- フォントファイル
- キャラクター画像ふたつ
- ボタン音
- カーソル画像 カーソル画像作成コード
こういうエラーが出たら、パスの前に r をつけましょう。
import pygame
from pygame.locals import *
import sys
GS = 32
def split_image(image):
imageList = []
for i in range(0, 128, GS):
for j in range(0, 128, GS):
surface = pygame.Surface((GS,GS))
surface.blit(image, (0,0), (j, i,GS,GS))
surface.set_colorkey(surface.get_at((0,0)), RLEACCEL)
return imageList
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((640,480))
text_window = False
chara_dict = {"3,2":"item_shop"}
font = pygame.font.Font(パス, 20)
playerImgList = split_image(pygame.image.load(パス))
playerImgList2 = split_image(pygame.image.load(パス))
sound = pygame.mixer.Sound(パス)
cursor = pygame.image.load(パス)
x,y = 0,0
x2,y2 = 3,2
cx,cy = 0,0
chara_pos = 0
cursor_y = 26
cursor_x = 388
a = 0
direction = DOWN
direction2 = DOWN
animcycle = 24
frame = 0
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
Gold = 200
item_list = []
buy_list = ["やくそう","どくけし","てんしのつばさ","高級やくそう","万能薬","テント","たいまつ"]
price_dict = {"やくそう": 10,"どくけし": 20,"てんしのつばさ": 30,"高級やくそう": 50,"万能薬": 70,"テント": 100,"たいまつ": 15}
message_window = False
choose = False
buysell_window = False
buy_window = False
sell_window = False
buy,sell = 0,1
shop_action = buy
none_shop,item_shop = 0,1
shop = none_shop
cmd = 0
num = 0
while True:
# 経過フレーム数に応じて表示する画像を変える
frame += 1
player = playerImgList[int(direction*4+frame/animcycle%4)]
player2 = playerImgList2[int(direction2*4+frame/animcycle%4)]
if a == 0:
message = "ここはおみせです"
screen.blit(player, (x*GS, y*GS))
screen.blit(player2, (x2*GS, y2*GS))
if message_window == True:
pygame.draw.rect(screen, (0, 0, 0), Rect(70, 320, 500, 140))
pygame.draw.rect(screen, (255, 255, 255), Rect(70, 320, 500, 140), 5)
text = font.render(message, True, (255,255,255))
screen.blit(text, (90, 350))
if choose == True:
pygame.draw.rect(screen, (0, 0, 0), Rect(485, 5, 150, 100))
pygame.draw.rect(screen, (255, 255, 255), Rect(485, 5, 150, 100), 3)
text = font.render("はい", True, (255,255,255))
screen.blit(text, (513, 28))
text1 = font.render("いいえ", True, (255,255,255))
screen.blit(text1, (513, 58))
if buysell_window == True:
a = 1
pygame.draw.rect(screen, (0, 0, 0), Rect(385, 5, 250, 100))
pygame.draw.rect(screen, (255, 255, 255), Rect(385, 5, 250, 100), 3)
text = font.render("買いに来た", True, (255,255,255))
screen.blit(text, (413, 28))
text1 = font.render("売りに来た", True, (255,255,255))
screen.blit(text1, (413, 58))
if buy_window == True:
pygame.draw.rect(screen, (0, 0, 0), Rect(320, 60, 250, 246))
pygame.draw.rect(screen, (255, 255, 255), Rect(320, 60, 250, 246), 3)
if shop == item_shop and shop_action == buy:
text = font.render(buy_list[0], True, (255,255,255))
screen.blit(text, (348, 83))
text = font.render(buy_list[1], True, (255,255,255))
screen.blit(text, (348, 113))
text = font.render(buy_list[2], True, (255,255,255))
screen.blit(text, (348, 143))
text = font.render(buy_list[3], True, (255,255,255))
screen.blit(text, (348, 173))
text = font.render(buy_list[4], True, (255,255,255))
screen.blit(text, (348, 203))
text = font.render(buy_list[5], True, (255,255,255))
screen.blit(text, (348, 233))
text = font.render(buy_list[6], True, (255,255,255))
screen.blit(text, (348, 263))
if choose or buysell_window or buy_window:
screen.blit(cursor,(cursor_x, cursor_y))
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
if event.type==KEYDOWN:
if event.key==K_SPACE:
elif event.key==K_DOWN and shop != item_shop:
direction = DOWN
y += 1
elif event.key==K_UP and shop != item_shop:
direction = UP
y -= 1
elif event.key==K_RIGHT and shop != item_shop:
direction = RIGHT
x += 1
elif event.key==K_LEFT and shop != item_shop:
direction = LEFT
x -= 1
elif event.key == K_z:
if shop != item_shop:
if direction == DOWN:
cx = x
cy = y + 1
elif direction == UP:
cx = x
cy = y - 1
elif direction == RIGHT:
cx = x + 1
cy = y
elif direction == LEFT:
cx = x - 1
cy = y
chara_pos = f"{cx},{cy}"
if chara_pos in chara_dict and shop != item_shop:
message_window = True
if chara_dict[chara_pos] == "item_shop":
shop = item_shop
buysell_window = True
if shop == item_shop:
#道具 買う
if shop_action == buy:
if cmd == 0 and a == 1:
a = 2
cursor_x = 325
cursor_y = 81
message = "なにを かっていかれますか?"
