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Enjoy Easy English

Last updated at Posted at 2015-12-18


Now, I write very crazy english.
I am not think deep.

My English is very poor.

But. I am fun.

Many Japanese don't know crazy but funny english.

I think enjoy english.

English is not danger.

If you miss take writing english, but you don't get damage.

English is not math.

English is communication tool.

You can communication using english, when you hope communicate any one.

Let's forget Japanese school english for Test.

But we need thinking about Time , Place and O....

Perfect is very nice. But, Life is not longer.

If you are afraid, Drinking Alcohol.

Alcohol power is very strong.

Drinking and enjoy speak crazy English. but, if you student don't be drink Alcohol. Adult only.

It's very fun. very Easy. don't be afraid.

This is not valid. Grammar ? Forget.

We are not machine. We are natural life. Using! We brain inference power.


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