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KubeWeekly #165

Last updated at Posted at 2019-03-29


KubeWeeklyは毎週Kubernetesに関する興味深いニュースを提供しています。(http://bit.ly/kubeweekly )この記事は 2019/03/20に発行された Kube Weekly #165 ( https://mailchi.mp/cncf/kubeweekly-165 ) を読んで、感じたことをメモ的にまとめたものです。

The Headlines

The What and the Why of the Cluster API - Cloud Native Apps

The What and the Why of the Cluster API - Cloud Native Apps
In this post, we will outline the history and motivations behind the creation of the Cluster API as a specialized toolset to bring declarative, Kubernetes-style APIs to cluster creation, configuration, and management in the Kubernetes ecosystem.

Cluster APIが必要となった背景と、目的、目的としていないこと、現在の状況について。


KubeEdge, a Kubernetes Native Edge Computing Framework

KubeEdge, a Kubernetes Native Edge Computing Framework
Author: Sanil Kumar D (Huawei), Jun Du(Huawei) KubeEdge becomes the first Kubernetes Native Edge Computing Platform with both Edge and Cloud components open sourced! Open source edge computing is going through its most dynamic phase of development in the industry. So many open source platforms, so many consolidations and so many initiatives for standardization! This shows the strong drive to build better platforms to bring cloud computing to the edges to meet ever increasing demand.


Kubernetes Setup Using Ansible and Vagrant

Kubernetes Setup Using Ansible and Vagrant
Author: Naresh L J (Infosys) Objective This blog post describes the steps required to setup a multi node Kubernetes cluster for development purposes. This setup provides a production-like cluster that can be setup on your local machine. Why do we require multi node cluster setup? Multi node Kubernetes clusters offer a production-like environment which has various advantages. Even though Minikube provides an excellent platform for getting started, it doesn’t provide the opportunity to work with multi node clusters which can help solve problems or bugs that are related to application design and architecture.


The Technical

Running Kubernetes In The CI Pipeline For Integration and End-To-End Tests

Running Kubernetes In The CI Pipeline For Integration and End-To-End Tests
Ensuring your Kubernetes component, such as a controller or an operator, works correctly is an important step before merging a pull request or …


kubeadmやminikube (--vm-driver=none)では、一般的なCIパイプラインでは権限の問題で使えないことが多いが、kindはDockerコンテナとしてKubernetesを立ち上げるため、比較的簡単に利用できるようだ。


Running a Tight Ship: Deploying Kubernetes to Run Windows Containers

Running a Tight Ship: Deploying Kubernetes to Run Windows Containers
With OutSystems 11 we brought containers to low-code and changed how applications are packed, shipped, and run.

KubernetesのWindows ServerのWorkerにてWindowsコンテナを動作させる方法を紹介。

masterセットアップ時にはWindows workerではkube-proxyやflannelを動かないようにする必要がある。

Routing in a Multi-Platform Data Center: From VMs to Kubernetes, via Ambassador

Routing in a Multi-Platform Data Center: From VMs to Kubernetes, via Ambassador
At Datawire, we are seeing more organizations migrating to their “next-generation” cloud-native platform built around Docker and…

KubeWeekly #164にて紹介済み

Creating a Kubernetes Cluster with Digital Ocean and Terraform

Creating a Kubernetes Cluster with Digital Ocean and Terraform
The blog of Ponderosa.io


それ専用のリソースがあるようだ。DigitalOcean: digitalocean_kubernetes_cluster - Terraform by HashiCorp

How to deploy NuoDB on Kubernetes with OpenEBS

How to deploy NuoDB on Kubernetes with OpenEBS
NuoDB is an elastic SQL database designed with distributed application deployment challenges in mind. The NuoDB database is SQL compliant…

NuoDBのCommunity Editionは構成に制約があるらしい。より自由な構成にするためにはEnterprize editionが必要とのこと。


gRPC Load Balancing inside Kubernetes · Fabrice Aneche

gRPC Load Balancing inside Kubernetes · Fabrice Aneche
gRPC Load Balancing inside Kubernetes

クラスタ内のマイクロサービスのロードバランシングの方法としては、サービスメッシュを使う方法もあるが、headless serviceとしてAPIを公開し、GoのGRPCライブラリのクライアントロードバランスの機能を利用することもできる。その場合リフレッシュのタイミングが長すぎるのでカスタマイズする必要がある。


Kubernetes Auditing - InfraCloud - Foundation. Solidified.