buy_window = True
buysell_window = False
elif a == 2:
buy_window = False
choose = True
a = 3
cursor_x = 488
cursor_y = 26
message = f"{price_dict[buy_list[num]]}ゴールド になりますが?"
item_name = buy_list[cmd]
elif cmd == 0 and a == 3 and Gold >= price_dict[buy_list[num]]:
choose = False
a = 4
Gold -= price_dict[buy_list[num]]
message = "またおこしくださいませ"
elif cmd == 0 and a == 3 and Gold < price_dict[buy_list[num]]:
choose = False
a = 3
message = "おかねがたりません"
cmd = 1
elif cmd == 1 and a == 3:
message = "なにを かっていかれますか?"
choose = False
buy_window = True
a = 2
cmd = 0
cursor_x = 325
cursor_y = 81
num = 0
elif a == 4:
a = 0
message_window = False
cmd = 0
cursor_y = 26
cursor_x = 388
shop = none_shop
num = 0
elif event.key == K_DOWN:
if choose == True and cmd == 0:
cmd = 1
cursor_y += 30
elif buysell_window == True and cmd == 0:
cmd = 1
cursor_y += 30
shop_action = sell
elif buy_window == True and num < 6:
num += 1
cursor_y += 30
elif event.key == K_UP:
if choose == True and cmd == 1:
cmd = 0
cursor_y -= 30
elif buysell_window == True and cmd == 1:
cmd = 0
cursor_y -= 30
shop_action = buy
elif buy_window == True and num > 0:
num -= 1
cursor_y -= 30
elif event.key == K_x:
if a == 2:
message = "ここはどうぐやです"
buy_window = False
buysell_window = True
a = 1
cmd = 0
num = 0
cursor_x = 388
cursor_y = 26
elif a == 1:
message_window = False
buysell_window = False
shop = none_shop
a = 0
cmd = 0
num = 0
cursor_x = 388
cursor_y = 26
import numpy as np
import cv2
# キャンバスのサイズ
canvas_size = (25, 25)
# キャンバスを作成(透明にするためにアルファチャンネルを使用)
canvas = np.zeros((canvas_size[1], canvas_size[0], 4), dtype=np.uint8)
# 三角形の頂点座標
triangle_vertices = np.array([[12, 5], [5, 15], [19, 15]], np.int32)
triangle_vertices = triangle_vertices.reshape((-1, 1, 2))
# 三角形を描画(白色で)
cv2.fillPoly(canvas, [triangle_vertices], (255, 255, 255, 255))
rotated_cw90 = cv2.rotate(canvas, cv2.ROTATE_90_CLOCKWISE)
# 画像を保存
output_path = "cursor.png"
cv2.imwrite(output_path, rotated_cw90)
import pygame
from pygame.locals import *
import sys
GS = 32
def split_image(image):
imageList = []
for i in range(0, 128, GS):
for j in range(0, 128, GS):
surface = pygame.Surface((GS,GS))
surface.blit(image, (0,0), (j, i,GS,GS))
surface.set_colorkey(surface.get_at((0,0)), RLEACCEL)
return imageList
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((640,480))
font = pygame.font.Font(パス, 20)
playerImgList = split_image(pygame.image.load(パス))
playerImgList2 = split_image(pygame.image.load(パス))
sound = pygame.mixer.Sound(パス)
cursor = pygame.image.load(パス)
chara_dict = {"3,2":"item_shop"}
x,y = 0,0
x2,y2 = 3,2
cx,cy = 0,0
chara_pos = 0
cursor_y = 26
cursor_x = 388
a = 0
direction = DOWN
direction2 = DOWN
animcycle = 24
frame = 0
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
Gold = 200
item_list = []
buy_list = ["やくそう","どくけし","てんしのつばさ","高級やくそう","万能薬","テント","たいまつ"]
price_dict = {"やくそう": 10,"どくけし": 20,"てんしのつばさ": 30,"高級やくそう": 50,"万能薬": 70,"テント": 100,"たいまつ": 15}
message_window = False
choose = False
buysell_window = False
shop_window = False
buy,sell = 0,1
shop_action = buy
none_shop,item_shop = 0,1
shop = none_shop
cmd = 0
num = 0
item_index1 = 0
item_index2 = 1
item_index3 = 2
item_index4 = 3
item_index5 = 4
item_index6 = 5
item_index7 = 6
white = (255,255,255)
while True:
frame += 1
player = playerImgList[int(direction*4+frame/animcycle%4)]
player2 = playerImgList2[int(direction2*4+frame/animcycle%4)]
if a == 0:
message = "ここはおみせです"
