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KubeWeekly #211

Last updated at Posted at 2020-04-18

KubeWeekly #211

KubeWeeklyは毎週Kubernetesに関する興味深いニュースを提供しています。(https://kubeweekly.io/ )この記事は 2020/04/10に発行された Kube Weekly #211を読んで、感じたことをメモ的にまとめたものです。


※この記事は、Z Labの業務の一環として作成したものです。

The Headlines

API Priority and Fairness Alpha

API Priority and Fairness Alpha
Authors: Min Kim (Ant Financial), Mike Spreitzer (IBM), Daniel Smith (Google) This blog describes “API Priority And Fairness”, a new alpha feature in Kubernetes 1.18. API Priority And Fairness permits cluster administrators to divide the concurrency of the control plane into different weighted priority levels. Every request arriving at a kube-apiserver will be categorized into one of the priority levels and get its fair share of the control plane’s throughput.

Kubernetes 1.18でアルファ機能の「API Priority And Fairness」機能の紹介。

TOC Welcomes Argo into the CNCF Incubator - Cloud Native Computing Foundation

TOC Welcomes Argo into the CNCF Incubator - Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Project Blog Today, the CNCF Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) voted to accept Argo as an incubation-level hosted project. The Argo Project is a set of Kubernetes-native tools for running and...

ArgoがCNCF Incubatorに採択されました。

TOC Votes to Move Dragonfly into CNCF Incubator - Cloud Native Computing Foundation

TOC Votes to Move Dragonfly into CNCF Incubator - Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Today, the CNCF Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) voted to accept Dragonfly as an incubation-level hosted project. Dragonfly, which was accepted into the CNCF Sandbox in October 2018, is an open...


ICYMI: CNCF Webinars

CNCF Ambassador Webinar: Welcome to CloudLand! An Illustrated Intro to the Cloud Native Landscape - Cloud Native Computing Foundation

CNCF Ambassador Webinar: Welcome to CloudLand! An Illustrated Intro to the Cloud Native Landscape - Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Like a kid in a theme park, the number of shiny exciting new technologies teams encounter as they move into and re-architect for the cloud can be overwhelming. Thus we...

CNCF Landscapeについて説明するWebinar

CNCF Member Webinar: Pravega: Rethinking storage for streams - Cloud Native Computing Foundation

CNCF Member Webinar: Pravega: Rethinking storage for streams - Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Pravega is storage for data streams. Pravega exposes stream as a core storage primitive, enabling applications continuously generating data (e.g., from sensors, end users, servers, or cameras) to ingest and...

データストリームのためのストレージである Prevega についてのWebinar

CNCF Member Webinar: Best Practices for Deploying a Service Mesh in Production: From Technology to Teams - Cloud Native Computing Foundation

CNCF Member Webinar: Best Practices for Deploying a Service Mesh in Production: From Technology to Teams - Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Successfully operating a service mesh in production requires much more than just `kubectl apply`: it requires drawing clear lines of responsibility and accountability among platform, service, application, security, and devops...


CNCF Member Webinar: New Thoughts on Distributed File System in the Cloud Native Era - Cloud Native Computing Foundation

CNCF Member Webinar: New Thoughts on Distributed File System in the Cloud Native Era - Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Distributed file system is an area which has been studied for about 20 years since the well-known Google File System. Although there are various of different distributed file systems in...


The Technical

Provisioning cloud resources (AWS, GCP, Azure) in Kubernetes

Provisioning cloud resources (AWS, GCP, Azure) in Kubernetes
You can create and connect to managed cloud resources using the Service Catalog, a tool such as Kubeform or cloud-specific operators such as Config Connector and AWS Operator Service.


Kubernetesから、AWS, GCP, Azureも各種マネージドサービスをデプロイする方法の紹介。
Service Catalogを使う方法と Kubeformを使う方法などを紹介している。

Developer Workflow - Accelerated Development and Deployment on Kubernetes with Skaffold (101)

Developer Workflow - Accelerated Development and Deployment on Kubernetes with Skaffold (101)
Development Workflow on Kubernetes - Local Development with Skaffold. The goal of this tutorial is to provide automation for developer workflow on Kubernetes.

VSCode, Skaffoldを使った開発ワークフローの紹介。

Controlling outbound traffic from Kubernetes

Controlling outbound traffic from Kubernetes
We recently finished a major networking project which let us control internal traffic in our platform. And we've been thinking about how we can add similar security to network traffic leaving our platform.



Extending Kubernetes with Operators

Extending Kubernetes with Operators
Kubernetes operators are quickly growing in popularity. But what are they? How do you build one? And why would you build one?

