KubeWeeklyは毎週Kubernetesに関する興味深いニュースを提供しています。(https://kubeweekly.io/ )この記事は 2019/08/07に発行された Kube Weekly #179を読んで、感じたことをメモ的にまとめたものです。
The Headlines
Mesosphere is now D2iQ
いわゆるDay2 Operationについて支援することが企業のミッションだということでこの名前に変えたらしい。
Open Sourcing the Kubernetes Security Audit - Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Open Sourcing the Kubernetes Security Audit - Cloud Native Computing Foundation | |
Last year, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) began the process of performing and open sourcing third-party security audits for its projects in order to improve the overall security of... |
The Technical
v1.13.9, v1.14.5, v1.15.2 released to address CVE-2019-11247, CVE-2019-11249
2種類の脆弱性について議論しているGoogle Groupのスレッド
CVE-2019-11247: API server allows access to custom resources via wrong scope
- クラスタスコープのCRD周りのアクセス制限に問題があったようです。あるネームスペースにのCRDにしか権限がないユーザでもクラスタスコープのCRにアクセスできてしまっていたようです。
CVE-2019-11249: Incomplete fixes for CVE-2019-1002101 and CVE-2019-11246, kubectl cp potential directory traversal
kubectl cp
によってクライアント側のファイルを変更したり、ファイルを作詞したりできてしまうようです。 - 以前紹介していたやつです
Running HA Kubernetes clusters on AWS using KubeOne
Running HA Kubernetes clusters on AWS using KubeOne | |
In a previous blog post, we talked about KubeOne and how it makes your highly available Kubernetes cluster easier to manage. In this post, … |
Migrating RabbitMQ to Kubernetes without downtime
Migrating RabbitMQ to Kubernetes without downtime | |
General approach to the migration as well as practical steps to reproduce it. |
Tools and Methods for Auditing Kubernetes RBAC Policies
- 標準で提供されている
kubectl auth can-i XXX
kubectl auth can-i --list
kubectl who-can
- どの権限だとこれができるか?という軸で調べられる
kubectl access-matrix
- CUIでみやすい権限表を出力
- 権限周りを図示した画像を出力
- Webベースのみやすい権限表
- rbac-lookup, pod_ehell, node_admin
Writing Your First Kubernetes Operator
Writing Your First Kubernetes Operator | |
In this article, we’ll see how to build and deploy your first Kubernetes Operator using the Operator SDK. |
Operator SDKを使ったKubernetesのOperator作成のチュートリアル。
How to Remediate Kubernetes Security Vulnerability: CVE-2019-11247 · StackRox: Container Security for Containers and Kubernetes
How to Remediate Kubernetes Security Vulnerability: CVE-2019-11247 · StackRox: Container Security for Containers and Kubernetes | |
CVE-2019-11247 discloses a serious vulnerability in the K8s API that could allow users to read, modify or delete cluster-wide custom resources, even if they only have RBAC permissions for namespaced resources. |
脆弱性 CVE-2019-11247への対応方法。
Increasing resilience in Kubernetes
Increasing resilience in Kubernetes | |
High availability and resilience are key features of Kubernetes. But what do you do when your kubernetes cluster starts to become unstable… |
Kubernetes1.14でベータとなったPID limitの機能などを使うと、利用できるPID数を制限することができるため、Node全体がおかしくなるようなことは防げるようになっています。
Istio Security Basics: Running Microservices on Zero-Trust Networks · StackRox: Container Security for Containers and Kubernetes
Istio Security Basics: Running Microservices on Zero-Trust Networks · StackRox: Container Security for Containers and Kubernetes | |
At its most hardened, Istio provides a large chunk of the functionality needed to support the ability to run microservices securely on zero-trust networks. |
Zero Trust Networkの考え方を基にIstioの様々な機能を紹介している。
- 相互認証:mTLS
- コネクションごとのポリシーチェック:Policy Checks
- クラスタ外への通信の制御:Egress Traffic Control
Kubernetes pod autoscaler using custom metrics | Sysdig
Kubernetes pod autoscaler using custom metrics | Sysdig | |
You can use any Sysdig metric as the pivot value for your Kubernetes autoscaler. This post will show you how to implement required API server extension. |
Sysdig Monitorを使ってカスタムメトリクスを基にHorizontalPodAutoscalerを動作させる方法を紹介。
Make your container images safer and more reliable with Harbor, the cloud native registry | Mirantis
Make your container images safer and more reliable with Harbor, the cloud native registry | Mirantis | |