screen.blit(player, (x*GS, y*GS))
screen.blit(player2, (x2*GS, y2*GS))
if message_window == True:
pygame.draw.rect(screen, (0, 0, 0), Rect(70, 320, 500, 140))
pygame.draw.rect(screen, white, Rect(70, 320, 500, 140), 5)
text = font.render(message, True, white)
screen.blit(text, (90, 350))
if choose == True:
pygame.draw.rect(screen, (0, 0, 0), Rect(485, 5, 150, 100))
pygame.draw.rect(screen, white, Rect(485, 5, 150, 100), 3)
text = font.render("はい", True, white)
screen.blit(text, (513, 28))
text1 = font.render("いいえ", True, white)
screen.blit(text1, (513, 58))
if buysell_window == True:
a = 1
pygame.draw.rect(screen, (0, 0, 0), Rect(385, 5, 250, 100))
pygame.draw.rect(screen, white, Rect(385, 5, 250, 100), 3)
text = font.render("買いに来た", True, white)
screen.blit(text, (413, 28))
text1 = font.render("売りに来た", True, white)
screen.blit(text1, (413, 58))
if shop_window == True:
pygame.draw.rect(screen, (0, 0, 0), Rect(320, 60, 250, 246))
pygame.draw.rect(screen, white, Rect(320, 60, 250, 246), 3)
if shop == item_shop and shop_action == buy:
text = font.render(buy_list[0], True, white)
screen.blit(text, (348, 83))
text = font.render(buy_list[1], True, white)
screen.blit(text, (348, 113))
text = font.render(buy_list[2], True, white)
screen.blit(text, (348, 143))
text = font.render(buy_list[3], True, white)
screen.blit(text, (348, 173))
text = font.render(buy_list[4], True, white)
screen.blit(text, (348, 203))
text = font.render(buy_list[5], True, white)
screen.blit(text, (348, 233))
text = font.render(buy_list[6], True, white)
screen.blit(text, (348, 263))
if shop == item_shop and shop_action == sell:
if len(item_list) >= 1:
text = font.render(item_list[item_index1], True, white)
screen.blit(text, (348, 83))
if len(item_list) >= 2:
text = font.render(item_list[item_index2], True, white)
screen.blit(text, (348, 113))
if len(item_list) >= 3:
text = font.render(item_list[item_index3], True, white)
screen.blit(text, (348, 143))
if len(item_list) >= 4:
text = font.render(item_list[item_index4], True, white)
screen.blit(text, (348, 173))
if len(item_list) >= 5:
text = font.render(item_list[item_index5], True, white)
screen.blit(text, (348, 203))
if len(item_list) >= 6:
text = font.render(item_list[item_index6], True, white)
screen.blit(text, (348, 233))
if len(item_list) >= 7:
text = font.render(item_list[item_index7], True, white)
screen.blit(text, (348, 263))
if choose or buysell_window or shop_window:
screen.blit(cursor,(cursor_x, cursor_y))
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
if event.type==KEYDOWN:
if event.key==K_SPACE:
elif event.key==K_DOWN and shop != item_shop:
direction = DOWN
y += 1
elif event.key==K_UP and shop != item_shop:
direction = UP
y -= 1
elif event.key==K_RIGHT and shop != item_shop:
direction = RIGHT
x += 1
elif event.key==K_LEFT and shop != item_shop:
direction = LEFT
x -= 1
elif event.key == K_z:
if shop != item_shop:
if direction == DOWN:
cx = x
cy = y + 1
elif direction == UP:
cx = x
cy = y - 1
elif direction == RIGHT:
cx = x + 1
cy = y
elif direction == LEFT:
cx = x - 1
cy = y
chara_pos = f"{cx},{cy}"
if chara_pos in chara_dict and shop != item_shop:
message_window = True
if chara_dict[chara_pos] == "item_shop":
shop = item_shop
buysell_window = True
if shop == item_shop:
if shop_action == buy:
if cmd == 0 and a == 1:
shop_window = True
buysell_window = False
a = 2
cursor_x = 325
cursor_y = 81
message = "なにを かっていかれますか?"
