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Last updated at Posted at 2021-12-14


開発部 データソリューションチームでリードエンジニアをやっております。






かつて(Elasticsearch 7.10まで?)は約32GBを超えないようにJVMヒープメモリサイズ(XmsおよびXmx)を設定するようにと明記されていました。

Set Xmx and Xms to no more than the threshold that the JVM uses for compressed object pointers (compressed oops). The exact threshold varies but is near 32 GB.

(Ealsticsearch 7.10 公式ドキュメントより)

現在(Elasticsearch 7.15)では26GB~30GBが安全という表現に変わっています。

Set Xms and Xmx to no more than the threshold for compressed ordinary object pointers (oops). The exact threshold varies but 26GB is safe on most systems and can be as large as 30GB on some systems.

(Ealsticsearch 7.15 公式ドキュメントより)


Set Xms and Xmx to no more than 50% of your total memory.



(Elastic Blogより)


By default, Elasticsearch automatically sets the JVM heap size based on a node’s roles and total memory. Using the default sizing is recommended for most production environments.

(Ealsticsearch 7.15 公式ドキュメントより)





The more heap available to Elasticsearch, the more memory it can use for its internal caches.

(Ealsticsearch 7.15 公式ドキュメントより)



JVMのCompressed OOPsという機能が使える/使えないの境界があります。

Compressed OOPs については以下の記事がとても分かりやすいです。



  • 同じオブジェクトを生成する場合でも、32GB未満ときよりメモリを消費する
  • 特に32GBをちょっとだけ越えて設定した場合、32GB未満の時よりかえって使えるメモリ量が減ることがありうる







  • 32GB

  • 64GB



  • データノードの物理メモリ: 128GB
  • 1データノードあたりデータ量: 40GB~50GB
  • 1データノードあたりドキュメント数: 7000万~8000万
  • レプリカシャード数: 1
  • 書き込み頻度低、読み込み頻度高


  • 条件1
    • データノードの物理メモリ量が128GB以上(JVMヒープメモリに64GB割り当てても総メモリ量の50%以下)
  • 条件2
    • 1データノードあたりのデータ量が32GB以上で64GB以下(JVMヒープメモリを64GBにすることでデータの大半または丸ごとキャッシュできる可能性)
  • 条件3
    • 書き込み頻度が少ない(キャッシュが有効である可能性が高い、スラッシングがほぼ発生しない)

[おまけ] 公式ベンチマークRallyで64GBが有効かどうか確認してみた



  • AWS EC2 r6g.4xlarge (16vCPU、128GBメモリ、EBS gp3 100GB)
  • Amazon Linux 2 AMI (HVM) - Kernel 5.10, SSD Volume Type
  • Elasticsearch 7.15.2
  • Rally 2.3.0



  • JVMヒープメモリ
    • 32GB、64GB
      • 条件1より
  • track(ベンチマークシナリオ)
    • nyc_taxis
      • Uncompressed Size が74.3 GBなので条件2に近い
  • task
    • ドキュメント検索系のtaskのみ比較
      • 条件3より


service timeの50パーセンタイル値を比較します。
(待ち時間を含まない応答時間=service time)

task 32GB
range 254.869 191.784 -63.0847
distance_amount_agg 2.93646 2.91249 -0.02397
autohisto_agg 408.145 356.736 -51.4087
date_histogram_agg 148.163 119.555 -28.6081
    ____        ____
   / __ \____ _/ / /_  __
  / /_/ / __ `/ / / / / /
 / _, _/ /_/ / / / /_/ /
/_/ |_|\__,_/_/_/\__, /

Comparing baseline
  Race ID: 2716fc79-3d9e-4985-9061-832a78794231
  Race timestamp: 2021-12-07 01:23:39
  Challenge: append-no-conflicts
  Car: external
  User tags: jvm_memory_size=32GB(default)

with contender
  Race ID: b2836ba5-4b5d-4fb9-8c23-d6eb94112010
  Race timestamp: 2021-12-07 04:46:31
  Challenge: append-no-conflicts
  Car: external
  User tags: jvm_memory_size=64GB

