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(Python) 整数値をフラグの集合として扱う

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整数値の各ビットをフラグと見なすことで整数値をフラグの集合として扱う Python のクラスを実装してみた。



class IntFlags:

    _alias = []

    def __init__(self, state: int = 0):
        if state < 0:
            raise ValueError
        object.__setattr__(self, "_state", state)

    def __getitem__(self, digit: int) -> bool:
        return (self._state & (1 << digit)) > 0

    def __setitem__(self, digit: int, value: bool):
        if type(value) is not bool:
            raise TypeError
        if self[digit] != value:
            object.__setattr__(self, "_state", self._state ^ (1 << digit))

    def __getattr__(self, key: str) -> bool:
        alias = type(self)._alias
        if key not in alias:
            raise AttributeError
        return self[alias.index(key)]

    def __setattr__(self, key: str, value: bool):
        alias = type(self)._alias
        if key not in alias:
            raise AttributeError
        self[alias.index(key)] = value

    def __int__(self) -> int:
        return self._state

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return f"{self._state:0{len(type(self)._alias)}b}"
    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return f'<{type(self).__name__} "{str(self)}">'


class UnixPermission(IntFlags):
    _alias = ["execute", "write", "read"]
    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return "".join(reversed([char if self[idx] else "-" for idx, char in enumerate("xwr")]))


# 初期化
user_permission = UnixPermission(6)
user_permission  #=> <UnixPermission "rw-">
# 個別のフラグにアクセス
user_permission.read  #=> True
# 個別のフラグを書き換え
user_permission.execute = True
user_permission  #=> <UnixPermission "rwx">
# 整数値に戻す
int(user_permission)  #=> 7

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