path.splitext(imginfo['file_name'])
cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(mask_all_dir, filename + '.png'), mask_all.astype(np.uint8)*255)
cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(mask_miss_dir, filename + '.png'), mask_miss.astype(np.uint8)*255)
![]() |
図8.マスク.手前の女性はアノテーションされていない.そのため,その領域は全てマスクする必要がある. |
class OpenPoseLoss(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, alpha=1, det_loss=None, conf_loss=None, reduction='sum', hnm_ratio=None, rnm_ratio=None):
"""OpenPose Loss function
alpha (float, optional): The coefficient for detection loss and confidence loss. Defaults to 1.
total_loss = det_loss + alpha*conf_loss
det_loss (nn.Module, optional): The detection loss function. Defaults to None.
If None, set the DetectionLoss module.
conf_loss (nn.Module, optional): The confidence loss function. Defaults to None.
If None, set the ConfidenceLoss module.
reduction (str, optional): The reduction method for gathering loss. Defaults to 'sum'
Methods are ['none', 'sum', 'mean']
hnm_ratio (int, optional): The online negative mining ratio. Default to None
rnm_ratio (int, optional): The online "RANDOM" negative mining ratio. Default to None
self.alpha = alpha
self.reduction = reduction
self.hnm_ratio = hnm_ratio
self.rnm_ratio = rnm_ratio
self.gen_mask = gen_mask
self.det_loss = DetectionLoss(reduction=reduction, hnm_ratio=hnm_ratio, rnm_ratio=rnm_ratio) if det_loss is None else det_loss
self.conf_loss = ConfidenceLoss(reduction=reduction, hnm_ratio=hnm_ratio, rnm_ratio=rnm_ratio) if conf_loss is None else conf_loss
def forward(self, masks, predicts, targets):
"""Calculate a loss
Tensor: The mask tensor, shape = (b, h, w)
list of Tensor: The predicted PAF map tensor for each stage, shape = (b, pairs_num, h, w, 2)
list of Tensor: The predicted confidence map tensor for each stage, shape = (b, keypoints_num, h, w)
Tensor: The annotated PAF map tensor, shape = (b, pairs_num, h, w, 2)
Tensor: The annotated confidence map tensor, shape = (b, keypoints_num, h, w)
Tensor: A detection loss
Tensor: A confidence loss
masks = masks.bool()
pred_pafs, pred_confs = predicts
target_pafs, target_confs = targets
det_loss = self.det_loss(masks, pred_pafs, target_pafs)
conf_loss = self.conf_loss(masks, pred_confs, target_confs)
return det_loss, conf_loss
class DetectionLoss(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, hnm_ratio=None, rnm_ratio=None, reduction='sum'):
"""OpenPose Detection Loss function
reduction (str, optional): The reduction method for gathering loss. Defaults to 'sum'
Methods are ['none', 'sum', 'mean']
hnm_ratio (int, optional): The online negative mining ratio. Default to None
rnm_ratio (int, optional): The online "RANDOM" negative mining ratio. Default to None
self.hnm_ratio = hnm_ratio
self.rnm_ratio = rnm_ratio
self.reduction = reduction
def forward(self, masks, predicts, target):
"""Calculate a detection loss
masks: Tensor: The mask tensor, shape = (b, h, w)
predicts (list of Tensor): The predicted PAF map tensor for each stage, shape = (b, pairs_num, h, w, 2)
target (Tensor): The annotated PAF map tensor, shape = (b, pairs_num, h, w, 2)
Tensor: A detection loss
b, pairs_num, h, w, _ = target.shape
