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KubeWeekly #160

Last updated at Posted at 2019-01-30


KubeWeeklyは毎週Kubernetesに関する興味深いニュースを提供しています。(http://bit.ly/kubeweekly )この記事は 2019/01/23に発行された Kube Weekly #160 ( https://mailchi.mp/cncf/kubeweekly-160 ) を読んで、感じたことをメモ的にまとめたものです。

The Headlines

A Crash Course For Running Istio – Namely Labs – Medium

A Crash Course For Running Istio – Namely Labs – Medium
At Namely we’ve been running with Istio for a year now. Yes, that’s pretty much when it first came out. We had a major performance…


GitHub actions to deliver on kubernetes

GitHub actions to deliver on kubernetes
GitHub recently released a new feature called GitHub Actions. They are a serverless approach to allow developers to run their own code based on what happens to a particular repository. They are amazing for continuous integration and delivery. I used them to deploy and validate kubernetes code.

GitHub ActionsでKubernetesにCDする方法を紹介。

Detect overspending by measuring idle Kubernetes resources

Detect overspending by measuring idle Kubernetes resources
(This is part 2 of a series about cost monitoring and cost management for Kubernetes. In our first article, we talked about getting…


The Technical

Kubernetes Events Explained

Kubernetes Events Explained
Kubernetes keeps track of dozens of event types that can be used to expose interesting issues in your cluster. Learn what kind of events exist and which ones to look out for.

kubectl get evnentsの引数--field-selectorのお勧めの設定や、主要なEventのTypeの紹介。

How to Create an API Gateway using Ambassador on Kubernetes

How to Create an API Gateway using Ambassador on Kubernetes
API Gateway is an important aspect in your Kubernetes deployment for your services. It acts as an single entry point and can help simplify…

API Gatewayの一つであるAmbassadorの紹介

Deploy Microsoft SQL Server on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)

Deploy Microsoft SQL Server on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)
If this post’s title brought you here — you either know SQL Server or Kubernetes(or both), so we will skip the intros.

Microsoft SQL ServerをGKE上に立ち上げる方法の紹介。PVCをつかってボリュームを用意している。

Create a High-Availability Kubernetes Cluster on AWS with Kops


The basics of deploying Logstash pipelines to Kubernetes

The basics of deploying Logstash pipelines to Kubernetes
Do you have a long list of the things you want to learn on a list in your brain?


Creating Your Own Admission Controller in Kubernetes using Golang

Creating Your Own Admission Controller in Kubernetes using Golang
The Kubernetes API is an amazing territory. Thanks to being built around the REST model, it gives us the possibility to manage all our…

Admission Controllerの概要と、validating admission controllerを実装する話。

Kubernetes Pod Resource Limitations and Quality of Service

Kubernetes Pod Resource Limitations and Quality of Service
Keep your workloads running efficiently in Kubernetes by correctly setting the request and limits on your deployments as well as the appropriate Quality of Service classes for your pods.

Kubernetesの機能であるResource Request and Limitの紹介。
またそれによって設定されるQuolity of Serviceの紹介。

Running Argo Workflows Across Multiple Kubernetes Clusters

Running Argo Workflows Across Multiple Kubernetes Clusters
We recently open-sourced multicluster-scheduler, a system of Kubernetes controllers that intelligently schedules workloads across clusters. In this blog post, we will use it with Argo to run multicluster workflows (pipelines, DAGs, ETLs) that better utilize resources and/or combine data from different regions or clouds.