elif a == 2:
choose = True
shop_window = False
a = 3
cursor_x = 488
cursor_y = 26
message = f"{price_dict[buy_list[num]]}ゴールド になりますが?"
elif cmd == 0 and a == 3 and Gold >= price_dict[buy_list[num]]:
choose = False
a = 4
message = "またおこしくださいませ"
Gold -= price_dict[buy_list[num]]
elif cmd == 0 and a == 3 and Gold < price_dict[buy_list[num]]:
choose = False
a = 3
cmd = 1
message = "おかねがたりません"
elif cmd == 1 and a == 3:
choose = False
shop_window = True
a = 2
cmd = 0
num = 0
cursor_x = 325
cursor_y = 81
message = "なにを かっていかれますか?"
elif a == 4:
message_window = False
a = 0
cmd = 0
num = 0
cursor_y = 26
cursor_x = 388
shop = none_shop
if shop_action == sell:
if cmd == 1 and a == 1 and 0 != len(item_list):
shop_window = True
buysell_window = False
a = 2
cmd = 0
cursor_x = 325
cursor_y = 81
message = "なにを うっていかれますか?"
#sell_item = True
shop_action = sell
elif a == 2:
choose = True
shop_window = False
a = 3
cursor_x = 488
cursor_y = 26
message = f"{price_dict[item_list[num]] // 2}ゴールド になりますが?"
elif cmd == 0 and a == 3:
choose = False
a = 4
message = "またおこしくださいませ"
Gold += price_dict[item_list[num]] // 2
del item_list[num]
elif cmd == 1 and a == 3:
choose = False
shop_window = True
a = 2
cmd = 0
num = 0
cursor_x = 325
cursor_y = 81
message = "なにを うっていかれますか?"
elif a == 4:
message_window = False
a = 0
cmd = 0
num = 0
cursor_y = 26
cursor_x = 388
shop_action = buy
shop = none_shop
elif event.key == K_DOWN:
if choose == True and cmd == 0:
cmd = 1
cursor_y += 30
elif buysell_window == True and cmd == 0:
cmd = 1
cursor_y += 30
shop_action = sell
elif shop_action == buy and num < 6:
num += 1
cursor_y += 30
elif shop_action == sell and num < len(item_list) - 1:
if cursor_y != 261:
num += 1
cursor_y += 30
elif cursor_y == 261 and num < len(item_list) - 1:
num += 1
item_index1 += 1
item_index2 += 1
item_index3 += 1
item_index4 += 1
item_index5 += 1
item_index6 += 1
item_index7 += 1
elif event.key == K_UP:
if choose == True and cmd == 1:
cmd = 0
cursor_y -= 30
elif buysell_window == True and cmd == 1:
cmd = 0
cursor_y -= 30
shop_action = buy
elif shop_action == buy and num > 0:
num -= 1
cursor_y -= 30
elif shop_action == sell:
if cursor_y != 81:
num -= 1
cursor_y -= 30
elif cursor_y == 81 and num > 0:
num -= 1
item_index1 -= 1
item_index2 -= 1
item_index3 -= 1
item_index4 -= 1
item_index5 -= 1
item_index6 -= 1
item_index7 -= 1
elif event.key == K_x:
if a == 2:
message = "ここはどうぐやです"
shop_window = False
buysell_window = True
a = 1
cmd = 0
num = 0
cursor_x = 388
cursor_y = 26
shop_action = buy
item_index1 = 0
item_index2 = 1
item_index3 = 2
item_index4 = 3
item_index5 = 4
item_index6 = 5
item_index7 = 6
elif a == 1:
buysell_window = False
message_window = False
a = 0
cmd = 0
num = 0
cursor_x = 388
cursor_y = 26
shop = none_shop
elif event.key == K_x:のところに
item_index1 = 0
item_index2 = 1
item_index3 = 2
item_index4 = 3
item_index5 = 4
item_index6 = 5
item_index7 = 6