Kubernetes Auditing - InfraCloud - Foundation. Solidified.
Getting Kubernetes auditing right is an important part of a secure and scalable enterprise grade Kubernetes setup!

KubernetesのAudit logging機能の紹介。
Policyの設定方法と、実際にユーザをつくってみて、そのAudit Logをfluentdで転送しKibanaで可視化するという方法のチュートリアル。

CI/CD for Knative serverless apps on Kubernetes with Concourse

CI/CD for Knative serverless apps on Kubernetes with Concourse
This post describes how to deploy and update scale-to-zero REST API service on Kubernetes with Concourse CI/CD pipelines.

Aptomi/concourse-knative-serving-resource というConcourceのプラグインを利用している。

Intro to Kops: Kubernetes Operations & How to Get Started Managing Kubernetes in Production

Intro to Kops: Kubernetes Operations & How to Get Started Managing Kubernetes in Production
Firstly, what is Kops? Kubernetes Operations is the most popular way to you create, destroy, upgrade and maintain Kubernetes in production


Tooling Spotlight


A system of Kubernetes controllers that intelligently schedules workloads across clusters. - admiraltyio/multicluster-scheduler

KubeWeekly #160で紹介のあった、federationとは違う形のマルチクラスタ対応スケジューラ。

The Editorial

A Look Back and What's in Store for Kubernetes Contributor Summits

A Look Back and What's in Store for Kubernetes Contributor Summits
Authors: Paris Pittman (Google), Jonas Rosland (VMware) tl;dr - click here for Barcelona Contributor Summit information. Seattle Contributor Summit As our contributing community grows in great numbers, with more than 16,000 contributors this year across 150+ GitHub repositories, it’s important to provide face to face connections for our large distributed teams to have opportunities for collaboration and learning. In Contributor Experience, our methodology with planning events is a lot like our documentation; we build from personas – interests, skills, and motivators to name a few.

Kubernetes Contributor Summitsの様子について。過去の様子と、次の開催日程の紹介。

CNCFのストアの紹介 Kubernetes – CNCF Store | Get stickers, t-shirts, hoodies, and more

Inside Kubernetes RBAC

Inside Kubernetes RBAC
By Andrew Chen and Dominik Tornow


How A Cryptocurrency Miner Made Its Way onto Our Internal Kubernetes Clusters

How A Cryptocurrency Miner Made Its Way onto Our Internal Kubernetes Clusters


根本原因はWeave Scopeという管理ツールのUIがLBを通じてインターネットに公開されていたことによるものらしい。


Kubernetes - the Fast and Furious?

Kubernetes - the Fast and Furious?
Cloud native is the bridge between enterprise and the cloud. Learn the benefits of adopting cloud native technology and strategies for enterprises.


NetEase’s System Supports 30,000 Nodes in a Single Cluster - Cloud Native Computing Foundation

NetEase’s System Supports 30,000 Nodes in a Single Cluster - Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Not only is NetEase the fifth largest gaming company in the world, they also operate e-commerce, advertising, music streaming, online education, and email platforms throughout China. With that kind of...


実際の記事はこちら NetEase Case Study - Kubernetes

Kubernetes’ Push to the Edge Shows Innovation, Challenges - SDxCe

Kubernetes’ Push to the Edge Shows Innovation, Challenges - SDxCe
Kubernetes continues to proliferate across the cloud ecosystem, but the rush to the edge is showing innovation and challenges.

k3sの紹介や、各社の事例、CNCFのIoT Edge Working Groupについて紹介している。


Multiple stages within a Kubernetes cluster - JAXenter

Multiple stages within a Kubernetes cluster - JAXenter
Learn how to create isolated stages within a Kubernetes-cluster! Michael Frembs also discusses the advantages and disadvantages of multiple stages.



Kubernetes: piloting the cybernetic dreamboat

Kubernetes: piloting the cybernetic dreamboat
The name Kubernetes originates from Greek, meaning helmsman or pilot, and is the root of governor and cybernetic.

KubeWeekly #163にて紹介している

The Missing Introduction To Containerization

The Missing Introduction To Containerization
During the last four years from 2015 to 2019, cloud and distributed computing were one of the most in-demand skills. They graduated from a…


OperatorHub.io, a Public Registry for Kubernetes Operators

OperatorHub.io, a Public Registry for Kubernetes Operators
Red Hat, in collaboration with Microsoft, Google Cloud, and Amazon Web Services, recently launched OperatorHub.io. OperatorHub.io is designed as a public registry for finding services backed by Kubernetes Operators.

Operatorとは何か、Operator Frameworkの紹介。


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