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counterparty コマンド関連

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                        the action to be taken
    send                create and broadcast a *send* message
    order               create and broadcast an *order* message
    btcpay              create and broadcast a *BTCpay* message, to settle an
                        Order Match for which you owe BTC
    issuance            issue a new asset, issue more of an existing asset or
                        transfer the ownership of an asset
    broadcast           broadcast textual and numerical information to the
    bet                 offer to make a bet on the value of a feed
    dividend            pay dividends to the holders of an asset (in
                        proportion to their stake in it)
    burn                destroy {} to earn XCP, during an initial period of
    cancel              cancel an open order or bet you created
    publish             publish contract code in the blockchain
    execute             execute contract code in the blockchain
    destroy             destroy a quantity of a Counterparty asset
    balances            display the balances of a Counterparty address
    asset               display the basic properties of a Counterparty asset
    wallet              list the addresses in your backend wallet along with
                        their balances in all Counterparty assets
    pending             list pending order matches awaiting BTCpayment from
    getrows             get rows from a Counterparty table
    getinfo             get the current state of the server
    get_tx_info         display info of a raw TX

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -V, --version         show program's version number and exit
  --config-file CONFIG_FILE
                        the location of the configuration file
  -v, --verbose         sets log level to DEBUG instead of WARNING
  --testnet             use Bitcoin testnet addresses and block numbers
  --testcoin            use the test Counterparty network on every blockchain
  --counterparty-rpc-connect COUNTERPARTY_RPC_CONNECT
                        the hostname or IP of the Counterparty JSON-RPC server
  --counterparty-rpc-port COUNTERPARTY_RPC_PORT
                        the port of the Counterparty JSON-RPC server
  --counterparty-rpc-user COUNTERPARTY_RPC_USER
                        the username for the Counterparty JSON-RPC server
  --counterparty-rpc-password COUNTERPARTY_RPC_PASSWORD
                        the password for the Counterparty JSON-RPC server
                        use SSL to connect to the Counterparty server
                        (default: false)
                        verify SSL certificate of the Counterparty server;
                        disallow use of self‐signed certificates (default:
  --wallet-name WALLET_NAME
                        the wallet name to connect to
  --wallet-connect WALLET_CONNECT
                        the hostname or IP of the wallet server
  --wallet-port WALLET_PORT
                        the wallet port to connect to
  --wallet-user WALLET_USER
                        the username used to communicate with wallet
  --wallet-password WALLET_PASSWORD
                        the password used to communicate with wallet
  --wallet-ssl          use SSL to connect to wallet (default: false)
  --wallet-ssl-verify   verify SSL certificate of wallet; disallow use of
                        self‐signed certificates (default: false)
  --json-output         display result in json format
  --unconfirmed         allow the spending of unconfirmed transaction outputs
  --encoding ENCODING   data encoding method
  --fee-per-kb FEE_PER_KB
                        fee per kilobyte, in BTC
  --regular-dust-size REGULAR_DUST_SIZE
                        value for dust Pay‐to‐Pubkey‐Hash outputs, in BTC
  --multisig-dust-size MULTISIG_DUST_SIZE
                        for dust OP_CHECKMULTISIG outputs, in BTC
  --op-return-value OP_RETURN_VALUE
                        value for OP_RETURN outputs, in BTC
  --unsigned            print out unsigned hex of transaction; do not sign or
  --disable-utxo-locks  disable locking of UTXOs being spend
  --dust-return-pubkey DUST_RETURN_PUBKEY
                        pubkey for dust outputs (required for P2SH)
  --requests-timeout REQUESTS_TIMEOUT
                        timeout value (in seconds) used for all HTTP requests
                        (default: 5)