masks = torch.broadcast_to(masks.unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(-1), (b, pairs_num, h, w, 2))
if self.hnm_ratio:
# shape = (b, pairs_num, h, w)
posmask = torch.linalg.norm(target, dim=-1) > 1e-6
posnum = posmask.sum().item()
hard_sample_nums = int(posnum * self.hnm_ratio)
random_sample_nums = int(posnum * self.rnm_ratio) if self.rnm_ratio else None
hard_mask, random_mask = ohem_mask(torch.linalg.norm(predicts, dim=-1), posmask, hard_sample_nums, random_sample_nums)
masks = posmask | hard_mask | random_mask
masks = torch.broadcast_to(masks.unsqueeze(-1), (b, pairs_num, h, w, 2))
if self.reduction in ['sum', 'none']:
det_losses = [F.mse_loss(predict[masks], target[masks], reduction=self.reduction)/b for predict in predicts]
# mean
det_losses = [F.mse_loss(predict[masks], target[masks], reduction=self.reduction) for predict in predicts]
#det_losses = [F.mse_loss(predict*masks, target*masks, reduction=self.reduction) for predict in predicts]
return torch.stack(det_losses).sum()
class ConfidenceLoss(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, hnm_ratio=None, rnm_ratio=None, reduction='sum'):
"""OpenPose Confidence Loss function
reduction (str, optional): The reduction method for gathering loss. Defaults to 'sum'
Methods are ['none', 'sum', 'mean']
hnm_ratio (int, optional): The online negative mining ratio. Default to None
rnm_ratio (int, optional): The online "RANDOM" negative mining ratio. Default to None
self.hnm_ratio = hnm_ratio
self.rnm_ratio = rnm_ratio
self.reduction = reduction
def forward(self, masks, predicts, target):
"""Calculate a confidence loss
masks: Tensor: The mask tensor, shape = (b, h, w)
predicts (list of Tensor): list of Tensor: The predicted confidence map tensor for each stage, shape = (b, keypoints_num, h, w)
target (Tensor): The annotated confidence map tensor, shape = (b, keypoints_num, h, w)
Tensor: A confidence loss
b = target.shape[0]
masks = torch.broadcast_to(masks.unsqueeze(1), target.shape)
if self.hnm_ratio:
posmask = target > 1e-6
posnum = posmask.sum().item()
hard_sample_nums = int(posnum * self.hnm_ratio)
random_sample_nums = int(posnum * self.rnm_ratio) if self.rnm_ratio else None
hard_mask, random_mask = ohem_mask(predicts, posmask, hard_sample_nums, random_sample_nums)
masks = posmask | hard_mask | random_mask
if self.reduction in ['sum', 'none']:
det_losses = [F.mse_loss(predict[masks], target[masks], reduction=self.reduction)/b for predict in predicts]
det_losses = [F.mse_loss(predict[masks], target[masks], reduction=self.reduction) for predict in predicts]
#det_losses = [F.mse_loss(predict*masks, target*masks, reduction=self.reduction) for predict in predicts]
return torch.stack(det_losses).sum()
としていた.違いは,Heatmapのサイズを$(w', h')$とした場合,(8)式を$w' \times h'$で除しているかどうかだけであるが,学習結果は大きく異なる.
とすると,Lossを平均することで扱う桁数が小さくなり,実質的に勾配が消失したことが原因だと考えられる.実際,学習時のHeatmapのサイズは$38\times 38$であるために,桁数は3桁ほど小さくなる.
![]() |
図9.reduction=mean 時の学習曲線とHeatmap出力. |
【理論とイメージ】CNNの誤差逆伝播とDeconvolutionまとめのCNNの逆伝搬の数式を用いると,$\frac { \partial J _ { i } } { \partial a _ { m - p , n - q , k ^ { \prime } } ^ { l + 1 } }$が$\frac{1}{38\times 38} \approx 10^{-3}$倍されることがわかる.また,学習用Heatmapは$0\leq \mathrm{S}^*_j(\mathrm{\mathbf{p}}) \leq 1$で,そのほとんどが0である.それ故,先に大部分の0を学習した状態で,局所解から抜け出せなくなったのだと考えられる.
