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KubeWeekly #177

Last updated at Posted at 2019-08-01

KubeWeeklyは毎週Kubernetesに関する興味深いニュースを提供しています。(https://kubeweekly.io/ )この記事は 2019/07/24に発行された Kube Weekly #177を読んで、感じたことをメモ的にまとめたものです。


The Headlines

Kubernetes Podcast from Google

Kubernetes Podcast from Google

Kubernetes Podcast。CERNの巨大なKubernetesクラスタについて。

Kubernetes Deployments: The Ultimate Guide

Kubernetes Deployments: The Ultimate Guide
What you need to know about Kubernetes deployments to deliver your Docker containers to production.


The Technical

Build cloud-native apps faster for Kubernetes with Kabanero, a new open source project from IBM

Build cloud-native apps faster for Kubernetes with Kabanero, a new open source project from IBM
Learn about three new open source projects -- Kabanero, Appsody, and Codewind -- that developers can use to build cloud-native apps faster for Kubernetes environments.


  • Kabanero: Knative, Istio, Tektonとこの後紹介する Appsody, Codewind、Razeeを同梱したもの
  • Appsody: クラウドネイティブなアプリケーションの雛形をつくるアプリケーション
  • Codewind: IDEとクラウドネイティブアプリケーションを統合するためのツール
  • Razee: マルチクラスタ対応のCDツール。

A deep dive into Kubernetes federation v2 · Banzai Cloud

A deep dive into Kubernetes federation v2 · Banzai Cloud
Bringing cloud native to the enterprise, simplifying the transition to microservices on Kubernetes

kubernetes federation v2の紹介。
BonzaiCloudのPKEがKube Fed v2をサポートしたということで、その説明と使い方のデモ。

Avoid time-of-measurement bias with Prometheus

Avoid time-of-measurement bias with Prometheus
Most Prometheus metrics recording durations are subject to a time-of-measurement bias, causing misleading graphs that can derail investigations. See how an open-source Tracer can help solve this problem.



Virtual Kubelet Turns 1.0 — Deep Dive

Virtual Kubelet Turns 1.0 — Deep Dive
For the last year-ish I’ve been working on Virtual Kubelet, a pretty cool project created by some awesome people (not me). A lot has…

Virtual Kubeletが1.0になった、という記事。

Virtual KubeletはNodeとそこで動くPodを扱うためのフレームワークとして作り込まれ、各クラウドプロバイダごとの実装が、それをインポートする形になっているようだ。


Failure Injection using the Service Mesh Interface and Linkerd

Failure Injection using the Service Mesh Interface and Linkerd
Application failure injection is a form of chaos engineering where we artificially increase the error rate of certain services in a microservice application to see what impact that has on the system as a whole. Traditionally, you would need to add some kind of failure injection library into your service code in order to do application failure injection. Thankfully, the service mesh gives us a way to inject application failures without needing to modify or rebuild our services at all.

LinkerdでFailure injectionを実現する方法の紹介。 エラーのみを返すアプリケーションを作り、それに対してTrafic Splitを設定することで実現している。
サービスメッシュの層でこれを実現することで、アプリケーションに手を加えずにFault Injectionが実現できる。

Secure Control of Egress Traffic in Istio, part 2

Secure Control of Egress Traffic in Istio, part 2
Use Istio Egress Traffic Control to prevent attacks involving egress traffic.




Kubernetes, etcd and disk throughput - Ricard Bejarano

Kubernetes, etcd and disk throughput - Ricard Bejarano
TL;DR: ensure sufficient disk read and write speeds for your etcd cluster nodes. Any minimally decent hard drive will do, but don't put /var/lib/etcd on a thumb drive.


Kubernetes and Containers Best Practices - Health Probes

Kubernetes and Containers Best Practices - Health Probes
Learn about High Observability Principle (HOP) and how to apply it inside Kubernetes through readinessProbe and the livenessProbe. Code examples included!


To Rook, or not to Rook, that’s Kubernetes

To Rook, or not to Rook, that’s Kubernetes
Why and what we like in Rook using it with Ceph in our production Kubernetes clusters.


