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KubeWeekly #176

Last updated at Posted at 2019-07-29

KubeWeeklyは毎週Kubernetesに関する興味深いニュースを提供しています。(https://kubeweekly.io/ )この記事は 2019/07/17に発行された Kube Weekly #176を読んで、感じたことをメモ的にまとめたものです。


The Headlines

Last Week in Kubernetes Development

Last Week in Kubernetes Development
Stay up-to-date on Kubernetes development in 15 minutes a week.



kube-rclone is a rclone mount solution for Kubernetes - zee-ahmed/kube-rclone

Kubernetesクラスタの各NodeにGoogle Driveなどのクラウドサービスのストレージをマウントするためのアプリケーション。

The Technical

Kubernetes at DH: A journey from YAML headaches to Helm bliss - Delivery Hero Tech

Kubernetes at DH: A journey from YAML headaches to Helm bliss - Delivery Hero Tech
You must have been living under a rock if you haven’t heard the Kubernetes (k8s) hype over the last few years. It has quickly become the platform of choice for running applications for many modern tech companies and Delivery Hero is one of them. What is unique about DH, is that some of our tech …

Kubernetesで苦労するYAMLの管理の問題について、Helm, Helmfileを使った管理方法を紹介している。

How to Set Up a Prometheus, Grafana and Alertmanager Monitoring Stack on DigitalOcean Kubernetes | DigitalOcean

How to Set Up a Prometheus, Grafana and Alertmanager Monitoring Stack on DigitalOcean Kubernetes | DigitalOcean
Along with tracing and logging, monitoring and alerting are essential components of a Kubernetes observability stack. Setting up monitoring for your Kubernetes cluster allows...


How To Set Up the code-server Cloud IDE Platform on DigitalOcean Kubernetes | DigitalOcean

How To Set Up the code-server Cloud IDE Platform on DigitalOcean Kubernetes | DigitalOcean
With developer tools moving to the cloud, creation and adoption of cloud IDE (Integrated Development Environment) platforms is growing. code-server is Microsoft Visual Studio Code running on a remote server and accessible directly from your browser. I

code-server Cloud IDE Platform をKubernetes上にデプロイする方法の紹介

How To Do Canary Deployments With Istio and Kubernetes | DigitalOcean

How To Do Canary Deployments With Istio and Kubernetes | DigitalOcean
When introducing new versions of a service, it is often desirable to shift a controlled percentage of user traffic to a newer version of the service in the process of phasing out the older version. This technique is called a canary deployment. In this


Kubernetes Policy Management with Kyverno | nirmata

Kubernetes Policy Management with Kyverno | nirmata


Kubernetes Pods 101: The Cluster Sailors

Kubernetes Pods 101: The Cluster Sailors
A pod is the smallest building unit in a Kubernetes cluster. Learn how to create, manage and kill pods in your Kubernetes adoption journey.


Fire Up Your VMs with Weave Ignite

Fire Up Your VMs with Weave Ignite
For the last few months we have been playing with a little side project called “Ignite”. Ignite is a GitOps-managed Virtual Machine (VM) with a container UX. A “container VM” that is both secure and lightning fast.


Deploy Your Machine Learning Models with Kubernetes

Deploy Your Machine Learning Models with Kubernetes
With just a single click, a data scientist can create a production-ready environment that can serve millions of requests to their model.


Internal and external connectivity in Kubernetes space

Internal and external connectivity in Kubernetes space
Services and networking — from ClusterIP to Ingress


Kubernetes, etcd and disk throughput - Ricard Bejarano

Kubernetes, etcd and disk throughput - Ricard Bejarano
TL;DR: ensure sufficient disk read and write speeds for your etcd cluster nodes. Any minimally decent hard drive will do, but don't put /var/lib/etcd on a thumb drive.

NetworkPolicyなどで動かないなど、結構マイナーなケースに遭遇しており、最後のトラブルはetcdが利用しているディレクトリがUSBドライブとなっておりdisk I/Oが遅すぎてうごかない、というこれまたマイナーなケース。

The Editorial

Announcing Linkerd 2.4: Traffic Splitting and SMI

Announcing Linkerd 2.4: Traffic Splitting and SMI
Today we’re happy to announce the release of Linkerd 2.4. This release adds traffic splitting and Service Mesh Interface (SMI) support, graduates high-availability support out of experimental status, and includes a tremendous list of other improvements, performance enhancements, and bug fixes. (And did I mention Linkerd recently passed its third party security audit with flying colors?) Linkerd’s new traffic splitting feature allows users to dynamically control the percentage of traffic destined for a service.

Linkerd 2.4で実装されたTraffic SplittingとSMIのの紹介。
HAモードもProduction Readyのステータスとなった。

33 Kubernetes security tools. | Sysdig

33 Kubernetes security tools. | Sysdig
The ultimate Kubernetes security tools list: Image scanning, container compliance, runtime security, e2e commercial platforms, network security and more


  • イメージスキャナ
  • ランタイムのセキュリティ
  • ネットワークのセキュリティ
  • コンテナイメージの配布と秘密データの管理
  • セキュリティ監査
  • 全部入りのE2Eのセキュリティソリューション

How to work with container backups

How to work with container backups
Containers require different backup procedures than traditional servers or even virtual machines, but it's going to take a while for the new ways to be sorted out.


Preserve Kubernetes API Objects While They Are in Use

Preserve Kubernetes API Objects While They Are in Use





Demystifying Containers – Part II: Container Runtimes - Cloud Native Computing Foundation

Demystifying Containers – Part II: Container Runtimes - Cloud Native Computing Foundation
  This blog post was first published on suse.com by Sascha Grunert. This series of blog posts and corresponding talks aims to provide you with a pragmatic view on containers from...


今回はコンテナランタイム。LXC,docker そしてOCIとその実装であるrunc、さらにそれより高いレイヤーのインターフェースであるCRIとその実装であるCRI-Oについて、実際の使い方を含めて紹介している。


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