複数クラスタにまたがるスケジューリングを可能にする admiraltyio/multicluster-schedulerの作者による。マルチクラスタにまたがるパイプラインをArgo Workflowで実現する方法の紹介。
このスケジューラは特定のアノテーションのついたPodを、場合によっては別クラスタで動作させる動きをする。該当Podはmutating pod admission webhookにより、ProxyするだけのPodに変更され、実際のPodは Delegate Podと呼ばれ、このスケジューラが別クラスタで実行することとなる。

この方式はfederation 2.0などよりもシンプルで、強力である。

Update on Volume Snapshot Alpha for Kubernetes

Update on Volume Snapshot Alpha for Kubernetes
Authors: Jing Xu (Google), Xing Yang (Huawei), Saad Ali (Google) Volume snapshotting support was introduced in Kubernetes v1.12 as an alpha feature. In Kubernetes v1.13, it remains an alpha feature, but a few enhancements were added and some breaking changes were made. This post summarizes the changes. Breaking Changes CSI spec v1.0 introduced a few breaking changes to the volume snapshot feature. CSI driver maintainers should be aware of these changes as they upgrade their drivers to support v1.

CSIのVolume snapshottingの機能の1.13での破壊的な変更と、新機能についての紹介。

OPA policy for Kubernetes label management

OPA policy for Kubernetes label management
Tim Hinrichs, CTO of Styra and Co-founder of Open Policy Agent, live codes an OPA policy for Kubernetes admission control. The policy requires an owner label...



Open for event based tracing? – OpenTracing – Medium

Open for event based tracing? – OpenTracing – Medium
In OpenTracing the fundamental concept for representing distributed traces is the (time) span: something that starts and then finishes…

OpenTracingなどが採用しているtime spanベースのトレーシングの限界を示し、新たにEventベースのトレーシングを提案している。

Kubernetes Operators — When, how and the gotchas to keep in mind

Kubernetes Operators — When, how and the gotchas to keep in mind
Kubernetes Operators have now become mainstream. An Operator is essentially a Kubernetes Custom Controller managing one or more Custom…


Database Operators Bring Stateful Workloads to Kubernetes - The New Stack

Database Operators Bring Stateful Workloads to Kubernetes - The New Stack
Last year, Red Hat formally launched the Operator Framework, a way to customize the APIs of Kubernetes for specific applications. With the Operator Framework, originally developed by CoreOS before the company was purchased by Red Hat, users can spin up an application, with all of its specific settings and dependencies, and have Kubernetes handle all …


Kubernetes Failure Stories

Kubernetes Failure Stories
I started to compile a list of public failure/horror stories related to Kubernetes. It should make it easier for people tasked with operations to find outage reports to learn from. Since we started w

Kubernetesの失敗事例の紹介をしている GitHub - hjacobs/kubernetes-failure-stories: Compilation of public failure/horror stories related to Kubernetes の紹介。

Kubernetes is Boring - Let’s Talk Serverless

Kubernetes is Boring - Let’s Talk Serverless
We sat down with Alexis Richardson to discuss what new technologies you can expect and how they might play out over the upcoming year.


Why You Really Can (and Should) Be a Kubernetes Mentor - The New Stack

Why You Really Can (and Should) Be a Kubernetes Mentor - The New Stack
In many respects, the future of Kubernetes depends on active members in the community.To discuss the essential role mentoring plays in Kubernetes’ growth, Libby Clark, gathered a group of experts and advocates for this podcast, hosted at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America in Seattle.

Kubernetes mentorship programs についてのPodCastの紹介。(聞いていない)

Kubernetes jobs: 9 facts and figures

Kubernetes jobs: 9 facts and figures
Kubernetes jobs - some of today’s hottest IT roles - pay a national average of $144,648. What else should IT pros and hiring managers know?

Kubernetes Jobといっても、それはKubernetesリソースの一つであるJobのことかもしれない。といった話から平均給与の話まで。

What is Istio? The Kubernetes service mesh explained

What is Istio? The Kubernetes service mesh explained
Learn how Google’s Istio open source project conquers the complexities of managing the networks used to connect microservices


The Kubernetes startups we're watching in 2019 - SiliconANGLE

The Kubernetes startups we're watching in 2019 - SiliconANGLE
The Kubernetes startups we're watching in 2019 - SiliconANGLE


Atlassian admits it did Kubernetes 'the hard way'

Atlassian admits it did Kubernetes 'the hard way'
And wouldn't recommend others do the same.


  • 20のクラスタ
  • 最大の構成は14,000CPU, 50TB RAM



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