Introducing rbIAM: a unified AWS IAM & Kubernetes RBAC access control exploration tool

Unified AWS IAM & Kubernetes RBAC access control

EKSにおいて AWSのIAMとKubernetesのRBACをいい感じに閲覧することができるツール rbIAM

Preparing an application for Istio  |  Istio on GCP |  Google Cloud

Preparing an application for Istio  |  Istio on GCP  |  Google Cloud


Kubernetes Journey — Up and running out of the cloud — flannel

Kubernetes Journey — Up and running out of the cloud — flannel
In this article, we’ll present some details about flannel and what role it performs in a Kubernetes network. I highly recommend you to…

Kubernetes under the hoodというシリーズの記事。今回は”flannel”。

Automate Progressive Deployments to Kubernetes with Flagger and Linkerd

Automate Progressive Deployments to Kubernetes with Flagger and Linkerd
Use Flagger with Linkerd to automate progressive deployments like canaries and other advanced deployment strategies for your Kubernetes workloads. Linkerd implements the Service Mesh Interface (SMI) Traffic Split API. This allows Flagger to control the traffic between two versions of the same application.

LinkerdがService Mesh Interface(SMI)に準拠したおかげで、このように外部ツールとの連携が強化できているとのこと。

Post Mortem: Kubernetes Node OOM


The Editorial

030: Cloud Native Ops with Ansible and Kubernetes | CloudSkills.fm

030: Cloud Native Ops with Ansible and Kubernetes | CloudSkills.fm
In this episode I had a chance to chat with Chris Short from the Ansible team at RedHat. We discuss Ansible, Kubernetes, and the importance of building up your Linux skills as the industry transitions into a cloud native world. Chris is also a CNCF Ambassador and runs the DevOps, Cloud Native, and open source focused newsletter DevOps’ish.


Kubernetes 2020: What’s in store for next year and beyond?

Kubernetes 2020: What’s in store for next year and beyond?
In 2019, everyone’s got their eggs in one big Kubernetes basket. And it’s safe to say that Kubernetes 2020 will see more eggs and a bigger basket.


  • Serverless orchestration
  • Hybrid orchestration
  • End-to-end CI/CD


Why we're moving our agency, and clients, to Kubernetes.


Why Did DevOps Become So Popular? 3 Theories - DevOps.com

Why Did DevOps Become So Popular? 3 Theories - DevOps.com
As we look back at the history of DevOps, it's worth asking: Where did DevOps come from, and why did it take off when it did? Let's explore those questions.


  • DevOpsが非常に優れたアイデアだったから
  • アジャイルが発展したから
  • ITの歴史の流れで必然性が生まれた


Kubernetes by the numbers: 13 compelling stats

Kubernetes by the numbers: 13 compelling stats
Let’s quantify what’s going on with Kubernetes. These statistics speak to reach, adoption, Github activity, job openings - and hint at what’s ahead.


  • $4.3 billion 2022年におけるコンテナの市場規模
  • 87 percent コンテナ技術を利用している割合
  • 90 percent 利用しているうちの90%がプロダクションでも利用している
  • 65 percent 利用しているうちの複数のオーケストレーションツール利用の割合
  • 8,000+ KubeCon+CloudNativeCon North America 2018の参加者
  • 40 percent Kubernetes利用企業の割合
  • 80,798 GitHubのCommit数
  • 2,206 GitHubのActive Contributer数
  • 55,519 GitHubのStar
  • 8 GitHubのオープンソースプロダクトの順位におけるKubernetesの位置
  • 4 100の価値あるリポジトリ (by U°OS) に含まれるKubernetes関係のリポジトリ数
  • 100 certified Kubernetes service providersの数
  • $100,000+ salaries 求人市場におけるKubernetesポジションの価値


How to prepare and pass Certified Kubernetes Administrator(CKA) exam

How to prepare and pass Certified Kubernetes Administrator(CKA) exam
In this post I want to share my successful experience in preparing and passing the Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) exam.


Kubernetes Security 101 - Everything You Must Know to Secure k8s · StackRox: Container Security for Docker and Kubernetes

Kubernetes Security 101 - Everything You Must Know to Secure k8s · StackRox: Container Security for Docker and Kubernetes
We take a deep dive into different areas of Kubernetes security and provide practical recommendations to help you build a resilient cloud-native infrastructure.



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