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KubeWeekly #210

Last updated at Posted at 2020-04-09

KubeWeeklyは毎週Kubernetesに関する興味深いニュースを提供しています。(https://kubeweekly.io/ )この記事は 2020/04/03に発行された Kube Weekly #210を読んで、感じたことをメモ的にまとめたものです。


※この記事は、Z Labの業務の一環として作成したものです。

The Headlines

Cloud Native Summit - Online!

Cloud Native Summit - Online!
A cloud native community event focused on graduated CNCF projects, SIGs and WGs - what's happening & why / how of getting involved.

太平洋時間4/7 6:00 - 2:00 でオンラインイベント CloudNatveSummitを開催したようです。

ICYMI: CNCF Webinars

CNCF Ambassador Webinar: Continuous Profiling Go Application Running in Kubernetes - Cloud Native Computing Foundation

CNCF Ambassador Webinar: Continuous Profiling Go Application Running in Kubernetes - Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Microservices and Kubernetes help our architecture to scale and to be independent at the price of running many more applications. Golang provides a powerful profiling tool called pprof, it is...


CNCF Member Webinar: MindSpore and Cloud Native Ecosystem - Cloud Native Computing Foundation

CNCF Member Webinar: MindSpore and Cloud Native Ecosystem - Cloud Native Computing Foundation
In this webinar we will introduce MindSpore, the newly open sourced deep learning framework that could be used for mobile, edge and cloud scenarios, and how we utilize cloud native...


CNCF Member Webinar: Container Security at Scale: Lessons Learned from the Front Lines with ABN AMRO and Palo Alto Networks - Cloud Native Computing Foundation

CNCF Member Webinar: Container Security at Scale: Lessons Learned from the Front Lines with ABN AMRO and Palo Alto Networks - Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Containers are becoming the standard to build, package and deploy applications on-premises and in the cloud. Even in highly regulated environments, container terminals are accepting containers as their default package....


CNCF Member Webinar: Taming Your AI/ML Workloads with Kubeflow - The Journey to Version 1.0 - Cloud Native Computing Foundation

CNCF Member Webinar: Taming Your AI/ML Workloads with Kubeflow - The Journey to Version 1.0 - Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Putting Machine Learning (ML) into production is not trivial and the actual ML capability is just a tiny part of the entire AI/ML lifecycle. This requires new platforms for collaboration...


The Technical

How to detect outdated Kubernetes APIs

How to detect outdated Kubernetes APIs
Recently, deprecated APIs have been wreaking havoc on everyone's Kubernetes manifests. Why is this happening?!? It's because the objects that we've come to know and love are moving on to their new homes. And it's not like this happened overnight. Deprecation warnings have been in place for quite a few releases now. We've all just been lazy and thought the day would never come. Well, it's here!

Deprek8というOpen Policy Agent のためのポリシーのセットの紹介。



GitOps for Kubernetes | Caylent

GitOps for Kubernetes | Caylent
GitOps is a new approach to Continuous Deployment that leverages Git as a single source of truth for declarative infrastructure and applications.


Evaluating Predictive Autoscaling in Kubernetes

Evaluating Predictive Autoscaling in Kubernetes
Over the past 6 months I’ve developed the Custom Pod Autoscaler Framework (CPA), an open source framework for building autoscalers in Kubernetes, similar to the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler. As part of this I built the Predictive Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (PHPA) which is in pre-release to provide predictive autoscaling functionality ontop of the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler using statistical models.

推測に基づいてPodをスケールさせるための自作の Predictive Horizontal Pod Autoscaler(PHPA)の紹介です。

How to Secure Your Kubernetes Cluster on GKE - DevOps.com

How to Secure Your Kubernetes Cluster on GKE - DevOps.com
Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) is easy to get going with, but requires additional security controls. The documentation is hard to grasp as there are many


With Kubernetes Operators comes great responsibility

With Kubernetes Operators comes great responsibility
In this post we explore safe ways to deploy Operators to Openshift 4.x using OperatorHub, OLM and scoping rules for Operators.

