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More than 3 years have passed since last update.


Last updated at Posted at 2021-01-16

Windows 8.1, Windows 10 で動作確認しました。

文字コードは ANSI で保存して下さい。

@echo off
for /f "usebackq tokens=2 delims=:" %%A in (`chcp`) do (set "ACTIVE_CP=%%A")
chcp 932 >nul

set /a Arg_R=0
set /a Arg_S=0
for %%a in (%*) do (
	if /i %%a==/R (set /a Arg_R=1)
	if /i %%a==/S (set /a Arg_S=1)

	for /f "usebackq" %%A in (`powershell -NoProfile -Command "([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal][Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator)"`) do set "ELEVATED=%%A"
	if /i "%ELEVATED%"=="False" (
		if %Arg_R% neq 1 goto runas
		goto exit1

	echo Adobe Acrobat Reader DC - Japanese 21.005.20048 のインストール...
	"%~dp0AcroRdrDC2100520048_ja_JP.exe" /sPB /rs
REM	echo Adobe Acrobat Reader DC - Japanese 21.001.20150 へのアップデート...
REM	msiexec /update "%~dp0AcroRdrDCUpd2100120150.msp" /passive /norestart
	echo onlineservices_Disabled...
	reg import "%~dp0AdobeAcrobatReaderDC_onlineservices_Disabled.reg"
	set TARGET_F="%PUBLIC%\Desktop\Acrobat Reader DC.lnk"
	if exist %TARGET_F% (
		echo パブリック デスクトップのショートカットを削除...
		del %TARGET_F%
	if %Arg_S% equ 0 pause
	goto exit1

	set "GetCredentialMessage=次にアクセスするための資格情報を入力してください:"
	chcp 65001 >nul
	echo Administrator privileges are required to run this file. [Process requires privileges]
	set "FP=%~f0"
	set PS_NWDriveToUNC=^
		$FP = $env:FP;^
		$FP_Qualifier = Split-Path -Path $FP -Qualifier 2^> $null;^
		if ($FP_Qualifier -ne $null) {^
			$FP_ProviderName = (Get-WMIObject -Class Win32_MappedLogicalDisk -Filter \"DeviceID ^= '$FP_Qualifier'\").ProviderName;^
			if ($FP_ProviderName -ne $null) {^
				$FP_NoQualifier = Split-Path -Path $FP -NoQualifier;^
				$FP_UNCPath = Join-Path -Path $FP_ProviderName -ChildPath $FP_NoQualifier;^
		if ($FP_UNCPath -eq $null) {^
			$ReturnValue = $FP;^
		} else {^
			$ReturnValue = $FP_UNCPath;^
		$ECharacters = '`^^ ' + [char]0x3000 + '^&(),;!%%=';^
		$EQuotationMarks = '''' + [char]0x2018 + [char]0x2019 + [char]0x201A + [char]0x201B;^
		$ReturnValue = $ReturnValue -replace \"^([$ECharacters]^)\", '^^$1';^
		$ReturnValue = $ReturnValue -replace \"^([$EQuotationMarks]^)\", '$1$1$1$1';^
		return $ReturnValue;
	for /f "usebackq tokens=*" %%A in (`powershell -NoProfile -Command "%PS_NWDriveToUNC%"`) do (set "EFP=%%A")
	set PS_RunAs=^
		$Arg_S = %Arg_S%;^
		$FP = ''\"%EFP%\"'';^
		if (($Arg_S -eq 0) -and [bool]([System.Uri]$FP).IsUnc -and !(Test-Path -LiteralPath $FP -PathType Leaf)) {^
			$cred = Get-Credential -Message \"%GetCredentialMessage%` $FP\";^
			New-PSDrive -Name TargetUNCPath -PSProvider FileSystem -Root (Split-Path -Path $FP -Parent) -Credential $cred;^
		$ArguList = ''\"/s /c \"\"\"\"\"\"'' + $FP + ''\"\"\"\"\"\" %* /R\"'';^
		Start-Process -FilePath ''%SystemRoot%\System32\cmd.exe'' -ArgumentList $ArguList;
	powershell -NoProfile -Command Start-Process -WindowStyle Minimized -Verb RunAs -FilePath powershell -ArgumentList '-NoProfile -Command "%PS_RunAs%"'
	goto exit1

	chcp %ACTIVE_CP% >nul



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Delete article

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