項目 | 公式の説明 | 感想 | 評価 |
Pip install | Install TensorFlow on your machine, possibly upgrading previously installed Python packages. May impact existing Python programs on your machine. | 既存のPythonに影響を与えてしまう | X |
Virtualenv install | Install TensorFlow in its own directory, not impacting any existing Python programs on your machine. | 既存のPythonに影響は与えないがいちいち有効にするのめんどいし複数箇所で使用する場合もめんどい | △ |
Anaconda install | Install TensorFlow in its own environment for those running the Anaconda Python distribution. Does not impact existing Python programs on your machine. | 既存のPythonに影響は与えないがいちいち有効にするのめんどいし複数箇所で使用する場合もめんどい | △ |
Docker install | Run TensorFlow in a Docker container isolated from all other programs on your machine. | 隔離もされるし複数ディレクトリで使えるので楽 | O |
Installing from sources | Install TensorFlow by building a pip wheel that you then install using pip. | 超絶めんどい | X |