Windows 8.1, 10, 11 で動作します。
文字コードは ANSI 形式で保存してください。
@echo off
for /f "usebackq tokens=2 delims=:" %%A in (`chcp`) do (set "ACTIVE_CP=%%A")
chcp 932 >nul
set /a Arg_R=0
set /a Arg_S=0
for %%a in (%*) do (
if /i %%a==/R (set /a Arg_R=1)
if /i %%a==/S (set /a Arg_S=1)
set "BatchArgs=%*"
call :checkMandatoryLevelandElevate
if %errorlevel% equ 0 (
set "gtLBL=admins"
) else (
set "gtLBL=exit1"
goto %gtLBL%
echo 管理者権限でアクセスしました。(Accessed with administrator privileges.)
dir "%~f0"
call :isnwpath
if /i "%isnwpath_result%"=="True" (
powershell -NoProfile -Command "Get-SmbConnection;"
if %Arg_S% equ 0 pause
goto exit1
set "FP=%~f0"
set PS_IsNwPath=^
$FP = $env:FP;^
if (([System.Uri]$FP).IsUnc) {^
$ReturnValue = $true;^
} else {^
$FP_Qualifier = Split-Path -Path $FP -Qualifier 2^> $null;^
if ($FP_Qualifier -ne $null) {^
$FP_ProviderName = (Get-WMIObject -Class Win32_MappedLogicalDisk -Filter \"DeviceID ^= '$FP_Qualifier'\").ProviderName;^
if ($FP_ProviderName -ne $null) {^
$FP_NoQualifier = Split-Path -Path $FP -NoQualifier;^
$FP_UNCPath = Join-Path -Path $FP_ProviderName -ChildPath $FP_NoQualifier;^
if ($FP_UNCPath -eq $null) {^
$ReturnValue = $false;^
} else {^
$ReturnValue = $true;^
return $ReturnValue;
for /f "usebackq tokens=*" %%A in (`powershell -NoProfile -Command "%PS_IsNwPath%"`) do (set "isnwpath_result=%%A")
exit /b
set "FP=%~f0"
set PSCommand=^
if (!([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal][Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator)) {^
Write-Host 'このファイルは管理者権限での実行が必要です [プロセスの昇格が必要]';^
$returnValue = 2;^
if ($env:Arg_R -eq 1) {^
$returnValue = 3;^
} else {^
$FP_Qualifier = Split-Path -Path $env:FP -Qualifier 2^> $null;^
if ($null -ne $FP_Qualifier) {^
$FP_ProviderName = (Get-WMIObject -Class Win32_MappedLogicalDisk -Filter "DeviceID = '$FP_Qualifier'").ProviderName;^
if ($null -ne $FP_ProviderName) {^
$FP_NoQualifier = Split-Path -Path $env:FP -NoQualifier;^
$FP_UNCPath = Join-Path -Path $FP_ProviderName -ChildPath $FP_NoQualifier;^
if ($null -eq $FP_UNCPath) {^
$FP = $env:FP;^
} else {^
$FP = $FP_UNCPath;^
$FP_Base64 = [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($FP));^
if ($null -ne $env:BatchArgs) {^
$BatchArgs_Base64 = [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($env:BatchArgs));^
$PS_RunAs_Args = '-NoProfile -Command ';^
$PS_RunAs_Args += '$FP_Base64 = ' + "'$FP_Base64';";^
$PS_RunAs_Args += '$BatchArgs_Base64 = ' + "'$BatchArgs_Base64';";^
$PS_RunAs_Args += '$FP = [Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([Convert]::FromBase64String($FP_Base64));';^
$PS_RunAs_Args += 'if ($null -ne $BatchArgs_Base64) {';^
$PS_RunAs_Args += ' $BatchArgs = [Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([Convert]::FromBase64String($BatchArgs_Base64));';^
$PS_RunAs_Args += '}';^
$PS_RunAs_Args += '$Arg_S = ' + "$env:Arg_S;";^
$PS_RunAs_Args += 'if (($Arg_S -eq 0) -and [bool]([System.Uri]$FP).IsUnc -and !(Test-Path -LiteralPath $FP -PathType Leaf)) {';^
$PS_RunAs_Args += ' $cred = Get-Credential -Message "次にアクセスするための資格情報を入力してください:` $FP";';^
$PS_RunAs_Args += ' New-PSDrive -Name TargetUNCPath -PSProvider FileSystem -Root (Split-Path -Path $FP -Parent) -Credential $cred;';^
$PS_RunAs_Args += '}';^
$PS_RunAs_Args += '$ArguList = ''"/s /c """"""'' + $FP + ''"""" '' + $BatchArgs + '' /R"""'';';^
$PS_RunAs_Args += 'Start-Process -FilePath ' + "'$env:ComSpec'" + ' -ArgumentList $ArguList;';^
Start-Process -WindowStyle Minimized -Verb RunAs -FilePath powershell -ArgumentList $PS_RunAs_Args;^
} else {^
$returnValue = 0;^
exit $returnValue
powershell -NoProfile -Command "Invoke-Expression -Command $env:PSCommand;"
exit /b
chcp %ACTIVE_CP% >nul
English message version
Please save the character code in UTF-8 format.