OpenShiftにてオペレータをインストールする方法を紹介。OpenShiftではデフォルトでOperator Lifecycle Managerが動作しており、これがOperatorをインストールする。

Using UBI images to minimize container vulnerabilities | Snyk

Using UBI images to minimize container vulnerabilities | Snyk
At Snyk, we work hard to continue improving container and cloud-native security solutions. In this post, we look at Red Hat Universal Base Images.

Red Hat Universal Base Images(UBI)についての紹介。
中身はRed Hat Enterpriseと近いですが、セキュリティ・パフォーマンスの面で優れており、ライフサイクルも早いようです。

Build a Kubernetes Operator in 10 minutes with Operator SDK

Build a Kubernetes Operator in 10 minutes with Operator SDK
In Kubernetes, objects are analogous to a job or a completed task in the real world. You can use them to define common tasks, store them in a version control system, and apply them with kubectl apply. Kubernetes ensures that this triggers everything necessary to bring your declarative description to life by creating the depending resources (like pods) to run your software. Kubernetes contains a number of built-in object types that can be created with this workflow, like Deployments and Services.

Operator SDKを使って10分で Operatorを作成するという記事。

Kpt: Packaging up your Kubernetes configuration with git and YAML since 2014

Kpt: Packaging up your Kubernetes configuration with git and YAML since 2014
Kpt, an OSS tool for Kubernetes packaging, uses a standard format to bundle, publish, customize, update, and apply configuration manifests. Built around an “as data” architecture bundling Kubernetes resource configuration, a format for both humans and machines, the ability for tools to read and write the package contents using standardized data structures enables powerful new capabilities!


Provisioning cloud resources (AWS, GCP, Azure) in Kubernetes

Provisioning cloud resources (AWS, GCP, Azure) in Kubernetes
You can create and connect to managed cloud resources using the Service Catalog, a tool such as Kubeform or cloud-specific operators such as Config Connector and AWS Operator Service.

Kubernetesから、AWS, GCP, Azureも各種マネージドサービスをデプロイする方法の紹介。
Service Catalogを使う方法と Kubeformを使う方法などを紹介している。

The Editorial

Edge Computing Requires Cloud Native Thinking Today  | TFiR

Edge Computing Requires Cloud Native Thinking Today  | TFiR
Using Kubernetes and other cloud native technologies to run edge computing is required to make the operational and business models work, but it is still in its infancy. Getting involved today puts you on the ground floor to shape this exciting future


Optimising UE4 Project Builds With Cloud Native Infrastructure And Containers

Optimising UE4 Project Builds With Cloud Native Infrastructure And Containers
A holistic view on the application of general computing cost-effective platforms like Kubernetes for Any-A and any kind of studio workloads.

有名なゲームエンジンである Unreal Engineをコンテナ上でビルドできるようにするパイプラインを作るのはどうか?というような話。
特に昨今のテレワーク推奨の流れの中で、クラウドでUnreal Engineをビルドできるようにすることは有用であるとのこと。

Migrating to Kubernetes

Migrating to Kubernetes
Learn how to approach making Kubernetes the platform on which your workloads thrive!


14 Kubernetes interview questions: For hiring managers and job seekers

14 Kubernetes interview questions: For hiring managers and job seekers
Filling Kubernetes jobs can be tricky because the technology is relatively young. Experts share interview questions to help hiring managers sort candidates – and help job seekers prepare.


Service Mesh Adds Security, Observability and Traffic Control to Kubernetes - The New Stack

Service Mesh Adds Security, Observability and Traffic Control to Kubernetes - The New Stack

サービスメッシュについて、Security, Observability, Routingのそれぞれの機能についての紹介。

BotKube :: BotKube

BotKube :: BotKube


MKIT - Managed Kubernetes Inspection Tool

MKIT - Managed Kubernetes Inspection Tool
MKIT - Managed Kubernetes Inspection Tool - Darkbit


HashiCorp Joins the CNCF

HashiCorp Joins the CNCF
To further HashiCorp product integrations with CNCF projects and to work more closely with the broad community of cloud engineers, today HashiCorp is joining the CNCF.


My DevOps books are free in April, thanks to Device42! | Jeff Geerling

My DevOps books are free in April, thanks to Device42! | Jeff Geerling

Ansible for DevOpsAnsible for Kubernetesがこの4月の間は無料で読めるようです。自粛中に自動化スキルを身につけようということのようです。


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