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Unity-DOTSで作る2D弾幕シューティングの例 - ④銃を操作するComponentSystem

Last updated at Posted at 2020-06-08





public class GunSystem : JobComponentSystem
    public const int GUNNER_PLAYER = 1;
    public const int GUNNER_OPTION = 2;
    public const int GUNNER_ENEMY = 3;

    private UtilSystem utilSystem;
    private EntityQuery qGuns;
    private EntityQuery qReading;
    private EntityQuery qGunner;
    private EntityQuery qBulletDefine;
    private EntityQuery qColliderDefine;
    private EntityQuery qColliderSetDefine;
    private EntityArchetype bulletArchetype;
    private CommandBufferSystem barrier;
    private NativeArray<Unity.Mathematics.Random> randomArray;
    private EntityManager manager;

    protected override void OnCreate()
        manager = World.DefaultGameObjectInjectionWorld.EntityManager;
        utilSystem = World.GetExistingSystem<UtilSystem>();

        barrier = World.GetExistingSystem<CommandBufferSystem>();
        randomArray = World.GetExistingSystem<UtilSystem>().RandomArray;

        List<ComponentType> componentList = new List<ComponentType>
        bulletArchetype = manager.CreateArchetype(componentList.ToArray());

        qGuns = GetEntityQuery(new EntityQueryDesc()
            All = new ComponentType[] { typeof(HasParent), typeof(Gun), typeof(Translation) },

        qReading = GetEntityQuery(new EntityQueryDesc()
            All = new ComponentType[] { typeof(HasParent), typeof(Gun), typeof(Translation) },

        qGunner = GetEntityQuery(new EntityQueryDesc()
            All = new ComponentType[] { typeof(Gunner), typeof(Translation) },

        qBulletDefine = GetEntityQuery(new EntityQueryDesc()
            All = new ComponentType[] { typeof(BulletDefine) },
        qColliderDefine = GetEntityQuery(new EntityQueryDesc()
            All = new ComponentType[] { typeof(ColliderDefine) },
        qColliderSetDefine = GetEntityQuery(new EntityQueryDesc()
            All = new ComponentType[] { typeof(ColliderSetDefine) },

    protected override JobHandle OnUpdate(JobHandle inputDeps)
        // 親が存在していなければ破壊する
        var hasParent_array = qGuns.ToComponentDataArray<HasParent>(Allocator.TempJob);
        var guns_entities = qGuns.ToEntityArray(Allocator.TempJob);
        for (int i = 0; i < hasParent_array.Length; i++) {
            if (!manager.Exists(hasParent_array[i].entity))
        if (utilSystem.CanProceedFrame() && !utilSystem.IsPause())
            // 親の情報読み出し
            inputDeps = new JReadParentData
                translation_type = GetArchetypeChunkComponentType<Translation>(false),
                hasParent_type = GetArchetypeChunkComponentType<HasParent>(true),
                gun_type = GetArchetypeChunkComponentType<Gun>(false),
                parentEntities_array = qGunner.ToEntityArray(Allocator.TempJob),
                parentTranslations_array = qGunner.ToComponentDataArray<Translation>(Allocator.TempJob),
                parentGunner_array = qGunner.ToComponentDataArray<Gunner>(Allocator.TempJob),
            }.Schedule(qReading, inputDeps);


            // 銃のパラメータ更新
            inputDeps = new JUpdate
                gun_type = GetArchetypeChunkComponentType<Gun>(false),
            }.Schedule(qGuns, inputDeps);

            // 弾を撃つ
            inputDeps = new JShot
                translation_type = GetArchetypeChunkComponentType<Translation>(true),
                gun_type = GetArchetypeChunkComponentType<Gun>(false),
                bulletArchetype = bulletArchetype,
                colliderArchetype = SettingManager.Get().ColliderArchetype,
                commandBuffer = barrier.CreateCommandBuffer().ToConcurrent(),
                random_array = randomArray,
                bulletDefine_array = qBulletDefine.ToComponentDataArray<BulletDefine>(Allocator.TempJob),
                colliderDefine_array = qColliderDefine.ToComponentDataArray<ColliderDefine>(Allocator.TempJob),
                colliderSetDefine_array = qColliderSetDefine.ToComponentDataArray<ColliderSetDefine>(Allocator.TempJob),
            }.Schedule(qGuns, inputDeps);