\delta _ { m , n , k } ^ { l } = \frac { \partial J _ { i } } { \partial a _ { m , n , k } ^ { l } } = \sum _ { p , q , k ^ { \prime } } \frac { \partial J _ { i } } { \partial a _ { m - p , n - q , k ^ { \prime } } ^ { l + 1 } } \frac { \partial a _ { m - p , n - q , k ^ { \prime } } ^ { l + 1 } } { \partial a _ { m , n , k } ^ { l } }
$$\frac { \partial a _ { m - p , n - q , k ^ { \prime } } ^ { l + 1 } } { \partial a _ { m , n , k } ^ { l } }$の計算は、順伝播の時の計算を参照すると、以下のようになります。
\frac { \partial a _ { m - p , n - q , k ^ { \prime } } ^ { l + 1 } } { \partial a _ { m , n , k } ^ { l } } = w _ { p , q , k , k ^ { \prime } } ^ { l + 1 } h ^ { \prime } \left( a _ { m , n , k } ^ { l } \right)
$さらに、$\frac { \partial J _ { i } } { \partial a _ { m - p , n - q , k ^ { \prime } } ^ { l + 1 } }=\delta _ { m - p , n - q , k ^ { \prime } } ^ { l + 1 }$となることに注意すると、最終的に以下のようになります。
\delta _ { m , n , k } ^ { l } = h ^ { \prime } ( a _ { m , n , k } ^ { l } )\sum _ { p , q , k ^ { \prime } } \delta _ { m - p , n - q , k ^ { \prime } } ^ { l + 1 } \cdot w _ { p , q , k , k ^ { \prime } } ^ { l + 1 }
2.5. 関節領域抽出(NMS)
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図10.HeatmapとPAFの出力結果.図は右膝と右足首のHeatmap及びそれらを繋ぐベクトルを表すPAF. |
Heatmapは,各ピクセルの領域のキーポイントらしさを表すので,近傍のピクセルは同じキーポイントを表していると考えられる.したがって,近傍のピクセルを1つにまとめる必要がある.そこで,有効なのがNMS(Non-maximum Suppression)である.その名の通り,近傍のピクセルで最大でないものは除く処理である.NMSを適用すると図11.のように近傍のHeatmapが除かれ,1ピクセルにまとまっていることがわかる.
![]() |
図11.NMS適用結果. |
def nms(conf_map):
"""Non-maximum suppression for confidence map
conf_map (ndarray): The confidence map, shape = (b, keypoint_num, h, w)
ndarray: The confidence map suppressed non-maximum values
footprint = np.array([[False, True, False],
[True, True, True],
[False, True, False]])
footprint = footprint.reshape((1, 1, 3, 3))
return conf_map*(conf_map == maximum_filter(conf_map, footprint=footprint))
2.6. (2部グラフ)マッチング
図12.キーポイントのマッチング問題. |
E = \int_u \mathrm{\mathbf{L}}_c(\mathrm{\mathbf{p}}(u)) \cdot \frac{\mathrm{\mathbf{d}}_{j_2} - \mathrm{\mathbf{d}}_{j_2}}{\lVert \mathrm{\mathbf{d}}_{j_2} - \mathrm{\mathbf{d}}_{j_2} \rVert_2} du \tag{10}
E \approx \frac{1}{N} \sum_{\mathrm{\mathbf{p}} \in B_{j_1, j_2}^N} \mathrm{\mathbf{L}}_c(\mathrm{\mathbf{p}}) \cdot \frac{\mathrm{\mathbf{d}}_{j_2} - \mathrm{\mathbf{d}}_{j_1}}{\lVert \mathrm{\mathbf{d}}_{j_2} - \mathrm{\mathbf{d}}_{j_1} \rVert_2} \tag{11}
とした.$B_{j_1, j_2}^N$はキーポイント同士のベクトル間
(\mathrm{\mathbf{d}}_{j_2} - \mathrm{\mathbf{d}}_{j_1})
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図13.線積分の近似イメージ. |
integrals[i1, i2] = integral_scores.mean() + min(0.5*h/normVec[i1, i2] - 1, 0)
def matching(paf, candInd_with_score, kpt_pairs, sample_nums):
"""Matching proper keypoint pairs from PAF
paf : ndarray
PAF. shape = (pairs_num, h, w, 2=(x,y))
candInd_with_score : list of dict
Candidate Indices with score's list. Dict's keys are;
'xinds': ndarray, shape = (cand_nums,)
'yinds': ndarray, shape = (cand_nums,)
'confs': ndarray, shape = (cand_nums,)
kpt_pairs : list of list(2d)
The keypoint pairs list
sample_nums : int
A samplimg number on line-integral
The matched connections dict. Dict keys are;
'kpt1s': int ndarray, shape = (size, 2=(x,y))
'kpt2s': int ndarray, shape = (size, 2=(x,y))
'conf1s': ndarray, shape = (size,)
'conf2s': ndarray, shape = (size,)
'kpairinds': int ndarray, shape = (size,)
