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  • Unity 2018.3.8f1
  • Xcode 10.2
  • CocoaPods 1.6.1


  1. Assets/Editor 下でファイルを生成

  2. 実装例

    <iosPod name="Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK" version="~> 7.0">


GoogleのPlayServicesResolverのサンプル より一部参照

  <!-- iOS Cocoapod dependencies can be specified by each iosPod element. -->
    <!-- iosPod supports the following attributes:
         * "name" (required)
           Name of the Cocoapod.
         * "path" (optional)
           Path to the local Cocoapod.
           NOTE: This is expanded to a local path when the Podfile is generated.
           For example, if a Unity project has the root path "/my/game" and the
           pod the path is "foo/bar", this will be will be expanded to
           "/my/game/foo/bar" when the Podfile is generated.
         * "version" (optional)
           Cocoapod version specification for the named pod.
           If this is not specified the latest version is used.
           NOTE: This can't be used when "path" is set.
         * "bitcodeEnabled" (optional)
           Whether this Cocoapod requires bitcode to be enabled in Unity's
           generated Xcode project.  This is "true" by default.
         * "minTargetSdk" (optional)
           The minimum iOS SDK required by this Cocoapod.
         * "configurations" (optional)
           Podfile formatted list of configurations to include this pod in.
         * "modular_headers" (optional)
           Set to true to enable modular headers, false to disable.
         * "source" (optional)
           Source repo to fetch the pod from.
         * "subspecs" (optional)
           Subspecs to include for the pod.
    <iosPod name="Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK" path="../google-mobile-ads-sdk" version="~> 7.0" bitcodeEnabled="true"
      <!-- Set of source URIs to search for this Cocoapod spec.
           By default Cocoapods will attempt to fetch the pod specs from:
           * $HOME/.cocoapods/repos
           * https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs


  • <sources>タグは必須ではありません
  • Androidも <androidPackages>を記述する事でライブラリの追加が可能です(とはいえ現在ではGradleを用いた方が良さそう)

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Delete article

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