KubeWeeklyは毎週Kubernetesに関する興味深いニュースを提供しています。(https://kubeweekly.io/ )この記事は 2019/06/26に発行された Kube Weekly #173を読んで、感じたことをメモ的にまとめたものです。
The Headlines
Kubernetes 1.15: Extensibility and Continuous Improvement
Kubernetes 1.15: Extensibility and Continuous Improvement | |
Authors: The 1.15 Release Team We’re pleased to announce the delivery of Kubernetes 1.15, our second release of 2019! Kubernetes 1.15 consists of 25 enhancements: 2 moving to stable, 13 in beta, and 10 in alpha. The main themes of this release are: Continuous Improvement Project sustainability is not just about features. Many SIGs have been working on improving test coverage, ensuring the basics stay reliable, and stability of the core feature set and working on maturing existing features and cleaning up the backlog. |
Kubernetes v1.15がリリースされました。いくつかの大きな変更について紹介されています。
- Core Kubernetes APIの拡張性
- CRD周りに様々な機能追加が行われています。
- Beta: CRD Webhook Conversation
- CRDのバージョン変換のWebhookが作れるようになりました
- Beta: CRD OpenAPI Publishing
- CRDのスペックをOpenAPIで提供するようになりました
- Beta: CRD Pruning
- CRDのフィールドで未知のものに関して削除するという
- CRDのフィールドで未知のものに関して削除するという
- Alpha: CRD Defaulting
- CRDのフィールドのデフォルト値を設定できるようになりました
- Beta: Admission Webhook Reinvocation & improvements
- Admission Webhookで
reinvocationPolicy: IfNeeded
を指定することで、後続のAdmission Webhookで変更があった際に、その前に実行されたAdmissionWebhookを再び実行することを要求できるようになりました。
- Admission Webhookで
- Cluster Lifecycleの安定性、利便性に関する改良
- kubeadmがHAのクラスタを構築できるようになりました(Beta)
- kubeadmで証明書をローテートするようになりました
- CSIの改良
- in-treeのVolumePluginからCSIへの移行作業を続けている
- PVCを使ったVolume Cloningが利用できるようになりました
KubeCon CloudNativeCon China 2019 - LF Asia, LLC
KubeCon CloudNativeCon China 2019 - LF Asia, LLC | |
KubeCon CloudNativeCon China 2019が行われました。
The Technical
Linkerd Benchmarks
Linkerd Benchmarks | |
(Update 5/30/2019: Based on feedback from the Istio team, Kinvolk has re-run some of the Istio benchmarks. The results are largely similar to before, with Linkerd maintaining a significant advantage over Istio in latency, memory footprint, and possibly CPU. Below, we’ve noted the newer numbers for Istio when applicable.) Linkerd’s goal is to be the fastest, lightest, simplest service mesh in the world. To that end, several weeks ago we asked the kind folks at Kinvolk to perform an independent benchmark. |
Virtual Cluster - Extending Namespace Based Multi-tenancy with a Cluster View - Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Virtual Cluster - Extending Namespace Based Multi-tenancy with a Cluster View - Cloud Native Computing Foundation | |
Guest post by Fei Guo and Lei Zhang of Alibaba Abstract: In this guest post, the Kubernetes team from Alibaba will share how they are building hard multi-tenancy on top... |
KubeConでAlibabaの方が発表したVirtual Clusterについて。
一つの大きなKubernetesを複数のテナントに分ける方法の1つとして、提案されたもののようで、テナントごとに用意された仮想のMasterを通して大きな一つのKubernetesに接続することで、利用者は他のテナントのことを気にする必要がなくなる というもののようです。
これを実現するためには、様々なコンポーネントに修正が必要となるようなので、まだアプローチの一つにすぎないようですが、こういった話が、Kubernetes Multi-Tenancy Proposalで議論されているので、気になる人はみてみましょう。
Introduction to Running SQL Server 2019 on Kubernetes — DatabaseJournal.com
Introduction to Running SQL Server 2019 on Kubernetes — DatabaseJournal.com | |
Learn about the characteristics of running SQL Server on Kubernetes! |
Kubernetes上でSQL Server 2019を動かす方法の紹介。となっているが一般的にKubernetes上でStatefulなアプリケーションをどのように動かすか、という方法の簡単な紹介記事。
Future of CRDs: Structural Schemas
Future of CRDs: Structural Schemas | |
Authors: Stefan Schimanski (Red Hat) CustomResourceDefinitions were introduced roughly two years ago as the primary way to extend the Kubernetes API with custom resources. From the beginning they stored arbitrary JSON data, with the exception that kind, apiVersion and metadata had to follow the Kubernetes API conventions. In Kubernetes 1.8 CRDs gained the ability to define an optional OpenAPI v3 based validation schema. By the nature of OpenAPI specifications though—only describing what must be there, not what shouldn’t, and by being potentially incomplete specifications—the Kubernetes API server never knew the complete structure of CustomResource instances. |
Kubernetes v1.15のリリース紹介記事の1つ。CRDについて。
CRDの構造はOpenAPI v3で定義される Structural Schemaが利用できるようになった。
さらに既存のKubernetesのオブジェクトでStrutual Schemaで許可できないようなものを扱う際の拡張機能についても紹介している。
Introducing Volume Cloning Alpha for Kubernetes
Introducing Volume Cloning Alpha for Kubernetes | |