'scores': int ndarray, shape = (size,)
h, w = paf.shape[:2]
connections = {"kpt1s": np.empty((0, 2), dtype=int), "kpt2s": np.empty((0, 2), dtype=int),
"conf1s": np.empty(0, dtype=np.float32), "conf2s": np.empty(0, dtype=np.float32), "kpairinds": np.empty(0, dtype=int), "scores": np.empty(0, dtype=np.float32)}
for kpairind, (key1, key2) in enumerate(kpt_pairs):
####### line integral ######
vals1, vals2 = candInd_with_score[key1], candInd_with_score[key2]
# shape = (h, w)
pafX, pafY = paf[kpairind, ..., 0], paf[kpairind, ..., 1]
# shape = (cand_nums1,)
x1s, y1s, conf1s = vals1['xinds'], vals1['yinds'], vals1['confs']
# shape = (cand_nums2,)
x2s, y2s, conf2s = vals2['xinds'], vals2['yinds'], vals2['confs']
# shape = (cand_nums1, cand_nums2)
deltaX = np.add.outer(-x1s, x2s)
deltaY = np.add.outer(-y1s, y2s)
# 1e-6 means to avoid RuntimeWarining
normVec = np.sqrt(deltaX**2 + deltaY**2) + 1e-6
vx, vy = deltaX/normVec, deltaY/normVec
integrals = np.ones_like(deltaX, dtype=np.float32) * -9999
for i1 in range(deltaX.shape[0]):
for i2 in range(deltaX.shape[1]):
# sample
# shape = (sample_nums,)
xinds_sampled = np.linspace(x1s[i1], x2s[i2], sample_nums).astype(np.int8)
yinds_sampled = np.linspace(y1s[i1], y2s[i2], sample_nums).astype(np.int8)
# shape = (sample_nums,)
pafX_sampled = pafX[yinds_sampled, xinds_sampled]
pafY_sampled = pafY[yinds_sampled, xinds_sampled]
# integral
# shape = (sample_nums,)
integral_scores = (pafX_sampled*vx[i1, i2] + pafY_sampled*vy[i1, i2])
integrals[i1, i2] = integral_scores.mean() + min(0.5*h/normVec[i1, i2] - 1, 0)
# condition1: whether each point's paf score at least 80% is greater than threshold
# condition2: each point's average paf score, penalized for limb length, is greater than a half of height
if (np.count_nonzero(integral_scores > matching_thres) > 0.8*integral_scores.size) and \
(integral_scores.mean() + min(0.5*h/normVec[i1, i2] - 1, 0) > 0):
# do integral
integrals[i1, i2] = integral_scores.mean() + min(0.5*h/normVec[i1, i2] - 1, 0)
# assignment by Hungarian algorithm
# -integrals means "cost" matrix, not score matrix
m1inds, m2inds = linear_sum_assignment(-integrals)
m1inds_new, m2inds_new = [], []
for m1i, m2i in zip(m1inds, m2inds):
if integrals[m1i, m2i] <= 0:
m1inds_new += [m1i]
m2inds_new += [m2i]
# shape = (*, 2)
new_kpt1 = np.concatenate([x1s[m1inds_new].reshape((-1, 1)), y1s[m1inds_new].reshape((-1, 1))], axis=-1)
connections["kpt1s"] = np.concatenate([connections["kpt1s"], new_kpt1], axis=0)
new_kpt2 = np.concatenate([x2s[m2inds_new].reshape((-1, 1)), y2s[m2inds_new].reshape((-1, 1))], axis=-1)
connections["kpt2s"] = np.concatenate([connections["kpt2s"], new_kpt2], axis=0)
connections["conf1s"] = np.append(connections["conf1s"], conf1s[m1inds_new])
connections["conf2s"] = np.append(connections["conf2s"], conf2s[m2inds_new])
connections["kpairinds"] = np.append(connections["kpairinds"], np.array([kpairind]*len(m1inds_new), dtype=int))
connections["scores"] = np.append(connections["scores"], integrals[m1inds_new, m2inds_new])
# assignement
# sort with descending order and got 2d-indices by unravel_index
# xi, yi = np.unravel_index(np.argsort(integrals, axis=None)[::-1], integrals.shape)
return connections
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図14.2部グラフマッチング問題を解いた後のプロット図. |
2.7. ボーンから人物構築
- 空の人物の集合$\mathrm{\mathbf{P}}$を用意する.