    _______             __   _____
   / ____(_)___  ____ _/ /  / ___/_________  ________
  / /_  / / __ \/ __ `/ /   \__ \/ ___/ __ \/ ___/ _ \
 / __/ / / / / / /_/ / /   ___/ / /__/ /_/ / /  /  __/
/_/   /_/_/ /_/\__,_/_/   /____/\___/\____/_/   \___/

|                                                        Metric |                Task |    Baseline |   Contender |     Diff |   Unit |
|                    Cumulative indexing time of primary shards |                     |     46.2922 |     50.8722 |  4.57995 |    min |
|             Min cumulative indexing time across primary shard |                     |           0 |           0 |        0 |    min |
|          Median cumulative indexing time across primary shard |                     |     23.1461 |     25.4361 |  2.28998 |    min |
|             Max cumulative indexing time across primary shard |                     |     46.2922 |     50.8722 |  4.57995 |    min |
|           Cumulative indexing throttle time of primary shards |                     |           0 |           0 |        0 |    min |
|    Min cumulative indexing throttle time across primary shard |                     |           0 |           0 |        0 |    min |
| Median cumulative indexing throttle time across primary shard |                     |           0 |           0 |        0 |    min |
|    Max cumulative indexing throttle time across primary shard |                     |           0 |           0 |        0 |    min |
|                       Cumulative merge time of primary shards |                     |     15.9374 |     24.5854 |  8.64797 |    min |
|                      Cumulative merge count of primary shards |                     |          26 |          29 |        3 |        |
|                Min cumulative merge time across primary shard |                     |           0 |           0 |        0 |    min |
|             Median cumulative merge time across primary shard |                     |     7.96871 |     12.2927 |  4.32398 |    min |
|                Max cumulative merge time across primary shard |                     |     15.9374 |     24.5854 |  8.64797 |    min |
|              Cumulative merge throttle time of primary shards |                     |     4.42985 |     11.4517 |  7.02182 |    min |
|       Min cumulative merge throttle time across primary shard |                     |           0 |           0 |        0 |    min |
|    Median cumulative merge throttle time across primary shard |                     |     2.21493 |     5.72583 |  3.51091 |    min |
|       Max cumulative merge throttle time across primary shard |                     |     4.42985 |     11.4517 |  7.02182 |    min |
|                     Cumulative refresh time of primary shards |                     |     1.06192 |     1.20283 |  0.14092 |    min |
|                    Cumulative refresh count of primary shards |                     |          36 |          46 |       10 |        |
|              Min cumulative refresh time across primary shard |                     |           0 |           0 |        0 |    min |
|           Median cumulative refresh time across primary shard |                     |    0.530958 |    0.601417 |  0.07046 |    min |
|              Max cumulative refresh time across primary shard |                     |     1.06192 |     1.20283 |  0.14092 |    min |
|                       Cumulative flush time of primary shards |                     |       2.306 |     1.89908 | -0.40692 |    min |
|                      Cumulative flush count of primary shards |                     |          11 |          12 |        1 |        |
|                Min cumulative flush time across primary shard |                     |           0 |           0 |        0 |    min |
|             Median cumulative flush time across primary shard |                     |       1.153 |    0.949542 | -0.20346 |    min |
|                Max cumulative flush time across primary shard |                     |       2.306 |     1.89908 | -0.40692 |    min |
|                                            Total Young Gen GC |                     |        0.88 |       0.689 |   -0.191 |      s |
|                                              Total Old Gen GC |                     |           0 |           0 |        0 |      s |
|                                                    Store size |                     |     7.76016 |      8.6953 |  0.93514 |     GB |
|                                                 Translog size |                     | 1.02445e-07 | 1.02445e-07 |        0 |     GB |
|                                        Heap used for segments |                     |   0.0902176 |    0.108299 |  0.01808 |     MB |
|                                      Heap used for doc values |                     |   0.0259933 |   0.0264435 |  0.00045 |     MB |
|                                           Heap used for terms |                     |   0.0432129 |   0.0553589 |  0.01215 |     MB |
|                                           Heap used for norms |                     |           0 |           0 |        0 |     MB |
|                                          Heap used for points |                     |           0 |           0 |        0 |     MB |
|                                   Heap used for stored fields |                     |   0.0210114 |   0.0264969 |  0.00549 |     MB |