Container registries such as DockerHub have made container application development much easier, but they have introduced another problem: how do you know | Mirantis |
概要を見る限り、Access Controlや脆弱性スキャン・イメージへの署名などが気になる。
OPA Gatekeeper: Policy and Governance for Kubernetes
OPA Gatekeeper: Policy and Governance for Kubernetes | |
Authors: Rita Zhang (Microsoft), Max Smythe (Google), Craig Hooper (Commonwealth Bank AU), Tim Hinrichs (Styra), Lachie Evenson (Microsoft), Torin Sandall (Styra) The Open Policy Agent Gatekeeper project can be leveraged to help enforce policies and strengthen governance in your Kubernetes environment. In this post, we will walk through the goals, history, and current state of the project. The following recordings from the Kubecon EU 2019 sessions are a great starting place in working with Gatekeeper: |
Open Policy Agent Gatekeeperの紹介。
Gatekeeperはリソースの投入時にAdmission Webhookでチェックをするものとして作られていた印象があったが、3.0ではAuditという機能があり、作成済みのリソースについてもルールに合致するかを定期的に調べることができるようだ。
The Editorial
Attacking and Defending Kubernetes, with Ian Coldwater (Kubernetes Podcast from Google)
Kubernetes Podcast from Google | |
Kubernetes Podcast 今回はKubernetesのセキュリティについての話。
Mesosphere changes name to D2IQ, shifts focus to Kubernetes, cloud native – TechCrunch
Mesosphere changes name to D2IQ, shifts focus to Kubernetes, cloud native – TechCrunch | |
Mesosphere was born as the commercial face of the open-source Mesos project. It was surely a clever solution to make virtual machines run much more efficiently, but times change and companies change. Today the company announced it was changing its name to Day2IQ, or D2IQ for short, and fixing its s… |
Mesosphere社名変更についての記事。大体はThe Headlinesの公式記事に書いてあった内容と同じでした。
Powering Edge With Kubernetes: A Primer - Container Journal
Powering Edge With Kubernetes: A Primer - Container Journal | |
Kubernetes increasingly is being adopted at the infrastructure edge to connect to the cloud for processing the data from IoT devices. |
- EdgeでKubernetesクラスタをそのまま動かすk3s方式
- EdgeではEdgeHubというエッジ用のゲートウェイを用意し、コントロールプレーンはクラウド上で動かす KubeEdge方式
- 同じくクラウド上でコントロールプレーンを動かし、EdgeデバイスとはVirtualKubeletを使う方式
How Can Kubernetes Be Used for Genetic Analysis?
How Can Kubernetes Be Used for Genetic Analysis? | |
This article details how Alibaba Cloud Container Service for Kubernetes can be used for genetic analysis |
Kubernetesを使って遺伝子の解析を行うための要件と、Alibaba Cloud genetic data serviceの紹介。
Diversity Scholarship Series: Experiencing Kubernetes Day India 2019 - Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Diversity Scholarship Series: Experiencing Kubernetes Day India 2019 - Cloud Native Computing Foundation | |
Guest post by Atibhi Agrawal, originally published on Medium. I had been hearing the buzzword Kubernetes and cloud computing for a long time but I had no idea what it was. One day my... |
Diversity ScholarshipでExperiencing Kubernetes Day India 2019に参加した人の記事。
Kubernetes’ Move to the Edge: A Great Thing - Container Journal
Kubernetes’ Move to the Edge: A Great Thing - Container Journal | |
Kubernetes has rapidly become a key ingredient in edge computing—a proven and effective runtime platform to help solve unique challenges. |
Introducing the PLONK Stack for Cloud Native Developers
Introducing the PLONK Stack for Cloud Native Developers | |
You’ve heard of LAMP, JAM, and MEAN, but what is the PLONK stack? And why should you be considering it for your Cloud Native Applications? |
- Prometheus
- Linkerd
- OpenFaaS
- Kubernetes
Introduction to Service Meshes on Kubernetes and Progressive Delivery
Introduction to Service Meshes on Kubernetes and Progressive Delivery | |
Stefan Prodan recently delivered a talk on what a service mesh is, which ones are available and how they differ. He then described how to use a service mesh for Progressive Delivery and other advanced deployments to Kubernetes. |
- サービス間でのセキュリティが保てない
- マイクロサービス間のレイテンシをトレースするのが難しい
- ロードバランスの方法が限られる
各サービスメッシュ実装の違いは何か?(Istio, AWS App Mesh, Likerd v2, Consul Connect)
progressive deliveryの一例としてCannaryデプロイの説明
もともとはWeave Online User Groupのために作成された動画のようだ。