        // Job内で生成コマンドを実行するため、Job完了させる

        return inputDeps;

    private struct JReadParentData : IJobChunk
        public ArchetypeChunkComponentType<Translation> translation_type;
        public ArchetypeChunkComponentType<Gun> gun_type;
        [ReadOnly] public ArchetypeChunkComponentType<HasParent> hasParent_type;
        [ReadOnly] [DeallocateOnJobCompletion] public NativeArray<Entity> parentEntities_array;
        [ReadOnly] [DeallocateOnJobCompletion] public NativeArray<Translation> parentTranslations_array;
        [ReadOnly] [DeallocateOnJobCompletion] public NativeArray<Gunner> parentGunner_array;

        public void Execute(ArchetypeChunk chunk, int chunkIndex, int firstEntityIndex)
            var translation_array = chunk.GetNativeArray(translation_type);
            var hasParent_array = chunk.GetNativeArray(hasParent_type);
            var gun_array = chunk.GetNativeArray(gun_type);
            var c = translation_array.Length;
            for (int i = 0; i < c; i++)
                Translation position = translation_array[i];
                HasParent hasParent = hasParent_array[i];
                Gun gun = gun_array[i];

                for (int j = 0; j < parentEntities_array.Length; j++) {
                    if (parentEntities_array[j] == hasParent.entity) {
                        // 親の位置を自身に反映し、書き戻す
                        Translation parentPosition = parentTranslations_array[j];
                        Gunner parentGunner = parentGunner_array[j];
                        gun.isTriggered = parentGunner.isTriggered;
                        gun.shotAngle = parentGunner.angle;
                        gun.isNoInterval = parentGunner.isNoInterval;
                        position.Value.x = parentPosition.Value.x + hasParent.xOffset;
                        position.Value.y = parentPosition.Value.y + hasParent.yOffset;
                        translation_array[i] = position;
                        gun_array[i] = gun;

    private struct JUpdate : IJobChunk
        public ArchetypeChunkComponentType<Gun> gun_type;

        public void Execute(ArchetypeChunk chunk, int chunkIndex, int firstEntityIndex)
            var gun_array = chunk.GetNativeArray(gun_type);

            for (int i = 0; i < gun_array.Length; i++) {
                var gun = gun_array[i];

                // 待機カウンタを減算
                if (!gun.isTriggered) continue;
                if (gun.isNoInterval) gun.counter = 0;

                // 待機カウンタ満了
                if (gun.counter < 0)
                    // マガジンに弾がある(連射中)
                    if (gun.magazine > 0)
                        // 連射数と現在の射出数からイーズ用の進行度を割り出す
                        // 連射数 - マガジンの残数 = 射撃した数
                        // 射撃した数 / 連射数 = 進行度
                        float progress = (float)(gun.shotBlazeCount - gun.magazine) / gun.shotBlazeCount;
                        float ease = Easing.Get(gun.shotAngularEaseType, progress);
                        if (gun.isEaseReversing) ease = -ease;

                        gun.direction += gun.shotAngularSpeed * ease;
                        gun.bulletSpeed += gun.bulletAcceralation;
                    // マガジンに弾がない(連射開始)
                        gun.magazine = gun.shotBlazeCount;
                        gun.direction = gun.shotAngle;
                        gun.bulletSpeed = gun.bulletSpeedDefault;

                        // 角速度反転
                        if (gun.shotAngluarReverse) gun.isEaseReversing = !gun.isEaseReversing;