@echo off
for /f "usebackq tokens=2 delims=:" %%A in (`chcp`) do (set "ACTIVE_CP=%%A")
chcp 65001 >nul
set /a Arg_R=0
set /a Arg_S=0
for %%a in (%*) do (
if /i %%a==/R (set /a Arg_R=1)
if /i %%a==/S (set /a Arg_S=1)
set "BatchArgs=%*"
call :checkMandatoryLevelandElevate
if %errorlevel% equ 0 (
set "gtLBL=admins"
) else (
set "gtLBL=exit1"
goto %gtLBL%
echo (Accessed with administrator privileges.)
dir "%~f0"
call :isnwpath
if /i "%isnwpath_result%"=="True" (
powershell -NoProfile -Command "Get-SmbConnection;"
if %Arg_S% equ 0 pause
goto exit1
set "FP=%~f0"
set PS_IsNwPath=^
$FP = $env:FP;^
if (([System.Uri]$FP).IsUnc) {^
$ReturnValue = $true;^
} else {^
$FP_Qualifier = Split-Path -Path $FP -Qualifier 2^> $null;^
if ($FP_Qualifier -ne $null) {^
$FP_ProviderName = (Get-WMIObject -Class Win32_MappedLogicalDisk -Filter \"DeviceID ^= '$FP_Qualifier'\").ProviderName;^
if ($FP_ProviderName -ne $null) {^
$FP_NoQualifier = Split-Path -Path $FP -NoQualifier;^
$FP_UNCPath = Join-Path -Path $FP_ProviderName -ChildPath $FP_NoQualifier;^
if ($FP_UNCPath -eq $null) {^
$ReturnValue = $false;^
} else {^
$ReturnValue = $true;^
return $ReturnValue;
for /f "usebackq tokens=*" %%A in (`powershell -NoProfile -Command "%PS_IsNwPath%"`) do (set "isnwpath_result=%%A")
exit /b
set "FP=%~f0"
set PSCommand=^
if (!([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal][Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator)) {^
Write-Host 'Administrator privileges are required to run this file. [Process requires privileges]';^
$returnValue = 2;^
if ($env:Arg_R -eq 1) {^
$returnValue = 3;^
} else {^
$FP_Qualifier = Split-Path -Path $env:FP -Qualifier 2^> $null;^
if ($null -ne $FP_Qualifier) {^
$FP_ProviderName = (Get-WMIObject -Class Win32_MappedLogicalDisk -Filter "DeviceID = '$FP_Qualifier'").ProviderName;^
if ($null -ne $FP_ProviderName) {^
$FP_NoQualifier = Split-Path -Path $env:FP -NoQualifier;^
$FP_UNCPath = Join-Path -Path $FP_ProviderName -ChildPath $FP_NoQualifier;^
if ($null -eq $FP_UNCPath) {^
$FP = $env:FP;^
} else {^
$FP = $FP_UNCPath;^
$FP_Base64 = [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($FP));^
if ($null -ne $env:BatchArgs) {^
$BatchArgs_Base64 = [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($env:BatchArgs));^
$PS_RunAs_Args = '-NoProfile -Command ';^
$PS_RunAs_Args += '$FP_Base64 = ' + "'$FP_Base64';";^
$PS_RunAs_Args += '$BatchArgs_Base64 = ' + "'$BatchArgs_Base64';";^
$PS_RunAs_Args += '$FP = [Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([Convert]::FromBase64String($FP_Base64));';^
$PS_RunAs_Args += 'if ($null -ne $BatchArgs_Base64) {';^
$PS_RunAs_Args += ' $BatchArgs = [Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([Convert]::FromBase64String($BatchArgs_Base64));';^
$PS_RunAs_Args += '}';^
$PS_RunAs_Args += '$Arg_S = ' + "$env:Arg_S;";^
$PS_RunAs_Args += 'if (($Arg_S -eq 0) -and [bool]([System.Uri]$FP).IsUnc -and !(Test-Path -LiteralPath $FP -PathType Leaf)) {';^
$PS_RunAs_Args += ' $cred = Get-Credential -Message "Enter` your` credentials` to` access` to:` $FP";';^
$PS_RunAs_Args += ' New-PSDrive -Name TargetUNCPath -PSProvider FileSystem -Root (Split-Path -Path $FP -Parent) -Credential $cred;';^
$PS_RunAs_Args += '}';^
$PS_RunAs_Args += '$ArguList = ''"/s /c """"""'' + $FP + ''"""" '' + $BatchArgs + '' /R"""'';';^
$PS_RunAs_Args += 'Start-Process -FilePath ' + "'$env:ComSpec'" + ' -ArgumentList $ArguList;';^
Start-Process -WindowStyle Minimized -Verb RunAs -FilePath powershell -ArgumentList $PS_RunAs_Args;^
} else {^
$returnValue = 0;^
exit $returnValue
powershell -NoProfile -Command "Invoke-Expression -Command $env:PSCommand;"
exit /b
chcp %ACTIVE_CP% >nul