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Last updated at Posted at 2019-10-13


Neo4jを使ったグラフアルゴリズムの実装を紹介してみようという計画「グラフアルゴリズム入門 - javaとNeo4jで学ぶ -」の一部です(どこまで続くか・・・)








    // get adjacent nodes and add them to queue
    public void getAdjacentNodes(NodeInfo cur_ni, PriorityQueue<NodeInfo> pq, Map<Node, NodeInfo> nodes, Map<Node, Relationship> parent) {
        // Property for cost: type must be double
        String cost_property = "cost";
        Iterable<Relationship> rels = cur_ni.nd.getRelationships();
        for (Relationship rel : rels) {
            // get adjacent nodes and their costs
            Node o_nd = rel.getOtherNode(cur_ni.nd);
            double cost_rel = (double) rel.getProperty(cost_property);
            // check whether the node was found
            NodeInfo next_ni = nodes.get(o_nd);
            // not found -> 1st appearance of the node, add it to map
            if (next_ni == null) {
                next_ni = new NodeInfo(o_nd, cur_ni.cost + cost_rel);
                nodes.put(o_nd, next_ni);
                parent.put(o_nd, rel);
            // found but cost is't fixed and has lower cost -> overwrite cost
            else if (next_ni.done == false) {
                if (next_ni.cost > cur_ni.cost + cost_rel) {
                    next_ni.cost = cur_ni.cost + cost_rel;
                    parent.put(o_nd, rel);
            // found and cost was fixed -> do nothing


  • (経路を見つける前に)どちらかのプライオリティキューが空になってしまう場合は、つながる経路が存在しない場合なので、解なし
  • 片側から探していって、(双方向の結果をあわせるまでもなく)目標とするノードに到達してしまう場合は、これは最短経路であるから、それをそのまま返せばよい
  • 上で説明した三角不等式を満たす場合、これは双方向の結果をつなげたものが求める最短経路である。

片側のノードのコストが確定したタイミングで、もう反対側のキューに登録されている(つまり、暫定的にでもコストが求められている。このプログラムではnodes_f, nodes_tに登録さているかどうかを調べる)かどうかを調べ、もし登録されていて、全体のコストがこれまでより小さくなるならば、最小値を更新する。もし、仮に上記の反対側のコストが暫定的であっても、そのコストが確定するタイミングで反対側を調べに行くから、最終的には最適な値を求めることができる。

    // sample8_2: bidirectional djkstra
    @Procedure(value = "example.sample8_2")
    @Description("sample8_2: bidirectional djkstra")
    public Stream<Output> sample8_2(@Name("from_id") final Long from_id, @Name("to_id") final Long to_id) {
        final Node from_nd = db.getNodeById(from_id);
        final Node to_nd = db.getNodeById(to_id);
        // Priority Queue by cost property value
        final PriorityQueue<NodeInfo> pq_f = new PriorityQueue<>((n1, n2) -> Double.compare(n1.cost, n2.cost));
        final PriorityQueue<NodeInfo> pq_t = new PriorityQueue<>((n1, n2) -> Double.compare(n1.cost, n2.cost));
        // map for keeping node and cost
        final Map<Node, NodeInfo> nodes_f = new HashMap<>();
        final Map<Node, NodeInfo> nodes_t = new HashMap<>();
        // map for keeping Node and parent relationship
        final Map<Node, Relationship> parent_f = new HashMap<>();
        final Map<Node, Relationship> parent_t = new HashMap<>();

        // current node(info)
        NodeInfo cur_ni_f = new NodeInfo(from_nd, 0.0);
        nodes_f.put(from_nd, cur_ni_f);
        NodeInfo cur_ni_t = new NodeInfo(to_nd, 0.0);
        nodes_t.put(to_nd, cur_ni_t);

        // node that f-side path and t-side path meets
        NodeInfo min_ni_f = null;
        NodeInfo min_ni_t = null;

        // variables for checking to exit
        double total_cost = 100000; // total cost

        // Result
        final Output o = new Output();

        // Path finding
        while(true) {
            // if one queue is empty, no route exit
            if(cur_ni_f == null || cur_ni_t == null) {
                return new ArrayList<Output>().stream();
            // exit when found to node in the from-side
            if(cur_ni_f.nd.equals(to_nd)) {
                o.path = getPath(from_nd, min_ni_f.nd, parent_f);
                o.cost = cur_ni_f.cost;
            // exit when found from node in the to-side
            if(cur_ni_t.nd.equals(from_nd)) {
                o.path = reverse(getPath(to_nd, min_ni_t.nd, parent_t));
                o.cost = cur_ni_t.cost;
            // exit when cannot find shorter path (triangle inequality)
            // (total cost) < (current f-side cost) + (current t-side cost)
            if(cur_ni_f.cost + cur_ni_t.cost > total_cost){
                final Path f_path = getPath(from_nd, min_ni_f.nd, parent_f);
                final Path t_path = getPath(to_nd, min_ni_t.nd, parent_t);
                o.path = cat(f_path, reverse(t_path));
                o.cost = total_cost;
            // expand from-side
            if(pq_f.peek().cost <= pq_t.peek().cost){
                // top node of queue's cost is fixed
                cur_ni_f = pq_f.poll();
                cur_ni_f.done = true;
                // find the node in the other side
                final NodeInfo ni_t = nodes_t.get(cur_ni_f.nd);
                // the node is in the other side map and total_cost can be lower
                if(ni_t != null && total_cost > cur_ni_f.cost + ni_t.cost) {
                    min_ni_f = cur_ni_f;
                    min_ni_t = ni_t;
                    total_cost = cur_ni_f.cost + ni_t.cost;                 
                // get adjacent nodes and add them to queue
                // Property for cost: type must be double
                getAdjacentNodes(cur_ni_f, pq_f, nodes_f, parent_f);
            // expand to-side
                cur_ni_t = pq_t.poll();
                cur_ni_t.done = true;
                final NodeInfo ni_f = nodes_f.get(cur_ni_t.nd); 
                if(ni_f != null && total_cost > ni_f.cost + cur_ni_t.cost) {
                    min_ni_f = ni_f;
                    min_ni_t = cur_ni_t;
                    total_cost = ni_f.cost + cur_ni_t.cost; 
                getAdjacentNodes(cur_ni_t, pq_t, nodes_t, parent_t);
        // list for result
        final List<Output> o_l = new ArrayList<>();
        return o_l.stream();


    // reverse Path
    public Path reverse(Path p) {
        PathImpl.Builder builder = new PathImpl.Builder(p.endNode());       
        for(Relationship r: p.reverseRelationships()) {
            builder = builder.push(r);
        return builder.build();
    // concatenate two Paths 
    public Path cat(Path p1, Path p2) {
        PathImpl.Builder builder = new PathImpl.Builder(p1.startNode());
        Iterable<Relationship> rels1 = p1.relationships();
        Iterable<Relationship> rels2 = p2.relationships();
        for(Relationship r: rels1) {
            builder = builder.push(r);
        for(Relationship r: rels2) {
            builder = builder.push(r);
        return builder.build();

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