                // 値の書き戻し
                gun_array[i] = gun;

    private struct JShot : IJobChunk
        public NativeArray<Unity.Mathematics.Random> random_array;
        public EntityCommandBuffer.Concurrent commandBuffer;
        public ArchetypeChunkComponentType<Gun> gun_type;
        [ReadOnly] public ArchetypeChunkComponentType<Translation> translation_type;
        [DeallocateOnJobCompletion] public NativeArray<BulletDefine> bulletDefine_array;
        [DeallocateOnJobCompletion] public NativeArray<ColliderDefine> colliderDefine_array;
        [DeallocateOnJobCompletion] public NativeArray<ColliderSetDefine> colliderSetDefine_array;
        public EntityArchetype bulletArchetype;
        public EntityArchetype colliderArchetype;

        public void Execute(ArchetypeChunk chunk, int chunkIndex, int firstEntityIndex)
            var gun_array = chunk.GetNativeArray(gun_type);
            var translation_array = chunk.GetNativeArray(translation_type);
            var random = random_array[chunkIndex];

            for (int i = 0; i < gun_array.Length; i++) {
                var translation = translation_array[i];
                var gun = gun_array[i];

                // カウンタが継続中の場合は何もしない
                if (gun.counter >= 0) continue;
                // マガジンに弾がある(連射中)
                if (gun.magazine > 0)
                    // 偶数Wayショットか否か
                    bool isEvenWay = (gun.shotWays % 2 == 0);
                    bool pairedWay = false;
                    float wayInterval = 0f;

                    // 射撃Way数だけループする
                    for (int j = 0; j < gun.shotWays; j++)
                        float wayDir = gun.direction;

                        if (j == 0) {
                            // 偶数Wayの場合は発射せず、射出方向角度の半分を加える
                            if (isEvenWay) {
                                wayInterval += gun.shotWaysAngleInterval / 2;
                                wayDir += wayInterval;
                                pairedWay = true;
                            } else {
                                wayInterval += gun.shotWaysAngleInterval;
                        } else {
                            if (pairedWay) {
                                wayDir -= wayInterval;
                                wayInterval += gun.shotWaysAngleInterval;
                            } else {
                                wayDir += wayInterval;
                            pairedWay = !pairedWay;

                        // 同時射撃数回数だけループする
                        bool isEvenShot = (gun.shotSimultaneousCount % 2 == 0);
                        bool pairedShot = false;
                        float bulletAngleInterval = 0f;
                        float bulletPlaceInterval = 0f;
                        for (int k = 0; k < gun.shotSimultaneousCount; k++)
                            float moveDirection = wayDir;
                            float placeDirection = wayDir;
                            float initialSpeed = gun.bulletSpeed;

                            if (k == 0)
                                // 偶数Wayの場合は発射せず、射出方向角度の半分を加える
                                if (isEvenShot)
                                    bulletAngleInterval += gun.shotBulletAngleInterval / 2;
                                    bulletPlaceInterval += gun.shotBulletPlaceInterval / 2;
                                    moveDirection += bulletAngleInterval;
                                    placeDirection += bulletPlaceInterval;
                                    pairedShot = true;
                                    bulletAngleInterval += gun.shotBulletAngleInterval;
                                    bulletPlaceInterval += gun.shotBulletPlaceInterval;
                                if (pairedShot)
                                    moveDirection -= bulletAngleInterval;
                                    placeDirection -= bulletPlaceInterval;
                                    bulletAngleInterval += gun.shotBulletAngleInterval;
                                    bulletPlaceInterval += gun.shotBulletPlaceInterval;

                                    moveDirection += bulletAngleInterval;
                                    placeDirection += bulletPlaceInterval;
                                pairedShot = !pairedShot;

                            // 角度にランダム係数を加える
                            if (gun.shotAngularRandomize > 0)
                                moveDirection += random.NextFloat(-gun.shotAngularRandomize, gun.shotAngularRandomize);
                                random_array[chunkIndex] = random; // ランダム配列に書き戻しが必要
                            // 射出速度にランダム係数を加える
                            if (gun.bulletSpeedRandomize > 0)
                                initialSpeed += random.NextFloat(0, gun.bulletSpeedRandomize);
                                random_array[chunkIndex] = random; // ランダム配列に書き戻しが必要