|                                                 Segment count |                     |          36 |          32 |       -4 |        |
|                                                Min Throughput |               index |     98282.7 |     92858.8 | -5423.87 | docs/s |
|                                             Median Throughput |               index |      100017 |      115730 |  15713.4 | docs/s |
|                                                Max Throughput |               index |      242632 |      156386 | -86246.3 | docs/s |
|                                       50th percentile latency |               index |     89.9578 |     92.2309 |  2.27314 |     ms |
|                                       90th percentile latency |               index |      649.19 |     652.938 |  3.74808 |     ms |
|                                       99th percentile latency |               index |     1412.24 |     1355.37 | -56.8697 |     ms |
|                                     99.9th percentile latency |               index |     5064.39 |     4593.95 | -470.443 |     ms |
|                                    99.99th percentile latency |               index |     5616.33 |      5507.4 |  -108.93 |     ms |
|                                      100th percentile latency |               index |     5921.07 |     6087.86 |  166.791 |     ms |
|                                  50th percentile service time |               index |     89.9578 |     92.2309 |  2.27314 |     ms |
|                                  90th percentile service time |               index |      649.19 |     652.938 |  3.74808 |     ms |
|                                  99th percentile service time |               index |     1412.24 |     1355.37 | -56.8697 |     ms |
|                                99.9th percentile service time |               index |     5064.39 |     4593.95 | -470.443 |     ms |
|                               99.99th percentile service time |               index |     5616.33 |      5507.4 |  -108.93 |     ms |
|                                 100th percentile service time |               index |     5921.07 |     6087.86 |  166.791 |     ms |
|                                                    error rate |               index |     80.1289 |     74.8857 | -5.24328 |      % |
|                                                Min Throughput |             default |     3.02016 |     3.02014 |   -2e-05 |  ops/s |
|                                             Median Throughput |             default |     3.02991 |     3.02987 |   -4e-05 |  ops/s |
|                                                Max Throughput |             default |     3.05805 |     3.05801 |   -4e-05 |  ops/s |
|                                       50th percentile latency |             default |     4.28662 |     4.48204 |  0.19542 |     ms |
|                                       90th percentile latency |             default |      4.4747 |     4.68339 |   0.2087 |     ms |
|                                       99th percentile latency |             default |     5.28046 |     5.59364 |  0.31318 |     ms |
|                                      100th percentile latency |             default |     5.45401 |     6.08082 |  0.62681 |     ms |
|                                  50th percentile service time |             default |       3.945 |     4.14404 |  0.19904 |     ms |
|                                  90th percentile service time |             default |     4.13767 |     4.34255 |  0.20488 |     ms |
|                                  99th percentile service time |             default |     4.94238 |     5.25597 |  0.31359 |     ms |
|                                 100th percentile service time |             default |      5.1136 |     5.74084 |  0.62724 |     ms |
|                                                    error rate |             default |           0 |           0 |        0 |      % |
|                                                Min Throughput |               range |    0.703838 |     0.70406 |  0.00022 |  ops/s |
|                                             Median Throughput |               range |    0.705763 |    0.706075 |  0.00031 |  ops/s |
|                                                Max Throughput |               range |     0.71209 |    0.712078 |   -1e-05 |  ops/s |
|                                       50th percentile latency |               range |     256.054 |     193.034 | -63.0194 |     ms |
|                                       90th percentile latency |               range |     270.379 |     193.655 | -76.7243 |     ms |
|                                       99th percentile latency |               range |      282.01 |     193.938 | -88.0715 |     ms |
|                                      100th percentile latency |               range |     290.636 |     193.996 | -96.6406 |     ms |
|                                  50th percentile service time |               range |     254.869 |     191.784 | -63.0847 |     ms |
|                                  90th percentile service time |               range |     269.212 |     192.401 | -76.8114 |     ms |
|                                  99th percentile service time |               range |      280.83 |     192.689 | -88.1409 |     ms |