Kubernetes Operatorの紹介と、Spawnという開発環境用のDBをさっと作るためのオペレータの紹介。

Your own Kubernetes controller - Improving and deploying

Your own Kubernetes controller - Improving and deploying
In the first post of this series, we described the concept behind a Kubernetes controller. In short, it’s just a plain control loop that reconciles the desired state of the cluster with its current state. In the second post, we implemented a sidecar controller in Java. This third and last post will be focused on where to deploy this Java controller and how to improve it to be on par with a Go one. Running outside the cluster or inside? As mentioned in the first post, there’s no re

Kubernetes controllerの紹介と、Javaで作られたKubernetes controllerをどうやってKubernetes上で動かすべきかという方法の紹介。
JVMをそのまま使うのではなく、Graal VMを使いネイティブバイナリにビルドする方法を紹介している。

Multi-tenant Kubernetes Clusters with the HAProxy Kubernetes Ingress Controller - HAProxy Technologies

Multi-tenant Kubernetes Clusters with the HAProxy Kubernetes Ingress Controller - HAProxy Technologies
Learn how to use the HAProxy Kubernetes Ingress Controller when hosting multiple tenants in your cluster and how to configure namespaces, access controls, and resource quotas.

マルチテナントKubernetesクラスタとHAProxy Kubernetes Ingress Controllerをどのように使うのか?という記事。

Working With Istio: Track Your Services With Kiali

Working With Istio: Track Your Services With Kiali
we get to start playing with Istio to understand the features and power it provides. We start by visiting one of the tools that ships with Istio: Kiali.


Be careful when pulling images by short name

Be careful when pulling images by short name
If you're pulling Linux container images by their "short name" you may be at risk. This post explains how to use the fully qualified name to get the images you need.

image squattingというコンテナイメージの詐称テクニックの紹介。


Bottlerocket with Fork, Clone, Run! - A Container Optimized OS with a GitOps model

Bottlerocket with Fork, Clone, Run! - A Container Optimized OS with a GitOps model
Bottlerocket OS is a secure, fast and easy to manage, Linux-based operating system. With EKS as the cluster control plane, Bottlerocket instances join the cluster as workers. It also works out of the box with one of our GitOps models, Fork Clone Run.

AWSが発表したBottlerocket OSを使ったEKSクラスタを簡単に作るための方法を紹介


Embrace and Replace: Migrating ZooKeeper into Kubernetes

Embrace and Replace: Migrating ZooKeeper into Kubernetes
A look at how we recently migrated hundreds of ZooKeeper instances from individual server instances to Kubernetes without downtime.


Useful Interactive Terminal and Graphical UI Tools for Kubernetes

Useful Interactive Terminal and Graphical UI Tools for Kubernetes
I recently ran an internal hands-on workshop where I demonstrated to our field, marketing, support and engineering on just how easy it is to deploy and manage Tanzu Kubernetes Grid (TKG) Clusters r…


Introducing Krustlet, the WebAssembly Kubelet

Introducing Krustlet, the WebAssembly Kubelet
Announcing Krustlet

Rustで書かれWebAssemblyで動作する Kubeletである「Krustlet」の紹介。
Krustletはランタイムとして WASIを使うように作られており、KubernetesクラスタでWebAssemblyのワークロードをサポートできるようになります。

The Editorial

Kubernetes Podcast from Google: Episode 97 - Jaeger, with Yuri Shkuro

Kubernetes Podcast from Google: Episode 97 - Jaeger, with Yuri Shkuro
Jaeger is a distributed tracing platform built at Uber, and open-sourced in 2016. It traces its evolution from a Google paper on distributed tracing, the OpenZipkin project, and the OpenTracing libraries. Yuri Shkuro, creator of Jaeger and author of "Mastering Distributed Tracing", joins Craig and Adam to tell the story, and explain the hows and whys of distributed tracing.

Kubernetes Podcast。今回はJaegerの話。ゲストはJaegerの作者であるYuri Shkuro.


Kubevious project, application centric Kubernetes UI - kubevious/kubevious


Reliable, Self-Healing Kubernetes Explained - Kublr

Reliable, Self-Healing Kubernetes Explained - Kublr
While infrastructure provisioning and self-healing are key to HA reliable clusters, it’s still not standard in some of the most popular Kubernetes solutions


Five years of Raspberry Pi clusters - Raspberry Pi

Five years of Raspberry Pi clusters - Raspberry Pi
Our guest blogger Alex shares artefacts from their half-decade journey building clusters. Featuring video tutorials, magazine articles and helpful links.

Raspberry Piによる5年間運用しているクラスタの紹介。
リクエストが来たNodeのLEDを点灯させたり、するデモや、ここ5年間でのKubernetes, Raspberry Piの進化について紹介している。

Kubernetes v1.18 advances Windows container support - Open Source Blog

Kubernetes v1.18 advances Windows container support - Open Source Blog
The Windows community in Kubernetes has been working on improvements that enable even more use cases with the release of Kubernetes v1.18.

Kubernetes 1.18にてWindowsサポートがより強化された事についての紹介。
CSI対応、 GMSA対応、 RunAsUsername、ContainerDの対応など。

Is there a Helm and Operators showdown? - Open Source Blog

Is there a Helm and Operators showdown? - Open Source Blog
Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes. Operators are design-pattern-driven pieces of code that encapsulate knowledge for running an application. Yet, there are questions floating around about which one is “the winner.” 


Why Linux containers are a CIO's best friend

Why Linux containers are a CIO's best friend
Linux containers are, by their nature, agile. This is key to effectively maneuvering through and rising above any challenges — or opportunities — that come a business's way.



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