                            // 弾定義データからIDに合致するものを拾い、弾エンティティの生成
                            for (int bltInd = 0; bltInd < bulletDefine_array.Length; bltInd++)
                                if (gun.bulletId == bulletDefine_array[bltInd].BulletId)
                                    BulletDefine bulletDefine = bulletDefine_array[bltInd];
                                    Entity bulletEntity = commandBuffer.CreateEntity(chunkIndex, bulletArchetype);
                                    float moveRad = moveDirection * math.PI * 2;
                                    float3 moveDirectionVec = new float3(math.cos(moveRad), math.sin(moveRad), 0);
                                    float placeRad = placeDirection * math.PI * 2;
                                    float3 placeDirectionVec = new float3(math.cos(placeRad) * gun.shotOffsetRadius, math.sin(placeRad) * gun.shotOffsetRadius, 0);
                                    float3 accelerationVec = new float3(bulletDefine.AccerelationX, bulletDefine.AccerelationY, 0);

                                    commandBuffer.SetComponent(chunkIndex, bulletEntity, new Rotation { radian = moveRad });
                                    commandBuffer.SetComponent(chunkIndex, bulletEntity, new Translation { Value = translation.Value + placeDirectionVec });
                                    commandBuffer.SetComponent(chunkIndex, bulletEntity, new LinearMotion {
                                        Activated = true,
                                        direction = moveDirectionVec,
                                        acceleration = accelerationVec,
                                    commandBuffer.SetComponent(chunkIndex, bulletEntity, new MotionData {
                                        Velocity = math.normalize(moveDirectionVec) * initialSpeed,
                                        friction = math.normalize(new float3(1, 1, 0)),
                                    commandBuffer.SetComponent(chunkIndex, bulletEntity, new RenderSprite
                                        materialId = bulletDefine.MoveAnimationId,
                                        speed = 10,
                                        scaleCurrent = new float2(1, 1),
                                        sortingOrder = SpriteRenderSystem.SORTING_BULLET,
                                    commandBuffer.SetComponent(chunkIndex, bulletEntity, new NeedMaterialSetting
                                        Is = true,
                                    commandBuffer.SetComponent(chunkIndex, bulletEntity, new Damage
                                        value = gun.damage,

                                    // コライダー作成
                                    for (int setInd = 0; setInd < colliderSetDefine_array.Length; setInd++) {
                                        if (bulletDefine.ColliderSetId == colliderSetDefine_array[setInd].colliderSetId)
                                            var target = colliderSetDefine_array[setInd].colliderId;
                                            var xOffset = colliderSetDefine_array[setInd].xOffset;
                                            var yOffset = colliderSetDefine_array[setInd].yOffset;
                                            for (int colInd = 0; colInd < colliderDefine_array.Length; colInd++)
                                                if (target == colliderDefine_array[colInd].colliderId)
                                                    var data = colliderDefine_array[colInd];
                                                    Entity colliderEntity = commandBuffer.CreateEntity(chunkIndex, colliderArchetype);

                                                    var bufferId = random.NextInt(0, HitCheckSystem.HIT_CHECK_BUFFER_COUNT);
                                                    random_array[chunkIndex] = random; // ランダム配列に書き戻しが必要

                                                    commandBuffer.SetComponent(chunkIndex, colliderEntity, new Collider
                                                        IsDestructive = bulletDefine.IsDestructive,
                                                        kind = gun.colliderKind,
                                                        width = data.width,
                                                        height = data.height,
                                                        range = data.range,
                                                        radius = data.radius,
                                                        shape = data.shape,
                                                        IsBufferedCheck = true,
                                                        hitCheckBufferId = bufferId,
                                                        IsActive = true,
                                                    commandBuffer.SetComponent(chunkIndex, colliderEntity, new Translation { Value = new float3(0, 0, 0), });
                                                    commandBuffer.SetComponent(chunkIndex, colliderEntity, new HasParent {
                                                        entity = bulletEntity,
                                                        xOffset = xOffset,
                                                        yOffset = yOffset,




                    // 残弾数があれば連射間隔をカウンタに設定
                    // 残弾数が0になっていたら停止間隔をカウンタに設定
                    if (gun.magazine > 0) {
                        gun.counter = gun.shotBlazeInterval;
                    } else {
                        gun.counter = gun.shotTimeInterval;

                gun_array[i] = gun;






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