|                                 100th percentile service time |               range |     289.466 |     192.745 |  -96.721 |     ms |
|                                                    error rate |               range |           0 |           0 |        0 |      % |
|                                                Min Throughput | distance_amount_agg |     2.01342 |     2.01342 |        0 |  ops/s |
|                                             Median Throughput | distance_amount_agg |     2.02006 |     2.02006 |       -0 |  ops/s |
|                                                Max Throughput | distance_amount_agg |      2.0397 |     2.03971 |    1e-05 |  ops/s |
|                                       50th percentile latency | distance_amount_agg |      3.4459 |     3.41906 | -0.02685 |     ms |
|                                       90th percentile latency | distance_amount_agg |     3.69374 |     3.59011 | -0.10363 |     ms |
|                                       99th percentile latency | distance_amount_agg |     4.33156 |     4.06222 | -0.26933 |     ms |
|                                      100th percentile latency | distance_amount_agg |     4.37477 |     4.36694 | -0.00784 |     ms |
|                                  50th percentile service time | distance_amount_agg |     2.93646 |     2.91249 | -0.02397 |     ms |
|                                  90th percentile service time | distance_amount_agg |     3.18146 |     3.08136 |  -0.1001 |     ms |
|                                  99th percentile service time | distance_amount_agg |     3.81911 |      3.5584 | -0.26071 |     ms |
|                                 100th percentile service time | distance_amount_agg |     3.87012 |     3.86308 | -0.00704 |     ms |
|                                                    error rate | distance_amount_agg |           0 |           0 |        0 |      % |
|                                                Min Throughput |       autohisto_agg |     1.50389 |     1.50469 |  0.00079 |  ops/s |
|                                             Median Throughput |       autohisto_agg |     1.50581 |     1.50698 |  0.00116 |  ops/s |
|                                                Max Throughput |       autohisto_agg |     1.51119 |     1.51353 |  0.00235 |  ops/s |
|                                       50th percentile latency |       autohisto_agg |     408.417 |     357.057 | -51.3594 |     ms |
|                                       90th percentile latency |       autohisto_agg |     409.489 |      358.31 | -51.1792 |     ms |
|                                       99th percentile latency |       autohisto_agg |     412.245 |      360.08 |  -52.165 |     ms |
|                                      100th percentile latency |       autohisto_agg |     455.638 |     360.609 | -95.0292 |     ms |
|                                  50th percentile service time |       autohisto_agg |     408.145 |     356.736 | -51.4087 |     ms |
|                                  90th percentile service time |       autohisto_agg |     409.221 |     357.989 | -51.2313 |     ms |
|                                  99th percentile service time |       autohisto_agg |     411.976 |     359.761 | -52.2145 |     ms |
|                                 100th percentile service time |       autohisto_agg |     455.367 |     360.288 | -95.0798 |     ms |
|                                                    error rate |       autohisto_agg |           0 |           0 |        0 |      % |
|                                                Min Throughput |  date_histogram_agg |     1.50117 |     1.50123 |    6e-05 |  ops/s |
|                                             Median Throughput |  date_histogram_agg |     1.50155 |     1.50164 |    9e-05 |  ops/s |
|                                                Max Throughput |  date_histogram_agg |     1.50232 |     1.50246 |  0.00014 |  ops/s |
|                                       50th percentile latency |  date_histogram_agg |     148.683 |     120.112 | -28.5717 |     ms |
|                                       90th percentile latency |  date_histogram_agg |     149.535 |     120.498 | -29.0374 |     ms |
|                                       99th percentile latency |  date_histogram_agg |     150.108 |     120.891 | -29.2163 |     ms |
|                                      100th percentile latency |  date_histogram_agg |     150.238 |     122.718 | -27.5205 |     ms |
|                                  50th percentile service time |  date_histogram_agg |     148.163 |     119.555 | -28.6081 |     ms |
|                                  90th percentile service time |  date_histogram_agg |     149.015 |     119.938 | -29.0775 |     ms |
|                                  99th percentile service time |  date_histogram_agg |     149.579 |     120.328 | -29.2505 |     ms |
|                                 100th percentile service time |  date_histogram_agg |     149.709 |      122.16 | -27.5492 |     ms |
|                                                    error rate |  date_histogram_agg |           0 |           0 |        0 |      % |

[INFO] SUCCESS (took 0 seconds)



  • ElasticsearchのJVMヒープメモリ32GB神話について解説しました
  • 弊社の事例をもとに32GBを越えても良いのか、越えても良いのであればその条件は何かを考察しました
  • 考察に基づき公式ベンチマークツールで評価してみたところ、64GBの方が応答速度が改善することが確認できました







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