Author: John Griffith (Red Hat) Kubernetes v1.15 introduces alpha support for volume cloning. This feature allows you to create new volumes using the contents of existing volumes in the user’s namespace using the Kubernetes API. What is a Clone? Many storage systems provide the ability to create a “clone” of a volume. A clone is a duplicate of an existing volume that is its own unique volume on the system, but the data on the source is duplicated to the destination (clone). |
Kubernetes v1.15のリリース紹介記事の1つ。Clioningについて。
Follow logs from multiple K8s Pods in a Deployment, ReplicaSet, etc. | Jeff Geerling
Follow logs from multiple K8s Pods in a Deployment, ReplicaSet, etc. | Jeff Geerling | |
kubectl logsで複数のPodのログを横断して見る方法を紹介。
例えば kubectl logs -f -n namespace -l app=myapp
Incomplete Fix Leads to New Kubernetes Bug
Incomplete Fix Leads to New Kubernetes Bug | |
A high-severity vulnerability impacts kubectl. |
kubectl cp
Perform a Kubernetes security hardening before you use Jenkins X - Coffee Talk: Java, News, Stories and Opinions
Perform a Kubernetes security hardening before you use Jenkins X - Coffee Talk: Java, News, Stories and Opinions | |
Developers need to make a Kubernetes security hardening a priority before you dabble with Jenkins X in your environment. Don't let Kubernetes vulnerabilities expose your valuable data to possible attacks. |
Jenkins XなどのCI/CDツールの紹介とKubernetesの最近の脆弱性の紹介。
The OpenFaaS 2019 Project Update
The OpenFaaS 2019 Project Update | |
Alex shares the OpenFaaS 2019 Project Update, case-studies, personal highlights, and the roadmap for the year. |
The Editorial
Kubernetes goes in for nip and tuck, comes out with 25 'enhancements': We take a look at v1.15
Kubernetes goes in for nip and tuck, comes out with 25 'enhancements': We take a look at v1.15 | |
New release is easier to customize, better performance, complex as hell |
Kubernetes v1.15の新機能の簡単な紹介。
How to choose between containers and virtual machines
How to choose between containers and virtual machines | |
Containers vs. VMs isn't always an all-or-nothing question, except when it is. Here is good advice for how to decide which to use. |
Isolation, resource overhead, capacity utilization, system architecture, portability, deployment speed, [and] data persistence などが指標となる話。
- 永続データ、データロスに関する耐性、激しいIO要求などのアプリケーションはVMが適している
- 商用製品でVMでなければサポートを受けられないもの
Container Survey: IT Operations Teams Finally Get It - Container Journal
Container Survey: IT Operations Teams Finally Get It - Container Journal | |
A survey of 500 IT leaders published this week by Diamanti finds a greater number of IT operations teams are now driving container adoption. |
より詳しい結果はこちら https://diamanti.com/press-releases/2019-container-adoption-survey/
(調査結果のPDF: https://diamanti.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Diamanti_2019_Container_Survey.pdf )
Kubernetes 1.15 Adds to API Kitty - Container Journal
Kubernetes 1.15 Adds to API Kitty - Container Journal | |
The latest version of Kubernetes adds a bevy of APIs to help make the platform even more flexible than it already is. |
It’s all stability and extensibility for Kubernetes 1.15 • DEVCLASS
It’s all stability and extensibility for Kubernetes 1.15 • DEVCLASS | |
With a focus on stability and extensibility the Kubernetes team reached its goal of getting v1.15 of the container orchestrator done before KubeCon China. |
Kubernetesのv1.15の新機能の紹介と、早くもv1.15に対応したベンダーの紹介、KnownIssueをよくみてアップグレードしましょう というような話。
Kubernetes CSI volume plugin and the products that support it
Kubernetes CSI volume plugin and the products that support it | |
Find out which vendors have products on the market that support the Kubernetes CSI-compliant volume plugin and how they're making it easier to connect container applications with storage systems. |
Hmmerspace, DataCore, Nutanix, Linode, Portworx, NetApp (Trident), MapR
NetApp wraps Elements HCI and Google Cloud Platform in Data Fabric
NetApp wraps Elements HCI and Google Cloud Platform in Data Fabric | |
New cloud services woven into portfolio |
Digital Anarchist: Best of KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2019 - Container Journal
Digital Anarchist: Best of KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2019 - Container Journal | |
Digital Anarchist was at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2019 to meet and chat with a bevy of industry folks. Here's a taste of who showed up |
5/20-5/23にバルセロナで開催されたKubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2019でのおすすめインタビュー動画の紹介。
Digital Anarchistというサービスで他にもたくさんの方のインタビュー記事が紹介されている。 https://digitalanarchist.io/kubecon-cloudnativecon-europe-2019/