- 2.6.で得られた線積分スコアをもつボーン候補を$\mathrm{\mathbf{B}}$に格納する.
- 以下$\mathrm{\mathbf{B}}$が空になるまでループ.
- $\mathrm{\mathbf{B}}$の中で,スコアを降順(大きい順)に並べ替え,最大のもの$b$を取り出す.
- $\mathrm{\mathbf{P}}$の中に,$b$のキーポイント座標2つが重複していないか確認する.
- 1人($p_1$)と重複している場合.
- $p_1,b$をもつ同一人物として,$\mathrm{\mathbf{P}}$を更新する.
- 2人($p_1,p_2$)と重複している場合.
- $p_1$と$p_2$が別々のボーンを持つ場合.
- 競合が起きているため,$b$は破棄する
- そうでない場合.
- $p_1,p_2,b$をもつ同一人物として,$\mathrm{\mathbf{P}}$を更新する.
- $p_1$と$p_2$が別々のボーンを持つ場合.
- それ以外.
- $\mathrm{\mathbf{P}}$に,ボーン$b$をもつ新しい人物として追加する.
- 1人($p_1$)と重複している場合.
def merge(connections, fmap_size, kpt_labels, kpt_pairs):
"""Merge all connections into each person
connections : dict
The matched connections dict. This will be returned by above matching function.
Dict keys are;
'kpt1s': int ndarray, shape = (size, 2=(x,y))
'kpt2s': int ndarray, shape = (size, 2=(x,y))
'conf1s': ndarray, shape = (size,)
'conf2s': ndarray, shape = (size,)
'kpairinds': int ndarray, shape = (size,)
'scores': int ndarray, shape = (size,)
fmap_size : tuple, list
The feature map size. (width(int), height(int)
kpt_labels : list
The keypoint labels list.
kpt_pairs : list of list
The keypoint pairs indexes list
The person's dict.
Dict keys are;
'vis': bool ndarray
The visisibilty boolean ndarray, shape = (person_num, keypoint_nums,)
'kpt': ndarray
The keypoints ndarray, shape = (person_num, keypoint_nums, 2=(x,y))
'confs': ndarray
The confidence ndarray for each keypoint, shape = (person_num, keypoint_nums,)
# list(person number) of dict
# kpt: ndarray, shape=(keypoints_num, 2=(x,y))
# conf: ndarray, shape=(keypoints_num,)
# kpairflags: bool ndarray, shape=(pairs_num,)
# Note that above these values include np.nan, which means missing values
persons = []
if len(connections["scores"]) == 0:
return persons
# sort with descending order by scores
inds = np.argsort(connections["scores"])[::-1]
keypoint_nums = len(kpt_labels)
pairs_nums = len(kpt_pairs)
while inds.size > 0:
maxind = inds[0]
# update
inds = inds[1:]
# ndarray, shape = (2=(x,y))
kpt1 = connections["kpt1s"][maxind]
kpt2 = connections["kpt2s"][maxind]
# float
conf1 = connections["conf1s"][maxind]
conf2 = connections["conf2s"][maxind]
# int
kpairind = connections["kpairinds"][maxind]
# float
score = connections["scores"][maxind]
if score < 1e-6:
# check to have same keypoints
associated_person_inds = [i for i, p in enumerate(persons) \
if (kpt1 == p["kpt"]).all(axis=-1).any() or (kpt2 == p["kpt"]).all(axis=-1).any()]
if len(associated_person_inds) == 1:
# if there is "an" associated person, merge kpts into it.
person_ind = associated_person_inds[0]
# assign key1
ind = kpt_pairs[kpairind][0]
persons[person_ind]["kpt"][ind] = kpt1
persons[person_ind]["conf"][ind] = conf1
# assign key2
ind = kpt_pairs[kpairind][1]
persons[person_ind]["kpt"][ind] = kpt2
persons[person_ind]["conf"][ind] = conf2
# set flag
persons[person_ind]["kpairflags"][kpairind] = True
elif len(associated_person_inds) == 2:
# if there are "two" associated people
person1_ind = associated_person_inds[0]
person2_ind = associated_person_inds[1]
person1_kpt = persons[person1_ind]["kpt"]
person2_kpt = persons[person2_ind]["kpt"]
# get nonnan (assigned keypoint) indices
person1_nonnan_indices = np.nonzero(~np.isnan(person1_kpt).all(axis=1))
person2_nonnan_indices = np.nonzero(~np.isnan(person2_kpt).all(axis=1))
unique_keyind, count = np.unique(np.hstack([person1_nonnan_indices, person2_nonnan_indices]), return_counts=True)
if (count == 1).all():
# if there is no conflicts between two assciated people,
# merge kpts into "a" person1
persons[person1_ind]["kpt"][person2_nonnan_indices] = person2_kpt[person2_nonnan_indices]
persons[person1_ind]["kpairflags"][person2_nonnan_indices] = True
# assign key1
ind = kpt_pairs[kpairind][0]
persons[person1_ind]["kpt"][ind] = kpt1
persons[person1_ind]["conf"][ind] = conf1
# assign key2
ind = kpt_pairs[kpairind][1]
persons[person1_ind]["kpt"][ind] = kpt2
persons[person1_ind]["conf"][ind] = conf2
# set flag
persons[person1_ind]["kpairflags"][kpairind] = True
# remove person2
del persons[person2_ind]
# confilict. So discard it.
# if there is no associated persons, create a new person
kpt = np.ones(shape=(keypoint_nums, 2)) * np.nan
conf = np.ones(shape=(keypoint_nums,)) * np.nan
# assign key1
ind = kpt_pairs[kpairind][0]
kpt[ind] = kpt1
conf[ind] = conf1
# assign key2
ind = kpt_pairs[kpairind][1]
kpt[ind] = kpt2
conf[ind] = conf2
kpairflags = np.zeros(shape=(pairs_nums,), dtype=bool)
kpairflags[kpairind] = True
persons += [{"kpt": kpt, "conf": conf, "kpairflags": kpairflags}]
ret = {}
ret['vis'] = []
ret['kpts'] = []
ret['confs'] = []
for p in persons:
# add vis flag
p['vis'] = ~np.isnan(p['kpt'][:, 0])
if p['vis'].sum() < 3:
# detected few parts.
ret['vis'] += [np.expand_dims(p['vis'], axis=0)]
# to percent
p['kpt'][:, 0] /= float(fmap_size[0])
p['kpt'][:, 1] /= float(fmap_size[1])
ret['kpts'] += [np.expand_dims(p['kpt'], axis=0)]
ret['confs'] += [np.expand_dims(p['conf'], axis=0)]
ret['vis'] = np.concatenate(ret['vis'], axis=0)
ret['kpts'] = np.concatenate(ret['kpts'], axis=0)
ret['confs'] = np.concatenate(ret['confs'], axis=0)
return ret
![]() |
図15.最終出力. |
- データセット:COCO2014+2017
- 入力サイズ:$(368,368)$
- 学習用データセット:COCO2014 train+val,COCO2017 train
- 検証用データセット:COCO2017 val
- データ拡張(詳細は省略)
- 回転($[-45^{\circ},45^{\circ}]$)
- スケール($[0.5,1.1]$)
- コントラスト($[0.5,1.5]$)
- 輝度($[-32,32]$)
- チャネル交換
- Heatmap作成
- $\sigma=7$
- PAF作成
- $\sigma_c=1$
- 学習
- Adam Optimizer
lr=1e-4, weight_decay=5e-4
- 20kイテレーションごとに$\times0.5$倍
- 200kイテレーション
- Adam Optimizer
- 推定
- Heatmap Threshold: 0.3
- 線積分サンプル数:10
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図16.学習結果. |
Z. Cao et al., "OpenPose: Realtime Multi-Person 2D Pose Estimation using Part Affinity Fields", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2019. ↩ ↩2 ↩3
Z. Cao et al., "Realtime Multi-person 2D Pose Estimation Using Part Affinity Fields," 2017 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2017, pp.1302-1310. ↩
S. Liu and W. Deng, "Very deep convolutional neural network based image classification using small training sample size," 2015 3rd IAPR Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition (ACPR), 2015, pp.730-734. ↩ ↩2
K. He et al., "Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition," 2016 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2016, pp.770-778. ↩