usage: counterparty-server [-h] [-V] [--config-file CONFIG_FILE] [-v]
                           [--testnet] [--testcoin]
                           [--backend-name BACKEND_NAME]
                           [--backend-connect BACKEND_CONNECT]
                           [--backend-port BACKEND_PORT]
                           [--backend-user BACKEND_USER]
                           [--backend-password BACKEND_PASSWORD]
                           [--backend-ssl] [--backend-ssl-no-verify]
                           [--backend-poll-interval BACKEND_POLL_INTERVAL]
                           [--p2sh-dust-return-pubkey P2SH_DUST_RETURN_PUBKEY]
                           [--rpc-host RPC_HOST] [--rpc-port RPC_PORT]
                           [--rpc-user RPC_USER] [--rpc-password RPC_PASSWORD]
                           [--rpc-batch-size RPC_BATCH_SIZE]
                           [--requests-timeout REQUESTS_TIMEOUT] [--force]
                           [--database-file DATABASE_FILE]
                           [--log-file [LOG_FILE]]
                           [--api-log-file [API_LOG_FILE]]
                           [--utxo-locks-max-addresses UTXO_LOCKS_MAX_ADDRESSES]
                           [--utxo-locks-max-age UTXO_LOCKS_MAX_AGE]
                           {start,reparse,rollback,kickstart,bootstrap} ...

Server for the Counterparty protocol

positional arguments:
                        the action to be taken
    start               run the server
    reparse             reparse all transactions in the database
    rollback            rollback database
    kickstart           rapidly build database by reading from Bitcoin Core
    bootstrap           bootstrap database with hosted snapshot

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -V, --version         show program's version number and exit
  --config-file CONFIG_FILE
                        the path to the configuration file
  -v, --verbose         sets log level to DEBUG instead of WARNING
  --testnet             use Bitcoin testnet addresses and block numbers
  --testcoin            use the test Counterparty network on every blockchain
  --backend-name BACKEND_NAME
                        the backend name to connect to
  --backend-connect BACKEND_CONNECT
                        the hostname or IP of the backend server
  --backend-port BACKEND_PORT
                        the backend port to connect to
  --backend-user BACKEND_USER
                        the username used to communicate with backend
  --backend-password BACKEND_PASSWORD
                        the password used to communicate with backend
  --backend-ssl         use SSL to connect to backend (default: false)
                        verify SSL certificate of backend; disallow use of
                        self‐signed certificates (default: true)
  --backend-poll-interval BACKEND_POLL_INTERVAL
                        poll interval, in seconds (default: 0.5)
                        Skip asset conservation checking (default: false)
  --p2sh-dust-return-pubkey P2SH_DUST_RETURN_PUBKEY
                        pubkey to receive dust when multisig encoding is used
                        for P2SH source (default: pubkey from counterparty
  --rpc-host RPC_HOST   the IP of the interface to bind to for providing JSON-
                        RPC API access ( for all interfaces)
  --rpc-port RPC_PORT   port on which to provide the counterparty JSON-RPC API
  --rpc-user RPC_USER   required username to use the counterparty JSON-RPC API
                        (via HTTP basic auth)
  --rpc-password RPC_PASSWORD
                        required password (for rpc-user) to use the
                        counterparty JSON-RPC API (via HTTP basic auth)
  --rpc-no-allow-cors   allow ajax cross domain request
  --rpc-batch-size RPC_BATCH_SIZE
                        number of RPC queries by batch (default: 20)
  --requests-timeout REQUESTS_TIMEOUT
                        timeout value (in seconds) used for all HTTP requests
                        (default: 5)
  --force               skip backend check, version check, process lock (NOT
                        FOR USE ON PRODUCTION SYSTEMS)
  --database-file DATABASE_FILE
                        the path to the SQLite3 database file
  --log-file [LOG_FILE]
                        log to the specified file (specify option without
                        filename to use the default location)
  --api-log-file [API_LOG_FILE]
                        log API requests to the specified file (specify option
                        without filename to use the default location)
  --utxo-locks-max-addresses UTXO_LOCKS_MAX_ADDRESSES
                        max number of addresses for which to track UTXO locks
  --utxo-locks-max-age UTXO_LOCKS_MAX_AGE
                        how long to keep a lock on a UTXO being tracked


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